
Hearing the words of King T’Challa, everyone in the live broadcast room knew that the magical country in the image turned out to be Wakanda!

[Stephen Strange: Wakanda! I’ve never heard of the country. 】

[Master Mordo: Well, in Africa, I seem to have heard some legends about this country. 】

[Tony Stark: I know this place, and that’s where my father got some vibranium. I didn’t expect this country to have such advanced technology! 】

[Wanda Maximov: What is vibranium? 】

[Tony Stark. It was the strongest metal in the world, and my father made his shield out of vibranium for Captain America. 】

[Nick Fury: Tony Stark, your father has a deep connection to our organization. In that sense, we should cooperate. 】

[Tony Stark: Inexplicably coming to talk to me about cooperation, who do you think you are?] 】

[Nick Fury: …………]

[Peter Parker: Captain America? Who is he? Is he famous? 】

[Tony Stark: Peter, what are you kidding?] Didn’t you go to school? Even if his name is written in elementary school textbooks. 】

[Peter Parker: I… I grew up doing well academically, but I really never heard of a captain. 】

At this moment, several people in the live broadcast room turned around and looked at Peter Parker with a surprised expression.

Sensing everyone’s gaze, Peter scratched his head a little nervously, but still plucked up the courage to say:

“Mr. Tony, I live in New York.”

“After I went back last time, I searched the Internet and found that the world I was in did not seem to exist without you, and there was no so-called Stark company.”


Tony was stunned when he heard this, but he didn’t react for a while.

Steven Strange, who was standing beside him, showed an incredible look in his eyes after pondering for a while, and then said slowly.

“According to the ancient mage, the universe is infinite. The universe we live in is just one of infinite universes. “

Strange stared firmly at Peter Parker with both eyes, and said word by word:

“If Tony really doesn’t exist in Peter’s world, and there isn’t Stark Group, then… He may not be in the same universe as us! ”

“That is, Peter is a man from another universe!”

As soon as he said this, there was silence in the live broadcast room.

In the silence, everyone looked back and forth at Strange and Peter with incredulous eyes, with shock, shock, doubt, doubt and nervousness in their eyes.

“On… Just kidding. ”

Peter Parker’s whole person was completely sluggish, his brain crashed on the spot, and his mind was completely blank.

Strange’s words shook him too much. As a result, his entire thoughts were interrupted, and he almost lost the ability to think for a while.

Natasha looked at the harmless big boy Peter in front of her, her heart tightened, and for a moment she had the urge to retreat.

As a first-class agent, she has experienced many hardships and dangers.

But “another universe”, which was completely beyond her imagination, still messed up Natasha’s head.

And in the offices of S.H.I.E.L.D. The brine egg gasped, and there was an uproar in his heart.

In that magical live broadcast room, there are people from another universe.

This kind of thing simply subverted his world view!

“A universe that doesn’t exist for me is really unbelievable.”

Tony shook his head, and an incredible thought suddenly came to his mind.

You if all this is true. So since Peter was able to leave the original universe and come to this live broadcast room.

So…… Can I go to Peter’s universe?

At this time, Wanda suddenly tilted her little head and asked curiously:

“Multiverse, I thought this thing didn’t exist. Those three guardians of time are not going to multiverse… Is it all condensed into a sacred timeline? ”

Natasha had just barely calmed herself down, and when she heard this, she gasped in fright again, and her body suddenly trembled.

Time Keeper?

Sacred Timeline?

What the hell are these?

Stephen Strange spread his hands:

“Ancient Mage seems to have said that the guardian of time is actually overnamed. But…… I don’t know much about the Divine Timeline and the Multiverse either. ”

At this time, someone in the live chat group immediately couldn’t help it.

