Spoiled Wife
On the birthday of the Duke of Yan, most of the officials in the capital had already moved out. When they left the city, they were lucky, but when they were about to enter the palace, they formed a line. However, when they saw that the Queen's Consort was in front of a carriage, they immediately went to make arrangements.
After they entered, they were informed that the carriage of the Queen's Consort had arrived. Then, they carried the King to help Shen Qi out of the carriage, and then they split up. This kind of banquet required a male and female banquet, and Shen Qi's wife would also bring him to the Main yard to meet the old granny.
When Shen Qi went over, there were already a few people chatting with the old lady. The old lady was already over sixty years old, she was wearing a red formal attire, her hair was combed meticulously, and she had a rich and precious peony forehead. She had a face full of smiles, looking kind and kind.
Shen Qi walked over to greet the old lady, "Greetings grandma, I wish you good luck and good health!"
"Alright, alright. Queen's Consort, come over. Let me take a look." The Old Granny smiled as she beckoned Shen Qi to come forward. Shen Qi walked to her side with a smile and held her hand.
The old lady sized up the girl. She was dressed in red, looking dignified and generous. Her eyes were curved, and her face was full of smiles. She seemed to like girls like this one, which made her feel that this was a good thing.
Then, the old lady introduced the people from the manor to Shen Qi, "This is your first aunt." Shen Qi stood up and bowed, "Greetings Aunt."
His first aunt was the first uncle, Yan Chengsong. His first aunt was the first daughter of the assistant minister of the Ministry of Industry, Mrs Huang, and Shen Qi gave her a look that carried a matriarch's demeanor. At the moment, he had a kind smile on his face as he helped Shen Qi to praise her, and behind him, his second aunt, the Jiang family, and his third aunt, Chui, also greeted him.
The other two uncles were also walking in the imperial court. Now, one of them was a Minister for Rites and a Minister for Rites, and the other was a student of the Han Lin Courtyard.
There was a first son, a second son born from a concubine, and two daughters born from a concubine. These daughters of his were all born here, so Shen Qi could tell that these girls were all beautiful girls, which made sense when he thought about it. Otherwise, the empress dowager's niece wouldn't have been that bad at that time as well.
The son of the second branch family was one son and one daughter, both of whom were direct descendants. The third branch did not have any direct descendants, but the son born from a concubine had two sons and one direct daughter.
The oldest amongst these girls was sixteen years old this year, and they were the first wife, Yan Rui. The youngest, was the third wife, first wife, and the youngest, was the first son, Yan Jiao.
She led her sisters and sat by the side, maintaining her posture at all times. When she saw that some of her sisters had broken the rules, she would stealthily glance over, and that young lady would definitely sit obediently, causing Shen Qi to exclaim in shock.
After seeing the old lady, the female disciples all went to the Flower Hall and gave their seats to the male guests to pay their respects. At this time, those who knew her started to find their own handkerchiefs to talk with, sitting in twos and threes. Shen Qi had never been out of the room much before, so he naturally didn't hand over his supposed handkerchief, thus he just watched from the side.
On the other hand, Yan Jiao was lively. She walked over to Shen Qi when she saw that she was alone, "Sister-in-law, I'm Yan Jiao." Although Yan Jiao was the youngest among the few girls, she was the most outstanding in color. Perhaps it was because she was raised so cutely that she was filled with pure energy.
Shen Qi looked at her and smiled. Seeing that Yan Rui and the others were talking to girls that they were familiar with, the little girl ignored her and said, "Why don't you play with them?"
She glanced at Big Sis, who pouted and said unhappily, "Big Sis is the most well-mannered of them all, and she's always restraining me from doing anything. That doesn't allow me to do anything. It's so boring." Therefore, she didn't really like being together with them. Seeing that Shen Qi was still young, and with a kind face, she came over.
With that, she bowed towards Shen Qi. "Greetings, consort." This was the wife of the second branch, the Xie Clan. She came from a general's family and did not bother with small matters.
