[“Oh! “】

[Pharaoh put the strange cat he was carrying near the “green light”. 】

[And in the next moment, a strong green energy shot out from the green light, merging with the cat’s body! ] 】

[At the beginning, Pharaoh once used genetic technology to create a strange giant cat. 】

[And in the Antarctic base, he used the giant cat to lure Dr. Manhattan into the range of the “main field”. ] 】

[Subsequently, the cat, along with Manhattan, was decomposed by the energy of the “Benzheng Field”. 】

[However, Manhattan easily reorganized his body again, and this cat does not have this power. 】

[Afterwards, the surviving pharaoh found the remains of the giant cat and used genetic technology to “regenerate” it into the current kitten. 】

[In other words, this cat’s body is also stained with a trace of Manhattan’s time and space! ] 】

[Now Pharaoh is going to use the energy of the green light to use this cat as a magnet-like anchor to “pull” Dr. Manhattan over! ] 】

[“Oh lala! “】

[The kitten’s body is lit up with the same blue glow as Manhattan! ] 】

【Strong energy, illuminating the entire underground station! 】

[“Manhattan! Where are you? “】

[The smartest person in the Watchmen universe… Pharaoh shouted loudly :]

[“Hurry up and show up!”] “】

“Otherwise, even you will feel more and more intense pain! “】

[“Whoosh! “】

[Just when the dazzling light rises to its peak! ] With a tearing sound, a “blue man” covered in red fruit and a light head appeared in front of everyone. 】

[Dr. Manhattan! 】

[Pharaoh King Werther unexpectedly relied on his super brain and science and technology to distort and destroy this “blue man” who is capable of distorting and destroying the universe… Forcibly pulled to his side! 】

[“Wow! “】

[The clown just glanced at it, then turned his head and screamed nervously:]

“No matter who you are, at least get dressed first!”] “】

[“Look at your appearance… It’s really indecent. “】

[Pharaoh’s face did not look flustered, but just greeted the other party’s original “name”. 】

“Hello, Joan! “】

“I’m sorry to force you to show up like this, but I just want to talk to you, that’s all.” “】

[“Oh? “】

[Dr. Manhattan glanced at Pharaoh, then waved his hand, and created a blue halo, blocking the unrelated people such as Joker and Batman outside. ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[The next moment, the floor inside the blue aura, and everyone on the floor… All were teleported over a forest of birds. 】

“Well, Vetter…”]

[Dr. Manhattan looked calm, and didn’t seem to be angry about the “forced summoning” at all, but just said lightly:]

“You want to talk… Then let’s talk. “】

Next, Dr. Manhattan claims that in this world, he has one thing to solve. 】

[Moreover, he has long known the purpose of the pharaoh, but he will never go back with the pharaoh. 】

“Witte, I’m disappointed in you. Past, present, future… All so. “】

[Manhattan didn’t even look back, just said indifferently:]

[“Your pleas… Won’t shake me. “】

[At this time, the black man Rorschach suddenly walked up and tried to defend the pharaoh, saying that he had changed his mind after suffering from cancer and was no longer the same person he was before.] 】

“Cancer? “】

[Dr. Manhattan glanced back at Pharaoh:]

“He didn’t have cancer. “】

“What? That’s impossible! “】

[“2nd generation Rorschach” The whole person screamed in disbelief like a lightning strike! ] 】

“You have cancer! You really got it! That’s right. “】

[Rorschach turned around and grabbed Adrian’s shirt, his tone full of hope. 】

[Looking at this pathetic little devil in front of him, Pharaoh’s eyes showed a trace of pity:]

“I’ve never had cancer, my body… It’s healthier than you. “】

[The 2nd generation Rorschach is also an unlucky man, his family all died in the explosion caused by the pharaoh’s own hands, so he desperately wants revenge! ] 】

[But when he finally found the pharaoh at the Antarctic base, Witte told him that he had died of cancer and his only wish before death… It’s about saving the world! 】

[Seeing that the Pharaoh’s limit was approaching, but still thinking about the safety of mankind, the simple 2nd generation of Rorschach was moved by him and determined to fight with him! ] 】

[But now, the second generation of Rorschach knows that Pharaoh was lying to him from the beginning! ] 】

[This man in front of him has never blamed himself for killing millions of people! ] 】

[Werther doesn’t regret it at all! ] 】

[At this time, Pharaoh continued to ask Dr. Manhattan…]

[Why did he come to this world?] 】

“Initially, I just wanted to be among those heroes… Find my location. “】

[There was a hint of regret in Manhattan’s words. 】

“But something happened, so I started peeking into the future. “】

“I see that among all the heroes… The ‘man’ who carried the most hope rushed towards me, and then there was a blank. “】

