Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 662, Bold Idea

"Ye Tang, Chen Yue's words, have always left him in that department is not very good?" Lu Yichen sounded the door of Ye Tang office, while the clean and cool female voice raised its proposal. I came to the morning, I was very happy, but when I heard the main reason for him in Lu Yichen, Ye Tang's face immediately went over.

"Why, are you very good?" Ye Tangyan asked.

"After all, his ability is obvious. Fall, I think he is a little waste of resources in the design department, you also know that our company is now ... "

Learning to talk about the morning, Ye Tang always thinks that she is only concerned about Chen Yue, and the other is a bit of excuses, and suddenly, I feel irritated, raise my hand and smash the temple: "What is it? Company? The current situation is that my president should worry, you don't worry, do your job. "

"Ye Tang you ..." Lu Yichen felt that he was obvious to see the company's overall situation, it would like to make such recommendations for the company, and this person of Ye Tang is not a full situation, and I don't know what tempering, some angry: " Well, I don't care, you can do it yourself. "

In this sentence, Lu Yichen came out of the office. Ye Tang is also very uncomfortable, continue in the office.

Gas is gas, work or report. Lu Yichen sorted out the information reported on other borset, asking for a long breath, put a perfect professional smile, walked to the general office of Wang.

"Hello Wang, I am Lu Yichen, I will report to you the performance of our department." Lu Yichen knocked on the door, explained the intention, but it didn't see the people inside, waited for ten minutes, and opened again. Try to ask: "Total Wang? Are you inside?"

This time, I have been half-awaited, I finally have a movement: "Lu Yichen, you come in."

After listening to this morning, Lu Yichen, he was light into the head office. He began to talk about the information. You can be interrupted by Wang for half a time, and it is interrupted. When it is interrupted, there is a bit of a bit in Lu Yichen. I am not tired: "Wang, can you please stop first? I first spend the performance, can you send it, can you?"

"It's not that I said that the small land, the boss's speech is definitely a constructive useful advice, how can you not listen? Or do you think you are really bigger now, what you want to talk to me?" This sentence is obviously unhappy, starting to put a leader.

But you haven't said that there is a constructive favorable opinion, but it is nonsense. Cheerful humor is like the morning, and I can't help but spit a slot in my heart. But there is no way. Lu Yichen is a human beef spot, she knows what should I say now, so even if it is uncomfortable, there is no opening of the Total sentence.

After half an hour, it was finally paid to Wang Gong, Lu Yichen's energy was already over, half away, half-floating, moving on the desk, directly squatting. Just happened to the mobile phone, and I figured out the mobile phone in Lu Yichen. It turned out that there is a new job. Long sighed, took your own face with your hand to force yourself, then you got up, a pair of energy.

However, the spirit of strong spirit and the furnishment of the filled, and there is still a lot of achievements, and the completed work report actually appeared in the long-term leakage of her Lu Yimeng, and said that the boss said, there is some discouragement in the morning.

Do you want to go directly from the Finance Department, set up a new look for funding department?

Lu Yichen suddenly emerged a bold idea.

If the idea, once the root germination is, it can't be smashed. At the same time, Lu Yichen also began to truly think about this idea, and the pen planning is also a testistic finding, Lu Yichen discovered this idea to find this idea is really not true. Just talking about, feasibility is quite big, and once success, the benefits bring people can't imagine.

However, there is no suitable candidate under the lack of the next morning, this idea may be stranded. Lu sighed in Lu Yichen.

"Lu Yichen, you have to set up a new look for funding department, right?"

Because there is no suitable candidate, the end of the death of the people shouted back to God, lifting a look, it is a Chen Yue who is controversial with Ye Tang.

But how do Chen Yue know this? Lu Yichen feels confused, he did not talk to other people, and consultant is also very concealed to others, basically can't hear.

Chen Yue is a lack of confusion in Lu Yichen and smiled: "Listening to people say you asked him about this question, guess. If I guess wrong, then I bother."

Chen Yue is going to go, Lu Yichen quickly retained: "There is this idea, but what opinions do you have?"

"Me?" Lu Yida nod: "I just see if there is nothing about this expert in this area, I think you should lack the right candidate, right?"

Lu Yichen is a little cold, I didn't expect it to be all Yu Yue yue, and a little bit is not bad.

Lu Yichen used a slight nervousness that was seen in the heart, and smiled and asked: "So you want to say - do you have a suitable candidate here?"

"It is completely correct." Chen Yue hit a referring, "and this person is selected, far in the horizon, near eyes."

Lu Yichen listened to this after listening to this, carefully bowed this person, Chen Yue also nodded, let him take himself in the morning.

I have lost it for 5 minutes. Lu Yichen is finally can't stand, and I smiled: "You want to say ... You are a suitable candidate?"

"Yes, don't it?" Chen Yue was a little crying.

Lu Yichen just wanted to speak, Chen Yue, you are now in the design department, which is only the secretary of Ye Tang, and there is no experience in this area. Come, Chen Yue, I once again saw a hesitation in Lu Yichen, first opening: "The secretary has done more naturally, and the previous Ye Tang to go to the Finance Department is all I am helping him, you think What? I have enough experiences, and if you don't have a right candidate under the bottom, I am the most experienced, do you really don't think about it? "

Perhaps Chen Yue attitude is too sincere and it will be fooling, but maybe it is true that Lu Yichen is really considering from many aspects, but in short, Lu Yichen is still a difficult opening: "Ok, then you are."

Ye Tang went to have a cup of coffee, just passing, watching this scene is not a place, but the Lu Yichen and Chen Yue in the distance are unique.

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