Two people speaking, after a few minutes, Lu Yichen slowly opened, "I know, if I don't ask you now, there is one day, if I have not completed the task this day, I will I will leave the company, you can rest assured, I don't believe it, I can't do anything, even if you can't do it? I was originally a reporter, I will leave the company, I will continue to be a reporter. "One glimpse, Ye Tang wants that Lu Yichen can go home to elderly and cultivate children, honestly make yourself to raise her, but listening to Lu Yichen, she can't go home at all.

"What do you want to do?" Wrinkled frown, unhappy, said.

I was smiling and ironically said, "I want to do anything I have already said, don't think I don't know your plan, don't you want me to stay at home? I tell you, impossible, my own ability I don't think I haven't worked in the group of companies. "

The words of Lu Yichen were completely irritated, and the anger said, "Just, if you have not completed the task again, I do what you do."

The two people have already exchanged, and the door is falling off.

Two people began to be cold war.

If you return to the office, you will see that Lu Yichen is not good, and Joran didn't ask for it, let her stay himself.

When the mood of Lu Yichen was a little bit, her mobile phone rang.

I saw that the people of Kang Wei called her, I thought about what I thought, quickly pick up the phone.

"Hey, I am Lu Yichen, please call me for what is it, is you interested in our collaboration?"

"It's right, our Kang has been touched by the people of your company, I feel that I will give you a chance. For details, when you have time to come and talk about it."

Wen said, Lu Yichen is happy to fly, "The line is line, I know, I have time now, I don't know if you president don't have time, I am looking for him now?"

In order to have a lot of nights, and her time is not much, so she wants to implement things quickly.

"Well, then you will come."

"Thank you, thank you for now."

"You have already found it, I hope you said."

I heard the assistant report and said to Gu Yunxi on the side.

I heard the words, I looked at the president of Kang, I didn't care, "said, you can rest assured."

"Hahaha, I still don't know that Tang Tang's Gu Yun Xi Xing actually is an infused, but unfortunately, you don't know what you do."

"She doesn't need to know."

That's right, the reason why Lu Yichen will be contacted by Kangwei's people, because of the help of Gu Yunxi.

I saw that Lu Yichen Xing is out, and I asked, "" What happened to the morning, what happened? Why do you look so happy, clear you just ... "

"Hahaha, I tell you, the human beings just mentioned there are contact me. I am going to find them now, I will say, the emperor does not have a heart, we are really successful. Now quickly clean up, You and I have to see them. "

I heard the words, Joran had a little unconvived, she thought they had to fail, the result was successful, this is very incredible, but now there is no time to give her too much time, she wants to organize things to see customers.

I knocked on the desktop and said calmly. "This time we will contact you because there is something to work with you, don't know if there is an interest?"

"Some, but what is the specific thing?"

"This is the case, in a few days, we will host a star banquet, about the award, we want you to be responsible for this news report, your previous profession we also hit, a famous reporter, so, things handed over You are also assured, I believe that this news report will definitely do it, so do you mean? "

I nodded, I said that I said that I have no problem, I will definitely be responsible. "You can rest assured."

For your own ability, Lu Yichen is still very affirmative, if other things she may not be so confident, but how it is difficult to get her.

I looked at the time to think about my next itinerary.

"The line of travel, I know, I am troubled with you."

I heard, I nodded and got up and left the meeting room.

The president of Kang left, his assistant gave Lu Yichen some precautions.

After two people talked, they left the meeting room.

I think that Gu Yunxi should now be in the company, I want to tell him this news, let Qiao rank first back to the company, so I called.

"Work in the morning? How can you call me today? Isn't you very busy before?"

"Ha ha ha, I am already busy now, I tell you, I just came out from the conference room, my cooperation has been settled, and the Kang always gives me the news report of the awards ceremony. You said this is one Very good news. "

Low low smile, "This is really a good news, I said, you will definitely succeed, isn't it success now?"

"Well, yes, now I have come to eat, have you eaten? Let's go eat together, I am happy today, I invite you."

I heard that Lu Yichen invited yourself to eat, I didn't want to agree, "Well, where are you? I am going to find you."

"Don't use you for me, wait for us to meet in the lobby."

Gu Yunxi did not refuse, agreed.

Dinner table.

"The news reports do you need me to help, I have participated in so many awards ceremony, and I also know some things."

Laughing, said happily, "The feelings are good."

So, Gu Yunxi told this roughly list notes on Lu Yichen.

For Gu Yunxi, I don't know, and he is not intended to tell her, there are some things, no one needs her know, as long as the people don't care, happiness can be.

"I want to tell you a good news and a bad news." When I entered the department, Qiaoran said helplessly said that people in the department.

When I heard Joran, I said that there is a good news now. "There is still good news now, some are bad news, cooperation now has no progress, there is no miracle in just a short half of the day, there will be no miracle "

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