[“Bang! Bang! “】

[Seeing Godzilla slap the ground with his tail, King Kong also put the axe in his hand on the ground, and then bombarded the ground with both fists, making a thunderous impact! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[“Howl! “】

[With two deafening roars, the two titan behemoths had already released their powerful momentum before the battle, but neither could overwhelm the other! ] 】

[“Hula! “】

[King Kong grabbed the atomic tomahawk on the ground and roared… Pounce on Godzilla, it’s a hard blow. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Although Godzilla is huge, his movements are by no means bulky, and with a slight flash, he let King Kong’s axe split into the air and hit a building next to it. ] 】


[The tomahawk was deeply embedded in the building, and King Kong pulled it out a few times, but he didn’t pull it out. 】

[Godzilla saw that the enemy showed flaws, and he rushed forward without hesitation, and with a large mouthful of blood, he bit King Kong’s shoulder! ] 】


[With a strange humming sound, Godzilla emitted blue light all over his body, and was actually ready to release atomic breath at zero distance… Bombard King Kong! 】


[King Kong gulped, first hitting Godzilla in the neck with an elbow, and then forcefully clasped the monster-like mouth, suffocating the atoms in his throat. 】

[Obviously, King Kong is extremely jealous of Godzilla’s atomic breath! ] 】

[As soon as it opened its mouth, King Kong immediately rushed up and attacked desperately, breaking the atomic breath several times. ] 】

【”Boom!! “】

[I saw King Kong put his fists together and hit hard! ] The hit caused Godzilla to take several steps backwards and knocked down a building. 】

[“Roar! “】

[Seeing that Godzilla was knocked down by himself for the first time, King Kong first slammed his fists into the chest several times, let out a cry of victory, and then pulled out the atomic tomahawk embedded in the building next to him! ] 】

[“Howl! “】

[Godzilla opened his mouth again, it seems that no matter what… Let the atomic breath out too! 】


[The monster in front of me was full of blue light, and the energy light wave in his mouth was about to be triggered, and King Kong was in danger, and he actually made a strange move! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[I saw King Kong’s thick arm wave, and actually stabbed the axe handle of the atomic war head in his hand into King Kong’s mouth! ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[The atomic breath was suffocated again, and Godzilla was suddenly depressed! ] 】

[As long as it makes a big move, it can definitely defeat this gorilla in front of it! ] 】

[But why is it so troublesome?] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Godzilla, who does not believe in evil, struck hard and knocked King Kong dozens of meters away, and then finally opened his mouth as he wished, spewing out that powerful atomic breath! ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[Seeing the terrifying blue beam sweeping over, King Kong instinctively raised the battle axe in his hand in a hurry to block in front of him, but in the next moment a miracle happened! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The terrifying atomic breath just hit the “atomic tomahawk”, but the strong energy was all absorbed by the axe! ] 】

[After the atomic breath stopped, King Kong looked at the axe in his hand in surprise. 】

[“Buzz! “】

[I saw that the blue light on this battle axe was several times brighter than before, and even kept emitting a faint “buzzing” sound, it looked… It’s like Godzilla when he “recharged”! 】

[“Roar! “】

[Seeing King Kong staring stupidly at the axe in his hand, Godzilla once again pounced, knocked the enemy hundreds of meters away in one breath, and landed together at the nearby port. ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[King Kong was hit by Godzilla madly, held the blue light tomahawk in his hand, and slammed the axe fiercely… It slashed into Godzilla’s leg. 】

[“Howl! “】

[The King of Monsters raised his head and let out a miserable howl, knocking King Kong into the sea again. ] 】

[Then Godzilla lowered his head and pulled the blue tomahawk out of his leg with his teeth.] 】

[“Swoosh! “】

[Then it flicked its head violently and threw the axe far away.] Embedded in a building in the distance. 】

[No one expected that until now, the first injured person was Godzilla! ] 】

【“!!! “】

[Looking at King Kong lying in the sea, Godzilla’s eyes showed deep hatred. 】

[He never expected that he was actually unfavorable, and after only a few rounds, he was not lightly injured! ] 】

[But such an injury only further stimulated Godzilla’s ferocity. ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[Seeing that the enemy had lost his strange tomahawk, Godzilla condensed the energy of his whole body and aimed it at King Kong again… Unleashed that indestructible atomic breath. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Intense blue energy light wave strikes again! ] 】

[And this time, King Kong could only turn his head and run, desperately trying to dodge! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Under the sweep of atomic breath, countless tall buildings have been cut off from it, turned into ruined remains, and rolled down! ] 】


