Staring at the large screen that appeared in front of him, Torrecchia’s eyes flashed with light, and he stretched out his right hand.


A strange scarlet magic array formed in his hand, completely enveloping the screen in front of him.

And then…… Nothing happened.

“Oh, it’s funny to be completely immune to my power, as if it doesn’t exist at all.”

After several repeated attempts, Torrekia withdrew the French formation, but the curious look in his eyes… But it became more and more intense.

The so-called name “Torrecchia”, in the language of the Land of Light, means “crazy curiosity”.

Originally, Torrekia was just a somewhat weak Blue Ultraman.

It is because of his endless curiosity about the world and endless thinking that will never stop that he has become the dark powerhouse he is today!

For Torrecchia, curiosity and thinking are the whole meaning of his life!

At the same time, on the big screen in front of Torrecchia, a new image suddenly appeared.

[“Ugh! “】

[“Swoosh! “】

[Two rays of light streaked through the universe, galloping at great speed in the galaxy. ] 】

[Rushing ahead is a blue light.] 】

[And the one chasing closer and closer behind is an Ultraman who emits a red glow! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Seeing that no matter what, he couldn’t get rid of the chasing soldier behind him, and that blue light suddenly changed course and fell to a planet! ] 】

[“Hula la…”]

[Under the scattered smoke, a terrifying giant tyrannosaurus straightened up in the crater! ] 】

[This monster is the cosmic monster Bermula! ] 】

[Violent and murderous, likes to destroy in the universe, and has been hunted by the “original Ultraman”, Bermula is such an evil existence! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[In the next moment, the Ultraman who bloomed with red light on his body also fell in front of Bermula! ] 】

[This Ultraman has a forehead and body… All with red stripes, they are the proud disciples of Tyro Ultraman… Yume Bius Ultraman! 】

[“Ha! “】

[With his back to the setting sun, Yumbius Ultraman took a fighting stance, and then rushed directly towards Bermula! ] 】

[“Hula la! “】

Bermula opened its blood basin and spewed out a series of blue light bullets. Yumbius Ultraman relies on agility to dodge them all! 】

[“Roar! “】

[Seeing that the light bomb was ineffective, Bermula opened its mouth again and ejected a blue high-heat light. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[This time, Yumebius Ultraman did not dodge, but directly released energy and condensed into a “Yumbim lightsaber”! ] 】

[“Whoosh! “】

[Yumbius Ultraman raised his sword and fell, and the blue light shot by Bermula split in half! ] 】


[Just as two blue rays exploded on both sides behind him, Yumbius Ultraman spread his arms apart and formed a cross on his chest, releasing his most powerful move. ] 】

【”Yume Bim Ray!! “】

[Bermula didn’t have time to dodge, so he was hit by this move, and his huge body exploded and turned into countless fragments! ] 】

Tian Xiaoban: There is a new Ultraman, who is this?

Wanda Maksimov: Who knows, there are so many Ultramans…

Wanda Maksimov: Beria, do you know him?

Beria: Human imp, who do you think I am? Your guides?

Torrecchia: Oh? Legend has it that … The first dark Ultraman who betrayed the Land of Light, Beria! You’re actually in this chat group.

Beria: Huh? Can you know my name, are you also Ultraman?

Beria: After all this time, my prestige is still circulating in the Land of Light! Ha ha……

Torrecchia: Actually, tens of thousands of years have passed, and few people in the new generation of the current Land of Light know about you.

Beria: ………… Damn it! If I hadn’t been sealed in such a place… (▼ヘ▼#)

Torrecchia: Oh, just by seeing your speech, I can feel the hatred churning in your heart!

Torrecchia: To be able to give birth to a fallen being like you, the so-called “Land of Light” is really just a joke.

Beria: Boy, you are not small, but listen to your words… You and I should be the same!

Torrecchia: Who knows… Perhaps, I am stronger than you. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Starlight: Wow! How did you do it, there was actually another dark Ultraman!

Starlight: The world of Ultraman, like the world of superheroes, is full of darkness!

Big bones boiled into soup: Don’t jump to conclusions in such a hurry.

Big bones boiled into soup: probably… Ultraman who fell into darkness, there are only these two.

Loki Odinson: Human? You’re not serious, are you?

Rocky Odinson: If anything, did you represent Digga in the dark?

Torrecchia: Oh? Besides me and Beria, there is actually a third dark Ultraman here?

Torrecchia: So much fun! Really…… No matter how powerful the light, it will eventually be swallowed by darkness, which is immutable.

Big bones boiled into soup: wait a minute! Perhaps, Digga used to be dark, but now… He has also become the embodiment of light again!