[Next, Manhattan looked at Pharaoh with some sadness:]

[“I’ve said enough, everything will end, goodbye…”

[The next moment, Dr. Manhattan first sent everyone back to the subway station, and then turned into a blue light and disappeared. 】

[“Abominable! You bastard! “】

[After Dr. Manhattan disappears, Rorschach, a black man who finds himself fooled… Start beating Pharaoh like crazy! 】

[“Oops! “】

[Even the clown was hit by a punch from the furious him, and his face was full of nosebleeds. ] 】

[After venting his anger, the black Rorschach took off his mask, left a sentence “Rorschach is dead”, and left. 】

[After half a day, the pharaoh who was beaten by Rorschach to the head and bleeding… Just got up from the ground. 】

[He struggled to return to his “space-time airship.] 】

[At this moment, the pharaoh seems to have reached the lowest point in his life. 】

[All his plans failed, and he was beaten half to death! ] 】

[However, as the smartest human in the Watchman universe, Pharaoh immediately came up with a new plan! ] 】

[As long as this plan succeeds, he can not only save his own world, but even save the chaotic DC world in front of him! ] 】

[Pharaoh, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, sat back in his seat, with a confident smile on his face. 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: God, who is this pharaoh? (⊙o⊙)

Torrecchia: Can’t you see that? An absolutely smart man!

Torrecchia: Even in the midst of the most desperate adversity and trough, he still used his brain to come up with a way to break the game!

Torrecchia: It’s called genius!

Torrecchia: I really didn’t expect that such a great character could appear among the earthlings. ^_^

Tian Xiaoban: What’s great, this guy is inhumane at all!

Tian Xiaoban: After killing so many people, he didn’t even blame himself! I didn’t take human life seriously at all.

Robert Kiliman: In any case, this pharaoh did so much to save the world!

Robert Killiman: At least, his motives are good.

Jerome Valeska: I feel that this man just wants to do the “save the world” thing, and he doesn’t care about the process… How many people will be killed.

Jeromé Valeska: To put it at the extreme, I think all this… For Pharaoh, it may be just a game!

Jerome Valeska: He just doesn’t accept failure and is desperate to “beat the level”!

Robert Kiliman: The game? Customs clearance?

Clark Kent: I feel this way too, from Pharaoh, I don’t feel humanity and love for ordinary people at all!

Bruce Wayne: A man who just wants to “win” at all costs?

Bruce Wayne: What a dangerous paranoia!

Bruce Wayne: If you combine his IQ and scientific knowledge, this pharaoh… Will definitely do terrible things in the DC world!

Loki Odinson: Hahaha, speaking of paranoia, I think you and Pharaoh also have a lot in common.

Bruce wayne:…… At least, I definitely wouldn’t be like him and don’t take human life seriously!

Hermione Granger: Speaking of… The Manhattan doctor in the video seems to be a little pitiful.

Wanda Maksimov: Pathetic? What are you talking about? He can destroy a universe in minutes!

Wanda Maksimov: In contrast, lonely, helpless little girls like you and me… is the most pitiful.

Hermione Granger: I didn’t mean that.

Hermione Granger: Just now in the video, Manhattan himself said that he started… I just want to find a place in those heroes.

Hermione Granger: But now, he’s alone.

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing: For this kind of cosmic god who transcends multiple levels, loneliness is inevitable!

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: How can ordinary people be qualified to be juxtaposed with “he”?

John Constantine: That Manhattan also mentioned that of all the heroes… “The man” who carried the most hope, and finally became an enemy of him!

John Constantine: Then, everything disappeared!

John Constantine: What does that mean?

Dr. Manhattan: For me, there are only two situations in which everything in front of me “disappears.”

Dr. Manhattan: Or… Either my universe is destroyed, or “I” am destroyed!

John Constantine: The Divine Horse??? ( ̄△ ̄; )

At this moment, everyone in the group was shocked to speechless!

Who can destroy an existence like Dr. Manhattan?

And if it weren’t for him, wouldn’t it be… Is it the DC Universe that destroys?

At this time in the Watchmen universe, Dr. Strange looked at the calm Dr. Manhattan, and suddenly asked:

“Who do you think is the one who carries the most hope?”

Manhattan was silent for a while, and suddenly spit out a nickname:

“Superman… Clark kent! ”

“If I’m destroyed, the one who started it… It must be him. ”

Speaking of this, Dr. Manhattan’s eyes also showed a hint of curiosity.

“If so, I’d love to know… How did Superman do it? ”

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