[Mage Mordo: Stephen. In the future, when the ancient mage speaks, you should listen carefully. 】

[Master Mordo: Remember, according to the mage’s words. The so-called Time Authority is indeed trying to reduce the bifurcation of time as much as possible to avoid the birth of more multiverses. 】

[Master Mordo: However, it is simply impossible to condense all the countless multiverses into a sacred timeline! 】

[Tony Stark: In this case, aren’t the Time Keepers all a bunch of liars? 】

[Stephen Strange: Maybe the Time Guardians really exist, but their deeds… It may have been exaggerated by the people of the Time Authority. 】

[Rocky Oddinson: Hahaha, I’ll just say, those people in the Time Authority are really a bunch of big liars. 】

[Thor: Yes, if you want to talk about deception, no one in the Nine Realms can compare to Loki. You are the absolute authority in this regard. 】

[Rocky Oddinson: Thor, are you being sarcastic about me? Being demoted by your father down the atrium actually makes your brain smarter? 】

[Thor: Huh? Loki, what are you talking about? I’m inherently smart. 】

Watching the people in the live broadcast room talking about each other, Natasha shrunk to the side in a daze, her hair stood on end, she was so scared that she didn’t even dare to breathe, and her heart was even messy in the wind!

What happened?

Why am I here?

Who am I?

Despite experiencing countless winds and waves, at this moment, Natasha was still shocked by these earth-shattering news, and even her worldview was shattered.

“Closing the multiverse, the Time Authority?”

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. office, see these earth-shattering statements on the barrage. Even with the experience of the brine egg and the city government, he only felt cold for a while, and a creepy feeling swept through his body in an instant.

He had just returned from a state of shock, and once again fell into the ultimate shock.

What are you kidding?

What kind of agency was the Authority at that time?

Just by reducing the time bifurcation and avoiding the emergence of the multiverse, these “deeds” are already scared and sweaty.

As for what “constricts the multiverse into a timeline”, it challenges his imagination in this life!

Who has ever heard of such a bizarre and terrifying thing?

It simply subverts the three views and disintegrates his understanding of the world!

Incredible, so terrifying!

Who is sacred in this mysterious live broadcast room?

Look at how they casually discuss these horrific events, these guys… What exactly is going on?

Swallowed a mouthful of spit with difficulty. The egg took two quick and small breaths, turned sharply, and picked up the phone on his desk:

“That’s right, Wanda Maximov, Steve Strange, Rocky Oddinson …”

Speaking into the phone, the egg roared:

“I don’t care what means you use, even if you put the United States… No! Hack all the computers in the world, and investigate the situation of these people to me. ”

“Especially that Peter Parker!”


At this time, in New Mexico, a room in a small town somewhere. Jane Foster and the others looked at the big screen in front of them sluggishly, and then looked back at the shirtless Thor, their mouths were wide open, and a huge wave was set off in their hearts.

“God, are you really the legendary God of Thor?”

Jane Foster swallowed her saliva, forcibly suppressed her beating heart, and said with difficulty:

“You Protoss, can you even control time and the multiverse? That’s incredible. ”

While asking the question, Jane couldn’t help but reach out and cover her forehead, feeling a burst of dizziness in her head.

The man they accidentally hit with their car last night has such a big origin?

And in addition to the shock, a wave of ecstasy surged in Jane’s heart.

Judging from the words revealed in the live broadcast room just now, the mysteries of the universe involved in these so-called gods are simply profound and terrifying to the point of unimaginable!

If you can dig a little bit out of this guy, I’m afraid it will be enough for her to get a Nobel Prize.

“Ah, about time or something, I don’t know much about this, next time I’ll help you ask Loki.”

Thor reached out and scratched his head, his face kind.

[At this time, the image on the screen has changed again.] 】

[Those spaceships that descended on Earth suddenly all flew in the air. 】

[Winter soldier: “They surrendered. “】

[Captain America: “Not really. “】

[Soon, the hatches of these spacecraft opened, and countless fangs, big mouths, green-faced fangs, and terrifying monsters with 4 hands fell from the sky densely. ] 】

[Seeing this, the king of T’Challa immediately gave the order to fight. 】

[And Proxima Centauri also swung down the long sword raised at this time. ] 】

[“Howl!!! “】

[After receiving the order.] Countless monsters frantically rushed out of the woods and rushed to the human legions on the plain like a tide. 】

[The winter soldier’s face showed shock: “What the hell is this? “】

[Black Widow’s expression was solemn: “It looks like we that Proxima Centauri.] “】

[When the monster rushed to the plain, it was quickly blocked by a blue barrier. 】

[But these monsters actually did not hesitate to sacrifice, but also to break through the barrier and charge forward. ] 】

[Seeing that the monsters are gathering more and more, the protective shield seems to be a little overwhelmed. ] 】

[Bruce Banner: “Captain, if these monsters break through the shield from behind us, then Vision is dangerous. “】

Captain America looked solemn: “Then we must leave them on the battlefield directly ahead.”] “】

[“What to do?”] “】

King T’Challa gritted his teeth: “Let’s open the protective shield of this area. Put them in. “】

Upon hearing this, there was an uproar in the otherworldly live broadcast room.

