Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 647th chapter of the café encounters

Valley is outside the gate of the company, shouting inside, yelling: "Ye Tang, today you have ignored me, I will definitely let you down in tomorrow. I can help you. Your company is unwilling, do you hate me so much? "The company came to the moment to come and went to see the eyes like a neuropathy. There are even some people in the face of the valley finger pointing: "Hey, you see, this is not the girl who is expelled by our general manager? How is it now hungry?"

"Yeah, I don't know." The people next to him have heard that they said, and the valley also heard their dialogue. She turned into anger to talk about her topic. "See what you look! I have never seen a big beauty." Valley said that these people said.

Those passers-by laughing, looking at the valley of the eye angry, "Yes, we really have not seen big beauty, especially like you, the big beauty of neuropathy has never seen it." Valley is fine It is a person who has a mouth that has also arrived.

She took the bag in the original place, she left, and left the people around him, there were there. Valley is a ugly today, Ye Tang also learned that he is not interested in these things outside the company.

Just say the company's personnel, don't be interested in the company's things, if you are interested in the outside, you will send them to the outside. According to the meaning is to speculate them, the company staff heard that his manager said this, naturally, he did not dare to chew the tongue.

When Chen Yue quiet, under their surveillance, today, no one was in an empty person, he immediately made a wall of the morning. No one can let the valley use it so useless, look like I only revealed that some companies have now given the situation on the morning, saying that there will be that the morning will agree to let Ye Tang explain the value of the valley.

The phone was quickly turned on, "Hey, Chen Tutin? What happened? How is it for a few days? Is there anything today?" Observing Name Peng's dream, just like two little babies. . I bored today, I am very bored at home.

"It's like this, I guess you have nothing to do this afternoon, I have some company things to tell you." Chen Yuexin has already planned a plan. Waiting for the latter in the morning, the end of the phone didn't think about it, she was very confident that Chen Yue said: "OK, you told me in which shop, I will go now."

Chen Yue listened to the answer of the phone, and he knew that his plan has been achieved. He smiled and said: "Well, I will send it to you. I am waiting for you!" Lu Yao said: "Okay, then I will change your clothes, let my home nanny take care of children."

Subsequently, Lu Yichen came to the café. Chen Yue in the eyes saw it, standing in the door of the cafe and looking for your own land. He quickly stood up and said to the outside: "This, I am here."

Lu Yichen has gone, sitting on his opposite: "You just called me, there are some things, what is the matter telling me!" Chen Yue knows that Lu Yichen is so hurried must be concerned about the company. , Care about Ye Tang.

"Don't be so anxious, since it comes to the café, let's take a cup of coffee. What do you want?" Chen Yue said when he didn't hurry, just to provoke some kind of curiosity of the company on the company.

"Since it is like this, I will give me a cup of cappuccino." Lu Yichen looked at Chen Yue's current situation in the current situation, and suddenly couldn't help. Chen Yue sighed and said: "In fact, it is not that I don't want to tell you, but now this matter has a significant problem with the company."

Lu Yichen eyes stared at Chen Yue in front of him, looking forward to him to talk about the next sentence. "I am not that kind of person, I definitely not disclose the company's confidentiality, you will tell me, after all, Ye Tang him and my relationship you also know." He is very worried.

Looking at the man is so serious, she can't help but worry. Is it very urgent matter in the company, why he is so serious now. "Chen Yue, you don't believe me, if you believe in me, you will say it." Lu Yichen is very urgent.

Chen Yue deliberately did not answer, in fact, it is a difficulty in the end of the lady, and has been the highest. "You listen to me, I don't believe you, but after all, some of the company is very anxious to tell you, you don't necessarily help"

Lu Yichen always wants to stand out and asked: "Oh, you will tell me, since you believe, you said, you can rest assured, I will not say it, I can help, you Is it looking down on me. "Chen Yue saw that he didn't say anything, it is estimated that Lu Yichen is estimated to be angry.

"In fact, it has a huge problem in the company's finance department. Now there is a problem with the company's capital turnover, so the busy focused, our small staff of our company is very worried." Chen Yue fake anxiously said that it is just Make a look.

Lu Yichen shocked: "What? Do you make sure you are true? What should you do now?" Chen Yue shake his head and said, "I don't know, so I think this question tells you, you can't help you. I don't want to deliberate. "

And at this time, they were originally sitting at the window of the coffee shop. Valley is slight because of these two days, it is ambitious outside, and when passing through the cafe, the eyes are aiming in the transparent glass of his cafe. "Lu Yichen! There is also Chen Yue !!!"

Valley looked at the two incredible people in front of him, and the heart was very strange: How would their two people be together? Will not be Chen Yue to use me. No, you must have to ask you clearly. The valley is so thinking about it, and the bag will go to the cafe.

Just walked to the door, I saw a familiar figure in the second floor in the cafe. Isn't Ye Tang? what happened? How is it together? It's hard to be Chen Yue from the beginning to the end, but secretly and Ye Tang they alliance, can't, I still hide, look at the situation.

Valley will not pay attention to them, quietly entered the café, sit down in a corner of the cafe, convenient to observe their movements.

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