Torrecchia: So what? The light may shine again, so that the darkness can swallow the light again!

Torrecchia: So neither darkness nor light is meaningful, only chaos and nothingness beyond them… is the truth of everything!

Big bones boiled into soup: Huh? Nothingness? (⊙o⊙)

Torrecchia: The universe is not divided into good and evil, and this vacuum and nothingness are the reality in the universe.

Beria: Inexplicably, is your kid having a brain problem?

Beria: Let me guess, the fools of the Red Clan don’t talk like you, and a weak person like you who moans without disease must be the Blue Clan.

Torrecchia: Well said! It is worthy of the evil overlord Beria, and a word was inserted into the pit of my heart, he…

Wanda Maksimov: This guy… It turns out that his mind is not normal. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Hermione Granger: Sigh, why can’t the system find some serious people?

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Deep in space, cosmic prison.] 】

[“Oh! “】

[An Ultraman with a strange long stick in his hand descended on this prison through the stars. 】

[Facing the prison guards, Ultraman suddenly raised the long stick in his hand and released a blue light! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[In the midst of the horrific explosion, the prison guards… They were all blown up and flew into the universe. 】

[“Hahaha… This weapon is really powerful. “】

[Glancing at the ultimate combat instrument in his hand, this Ultraman swaggered into the prison. 】

[Coming to the cell where Beria was imprisoned, “Ultraman”, who held the ultimate combat instrument, finally revealed his true face. 】

[It turns out that this guy was changed by the Zarab Starman! ] 】

[“It is worthy of being a “dark Ultra warrior” who has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and this momentum alone is creepy! ] “】

[The Zarab Starman laughed loudly and waved the ultimate combat instrument in his hand. 】

“Let me awaken you with my own hands, Beria! “】

[“Whoosh! “】

[The Ultimate Battle Instrument shot out a strong light and hit the wall that sealed Beria! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With the collapse of the wall, a terrifying giant with extraordinary shores and endless coercion released all over his body slowly walked out. ] 】

[This Ultraman is huge, his eyes are several times larger than ordinary Ultraman, and he is shining with an extremely evil scarlet light! ] 】

[Dark Ultraman Belia, free! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Beria, who broke free from his restraints, let out a roar that shook the entire universe. ] 】

[“Beria! The strongest and most evil Ultraman bred by the Land of Light! “】

[The Zarab Starman was shocked by the scene in front of him and trembled! ] 】

[“Join me and conquer the entire universe! “】

[While saying, he also offered the ultimate battle instrument in his hand. 】

[“Drink! “】

[Taking the ultimate combat instrument casually, Beria snorted coldly, fully unfolded the fighting instrument, and turned it into a heavy weapon about the same height as him. ] 】

[Seeing this, the Zarab Starman shouted excitedly! ] 】

“Great, so that the universe is ours.”] “】

[“We? “】

[Beria’s face changed when he heard this, and with a wave of his right hand, the ultimate combat instrument carried infinite power and hit the body of the Zarab Starman fiercely! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[This blow actually knocked the Zarab Starman through the walls of the cosmic prison! ] 】


[The terrifying power instantly swept the alien’s whole body, and the Zarab Starman only had time to let out a miserable howl before it exploded! ] 】

[Beria just hit this alien with one blow! ] 】

[Looking carefully at the weapon in his hand, Beria nodded approvingly. 】

[“Such a power looks like a real thing!”] “】

[“Hahaha! “】

[Beria raised the ultimate combat instrument in his hand and laughed maniacally:]

[“Freedom! I was finally free. “】

[In the next moment, several energy light waves fell from the sky and bombarded Beria’s side. 】

[“Huh? “】

[As soon as Beria looked up, he saw a group of Ultra warriors floating in the universe,]

[The leader is a man he is somewhat familiar with.] 】

[With two horns identical to the father of Ott, a red cape on his body, and an emerald green gem in the center of his eyebrows.] 】

[This person is the son of Ultra’s father, Tyro Ultraman!] 】

[Looking at the sinner who escaped from prison, Tyro roared loudly:]

[“Beria, don’t move, let me go back to prison! “】

[“Huh… Little ghost, just come to warm me up! “】

Beria stretched his muscles, and his eyes showed disdain. 】

[These little-known little hairy heads are not in his eyes at all! ] 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Beria: Freedom! Whahahaha! I was finally free!

Beria: And that long-horned kid, judging by his appearance, shouldn’t it be the son of “Key”?

Beria: Wonderful, this is a gift from heaven! Hehe……

Torrecchia: Tyro! It’s actually you!

Seeing the friends haunted on the screen, even Torrecchia, can’t help but be moved at the moment!

Tyro, this fool, how could he beat Beria?

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