[Godzilla’s atomic breath finally exhausted its power and had to stop. 】

[But Godzilla took a deep breath and released blue light again, aiming at King Kong, who was still fleeing… Released the second breath! 】

[“Boom! “】

[At this moment, King Kong happened to be in mid-air, and he couldn’t dodge it, and he was hit in the back by the atomic breath! ] 】


[King Kong’s back was burned off a large piece, and with a terrible howl, he fell from mid-air and rolled all the way out on the ground. ] 】


[Staring at King Kong’s miserable appearance, Godzilla grinned widely, and a nuclear smile appeared on his face. 】

[Immediately after, it is the third atomic breath! ] 】


[Having tasted the power of this trick, King Kong can only rely on the agility of apes to leap and jump in the steel jungle of Hong Kong, desperately dodging! ] 】


[Although King Kong jumped on a building, the atomic breath swept under the building, cutting off the entire building! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[King Kong, who firmly grasped the top of the building, could only roll to the ground with the remains of the building! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, King Kong raised the atomic tomahawk in his hand and rushed towards Godzilla desperately, and Godzilla also opened his mouth. ] Atomic breath was released again. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Atomic Spit and Atomic Tomahawk collided together, erupting into a terrifying explosion! ] The shockwave sent both titan behemoths flying. 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Big bones boiled into soup: It’s so powerful, these two monsters are really strong.

Beria: Being able to continuously release that kind of atomic breath is still a bit of strength.

Torrecchia: Haha! That axe handle is such a brilliant trick, this orangutan is so clever!

Godzilla: This monkey is also very good at running and jumping, but it ends there.

Carol Danvers: The gap in physical fitness is real, and this gorilla doesn’t have Godzilla’s tricks!

Tian Xiaoban: Why do you all say that? Don’t…… Is King Kong dying? (⊙o⊙)

Godzilla: If it surrenders or submits, I won’t kill a Titan Behemoth.

Godzilla: There are fewer and fewer beings like ours on Earth.

Torrecchia: Hey, big monster, you won’t forget one thing, the human mechanical Godzilla, which hasn’t been released yet!

Godzilla: No matter how strong that monster is, I will never back down!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Godzilla and King Kong stood up again and scuffled together! ] 】


[The battle between them, I don’t know how many buildings were destroyed! ] 】

[But while fighting, Godzilla still gained the upper hand and knocked King Kong to the ground. ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Goshu stretched out a big foot.] Like a mountain, he stepped on King Kong’s body, stepping on this huge orangutan, he could only scream, but he couldn’t move. 】

[“Roar! “】

[King Kong couldn’t break free after struggling in every way, and finally he could only let out a terrible howl at Godzilla, and lay on the ground without moving. ] 】


[Seeing King Kong completely give up and admit defeat, Godzilla gently moved his big feet, and his face showed again… The proud smile of the King of Monsters. 】

[As king, all monsters should be his subjects. 】

[Kill King Kong… There is no point in it right now. 】

[Godzilla turned away, leaving the bruised King Kong in the ruins of a building. It seems that he is ready to leave. 】

[At the same time, there was a change in the underground base of Apex Company! ] 】

[Under the order of the company’s CEO Simon, the new “earth energy” that has been cracked is all poured into the body of mechanical Godzilla! ] 】

[But just after the charge ended, something terrible happened!] 】

[The Ghidorah skull on the head of the mechanical Godzilla actually released nerve impulses! ] 】


[The driver sitting in the other skull was directly stimulated by the strong electrical impulse. 】

[Ghidorah’s consciousness has replaced the human driver and come to life in the body of the mechanical Godzilla! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The first thing after the mechanical Godzilla came back to life was to swing a claw and beat CEO Simon to pieces, and there was no corpse! ] 】

[Then, it opened its mouth sharply and spewed out incomparably strong proton rays.] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The walls of the base were completely destroyed by proton rays! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[In the next second, the mechanical Godzilla smashed the mountain. Rushed out of the base! 】

【“!!! “】

[Looking at the mechanical Godzilla in front of him, Godzilla’s eyes that were about to leave also showed a strange look! ] 】

[This monster actually has the head of Ghidorah! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[After appearing, the mechanical Godzilla opened his mouth and aimed at the city… A crimson proton ray was released! 】


[Countless buildings have been blasted into powder by mechanical Godzilla! ] 】

[This mechanical monster not only inherits the consciousness of King Ghidorah, but also seems to be full of hatred for humans! ] 】

[At the next moment, Godzilla, who was about to leave, let out a roar, and then rushed towards the mechanical Godzilla! ] 】

[No matter what this monster is, since it has Ghidorah’s head, then damn it! ] 】

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