“What kind of joke, put all these monsters in, is there a problem with this king’s brain?”

Little Wanda’s eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

Strange frowned and mused:

“Looking at their situation, they should be protecting the so-called vision.”

“If I’m not mistaken, the Infinity Stones mentioned by that female subordinate of Thanos before should be on Vision’s body.”

Loki blurted out:

“That can only be a mind gem.”

From the plot played earlier, it can be seen that Thanos has obtained 4 Infinity Stones.

After capturing the Time Gem in the hands of Doctor Strange, the only thing Thanos still lacks is the Mind Gem.

With this gem, Thanos can wipe out half of life in the universe with a snap of his fingers.

“Stupid, what’s going on in the heads of those fools?”

Tony couldn’t help but curse:

“Since you already know that Thanos wants to seize the Mind Gem, you should destroy this gem!”

Strange and the others also nodded when they heard this.

As long as the Mind Gem is missing, then Thanos will never be able to collect 6 Infinity Stones, so that he can protect the lives of half of the living beings in the universe!

At this point, someone in the chat group bubbled.

[Master Mordo: Hmph, you guys think too simply. 】

[Mage Mordo: The Infinity Stones are crystallized elements born during the Big Bang. How can it be so easily destroyed? 】

[Master Mordo: In my opinion, those people don’t want to destroy it, but they can’t find a way to destroy it. 】

[Tony Stark: It’s a real trouble, if only I were on Earth]

[Tony Stark: No matter what kind of Infinity Stones you are, as long as they fall into my hands, there is nothing in this world that cannot be destroyed. Convex (艹皿艹)]

[Wanda Maksimov: Haha, he is truly the greatest arms dealer in human history. When it comes to destruction, it really comes to power. 】

[Tony Stark: Uh… Wanda, correct your words, I am no longer an arms dealer. 】

[Tony Stark: But when it comes to military technology, no one in the world has surpassed me! ] 】

Speaking of which, Tony has secretly made up his mind.

As long as he has time, he must try to study the infinity glove he got from the live broadcast room last time!

If he has the opportunity, he must decipher the secret of the Infinity Gauntlet and then create the corresponding Infinity Armor!

Imagine how powerful it would be if he could one day attach 6 Infinity Stones to his armored suit?

Even Thanos can probably be easily beaten into powder!

“Infinity Stones? Half the lives of half the people in the universe? ”

Looking at the barrage scrolling on the screen in front of him, the pupils in the one-eyed egg contracted violently, and emotions such as shock, disbelief, trance and so on appeared on his face.

Did I make a mistake?

Broadcast in this live broadcast room… Is it such a big event?

What kind of power is it? Can actually destroy half of the living beings in the universe?

New Mexico town.

“The Big Bang? Elemental crystallization? Infinity Stones? ”

A series of question marks appeared on Jane Foster’s brain, her breathing was rapid, her face was flushed, and she seemed to faint in the next moment.

Seeing this, Daisy Louise hurriedly walked over and raised a glass of water in her hand to splash on her face.

But Jane didn’t seem to feel anything, and still muttered in a low voice:

“Amazing, this is really amazing, such a cosmic mystery, it is simply unbelievable.”

“It’s over, this girl is crazy again.”

Daisy shrugged helplessly, looked back, but found that Professor Eric Sveig’s expression was similar to Jane’s, and the whole person fell into a certain trance, whispering to herself:

“The gem born at the Big Bang is incredible, how good it would be if I could study it.”

【Image continues】

[Because of the fear of being outflanked by monsters, the human legion had to remove the blue barrier and decided to confront the monsters on the plain and face each other. 】

[Captain America, King T’Challa and others led the army. They all engaged in hand-to-hand combat with those terrifying monsters. 】

At this time, on the throne of Asgard, Odin looked at the big screen in front of him, and his one-eyed eyes narrowed slightly.

