Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The seventh chapter has not returned home in the morning

Here, after the morning running fast, Chen Yue chased it up for a long time, I poured someone, pulling her to the debrisroom. Handed the paper towel, "You are fine? Why do you cry? If you encounter something, you can tell me, I will help you solve, you don't cry."

Lu Yichen is still immersed in the words of the valley, and if you want to die, you don't want to open the desire.

Shake your head and didn't speak, but she still took Chen Yue's paper towel.

Seeing Lu Yichen doesn't talk, Chen Yue has not continued to ask anything. Anyway, he can guess what happened, so he as long as he played a good brother's image.

I took the shoulder of the morning, "Since you don't say even if you have a good vent, if you want to say, you will tell me, I am here anytime, anywhere."

When I heard Chen Yue, I was touched, and I pulled Chen Yue, leaning on his shoulders, she now wants a shoulder to let himself rely.

Lu Yichen's movement made Chen Yue a little stiff, even how he still counted Lu, but he was a pure person, he didn't have a close time with girls.

There is a different in my heart, but he doesn't think much, continue to make a lightweight content.

They have been staying in the debris room, what happened, and how can I have a mood in the morning?

On this day, Ye Tang has been looking for land, but did not find it, I am in a hurry to die. I looked at time. I guess that I have already returned home in the morning, so I have been hurrying.

But things should be disappointed, because there is no home in the morning.

After you don't go home in Lu Yichen, Ye Tang is more worried, let Li Jie take care of the child, leaving home, looking for Lu Yichen, during this, Ye Tang has played a lot of calls in Lu, but there is no accident. There is no connection in Lu Yichen.

"Where do you want to go?" Chen Yue has been with the side of the Lu Yichen, and he didn't go home after he left the company, but a disfilled in the street, there was a little late, helplessness, Yue had to stop her and worried about her.

"I don't know where to go." Lu Yichen muttered.

Seeing Lu Yichen, there is no joy in the hearts of Chen Yue, but there is a distressed, he feels that he has some mad, smashed his head, and smashed his mess, and said that Lu Yichen said,

"Otherwise, you will go home first, just your mobile phone rang so many times, the president must be anxious, if you don't go back, he is really crazy."

I heard Chen Yue said that the Ye Tang, the heart is dull, go home? Oh, can it be my home? It's going to be abandoned.

Decisive shook head, "Don't go back, say nothing, you are anxious, you go home first, I can."

I heard that Lu Yichen refused to go home, my mood is pleasant, "I haven't worry, I don't rest assured you, I am still looking around you, if you come out, I will be embarrassed."

The attention of Lu Yichen is not in Chen Yue's words, but on the bar not far away.

Refers to the wine, and hooked a smile, "Otherwise, let's go to the bar, the mood is not good, drink it."

For Lu Yichen's proposal, Chen Yue did not refuse, so two people went to the bar.

I got into the wine, I quickly took a few bottles of wine. I looked at Lu Yichen. Chen Yue hurriedly had to stop, but I was back by Lu Yichen, helpless, I can only go at the morning.

Because of the bad mood, I am drifting into my mouth in the morning, but the strong wine is filled through the throat, filled the nerve, so that the land is not a very good mood in the morning.

Sometimes I can get intoxicating, but the deep escape, Lu Yichen is now escaping, she hopes to use wine to paralyze their nerves, let themselves not so painful.

I don't know how much I have done in Lu Yichen. Anyway, I am in the end her is drunk.

See Lu Yichen Drunken, Chen Yue said that he wants to send her home, but he heard Chen Yue said that he wants to send himself home, and then struggled in the morning, and finally Chen Yue helpless, I have to bring people back to my home.

The Lu Yichen Hu Yanhuai after drunkenness.

Ye Tang, you talk about it, why are you sorry?

Do you really want to divorce with me, and be with the valley? Where do I not really from you?

You have to be so for me, because of the company's things, you have to give up our family, what am I doing in your mind? What about children? What is the child?

Hahaha, forget it, since you want to have a company, I will not stop you, but my heart is really good!

Listening to Lu Yichen, Chen Yue has a little helpless, and it can guess what happened.

After shooting, I asked a temptation, "I said," In the morning, you said, what happened to you and Ye Tang? You and me, I will give you a good air? "

Listening to Chen Yue, I cried directly Lu Yue, while crying, "Oh, I told you, I heard him and the valley today. Do you know that there is a contract between two people, as long as the valley Micro-help Ye Tang, Ye Tang agreed her to divorce, you said, things are not laugh. "

"Also, did the company not two billions come in? That is the valley hit."

"I will say, how can I make money to the company, hahaha, I am the most stupid ..."

After that, I didn't know if I was crying, and I was not good.

Lu Yichen has been smashing, knowing all the things, Chen Yue, called a neighbor to change clothes, he came to the balcony and called the valley.

"The things you do today are very successful, now there is already misunderstanding in Ye Tang, now."

"That is, you don't look at who I am, but I still have to thank you. If you send text messages to me before, I said that Lu Yichen is at the door, I still don't know how to breathe." I heard Chen Yue's words. " , The valley said happily.

Before the valley received information in the office, Chen Yue sent her, or she would not deliberately.

"However, how do you know that there is a misunderstanding in the morning?" After calm, I asked curious.

"I naturally have my own way, yes, you will take advantage of the contradiction between them, try to achieve your goal." Chen Yue did not tell her in his own home, but transfer topic.

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