Ye Tang looked at the wound and disinfected and wrapped the nurse Lu Yichen. He looked at the redness on the face of Lu Yichen, and said to the nurse: "Trouble help me take an ice bag, thank you." Nurse I nodded, this is only. Lu Yichen looked at Ye Tang's nervousness and smiled and said: "This is completely unnecessary, you don't worry, but you, this wound ..." Lu Yichen sighed, she is very self Responsible, after all, these things can be said that she is provoked.

Ye Tang looked at Lu Yichen's self-blame, I knew what she was thinking, he had some distressed, and Ye Tang did not move the symptoms, said to her: "Yes, in the morning, I took this time, just I will not go to the company first, so I want to go to the company, everyone looked at this body, people are very worried, thinking about something. "

Listening to Leng Tang said that Lu Yichen is naturally supported, I nodded in Lu Yichen, agreed: "Yes, you don't go to the company first. During this time, Chen Feng helps take a look, it is really not, let Chen Feng put Need you decide to get it, or I can help you see. "

Ye Tang smiled slightly, some ridicule: "In the morning, it is my sages, what is I still worry about? Have you!"

Lu Yichen reveals a smile, white Ye Tang, there is some shy: "He said that you are doing, what is joking, then, let's say it, let Chen Feng said, we will go to a holiday, Time will come back. "

Ye Tang nodded and agreed.

Lu Yichen looked at Ye Tang, this remembers Zhao Yonghe Ye Tang's cooperation, she is a little embarrassing: "Ye Tang, I am sorry, this time is blame me, not only harm you, but also let you and Zhao Yong's cooperation Nothing, that cooperation is so important, you have been prepared for so long, the result is ready, Ye Tang ... Sorry ... "

"What is said nonsense?" Ye Tang shouted that there was a morning, and looked at Lu Yichen. It is also full of jealousies: "What is it, will you be important? Cooperation is gone, this is me Didn't protect you, you can rest assured, I will not let Zhao Yong! I have to let him come back to us! "

On Lu Yichen, I nodded. I was full of anger. Ye Tang looked at Lu Yichen's face, thinking that I hit the door, see Lu Yichen's wolf, I only felt that I was like a volcano, I was going to be erotic. I think of the deputy picture, my heart is endless fear.

Lu Yichen is the soft ribs of his Ye Tang. It is the baby of Ye Tang. He can't imagine that there is a loss of Lu Yichen. He will become a good thing, he sent a sigh of relief in his heart, took a nurses to handed over the ice bag, soft movement Put the ice bag, placed the redness of the lam in the dark.

Ye Tang looked at the thrilling redness of the lady on the lady in the lady, only I felt that my anger value reached a full level, and there was a slap in the face of Lu Yichen. It is Zhao Yizhen. Now there is a full face. There is no small silt and a large bruises. It looks very embarrassed, Ye Tang took the hand of ice bag, tightened slightly, and his eyes were full of light.

Lu Yichen felt that Ye Tang's hand did not move, so he looked up to Ye Tang. It happened to the eyes of Shang Ye Tang Dynasty. She was shocked. Lu Yixian slowly lifted his hands. Hand with Ye Tang took the ice bag. She is soft, and the eyes are all warm, she said: "Ye Tang, I am fine, you don't care about me, I am really nothing."

Ye Tang was reacted. He looked at Lu Yichen, and his heart was not a taste. He took a ice bag and moved softly in her red and swollen. "I said that I didn't protect you, in the morning. , I am your husband, how can I not care about you? "

Lu Yichen, looked at Ye Tang, some did not respond.

Ye Tang sighed a breath: "I am your husband, in the morning, just like today, when I realize that you are in the face of Zhao Yong, do you know how much is my heart? When I hit the door, When you see your wolf, do you know how much my heart is? I am now thinking about the side of the scene, I am afraid, I will act alone in the morning, I will act alone in the morning. "

After saying, Ye Tang slowly put down the ice bag, and his hands were gently stroked in the morning of your cheeks. He gently held the face of Lu Yichen, and he looked straight into the eyes of Lu Yichen. He looked at Lu Yichen said: "Morning morning, You promise me? These things don't act alone, let me give you. "

Lu Yichen also directly glanced at Ye Tang's eyes, Ye Tang's eyes, only to her distressed, and afraid of this thing, there was no blame for her, and there was some movement of her to nod, and the leaves Tang guaranteed that Ye Tang was put down, he pulled the Lu Yichen's hand, let her sit on the bed, Ye Tang single hand licking landed in the morning.

Ye Tang was launched on the morning, his face went to the morning hair, and his heart was unlimited. He gently patted the back of Lu Yichen, comforted her, laughing in the morning, looked at Ye Tang full is a pet The face of, is a bit shy.

Ye Tang mild smile, looked at the face of the lady on the lady, Ye Tang had something to ban, and wanted to kiss in the morning. Lu Yichen saw the shape, but did not struggle, but smiled and closed his eyes, waiting for Ye Tang's That kiss.

Just in Ye Tang still 0.01 cm, just kiss the onset of the morning ... "Ye Tang, hey, right ..." Yang passed the voice suddenly passed, Lu Yichen, listened, the reaction quickly struggled to open Ye Tang's hand And immediately played while redness can be dripped.

Ye Tang heard that Yang's voice was also a glimpse. He saw that Lu Yichen slowed quickly, he didn't help but smile, and he was in his heart, it's really time.

"How come you come back?" Ye Tang said that he was bothering him with his wife, it was not a good person, even if Yang had just saved them from Zhao Yong.

"Hey? What did I not come back? Ye Tang, you will lose it, you just went to save you. Now I forgot now?" Yang passed a little ridiculous to Ye Tang said.

"Well? Ye Tang? Are you before and to save our Yang?" Lu Yichen learned how this is something. "Well. I am afraid that there are too many people in Zhao Yong. I will say hello to Yang before." Ye Tang nodded. This is said that it is just right. If there is no help of Yang, it is estimated that they still don't come.

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