Seeing this, there was another uproar in the chat group.

Wanda Maksimov: That was… The metal gauntlet of the Laughing Bat! ( ̄△ ̄; )

Nick Fury: Did you completely beat yourself up by creating this kind of thing, this Batman?

Loki Odinson: Hahaha! It’s great, let this group of blackened Batmen return to the same in Gotham City. ^_^

Jeromé Valeska: I’m not as optimistic as you.

Jerome Valeska: In the worst-case scenario, the “nightmare” Batman may also join the Laughing Bat!

Jerome Valeska: He may even be replaced as the new Laughing Bat!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): The New ??? The laughing bat is endless. ( ̄口 ̄)!!

Jeromé Valeska: Hehe, unfortunately, what you said… It may become a reality.

Jerome Valeska: As long as there is that clown toxin and “Bruce Wayne”, you can constantly create new laughing bats!

Jerome Valeska: There may even be two, or even three, laughing bats!

Clark Kent: Three Laughing Bats??? (⊙_⊙)

John Constantine: If that were the case, the world would have been destroyed sooner. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Bruce Wayne: No, I think… My variant still has his considerations, not just succumbing to toxins.

Clark Kent: Considerations? What do you think?

Bruce Wayne: I’m not sure, but the biggest possibility is that he wants to get the “perspective” of the laughing bat.

Bruce Wayne: Not from your own perspective… Rather, think from the point of view of the enemy!

Bruce Wayne: That’s the only chance!

Hearing Young Master Wayne’s words, there was a little silence in the chat group for a while.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Gotham City has underground waterways that extend in all directions and are as dense as spider webs. 】

[Sheriff Gordon, who was captured by the cruel knight, was taken by him to this underground labyrinth. 】

[And on the way to the Laughing Bat base, Gordon is still persuading the cruel knight… Never too late to mend. 】

[But the cruel knight ignored him at all, and only when he walked through a manhole cover did he raise his head slightly and look at the sky above the manhole cover.] 】

“Above this underground waterway, it should be a crime alley.” “】

[The cruel knight couldn’t contain the memories. 】

[Decades ago, he experienced the same tragedy as other Batmen. 】

[Just in the crime alley, a thug shoots his parents! ] 】

[But just as young Bruce Wayne… As helpless wept, he heard the sound of metal falling to the ground. 】

[“Snap! “】

The young Bruce instinctively looked back and saw a pistol landing on the ground not far from him. 】

The thug who killed his parents with a gun was frantically using his two hands to search the nearby garbage dump.] 】

[“Damn it! Where did those pearls go? “】

[It turned out that this thug tore off the pearl necklace from Martha Wayne’s neck, and the large pearl on it… All rolled into the trash. 】

[Desperate to find all the pearls and escape, the thugs even threw away their guns in a panic.] 】

[“(▼▼▼;)! “】

[Seeing this pistol, young Bruston was angry from the heart, and evil was born on the side of the guts! ] 】

[In some worlds, the helpless Bruce Wayne is trapped in this terrifying moment forever. 】

[But in this universe, driven by the sadness and anger of the death of both parents, young Bruce chose to pick up the pistol and pointed it at the thug! ] 】

[The thug seemed to sense something, he turned his head to see, and the blood on his face suddenly disappeared. ] 】

[“Child! You wait! “】

[“Stop! “】

[Young Bruce shouts:]

“Shut up! Then give me death! “】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

After a series of gunshots, the thugs fell in a pool of blood among the Waynes. 】

For Bruce Wayne, this is not the end, but the beginning. 】

[It was in adulthood that, like other self in parallel universes, he began to travel the world, learning like mercenaries and assassins of all kinds.] 】

[But what this Bruce learned… It’s not how to be a good detective, but how to kill people more efficiently! 】

[When he felt that he had nothing to learn, Bruce Wayne returned to Gotham City. 】

[Sitting in the seat of Wayne’s mansion, Bruce began to think…]

[Is the skill of killing alone enough to end the evil of Gotham City?] 】

[Nope! 】

[That’s not enough! 】

[In addition to bullets and knives and guns, he needs a more powerful and terrifying weapon.] 】

[While thinking, Bruce found that there was a bat outside the window, rushing towards the glass window! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Bruce did not hesitate to pull out his gun and shoot, and the bullet shattered the window and killed the bat! ] 】

[“Poof! “】

[The blood from the bat splattered him, and at this moment, Bruce Wayne had an epiphany. 】

[He must become a bat, and then to the wicked people of Gotham City… Spread death and fear! 】

