Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 669, take photos

"In the morning, the partner told us to see them in the afternoon. Do you have time?" He went into the morning office, without any opening, direct single-knife direct instructions. "I didn't have anything at that time. When you arrived, I can come to find me. Yes, we will go to the film scene to investigate. You are ready to prepare, and we will go directly to the customer." Knocked the desktop I thought about it, I want to arrange this afternoon, raise my head.

"Okay, I know, if there is anything, I will go out first."

Lu Yichen nodded, will go out.

In the afternoon, when Chen Yue came over, I came to see the customer in the morning. When I saw the customer, the other person said it was very good.

After reading the customer, the two people caught over the film and television scene, and they went to the door. "You take something first, I will go to the bathroom."

I nodded, "I know, then wait."

Wen said that Lu Yichen went through the bathroom, and Chen Yue was going to the scene.

"Hey, what you do, you can do it here, you can go in, your documents?" Seeing Chen Yue did not say hello to enter the shooting scene. The security guard will stop him.

"I am a member of the World Enterprise Group, is coming over the scene, so you will let me go in." Looking at security, I said my identity.

"You have to go in, however, we must see your documents, if not, then you can only ask you."

I touched my own pocket, but I didn't find my work permit, I had to ask for security.

"I am going to go out, I forgot to bring the certificate, can you tell me to introduce, let me go in?" I prayed in security guards and said.

"No, here is the rules here, there is no ID, I can't let you go in, so you still leave." The security guard said.

I came out of a few people, listening to them, I was in the heart.

"Really, now what A cat, dog wants to go in to see your idol, don't look at your own look, is the star who can see? And, I don't know if I want to find a good reason. Just why, who will believe it? "

"Yes, now people, that's it, oh, forget it, we don't take too much, so you have to dirty our eyes."

"Hey, you talk about you, look very well, how can you want to go, you still have to leave, if you really have something to go in, you are better to quickly take your own documents, there is a certificate. Can you go in? If there is no, I don't say anything. "Security listened to those people, don't want people in front of them, I have to ask him to leave.

Zhang Zhang Zhang, I want to say anything, and the result is that people speak.

"I don't know when the people 's quality is so low. If the teacher doesn't teach you people in the school, you can go back to read the kindergarten." Looking at the few people who have just insulting Chen Yue, I said it is embarrassing. .

"Who are you, what is the relationship with you? What do you have to apologize? Otherwise, we can't eat it." A man can't stand the emblem of the morning, threatened.

I don't pay attention to him, come to Chen Yue, hand your work permit to the security guard.

"We are the people of the World Enterprise Group, come over today, this is my person, his work permit forgets, so can he go in with me?"

"You can, of course you can go in." Looking at Lu Yichen's work permit, he said.

Just now, a few people who have insulting Chen Yue are pale. They think he is a gossip reporter to come in to engage in inside, where do he know that he is the world's group group, is nervous, I am afraid that they will come over to find them. .

"What should we do? Will they not retaliate?" A more timid person asked.

"Nothing is fine, no."

Lu Yichen and Chen Yue did not pay attention to their uneasiness and turned in to come in.

"You look at it, if they want to deal with us, she is sure that she will take out the work permit, and since they don't have to take us, they don't care about this, we have to do it now is to It is okay to be a bit. "Swelling the throat, said.

Two people nodded.

Lu Yichen and Chen Yue entered the scene.

"You are here, let's take a look, I have a thing, and so on, come over and receive." After waiting for them, it will take them to take them around.

"I just went to thank you, or because of you, I have to lose the company's face." Chen Yue speared.

"Nothing is nothing, I am a hand of hand, if you really want to thank me, wait for you to play your intelligence, strive to take cooperation." Lu Yichen laughed with a small fox.


When the other person is busy, I will come over two, the office, Chen Yue and him talk about it, and some questions to answer some questions will leak, see Chen Yue Yue's smooth, Lu Yichen is also happy.

Under the efforts of Chen Yue's seven mouth, the two parties finally have cooperation intentions.

"This matter is so much, I will talk to them, if there is no problem, I will call you to talk about cooperation." Get up, I want to reach out of the morning, say it.

"That's good, then we will wait for a good news." Lu Yichen returned and said.

"In this case, then we will leave." Looking at the time to say.

As a result, the other person sent them to the door. After they left, he heard the things that Chen Yue was martedial before heard, and two of them did not tell himself to this matter, it is better.

"Yes, you have so soon, let them have cooperation, it seems that I have to ask you to come out and talk about cooperation. In this case, the chance of success is greatly big." On the car, Lu Yichen hitting interest .

"No way, I have agreed to talk about cooperation, how can I not try my best? I don't play all the strength, how to get your trust in me." Chen Yue said.

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