It was only for a split second that he recognized these monsters.

They are Vanguard Guards, Thanos’ Forward Legion.

Judging from the situation on the screen, it should be Thanos’ army that invaded the atrium in the Nine Realms, that is, Earth.

“What a dare!”

A fierce glint flashed in Odin’s eyes.

To become the God King of the Nine Realms, one of his duties is to protect the Nine Realms from the invasion of external forces.

However, remembering the future revealed in the live broadcast before, Odin’s eyes flashed with gloom again.

It’s all because he died and Asgard perished, so Thanos will be so arrogant.

He actually dared to invade the earth just by sending a group of subordinates!

At the same time, through the huge screens everywhere, other viewers also saw the battle situation of this blood mill.

New Mexico town.

“What a fierce battle.”

Thor, the god of thunder, looked at the fierce monsters on the screen, clenched his fists tightly, and seemed to want to rush into the screen to kill the special kill.

It was only at this time again that he missed his old partner even more… Mjolnir.

And beside him, looking at the terrifying army of monsters on the screen. Jane Foster, and her friend Daisy Louise all screamed in fear.

“God, those aliens have invaded! Wrong! Alien monsters! ”

[Although the human legion fought hard, the number of monsters was too many, and all of them were not afraid of death, and for a while the human legion was suppressed. ] 】

[Whether it is King T’Challa or Captain America, they are all in a bitter battle. 】

Karma Taj.

Looking at the bloody battle on the human side on the screen, Grand Master Wang finally couldn’t help but ask.

“Ancient Mage, if there really is an alien invasion in the future, shall we go to war?”

As soon as he said this, the apprentices around him who gathered here to watch the live broadcast also focused their eyes on the ancient mage.

Feeling everyone’s expectant eyes, Gu Yi Master gently shook the fan in his hand and said calmly:

“Our purpose at Karma Taj is to protect the earth from outside forces.”

“If the enemy not only intends to invade the earth, but also prepares to wipe out half of the living beings in the universe, in the face of such a level of threat, we naturally have no reason to stay out of the matter.”

Hearing this, those enthusiastic apprentices immediately cheered:

“Worthy of being a Supreme Mage!”

“Wow, when the time comes… Look I don’t use my magic to beat those disgusting monsters to the ground! ”

“Hey, there are Supreme Mages, and Master Wang, Mages Mordu, when will it be your turn?”

In the midst of cheers, Master Mordo was silent, just looking at Gu Yi with a worried expression.

In the future, the caretaker of the Eye of Agomoto has been replaced by Steve Strange, that is, the ancient mage is dead by then.

What kind of enemy could not kill such a powerful Supreme Mage?

【Image continues】

[Anti-Hulk armor is infinitely powerful. But Bruce Banner’s driving skills were not good, so it didn’t take long to be surrounded by a large group of pioneer guards, and even dragged to the ground. 】

[“There are too many of these monsters! Trapped in the cab, Bruce Banner couldn’t help but exclaim. 】

Seeing the miserable appearance of the golden-red battle suit being surrounded and torn by a large group of monsters on the screen, Tonis Dak couldn’t help but roar in a low voice:

“Who is that guy in the cab?” Might as well let Jarvis take his place. ”

“Even artificial intelligence is better than this kind of fool.”

[At this critical juncture, a rainbow-like light descended from the sky and crashed into the center of the monster group. 】

[Immediately afterwards, an axe wrapped around blue thunder light shot out from the rainbow light, crushing countless monsters like a devastation. ] 】

[Soon, a person came out of the rainbow pillar of light, it was Thor, the god of thunder holding a storm battle axe! ] 】

[He grabbed the stormy tomahawk that flew back and roared fiercely, “Thanos! Come out and die! “】

[Then Thor was surrounded by thunder and lightning, rushed into the air, raised the tomahawk in his hand, and slashed down violently. ] 】

[Only listening to a loud bang, terrifying thunder and lightning spread in all directions. ] Hundreds of pioneer guards were beaten to pieces by Thor’s blow, and the corpses were all over the field in an instant. 】

Seeing the power of Thor’s blow on the screen, Loki gritted his teeth and unconsciously clenched his fists,

It’s always like that.

