Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 683th chapter wants to let Lu Yichen know

I heard the words, I also know that Ye Tang is now decreasing, she has no way to convince him, smashed, and she went out. "One morning sister, I heard that the project will hand over to others? Is there anything we do? We have been working for so long, is it going to give up before?" I saw Lu Yichen's becoming, hurriedly Going to her, worried.

"You rest assured, I will not give up this, I haven't found the right person, I can't give up, I will let them change my idea. If the president has not changed, then we can only take measures first. . "Take a photo of Joeran's shoulders and guaranteed.

I heard that Lu Yichen said, I am relieved, "" Morning, what do you want? Is there anything I can help you? "

"You continue to find the president to find the president, and other things will be given to me."

I know what I am not helping now, I want to say that I will talk about it, "OK, I know."

The next day, the meeting was held.

"Now have anyone else to replace the location of Lu Yichen?" Knocking on the desktop and glanced at the morning, said.

Seeing the Leng Tang finished, there is no hesitation, "Wait, I hope everyone will give me a chance, give me a little time, if you have not completed the task in your provision, I will leave my own post."

Everyone gave a sunset, and I felt that the Lu Yichen said is not. Anyway, there is no suitable candidate in the company inside her.

"President, I think it can be, we are giving her a week, if they still have no progress, I can change her."

"I also agree, on this piece, no one is familiar with her, so ..."

"Wait, the time has been over for a long time, still there is no success, is it possible to succeed after a week? This is also a waste of time."

When the man refuted, some people went back, "said that, then, give a chance, no, say, do you have a suitable candidate?"

At the meeting, I agreed to give Lu Lu for many more opportunities than the opposition, and the Ye Tang also knew that there was no way to change land.

"Since everyone says, then a few obeys most, we will give you a chance, if you still have a progress after a week, I hope you can do it."

Seeing the success, the mood is happy to ensure that "I know, I will not live up to everyone's expectations."

After the meeting, in order to success, Lu Yichen has been busy working, she must say that it is necessary to make a result in a short time.

One day, Lu Yichen is late, not in the company is busy working, it is going to see the customer's way.

"How is it in the morning?" See Chen Feng came over and worried about it.

In a few days, he didn't talk well in the morning. Every time she is tired, she will sleep, he wants to say anyone to listen.

Chen Feng also knew that Ye Tang was worried about the establishment, there is no concealment to answer. I haven't seen it, I really don't know what she is in persistence now? "

, "She is a temper, if this time does not let her know difficult, I still don't know how she wants to desperate, forget it, no matter what she is, wait until she arrives, She has not completed the task. "

"Hey, there is no matter, I will go out, I don't know what Xiaoyue will do it, I have to stare at it."

I heard the words, I nodded, indicating that Chen Feng left.

After Chen Feng left, the mood was irritated. For four consecutive days, Ye Tang was watching the work every day in Lu Yichen, he was distressed, but he wanted to help him, but he told him hard.

He hoped that after the defeat of Lu Yichen, he could go home. After a tired of her body, if she continued to work so, her body could not stand it, after all, the sequelae of premature birth is not cured, he can't take her Good health joke.

For Ye Tang's worry, Lu Yichen did not know, because when he was the first thing that I want to change her, she gave him opinions, I didn't understand her hardship, if he did not make this Things, then now there is not so much, she will have more time to think about the countermeasures, but he does not give himself time.

In the evening, I was dragging the body of the body, I was worried about it, "What is your cooperation now? Is there any problem?"

I heard Ye Tang's question, Lu Yichen thought he just wanted to let him give up, no goodness, "I don't worry, I can handle it, now there is still three days, three days At that time, I will make you satisfied. "

But how can things think that there is so simple that she has been running, but no one will pay attention to her, try to eat a closed door.

Ye Tang has been paying attention to the situation of Lu Yichen. How can I not know the current dilemma, but he doesn't plan to say, "That's good, the company doesn't say it, hurry over and eat."

Didn't talk, sit silently to eat in Ye Tang.

After a meal, I took a bath back to the room. I saw her came in, and I took her towel to wipe her hair, but I was refused by Lu Yichen.

She is now angry with Ye Tang, and he doesn't know how to think on her own point. If he considers yourself, not so business, you will not stop the horses.

"You work this day, I will serve you." No matter the refusal of the park, tough put her towel in her hands and started her hair.

I know that I am, but I am going by him, it is hard to rub the hair, Ye Tang wants to be intimate with Lu Yichen.

Directly blocked Ye Tang's upper and lower hands, refused, "I am tired today, I want to sleep, I have to go to the customer early tomorrow, so you know."

Helpless sighing, how can he not know that Lu Yichen does not want to touch her, because since the meeting began, she often ignores her own approaches.

There is no forcing her, two people are speaking, falling into sleep.

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