Lu Yichen looked at the little daughter crying because Ye Tang was not around, and some inexplicable sour. Before Ye Tang is often playing with the children. This day, the crisis of the company has led to too much Ye Tang, so like There is very little time with your child now, but Ye Tang is also for them. Lu Yichen sighed. Lu Yichen squatted down, put a small daughter who cried a lot of pumping, there was a son who was comforted on the side, and said softly to the two little treasures: "Baby doesn't cry, you look, cry It's not beautiful, my sister is obedient, you read my brother, don't cry, "said that it is gently wiped tears to the little daughter.

"I ... I want ... I want my father ..." Little child, hands cover your eyes, knead, Lu Yichen looked at the heart, Lu Yichen reached out, daughter soft hair, gentle : "Baby, Dad is working, you look, give two fun toys, delicious snacks, beautiful clothes, you have to make money with Dad."?

"Oh ..." Although young daughter didn't understand what the so-called work is, it can hear it. Dad is very busy for them, so it is gradually quiet, she is understanding Lu Yichen. ?

Lu Yichen saw that the little daughter was obviously listening to her words, so he gentle smile and said: "So, baby is not crying, you see that Dad is so tired, you have to play with you." Lu Yichen joking nature pinch Two little baby meat faces. ?

"Mom ... then play with my brother? Let Dad sleep, let Dad go upstairs to sleep ..." The young child only knows that sleep is a rest, so I have been going to bedroom to sleep.

"Okay, you play with your brother, let your father rest well?" Lu Yichen pro-two baby, just Ye Tang finished the phone back, the little daughter quickly jumped into the Ye Tang Huai, hands Hold the neck of Ye Tang, kiss your affinity, soft saying: "Dad, you have a rest, I will play with my brother ~"?

Ye Tang looked at the morning of the side, showing a smile of a favor, he hugged two babies, each knew it, said softly: "Well, follow your brother to play." Two small brains, gently smiled. It is a tenderness in the eyes. ?

So my brother glamered upstairs, Ye Tang looked at the two little family hands and climbed the stairs, smile, Lu Yichen and two children ... is all of his wealth. Ye Tang transferred, go to Lu Yichen, slightly, and said softly: "Thank you, in the morning."?

"What about saying, we are couples, say anything, thank you." Lu Yichen looked at him, the husband and wife were a common trouble, the company has a crisis, she can't help, now I can solve a little more Pressure, what is there? ?

A family of four rare times, Ye Tang handled a document in the study, I went to accompany the two children. After all, for Ye Tang, it is more important than the two children compared to the two children. Because it is a good family of four today, so the aunt who cooks in the house is resting for a day, she is cooking, so there is no outsider, which is also very convenient. ?

"Morning morning." Ye Tang walked into the kitchen and supported the cooking station with his hands and looked at the onestart in the morning.

"Well? What's wrong? What about two children?" Lu Yichen looked at Ye Tang, turned his head, inserted the vegetables on the cuisine, and Lu Yichen now basically carefully cook for two children every day. It has also become a pleasure. ?

"Still playing upstairs, I am playing with me for a while, I can't forget my big baby." Ye Tangyou looked at Lu Yichen gently smiled. ?

"What?" Lu Yichen took a spoon, obliquely, said: "When you just met you, you are not like this, now how it is so ..." Lu Yichen thought for a long time, did not find it An adjective to describe Ye Tang at this moment. ?

"What?" Ye Tang is still looking at her, his face looks quite serious, but it is so interesting in the heart, it is so interesting, his interest.

"..." Lu Yichen Zhang opened his mouth, and the sure did not respond to Ye Tang. Ye Tang saw such a self-eating, smile, and wanted to recall, gently said: "If you go back, I will cherish you from the beginning."?

Lu Yichen listened, and some movement, she turned to look at Ye Tang, watching Ye Tang face is obvious lost emotions, Lu Yichen laughed in the end of the heart, how much people are, the same as the children, she wants to think so So, so I didn't pay attention to the Ye Tang, secretly stalking, under the lips of Ye Tang, the pro, quickly jumped quickly. ?

Ye Tang was taken from this series of movements to this series of movements. He didn't respond. He also grabbed the wrist of Lu Yichen. He pulled her to the side. I thought it was low, and I laughed in the morning. When you have eyes, you will hear a tender junction at the door: "Mom and Dad? What are you doing?"

I heard this voice, the two quickly bounced, Ye Tang looked at the two people with a pair of big eyes, Lu Yichen was already embarrassed, even busy holding a spoon, stirring in the pot, Ye Tang is also awkward I coughed, this is only in front of her daughter, flicking: "Ah, Dad tells her mother to tell my mother."?

"Tell a story? I also want my father to tell the story!" The attention of the little daughter finally succeeded, happy to let Dad tell her story. ?

"Good! No problem, before going to bed before going to bed, Dad give the baby story, okay?" Ye Tangli is busy, turning his head and looked at the morning, smile, and said to her daughter: "Let's go out Let your mother calm down, let's go. "?

"..." I heard Ye Tang said so, I took a lot of mouth in the corner of the morning, looked at the outside, and I was very pleased and annoyed.

After dinner, a family sits at the living room to watch TV. Two babies sat in the middle. At the beginning, they didn't have a good time. They didn't open it. Lu Yichen saw, I couldn't help but laugh, Ye Tang saw, Ye Tang It is also a tender smile. ?

Ye Tang hugged his son, launched a daughter in the morning, walked in the bedroom, and the little daughter woke up for a while, but did not forget it, it was confused: "Dad, tell the story ..." Ye Tang said the story, put the story Two thoroughly fell asleep, this is back to the master bedroom. ?

After returning to the bedroom, I walked in a black dress in the morning, Ye Tang looked at Lu Yichen, laughing, said Lu Yichen: "I will come out to continue our afternoon." Lu Yichen , Face, horses, blush. So the lady of Lu Yichen was tossed by Mr. Ye Tang a night ...

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