Although this guy Thor has his head full of muscles, he doesn’t understand anything but fighting.

But once on the battlefield, he is really a horse in the literal sense!

But soon Loki relaxed, and the corners of his mouth reappeared in the familiar smile.

From the current point of view, these alien monsters are only numerous, plus they are not afraid of death.

And their own Calamity Legion, favorite is this type of enemy.

“Thor, maybe you’re really strong. But now I’m not a weak person. ”

Looking at the thunder flashing on the screen and killing Thor, Loki’s heart was already full of confidence.

Now, even if he is the only one, as long as he holds the Frost Sorrow, he can easily destroy these monsters!

The more enemies, the stronger his Calamity Legion!


In front of the screen, Thor shook his fist violently, so excited that his eyes lit up.

Sure enough, how could such a fierce battlefield be without him.

No matter how ferocious these monsters are, in front of his thunder, they are a bunch of scum!

In addition to being excited, Thor was also a little puzzled.

In the video, how is it that he is not holding a hammer in his hand, but a handful … Axe?

However, Thor never liked to think about complex issues, and directly threw this matter aside.

Next, he sank his consciousness into the chat room of the live broadcast room and showed off to Loki.

[Thor: Hahaha, Loki, did you see it? This is the real battlefield! That’s my power! 】

[Thor: Like those legions of the undead you summoned with magic last time, although they are indeed terrifying, where can they compare to me … It’s nice to kill the enemy with dignity! 】

[Thor: In the end, magic is not comparable to pure divine power. 】

[Mage Mordo: Thor! Where is magic inferior to divine power? Did we practice magic to eat your rice? 】

[Thor: Without further ado, the Eternal Spear that you magicians stole from my father has not yet returned.

[Master Mordo: Hmph, if you have the ability, you will come to Karma Taj to get it? 】

[Thor: You! Prepare for God’s wrath! 】

[Loki Oddinson: Haha, Thor, if you don’t like magic, then whatever. 】

[Loki Oddinson: But in the future, your weapons seem to have changed. 】

[Rocky Odinson: No, you until the end… I couldn’t get Mjolnir back. 】

[Thor: What? ( ̄□ ̄; )】

Upon hearing this, the originally elated Thunder God was suddenly stunned and unable to make a sound.

Mjolnir has been with him for nearly a thousand years and can almost be considered a part of his body.

If he really can’t reclaim the artifact again, Thor feels that part of his life has lost its meaning.

“Loki, this kid, is still so sharp-toothed.”

On the throne of Asgard, watching Loki and Thor bickering in the chat group, the corners of Odin’s mouth turned up slightly.

In any case, as long as they can still get along like brothers, then it’s good …

But as a father, Odin was also king of Asgard.

So soon, there was a hint of worry in his one-eyed eyes.

Loki’s ability to summon the undead made him uncontrollably reminiscent of his other child.

Hela, the goddess of the underworld.

Hela not only possesses great power only under his Odin, but also has the terrifying magic to resurrect the dead and transform them into an army of the dead!

And the power of the undead catastrophe that Loki showed when he annihilated Surtel shocked Odin and also raised a trace of vigilance in his heart!

He didn’t want to… Let another Hela appear among your children.

[Nick Fury: God? Are you kidding? In addition to magic, are even gods popping up now? 】

The brine egg swallowed his spit with difficulty, and suddenly felt a little panicked in his heart.

Joining this live chat group only played for a few minutes, but for the egg, these few minutes almost turned his entire worldview upside down.

People from the multiverse!

Enough to subvert countless multiverses of time authority!

Infinity Stones that can wipe out half of the universe’s life!

Now there are “Undead Magic” and “God of Thunder”!

Under the bombardment of this series of shocking information, the brine egg only felt that his head was about to explode, there were signs of mental collapse, and the whole person fell into a state of doubtful life!

The amount of information is too large and too exciting, that is, he can’t bear it for a while.

Moreover, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he thought he was the most well-informed person on the planet.

But now, an incredible thought flooded his mind.

Could it be that for so many years, he was actually just a frog at the bottom of the well?

Ignorant of the truth of this world?