Shen Qi saw that her appearance was bright and elegant, and her height was even taller than the other girls, making her look slightly heroic. In the modern world, this kind of woman was definitely a big sister or a big sister, but in this era, she was not very popular.
People liked petite and exquisite beauties, so they had to act like the weak willow and the wind. People loved and liked petite and exquisite beauties, so they had to act like the weak and the strong.
Shen Qi actually liked this type. Seeing her come over, she smiled and greeted her, then without being polite, she sat down beside Shen Qi, "Actually, I don't like people who live in sorrow all day long, it would be better to just go on the battlefield and enjoy myself."
The second son, Yan Pei, was fond of fighting. He had once been a soldier under General Xie Kui, and Xie Kui's youngest daughter was the Xie Clan Xie Shihan. She had a very poetic name, but she acted like a man.
Although the Xie Clan's background was not as deep as the Xiao Clan's, they were still indispensable generals. The Xie Clan's Xie Shihan had two older brothers, and both of them were training in the army, which was what Xie Shihan had experienced.
General Xie and Madam Ye were also worried about her marriage for quite a while. Originally, they wanted to find a reliable marriage between her subordinates, and when the time came, those who were well-informed would not dislike their own daughter.
Who would have thought that Yan Pei would kidnap his daughter and run away. At that time, General Xie and the two big brothers of the Xie Family had beaten Yan Pei up quite a bit because of this matter. Yan Pei really liked Xie Shihan, no matter what he did, he would not change his mind and was even willing to not take in a concubine for her.
General Xie had a serious relationship with Madam throughout his life, he did not have a concubine room by his side, the backyard was clean and harmonious, Xie Shihan naturally hoped to find a man like father, and this was also what General Xie thought.
Judging from her personality, she was definitely impatient to deal with the affairs of the harem women. Furthermore, General Xie and Madam Xie did not wish to make their daughter suffer, which was why they'd wanted to find one among the military officers.
On one hand, although the military officers were sometimes careless, they did not have that much time to waste on the backyard. On the other hand, the backyard was usually relatively clean, and the military officers would usually have their daughters under their noses. Another reason was that as long as the Xie Clan did not fall, their subordinates would not dare to treat their daughter too harshly.
Her ideal was always beautiful, but Yan Pei had messed everything he knew. How could Yan Pei, as the second son of the Duke of Guo's house, always stay in the army, so he had to return to the capital sooner or later. His daughter, on the other hand, would be beyond reach once she arrived in the capital.
They also understood their daughter's personality. Although she was usually a casual person, she was very meticulous and had the courage to show her kindness. She was simply incomparable to the girls that had grown up in the backyards of the capital, and she couldn't even compete with them.
But there was nothing she could do about it, she had only taken a fancy to Yan Pei, and Yan Pei had to work so hard for him, and only after alerting the Old Duke to the situation, was the marriage settled. However, Yan Pei had kept his promise and did not take any of the women that the Jiang family had arranged for him.
As long as her husband did not obstruct her, she was not afraid of how the Jiang Clan would make things difficult for her, so she was still the valiant, valiant Xie Shihan who could dance with swords on horseback. But the Jiang Clan had a headache because of her, they felt that this wife was not virtuous and was kind, they did not even talk about arranging a room for their son during pregnancy!
At that time, Xie Shihan said this, "I worked hard to give birth to his child here, and he was hugging left and right, looking for pleasure, how can there be such a logic?" Back then, she had infuriated the Jiang family greatly!
This kind of woman lived a free and easy life, and lived a free and unrestrained life. Shen Qi was still quite envious of her, so when he saw her coming over, she also wanted to get to know her.
Hearing that she didn't like those poems, Shen Qi laughed and said, "Do you feel sad all day, hurt all autumn, like you're not sick and moaning?"