[He will be the angel of death of this city.] 】

[Next, Bruce Wayne created a bat suit for himself. 】

[“Cruel Batman” is born! ] 】

[This “cruel Batman” has no interest in playing whack-a-under games with those low-level hooligans. 】

[As soon as he came up, he went straight to Longtan! ] 】

[In the first attack, he burned the high-class dignitaries who sheltered Gotham criminals and burned their mansions to the ground. 】

[And the upper-class men and women dressed in gorgeous costumes were all burned to dry bones.] 】

[He began to attack criminal organizations and gangsters in the city one by one. 】

[Without the funds and umbrella of the bosses behind the scenes, the gangsters in Gotham City have become vulnerable and easily broken by “Cruel Batman”. ] 】

[After the corrupt magnates disappeared, Wayne Enterprises quickly occupied the power vacuum that emerged, controlling all aspects of Gotham City, becoming the largest and only controller in the city. 】

[Next, the cruel Batman will establish his own new order in this city! ] 】

[Gang leaders like “Roman” Falcone and “Penguin” Copot, one by one, he defeated, destroyed, and eventually killed. 】

[And the most powerful thing is, the cruel knight in the Joker, Two-Face, Bane… These super criminals killed them all before they grew. 】

[In fact, this Bruce Wayne has not even met any clowns. 】

[He only vaguely remembers killing a guy with a red hood at the “ace chemical plant”. 】

[Through this thorough cutting of grass and roots, the Cruel Knight eliminated all of Batman’s old enemies “in advance.] 】

[Therefore, in the first half of his life, he never encountered those wonderful opponents. ] 】

[But soon, he encountered the worst enemy of his life.] 】

[Director James Gordon. 】

[The Cruel Knight’s crazy killing of the gangster has long attracted the attention of James Gordon. 】

[Although within the police department, there are also people who think that the cruel knight helped them a lot. 】

[But Gordon thinks… This crazy massacre is not justice at all! 】

[Who does this Batman think he is?] Can you kill people everywhere in the city as you like? 】

[James Gordon, who firmly believes that he is fighting crime, gathers a group of like-minded police officers to form an anti-Batman group. 】

[He deployed several airships over the city and sent people to capture all of Batman’s supply depots in Gotham City.] 】

[Finally, Sheriff Gordon lights a bat lamp on the roof of the police station in an attempt to lure Batman out!] 】

[And when Batman really appeared, Director Gordon immediately activated the mechanism.] 】

[“Huh?? “】

[Feeling a huge suction force slamming in, Batman was sucked on the bat lamp before he could react. ] 】

[It turns out that behind this bat lamp is a huge electromagnet, and Batman is full of equipment… This became his greatest weakness. 】


[Seeing that Batman had been sucked on the magnet and couldn’t move, he suddenly sneered. ] 】

[It turns out that James Gordon is smart and confused. 】

[In this operation, the equipment he purchased for this “anti-Batman team” was all produced by Wayne Enterprises! ] 】

[So, Bruce Wayne knew what Gordon wanted to do from the beginning, and he just planned it!] 】

[“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! “】

[Batman just snapped his fingers lightly, on those police officers next to Sheriff Gordon… All exploded with blood flowers! 】

[The body armor they were wearing actually exploded! ] 】

[Not only that, the police who raided Batman’s supply station were all blown up to pieces! ] 】

[And that’s not enough, Batman even used remote control to control those police airships. ] 】

[He used these airships as some kind of kamikaze special attack device, and rushed straight to the Black Gate Prison in Gotham City and the Arkham Madhouse! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The airship powered by hydrogen fuel exploded, and the terrifying explosion shook the entire Gotham! ] 】

[The strong fire even illuminated half of the sky! ] 】

[On this night alone, “Cruel Batman” killed almost all the criminals in Gotham City! ] 】

[Whether these people are crazy or normal people…]

[Whether they committed a misdemeanor or a felony…]

[All of them have to die!] 】

[Batman’s murderous name also completely shocked everyone in Gotham City! ] 】

[For a time, Xiao’er heard the name of “Batman” and almost dared not cry at night! ] 】

[But that’s not enough!] 】

[As the controller of Gotham City, Bruce Wayne wants to make sure… In this city, there will never be a tragedy like his parents! 】

[He wants to completely transform the city so that criminals cannot survive here!] 】

In the live broadcast room.


Pressing here, Young Master Wayne gasped, and his face showed incredible shock.

But right next to it, little Wanda clapped his hands and laughed.

“Well done!”

“This Batman, if he hadn’t gone to other worlds to do bad things, I would have liked him!”

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