“This… Is it my future? ”

Looking at the appearance of fighting bloodily on the screen, but almost being killed by monsters several times, Natasha’s whole person was stunned, completely stunned in place.

Originally, she thought she was one of the world’s top super agents.

Now Natasha has discovered that on the real battlefield, her assassination and martial arts skills are almost useless.

[Originally, Thanos’ side already had the advantage, and actually took out a new big killer. ] 】

[“Boom. “】

[Several huge metal wheels filled with sharp blades rose from the ground and crushed all the way with amazing momentum. 】

[“Retreat! Quickly pull back. “】

[Seeing this, King T’Challa quickly issued an order to retreat. 】

[But these terrifying machine ships are still slamming forward, as if no attack can make them stop.] 】

Seeing that she was about to be run over by a giant ship on the screen, Natasha’s eyes widened, and her face turned white at once.

[At this critical juncture, a woman in red descended from the sky like a soldier from the sky and landed in front of Black Widow and the others. 】

[I saw the red light burst in the woman’s eyes, and with a wave of her hands, the strong red brilliance suddenly raised 5 huge iron wheels of thousands of tons out of thin air! ] 】

[And when the woman in red saw a large number of vanguard guards rushing towards her, she immediately waved her hands down. ] 】

[Five huge iron wheels suddenly smashed down fiercely, crushing hundreds of pioneer guards into meat sauce. 】

“This, is this me?”

Seeing the familiar but much more mature appearance of the woman in the image, little Wanda’s eyes widened in disbelief, and her eyes shot an undisguised surprise.

“That powerful superpower is actually what this girl will look like when she grows up?”

Through the picture-in-picture on the screen, Hao Egg looked at the white-haired little Wanda, and his heart jerked.

In this way, the image played on the screen should be seven or eight years or even more from now.

By that time the girl should have grown up too,

But in the future, her hair will turn red.

Could it have something to do with her superpowers?

【Image continues】

[At this time, Captain America seemed to have received a distress signal, and quickly shouted loudly, who will support Vision! ] 】

[The scarlet witch quickly responded, I’ll go.] 】

[But before she could finish speaking, Proxima Nighti rushed to his side and punched the Scarlet Witch out. 】

Seeing this, the black widow hurriedly came to the rescue with another black female general. 】

[But Proxima Centauri’s strength is too strong, and the two of them are not opponents when they join forces. ] 】

[Seeing that Black Widow was about to be defeated, suddenly a red light flashed, lifting the body of Proxima Centauri out of thin air. ] 】


[With an exclamation, a huge metal giant wheel ran over, tearing Proxima Centauri to pieces. ] 】

[Blood was even spilled on Black Widow’s face. 】

[Seeing that the battle was over, the Scarlet Witch quickly used her super power to control herself and flew into the sky and landed in the distant forest. ] 】

[There, he found visions that were so badly injured that he could barely move on the ground.] 】

[After seeing the Scarlet Witch, the expression on Vision’s face became even more ugly, and he muttered:]

[Captain America also seems to feel something strange at this moment, and quickly informed everyone on the radio:]

“Everyone came to my place to assemble and prepare to meet the enemy. “】

[At this time, along with a blue mist, purple Thanos walked out of the space door. ] 】

[Bruce Banner hurriedly warned: Captain! ] That’s Thanos. 】

Captain America: “Everyone, get ready. “】

[Thanos looked grim, and didn’t seem to pay attention to these avengers present at all. ] 】

[Face Bruce Banner who pounced in anti-Hulk armor.] He simply urged the Space Gem and embedded the anti-Hulk armor into the cliff, unable to move. 】

[Whether it is Captain America or King T’Challa, they are vulnerable in front of him. 】

[Faced with a desperate situation, Vision raised his head and said with difficulty. 】

[“Wanda. It’s time, they can’t stop him, but we can. “】

“Nope! “】

[Wanda said the words of rejection in a deep voice. 】

“Look at me. “】

[Phantom grabbed Wanda’s hand and pressed it to his face, trying to say: “You have the ability to destroy gems. Hurry up, we’re running out of time. “】

[Wanda kept shaking her head: “I can’t do it.”] “】

[Vision raised Wanda’s hand in front of his forehead: “You can.] If he collects the gems, half of the universe will be destroyed. “】

“You shouldn’t do it, but only you can.” “】

[Wanda had a grief-stricken expression on her face, but finally released her red light wave at the gem on Vision’s head. 】

[Meanwhile, on the other side, War Machine, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Black Widow and others were all knocked out by Thanos from withering. You can’t even stop him. 】

[Seeing this terrifying demon getting closer and closer.] Wanda finally used her full strength in despair! 】

Seeing this, many people in the live broadcast room were shocked.