Shen Qi shook his head and smiled, "In this world, how can you do everything as you please?" This person was also a powerful Lord, and wasn't as confused as she appeared to be. It seemed that it wasn't that others didn't want to bother with her, but rather that she didn't want to interact with those people.
After they entered, they were informed that the carriage of the Queen's Consort had arrived. Then, they carried the King to help Shen Qi out of the carriage, and then they split up. This kind of banquet required a male and female banquet, and Shen Qi's wife would also bring him to the Main yard to meet the old granny.
When Shen Qi went over, there were already a few people chatting with the old lady. The old lady was already over sixty years old, she was wearing a red formal attire, her hair was combed meticulously, and she had a rich and precious peony forehead. She had a face full of smiles, looking kind and kind.
Shen Qi walked over to greet the old lady, "Greetings grandma, I wish you good luck and good health!"
"Alright, alright. Queen's Consort, come over. Let me take a look." The Old Granny smiled as she beckoned Shen Qi to come forward. Shen Qi walked to her side with a smile and held her hand.
The old lady sized up the girl. She was dressed in red, looking dignified and generous. Her eyes were curved, and her face was full of smiles. She seemed to like girls like this one, which made her feel that this was a good thing.
Then, the old lady introduced the people from the manor to Shen Qi, "This is your first aunt." Shen Qi stood up and bowed, "Greetings Aunt."
His first aunt was the first uncle, Yan Chengsong. His first aunt was the first daughter of the assistant minister of the Ministry of Industry, Mrs Huang, and Shen Qi gave her a look that carried a matriarch's demeanor. At the moment, he had a kind smile on his face as he helped Shen Qi to praise her, and behind him, his second aunt, the Jiang family, and his third aunt, Chui, also greeted him.
The other two uncles were also walking in the imperial court. Now, one of them was a Minister for Rites and a Minister for Rites, and the other was a student of the Han Lin Courtyard.
There was a first son, a second son born from a concubine, and two daughters born from a concubine. These daughters of his were all born here, so Shen Qi could tell that these girls were all beautiful girls, which made sense when he thought about it. Otherwise, the empress dowager's niece wouldn't have been that bad at that time as well.
The son of the second branch family was one son and one daughter, both of whom were direct descendants. The third branch did not have any direct descendants, but the son born from a concubine had two sons and one direct daughter.
The oldest amongst these girls was sixteen years old this year, and they were the first wife, Yan Rui. The youngest, was the third wife, first wife, and the youngest, was the first son, Yan Jiao.
She led her sisters and sat by the side, maintaining her posture at all times. When she saw that some of her sisters had broken the rules, she would stealthily glance over, and that young lady would definitely sit obediently, causing Shen Qi to exclaim in shock.
After seeing the old lady, the female disciples all went to the Flower Hall and gave their seats to the male guests to pay their respects. At this time, those who knew her started to find their own handkerchiefs to talk with, sitting in twos and threes. Shen Qi had never been out of the room much before, so he naturally didn't hand over his supposed handkerchief, thus he just watched from the side.
On the other hand, Yan Jiao was lively. She walked over to Shen Qi when she saw that she was alone, "Sister-in-law, I'm Yan Jiao." Although Yan Jiao was the youngest among the few girls, she was the most outstanding in color. Perhaps it was because she was raised so cutely that she was filled with pure energy.
Shen Qi looked at her and smiled. Seeing that Yan Rui and the others were talking to girls that they were familiar with, the little girl ignored her and said, "Why don't you play with them?"
She glanced at Big Sis, who pouted and said unhappily, "Big Sis is the most well-mannered of them all, and she's always restraining me from doing anything. That doesn't allow me to do anything. It's so boring." Therefore, she didn't really like being together with them. Seeing that Shen Qi was still young, and with a kind face, she came over.
With that, she bowed towards Shen Qi. "Greetings, consort." This was the wife of the second branch, the Xie Clan. She came from a general's family and did not bother with small matters.
