Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 688th chapter, one wave is not a wave of waves

Because Lu Yichen and Ye Tang were in the cold war, there was no way to know her recent situation in Lu Yichen, helpless, I thought that Joran was the assistant of Lu Yichen, so he often called Qiaoran came his own office. Seeing Joran came in, there is no opening of a single knife directly, "Joran, how is it in the morning? Have she dinner on time?"

I also know what is the situation in Lu Yichen and Ye Tang, so Joran can only be helplessly do the Ye Tang's "Line".

"Things are like that, recently because of cooperation, she often works this, you should also know that after all, she will get off work so late every day."

I touched my nose, "Oh, I know, yes, how are you doing now? Is there a place to help?"

For Ye Tang's doubts, smile, "no, things to deal with, and have a good idea to encounter love at the banquet, and Gu Ying is sometimes helping."

I heard Gu Yunxi in helping Lu Yichen, his face was stiff, but quickly returned to normal, "This is good, you are also met in the morning, I hope you will help her, help me supervise her. If she didn't eat on time, you will help her order, and you will go directly to the Ministry of Finance. "

I thought about it, I still don't worry about Lu Yichen, I can only take more attention to the morning.

"I know, I will." I nodded and promised.

"Okay, there is no matter now, you go out, if there is any situation, please contact me in time."

I heard a note, I left the Ye Tang's office.

Because I want to understand the land in the morning, Ye Tang often makes Qian 's own office to listen to the name to ask the job, and the people who have just started the company will not have any curiosity, but with Qiaoran often Run in the office of Ye Tang, and that Joran is beautiful, plus Lu Yichen and Ye Tang Cold War, will soon be disconnected.

There are several employees who are drinking coffee, and a female employee says, "You said, what is the current president and the wife? I found it before, and two people met in the company, but not will Hello, I still feel that it is because my wife is sorry, but now I see Geran every day to the president's office, I think things are not simple? "

An employee responds, "Who know? Anyway, there is a greasy, now the company said that the president is sorry. Otherwise, how can it be ignore him, I guess, it should be a president and Joran's things by Mrs. So she is angry with president. "

"There is still, I heard that because the last president wants to change the wife, the wife and the president are put, I see, I am definitely the president wants to replace the position of Mrs. Mrs., or you said, why The president has recently been looking for her. Isn't it just to give her comfort? After all, the lady has done her in the meeting, so the president has no way to change her. "

"Hahaha, you said something, anyway, no matter what to say, now the most important thing is Mrs."

If you want to take a break in the tea, you will die, you will die, and hold your fist, you want to go in and refute, but she has returned, but the thing is not that she can solve it. Because Ye Tang is generated, he can only treat him.

Loop the fist, turn around, go to Ye Tang's office to find him.

I went in, the brow is high.

I saw that Lu Yichen came in, I thought she was forgived himself, there were some happy, but did not wait for him too long, there was a morning in the morning.

"Now the company is because of you, you know what they put Joran, I, what do we think? Don't think I don't know if you find Qiao, come over to listen to my news , I don't need you to take care of yourself, so don't involve her in the future. "

I heard the words, I was also awkward. He also heard about the company's rumors, but when he knew that there was no way to handle it.

Low head, I said, "I know, I will not find her in the future."

"You know it." After finishing, I didn't see Ye Tang, I turned directly to leave.

I saw that Lu Yichen was about to leave the office and hurriedly called her.

Seeing the Leng Tang called himself, I am impatiently asked, "What do you want to do? Is there something?"

I saw that Lu Yichen was angry. I couldn't say it. "That, it's okay, I owe it."

I didn't say anything, I said.

Ye Tang helplessly repented, he just wanted to ask Lu Lu to eat together, but, hey ~

It seems that this time is really very angry in the morning, she has been a few days, I don't care, hey, I know that I don't mess with her.

For Ye Tang, the Ye Tang, who is separated from a door, didn't know, she just saw the news, Gu Yunxi came to the company.

"You are here, you will help me see this, I don't know how to solve it." When I entered the office, I saw Gu Yunxi, did not contain him, and stepped directly into the topic.

Seeing that I saw myself in Lu Yichen, I didn't ask if I didn't ask if I didn't drink water, I would like to call myself, and I was angry. "Hey I just arrived, don't you give me a cup of coffee? Call people also want Give a cup of coffee. "

"Coffee is free, wait until today, I invite you to eat, now I am tight is my business." No matter how fun, it is directly.

Wen said, helpless, or the problem that is old and the problem encountered by the morning.

During this time, Gu Yunxi is not exception to the company and Lu Yichen because there is still an exception of the company and Lu Yichen.

At night, I took my stomach and looked at Gu Yunxi.

"I have said today, please ask you to eat, now get off work, go away, let's go eat, starve to death."

Seeing Lu Yichen, smile smile, "You are not afraid that I will eat poor."

The eyebrows are all, don't say it, "I am afraid, please eat, I still have enough, and then say that I didn't say my own payment, I invited you to buy a single, don't understand?"

Gu Yunxi did not continue to say anything and Lu Yichen, two people left the company, Ye Tang saw the back of their leave, and I was jealous.

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