Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 681th chapter Ye Tang's concealment

Joran left, Ye Tang took the mobile phone to call Lu Yichen. "How come you come? I am not letting you take a day at home? Why don't you listen?"

"I am not relieved, I said, I have just been here, not in the morning, so I am also a holiday." You can listen to Ye Tang's voice, no matter how three seven twenty-one Pick him first.

After listening to Lu Yichen, there was a half of the breath, but there is still a little air pressure.

"The company is not anxious to be in a hurry, you see you in the past few days, you can't hurt me if you don't have it."

"Okay, I know, wait for me to be busy with this time, I will give yourself a few days." I also know that Ye Tang is for himself, it is soft.

"That's good, yes, do you have time now, you come to my office, I have something to find you."

"I haven't done it now, I will wait to find you." Wen said, looked at his desk, there is nothing to handle.

"Then come over."

Hanging up the phone, I walked towards Ye Tang in Lu Yutian.

"You said, do you look for me?" When you entered the door, the big sage was on the sofa, asked.

"Yes, I still think that your recent work is a little tired, so I am going to let you rest a few days, you don't have to worry, I will let Xiao Li first, wait for your news, return your hand. "I thought about it, or I spent my own intentions.

"No, I don't agree, I am fine, I am still getting this work strength, I have already made a lot of work before, so you don't have to think more, I can." I heard the leaves. Tang Ji suggested that he took a break, and Lu Yichen directly refused.

"I am also for you, how can you be so embarrassed, and a child should look at it, this time, our two have not accompanied them, so ..."

Seeing that you have no way to convince her, you can only pull the child out.

"I know what you mean, but still can't."

Speaking of the child, Lu Yichen is also embarrassed, but she can compensate, and she believes that the child will understand her nowly.

"You, hey, I don't know how to say you, since you don't agree, then you should not be too tired when you work, tired and talk to me." I also knew that Lu Yichen is a slap, there is no Continue to say anything.

"You should have anything now? If you have n'thing, I will go back." See Ye Tang None words, thinking of it, there is something to go to handle, so say it.

Ye Tang's mind suddenly remembered the money, so he asked,

"Right, what is your previous project money, why didn't I listen to you?"

I heard the words, I was .

Is Ye Tang knowing that the money is the valley? Shouldn't, if he really knows, it will definitely not be so calm.

So thinking, the heart is not so confused.

"It is the return of cooperatives." Lu Yichen did not intend to tell Ye Tang in the morning, so she can only lie.

I heard the words, my face silen, angry, "I know, you go out first, I have to start working."

I heard it, I nodded, and I was afraid that Ye Tang will ask anything else, so he hurriedly left.

Looking at the door, depressed to death, is very angry for the end of Lu Yichen.

Now Ye Tang also doesn't want to think. He didn't like many things like Lu Yichen. It also deceived her, so he should know why Lu Yichen did not choose to tell him the truth, but further concealed.

However, Ye Tang, who is being pneumatic, will not think so much.

"In the morning, have you been to see the president of the Congwei Group recently?" Achieged the phone in the morning, and heard the phone that Gu Yunxi said that he was bright.

"Yes, do you have any way to let me see him."

"I have a way. After all, I am the most popular star, let you see his ability, you will wait for my news." Obviously I can feel the joy of the phone, the mouth is also I can't help but go up.

I heard Gu Yunxi said that he can see the president of Kang, and it is more happy.

"The line is line, I know, thank you, then I will wait for a good time."

"Then you will wait for my news, yes, if you see him, you must have to talk about cooperation, then you are ready to prepare, I will give you a reply to you when you meet you."

"The line of behavior, I will be ready to prepare, really very grateful, I can't think of me, I just want to sleep, I will send me a pillow."

"Okay, I will not talk to you, I will contact it first." Smiled, helplessly said.

After two people hanged the phone, Gu Yunxi quickly went to help, because there is a help, so the President of Kang's consent is asked to see the side.

Soon, I sent a text message on Lu Yime, let her come over the company this morning.

Received information, the fire in the morning fire with Joran finished, and time is coming soon.

"I heard that you want to see me?" In the conference room, the president of Kang came in, and the single knife said straight.

"Well, this is true, our company comes in and wants to develop into film and television, so now is working in film and television companies, this is our plan, you can see." After that, let people will take the book Before the president of Kang.

"I remember that your company did not involve the film and television, why is it going to develop this piece." While looked at the document, he asked unresolved.

"The company's development direction can always be always constant." Smile, courteous answer.

"You are talking about it, but your planning book does not touch me, and your company now is not a secret, and it is also risky with your company. I can't hold the company and Your Bo, so I am very embarrassed. "I knocked on the desktop in the merits of the plan, and I said to the eyes of the morning.

After finishing, there is no waiting for the next morning to get it directly.

"Sorry, I am going to participate in a meeting now, the book is not accompanied."

"" stop.

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