Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 673th chapter Lu Yichen

Because she is a play, she is very busy these days, Ye Tang does not know what she is busy, because she hasn't told her. "Today, this is the last scene. After today, your drama is killing." The director came over and said to the morning of the makeup.

"I know, I will work hard, fight for a little more." Smile, politely said.

"I am not worried about this. These days have cooperated, your acting is very good, I am very relieved, I think you have the talent of the play, how? Do you want to consider the development of the entertainment industry?" I thought about it, I still said my own intention.

Really, these days look at the scene of the morning, her acting is really good, if she doesn't know how her experience before, he really thought she had a play experience in a few years, so he I really don't want to give up so good seedlings.

"Sorry, I have not currently doing this idea, you should also know why I promise this time, I just want to get cooperation, so ..." There is no concealment, I will finish my idea. Out.

"I can't think of you so honest, it seems that there is no chance, but if you have any ideas, I will remember to call me, when I have a role, I will definitely consider you." In the morning, it is a pity that.

"I know."

When two people just finished, some people came to stop her to shoot, so two people passed.

The last play is the drama of the princess, and the Lu Yichen performance is very good, but because there is a drama, it has a cold.

After the death of the day, the contract also talked about it.

I have played a Harney, and I quickly took the paper towel over, grabbed my nose, and get rid of the snot that you want to flow.

"Lady, what happened?" The assistant asked.

"It's okay, it is a cold, it's all in a few days." Shake your head, I don't want everyone to worry about itself.

"How can you, have you take medicine? I will buy it with you." He is still anxious, and I asked.

"I have already eaten, you don't worry, if you really have for me, you handle this file, finish me to give the president." Laugh.

"The line is line, I know, I can handle it, you have been sick, don't be so tired." After finishing, put the documents in her hands, get your desk, Seriously sorted out.

Looking at the assistant, I am touched, but I haven't waited for her to move, my nose is flowing again, so I quickly throw away myself, and quickly took the paper towel.

"Why is the file you are in processing? Mrs.? What about she is doing?" When I came in, I saw the assistant of Lu Yichen in dealing with the document dealing with the land, curiously asked.

"Hey, the lady is sick now, can't bear to be too hard, so I will help." Sighted a breath and explained.

"What happened? What happened to me before, did she still have anything?" The eyes flashed, pushed the glasses on the face, asked.

Looking at Chen Yue's feud is not like a lie, and she has been with the morning and Chen Yue long a long time, and she doesn't believe in her and his rumors, so she is not in the morning. I plan to hide.

"Things are like this, before, when the lady went to cooperate, he was watching the director there, so she played a role. When she took the drama, she found her a cold this morning."

"This, then she is taking medicine? If there is no, I will buy it." Wen said, knowing the news of Lu Yichen and a cold, I was worried.

"I have already taken medicine, yes, you will have to be a little in the future, the company is not disappeared, I know that you don't know, but others don't know, you still pay attention to it. You don't want to give her something to buy, "I thought about it, I can't help but I can't help.

"The line is row, I know." I nodded.

But will he be so honest?

Chen Yue was known as a thing of Lu Yichen and a cold, he was preparing for a hot drink in the office every day.

It didn't doubt what it was in your own office. She had a cold thing to know that she thought that the assistant was prepared to her, so she laughed did not refuse.

After the contract talks, the director still doesn't want to give up Lu Yichen, so Lu Yichen was once again contacted again.

"Miss Lu, I am, Li Director." The phone is turned on, just open it.

"Li Director? What happened? Is there any problem with my drama? I need to take a reimportation again?"

"Nothing, I am looking for you because this is this, my film is already going to finish, I have a new script here, there is a role that is really suitable for you, is a female two, so I want to know if you are interested in considering? "

"Sorry, I didn't have to shoot the drama, I'm doing I love, I have to really want to shoot, I will tell you, but now I can only sorry." I don't know why Li Director is so good. Perseverance, but now she really doesn't plan to shoot.

"Don't you consider it? That role is really suitable for you." Li director asked without a heart.

"I am really sorry." Shake the head, still refused.

I know that I can't convince her, continue to say a few words, I will end the phone.

At noon the next day, Ye Tang and Lu Yichen met on the corridor of the company. I just said that there were a few words with Lu Yichen. As a result, Chen Feng's phone came in.

"What happened?" Took out the phone and asked.

"President, I have something to tell you, I ..."

"The line of behavior, I know, I will wait for the office, you are waiting for me there." After listening to Chen Feng's words, he said.

"I know."

I saw Ye Tang called, so I didn't bother him in Lu Yichen, Zhang Zhang, so I continued to go to my office.

Ye Tang did not talk to the morning, and there was no time to talk to Lu Yichen because he received a call from Chen Feng. So the two people didn't say a greetings.

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