Shen Qi saw that her appearance was bright and elegant, and her height was even taller than the other girls, making her look slightly heroic. In the modern world, this kind of woman was definitely a big sister or a big sister, but in this era, she was not very popular.
People liked petite and exquisite beauties, so they had to act like the weak willow and the wind. People loved and liked petite and exquisite beauties, so they had to act like the weak and the strong.
Shen Qi actually liked this type. Seeing her come over, she smiled and greeted her, then without being polite, she sat down beside Shen Qi, "Actually, I don't like people who live in sorrow all day long, it would be better to just go on the battlefield and enjoy myself."
The second son, Yan Pei, was fond of fighting. He had once been a soldier under General Xie Kui, and Xie Kui's youngest daughter was the Xie Clan Xie Shihan. She had a very poetic name, but she acted like a man.
Although the Xie Clan's background was not as deep as the Xiao Clan's, they were still indispensable generals. The Xie Clan's Xie Shihan had two older brothers, and both of them were training in the army, which was what Xie Shihan had experienced.
General Xie and Madam Ye were also worried about her marriage for quite a while. Originally, they wanted to find a reliable marriage between her subordinates, and when the time came, those who were well-informed would not dislike their own daughter.
Who would have thought that Yan Pei would kidnap his daughter and run away. At that time, General Xie and the two big brothers of the Xie Family had beaten Yan Pei up quite a bit because of this matter. Yan Pei really liked Xie Shihan, no matter what he did, he would not change his mind and was even willing to not take in a concubine for her.
General Xie had a serious relationship with Madam throughout his life, he did not have a concubine room by his side, the backyard was clean and harmonious, Xie Shihan naturally hoped to find a man like father, and this was also what General Xie thought.
Judging from her personality, she was definitely impatient to deal with the affairs of the harem women. Furthermore, General Xie and Madam Xie did not wish to make their daughter suffer, which was why they'd wanted to find one among the military officers.
On one hand, although the military officers were sometimes careless, they did not have that much time to waste on the backyard. On the other hand, the backyard was usually relatively clean, and the military officers would usually have their daughters under their noses. Another reason was that as long as the Xie Clan did not fall, their subordinates would not dare to treat their daughter too harshly.
Her ideal was always beautiful, but Yan Pei had messed everything he knew. How could Yan Pei, as the second son of the Duke of Guo's house, always stay in the army, so he had to return to the capital sooner or later. His daughter, on the other hand, would be beyond reach once she arrived in the capital.
They also understood their daughter's personality. Although she was usually a casual person, she was very meticulous and had the courage to show her kindness. She was simply incomparable to the girls that had grown up in the backyards of the capital, and she couldn't even compete with them.
But there was nothing she could do about it, she had only taken a fancy to Yan Pei, and Yan Pei had to work so hard for him, and only after alerting the Old Duke to the situation, was the marriage settled. However, Yan Pei had kept his promise and did not take any of the women that the Jiang family had arranged for him.
As long as her husband did not obstruct her, she was not afraid of how the Jiang Clan would make things difficult for her, so she was still the valiant, valiant Xie Shihan who could dance with swords on horseback. But the Jiang Clan had a headache because of her, they felt that this wife was not virtuous and was kind, they did not even talk about arranging a room for their son during pregnancy!
At that time, Xie Shihan said this, "I worked hard to give birth to his child here, and he was hugging left and right, looking for pleasure, how can there be such a logic?" Back then, she had infuriated the Jiang family greatly!
This kind of woman lived a free and easy life, and lived a free and unrestrained life. Shen Qi was still quite envious of her, so when he saw her coming over, she also wanted to get to know her.
Hearing that she didn't like those poems, Shen Qi laughed and said, "Do you feel sad all day, hurt all autumn, like you're not sick and moaning?"
Shen Qi shook his head and smiled, "In this world, how can you do everything as you please?" This person was also a powerful Lord, and wasn't as confused as she appeared to be. It seemed that it wasn't that others didn't want to bother with her, but rather that she didn't want to interact with those people.
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