Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 644th chapter Valley

"Don't see me?" Valley smiles in the bag, and there is a slice of cracks on your face. "Yes." Chen Yue said in the valley, "Ok, I know." "The valley feels that I just broke out, good! Ye Tang, you are so good, don't see me, then I will wait for you! I don't believe you will not come down, and the valley will start a long wait tour. Lu Yichen and Ye Mengmeng Xiaoxian looked at the two small dairy, "Morning sister, why they are always sleeping!" Ye Meng Meng Xiaoxianship special doubts, every time, this two small milk The baby is sleeping in a closed eyes, and she doesn't open her eyes to see my little fairy. Ye Meng Meng Xiaoxian feels special failure.

"Meng Meng, they are still small, so special bisquecina." Lu Yichen explained to Ye Meng Meng, "Can we wake them up?" Ye Mengmeng blinked Baby's own big double eyes Mengcheng looked at Lu Yichen, "Amount ... I." Lu Yichen didn't know how to answer Ye Mengmeng this magical idea, "Can you?" Ye Mengmeng's little fairy continued to be sweet to die.

"Meng Meng, if you wake up two ancestors, it will be dead." Lu Yichen patient explained to Ye Mengmeng Xiaoxian, "Oh, that's okay." Ye Mengmeng is a little disappointed, just astrically, I don't know how When I did, this two little dairy cauroured opened their eyes, "" Morning sister, you see! They wake up! "Ye Mengmeng Xiaoxian also jumped.

"Haha, they woke up." Ye Mengmeng feels that she is too cute, so this two little milk will wake up. Lu Yichen saw that he woke up and woke up. How did this time I wake up at this time, I will sleep every day, only in the evening will wake up, after waking up, I will start it, I can mad on Lu Yichen.

Ye Meng Meng Xiaoxian curiously looked at these two little dairy, "Can I encounter them in a morning?" Ye Mengmeng Xiaoxiansheng looked at Lu Yichen, "Yes! But a little bit Lu Yichen is gentle, Ye Meng Meng rubbed his little face, tender, slippery, as if the eggs of the shell were smoothed using his little hand.

Looking at Ye Meng Meng and what they play is also very happy, there is also a great heart in Lu Yimin. Lu Yichen can't help but think of Ye Tang, "I don't know how Ye Tang is." Lu Yichen issued a sigh.

Ye Tangzheng is ready to go back and see, the valley suddenly rushed out, "Ye Tang, now you have time to talk to me?" The Valley is not very good. "Sorry, I don't have time to talk to you." Ye Tang directly pushed the valley and ready to go, "Really? See you wants to let the whole company know something!" Valley slightly speaking, the original Ye Tang and Valley Michara pulled a lot of people stopped looking at them, and now I heard the valley slightly said that more people looked.

"How, still there is no time?" Valley looked at Ye Tang smile, Ye Tang looked at the look of the valley, and there was no way to take the valley to the office, watching Ye Tang's compromise, Valley I can't escape my palm of my hand, I can't escape my hand, you are destined to be mine, and I can help you.

Ye Tang took the valley to ask for a ritory: "What do you want to talk to me?" "Ye Tang, now your company, what happens, you must clear it?" Valley slowly walk Near Leaf Tang "Do you really don't want to save your company? I can invest you to help you to spend the difficulties." Valley is close to Ye Tang, Ye Tang said with a slow and leisurely said: "Valley, you should Know that there is no free lunch in the world, talk about your conditions! "

Ye Tang deliberately keeps a distance, watching Ye Tang away from himself, Valley is a bit uncomfortable, but still endure the temper, "Ye Tang, I only have one condition, you must divorce with Lu Yichen." I re-raised the last level. "Ye Tang you understand that I am feeling for you, don't you love me?" The Valley said that the Ye Tang wanted to open the valley.

"I have long forgotten you, I love the morning, and I have already had children in the morning." Ye Tang mentioned that there were a lot of sound in Lu Yichen, "If you worry about the two Child, I can adopt them in my own name. "The valley said.

"Valley! Are you crazy, why and the child in the morning will give you adoption!" Ye Tang looked at the gust of the valley and said, "Ye Tang, I can not help you", you can Help your career more online! "Valley said very much," Lu Yichen? What else can you give you, she can't give you anything! Ye Tang, don't you understand? Lu Yichen can't give you anything. You! "Valley said that he said something mad.

Looking at the grain, Ye Tang found that the valley did not give up the idea to marry himself, she still wants to marry her own idea. Even if you have already married, there are two children, maybe I don't want to give up and get married. "Valley, I don't need your help." Ye Tang looked at the valley and said seriously.

"Why, Ye Tang Your company will break your bankrupt, you don't know!" Valley slightly said, "I know what happens, you are not pure to my help. So I don't need!" Ye Tang I don't have to say, "Oh! Motivation is not pure, I just let you divorce and land!" Valley said, "Why don't you be divorced with Lu Yichen? She is more than I have to have, the matter? Appearance? Or mind That is better than me! "Valley is really unclear that there is a good land in the morning, Ye Tang likes her.

"Even if she is not better than you, I just like her." Ye Tang said soft. Valley looks like Ye Tang's oil salt does not enter.

Ye Meng Meng Xiaoxian and the two little dairy can't play, Lu Yichen looked at these three children and looked at each other and smirked each other, looked at it and looked at him, slowly, I don't know if you don't have a little dairy, you will start closing your eyes, and Ye Mengmeng Xiaoxian does not wake up.

"Sister in the morning, what happened?" Ye Mengmeng Xiaoxian worried, "Meng Meng, they didn't matter, just asleep.", "I just woke up!" Ye Mengmeng Xiaoxian said. I don't understand, "Well, the little baby is like this, I like to sleep." Lu Yichen still thinks this interpretation is normal. "Then I have to go to sleep." Ye Meng Meng ran into the room, Lu Yimeng looked at Ye Mengmeng's small body shadow.

"If you are finished, you can go out." Ye Tang Bing said coldly, "you ..." You can't, "and, from now on, you will be opened by the company." Ye Tang this sentence is a slightly mad, it is true that the valley is shivering. "Ye Tang, how do you expel me!" Valley shouted, "the valley microtto is not pure, I want to steal the company secret, you say this reason is not enough." Ye Tang said coldly.

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