Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 642 sets out of the truth

"If you don't say, I will ask himself." Looking at the Ye Tang in the office, Lu Yichen said with Chen Feng. "I really can't tell you." Chen Feng said difficult.

Lu Yichen looked at Chen Feng, turned to look at Ye Tang in the office, and a sad thing in his heart. Ye Tang must have any particular difficult thing. Just wanted to go to the office to comfort the Ying Tang, and tell him what happened, I would like to be with him.

"I am gone." Lu Yichen did not bear to continue, she whispered to Chen Feng, I turned to leave, Chen Feng wants to stay, but see Lu Yichen's figure, see her sad The expression, I can't say anything, then look at Ye Tang, I can't say it in my heart. The company is now in this point no one wants to see, but now I can go, it is not easy, Chen Feng is the most Understand the company, he only did it, he would help Ye Tang with his greatest efforts, helping him get out of the predicament, this he should do it, think of it, Chen Feng put the depressed mood one side , Concentrate on work.

I came out of the company's lack of breath, this breath is in her heart, let her very sad, the body of the Ye Tang in the brain in countless playback, the face of the beard, the face, work to be tired The back of the ridge makes the lack of death.

I have to find a way to know what the Ye Tang has happened, and Lu Yichen set my mind, I thought of a person, I found this person, I mobilized the answer in my heart.

Lu Yichen took out the mobile phone and made a call to Yang over.

"Hey, in the morning, what happened?" Yang was busy, suddenly received the call from Lu Yichen, asked.

"Yang, can you come over? I forgot to bring money." Lu Yichen said anxious.

"Where are you now, I will send you some people." I heard that there is difficulties in Lu Yichen. Yang has immediately dare to pass.

"I am in the mall where you are not far away, I am waiting for you downstairs." Lu Yichen said.

"Okay, I am so fast, you will wait for me first, don't worry." Yang has put down the work in his hand, and immediately rushed over.

Lu Yichen heard the voice of Yang's promised, I wanted to see Yang over, how to ask him, how to set it out from his mouth, I will ask yourself, you can't tell yourself, then yourself What should we do?

Lu Yichen is very urgent. She must think of this idea before Yang's arrival, just at this time, she saw the bar of not far away, yes, Yang's alcohol is not very good, when he drunk him, the one When you ask questions you want to know, you should be more simple. Yes, in this way, Lu Yichen has the end, where is Yang's arrival, just bought the same thing, Yang Ji really quickly arrived here.

"I am here, where are you?" Yang has called Lu Yichen.

"I am on the second floor, come up." Lu Yichen replied.

Yang Jing came to the second floor, and suddenly saw such an early morning. After paying for her, Yang was ready to send her back. When Lu Yichen passed the bar, he had to get off the bus and Yang's drink a few cups, Yang has no way. I had to agree to it, but I looked at Lu Yichen's sad look, I decided to drink a few cups with her.

"Thank you, you can come to me today." Lu Yichen said.

"It's all friends, this is what it should be." Yang has a laughing and answering.

"This bar looks quite good." Lu Yichen said, side and Yang's dry cup.

Yang passed the amount of wine, but it was a morning to take the initiative to do his cup, and he did not refuse, and he finished the wine in the cup.

Lu Yichen finds a variety of reasons to keep Yang's wine, Yang has a little dizzy, he said: "I can't drink it anymore, I have to be drunk."

"There is no relationship, this is drinking, I know your ginseng, completely no problem." Lu Yichen is full of wine, and he also raised the wine glass. Let's drink it in your own cup. , Holding an empty cup, looking at Yang, Yang Hao saw such a situation, helpless, and also drinking the wine in the cup, so, Lu Yichen will find such a reason, I will find such a reason. Yang passed a lot of drinks on a cup, and Yang's consciousness is already a little unclear.

"Yang, you will see me." Lu Yichen swaying fast, Yang, looking at the time.

"I don't have to look at you, you are not the morning. What happened.

Lu Yichen felt almost the time, and gave him a glass of wine. "My alcohol is no longer coming again." Yang was vague, I didn't see it, I didn't see the wine in the cup.

Lu Yichen looked at the situation and asked: "Yang, I ask you something, don't know you know, don't know."

"What do you say?" Yang had answered.

"It is about Ye Tang's things. His company has a problem. Do you know what is going on?" Asked Lu Yichen.

"Ye Tang's company, he is not very hard, is it very unhappy." Yang said.

"Yeah, I just saw him, I feel very sad in my heart." Lu Yichen said.

"His company has been sad, affirmation is anxious, but you won't know." Yang said very well.

"Don't let me know? How do you say this?" Asked Lu Yichen.

"He said, this thing does not let you know, it is afraid that you are worried, Ye Tang is really good to you." Yang was drunk, he finished, just squatted on the table, and smoked.

Lu Yichen was surprised by his words, Ye Tang did not let them talk to himself, intentionally want to hit themselves, just in order to worry, there is a sad, there is a sad, more distressed Ye Tang Company has such a big thing, but also to pretend to be in front of you, do not let yourself worry, the more you think about it, you can't help but cry.

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