[Master Mordo: Hey, won’t you?] This little girl will have the ability to destroy the Infinity Stones in the future. 】

[Tony Stark: Hmph, no matter what kind of Infinity Stones, as long as they are substances, there must be a way to destroy them. 】

[Tony Stark: In contrast, I care more about the robot called Phantom World. 】

[Tony Stark: Who has the power to make… This kind of mechanical creature that is almost completely indistinguishable from humans? 】

[Tony Starck: Is it the future me?] 】

[Rocky Odinson: Human, you really put gold on your face. 】

[Tony Stark: Hehe, it’s not me boasting, if you want to talk about mechanical engineering on this earth, I recognize the second, and no one dares to recognize the first. 】

[Wanda Maksimov: Wait, there must be something wrong, looking at this situation, am I in love with that robot? 】

[Wanda Maksimov: How is this possible, even if all the men on the earth are dead, I can’t fall in love with a robot! o(▼皿▼メ;)o】

[Nick Fury: Aren’t you serious, now that half of the universe is on the verge of extinction, what invention and love are you talking about? 】

[Tony Stark: Don’t care, anyway, as long as Wanda can destroy the Mind Gem at the last minute, everything is solved. 】

[Image continues.] 】

[Captain America tried his best to fend off Thanos, but was still knocked out by his punch. 】

[Seeing that Thanos was about to come over, the Scarlet Witch reluctantly parted a hand and released light waves, which actually blocked Thanos temporarily. ] 】

[But Thanos is still slowly approaching with an unstoppable momentum. ] 】

[Just when she walked to the Scarlet Witch, she only listened to the “pop”! ] The Mind Gem on Vision’s forehead instantly shattered into pieces. 】

[A yellow light illuminates the entire forest. 】

[Seeing Vision’s lifeless body lying on the ground, Scarlet Witch also fell down in tears. ] 】

[Then a deep voice sounded in his ears:]

“I understand your pain, child. Understand better than anyone. “】

[The scarlet witch raised her head, her eyes full of hatred. 】

“You can never understand me. “】

[Thanos reached out and gently touched her head. 】

“I have lost more today than you can imagine. But now is not the time to mourn. “】

[After speaking, Thanos threw down the Scarlet Witch, walked to Vision’s corpse, and stretched out his left hand. ] 】

[I saw a green light suddenly flash on Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet. ] 】

[Under the shroud of light, the originally shattered soul gem on Vision’s forehead gradually re-condensed. ] 】

Seeing this incredible scene, everyone in the live broadcast room froze.

“Go back in time!”

Strange stretched out his hand to cover his forehead and said in a trembling voice:

“Thanos can actually play with time like this?”

“Then who else is his opponent?”

Face his doubts. The needle falling in the live broadcast room can be heard, and no one can speak!

[Soon, Thanos completely rewinded the clock a few minutes ago. Even the Time Gem was restored to its original complete form. 】

[Seeing Vision reopen her eyes, Scarlet Witch shouted: “Don’t! “】

[But Thanos turned around and flew up and kicked her away. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, Thanos directly reached out and pinched Phantom’s neck, and mercilessly dug out the Mind Gem from his forehead with his right hand. ] 】

[Looking at the gem in his hand, Thanos showed a satisfied smile on his face, ]

[He then set the Mind Gem in the last groove of the Infinity Gauntlet.] 】

[“Oh! “】

[With a loud roar, six colors of light circulated in Thanos, and unimaginable energy gathered together! ] 】

At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, the cold voice of the system sounded in the live broadcast room.

【End of current video】

【Q&A begins! 】 】

[Question: Who defeated Thanos, who gathered six gems? 】

【Please start answering! 】 Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to grab a chance]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty! ] 】

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