Tian Xiaoban: This Qingsheng put… Their own people were killed.

Lori Jinx: Own people, don’t joke, that alien wants to give birth to them… All turned into nanomachines! Where can there be such a person of their own?

Captain America: After Godzilla died. This nanomechanical city… Will devour the entire planet!

Captain America: In that sense, destroying it is also just.

Tian Xiaoban: But… There’s no need to be in such a hurry.

Tian Xiaoban: That Godzilla is also the enemy of mankind, Qingsheng can destroy Godzilla, and then destroy Nano City, isn’t this the best of both worlds?

Bruce wayne:…………

Lori Jinx: Little ghost, you won’t wake up, right? To destroy Godzilla… Suicide attacks are needed!

Violent Lori Jinx: After Qing Sheng died, how to attack Nano City?

Tian Xiaoban: Ah this… (⊙_⊙)

Just when Xiao Ban was speechless, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After Godzilla destroyed Nano City, Haruo was unable to save his girlfriend who had been eroded by Nano Metal. ] 】

[This “anti-Godzilla war” was a complete failure. 】

[On Earth, Qingsheng lives with the few remaining humans. 】

[During this time, he discovered that the “Lady Axie” began to preach wildly on the earth, using a bunch of strange theories to fool many people. 】

[Qingsheng stepped forward and asked, who knew that this guy named Metface confessed… In order to continue fighting Godzilla, he must tell these lies and unite the hearts of people. 】

[Qingsheng couldn’t laugh or cry when he heard it. 】

[Now, it is already difficult for these people to even survive, how can they beat that Godzilla? ] 】

[Metfaces, but told Qingsheng an amazing fact. 】

[He has a way to summon “God” to destroy Godzilla.] 】

[However, there is a prerequisite for summoning the god of Lady Ekoshi. 】

[That is, there is a … Fierce hatred of Godzilla’s heroes. 】

Metface looked at Qingsheng with a serious look and said. 】

“The hatred in your heart can be transformed into prayer and conveyed to the gods! “】

[Thinking that the conditions were ripe, it didn’t take long for Metface to take out a green water crystal and start the summoning ritual with the believers:]

“Come, King of Gold, whose name is Ghidorah! Wings of Doom! “】

“Give us the end of glory. “】

[“Food on flesh and blood, give us ultimate victory! “】

[“Oh! “】

[Under Mefites’ prayer, the green water crystal in his hand suddenly bloomed with golden light! ] 】

[From the golden light, three tangible and insubstantial pitch-black dragon heads appeared! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Those blind believers didn’t even react, and their bodies were affected by something unknown… Devoured! 】

[At the same time, on the spaceship outside the atmosphere, there is also a “Lady Exey”, who also performs the summoning ceremony at the same time as Mephites. 】

[And the consequences of this “space ritual” are even more terrifying.] 】


[In the starry sky outside the human spaceship, a strange black dot actually appeared! ] And it’s still expanding like crazy! 】

[At this time, inside the spacecraft, someone also sensed that something was wrong. ] 】

[“Near the spacecraft, a distorted gravity wave was detected! “】

[“The curvature of space-time has changed! This is the singularity! “】

“What? “】

“A naturally occurring singularity, and just outside the atmosphere, this cannot be! “】

[Just when everyone on the spaceship was stunned and inexplicable, from the black singularity that had expanded ten million times, a golden dragon actually appeared. 】

[“Abnormal gravity field was discovered, and space-time distortion appeared! “】

[“The abnormal gravity field has reached the ship, and the shell cannot resist…”

[“Whaaaaa “】

[I saw that golden dragon opened its huge mouth, and with just one blow, it swallowed the human mothership! ] 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Deadpool: Wow! Ghidorah! The men summoned Ghidorah out.

Wanda Maximov: Strange, doesn’t Ghidorah have three heads? How is there only one? And, still so long?

Wolverine: It’s so ruthless, I don’t even want my own life, do you want to die with Godzilla?

Godzilla: Knowing that I can’t defeat me alone, I summoned my worst enemy! Well done!

Godzilla: Now let me see your sacrifice… Is there any value in the end?

Tian Xiaoban: Are those “Lady Axie” so ruthless? In order to defeat the enemy Godzilla, even hesitate to sacrifice himself? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Bruce Wayne: From the prayer, these guys are really ready to sacrifice themselves and then rely on Ghidorah… Come and get the final victory!

Wolverine: It’s really a bunch of crazy people, but this will to fight is also quite admirable.

Just when everyone in the group was stunned and inexplicable, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After the spacecraft was swallowed by Ghidorah, above the earth, the wind and clouds were also surging, and the sky and earth changed color. ] 】

[“Hula la…”]

[Under the sweep of black clouds and tornado storms, three dark singularities appeared above the sky! ] 】

[“Crackle! “】

[For a while, thunder and lightning roared, and gravity began to twist wildly! ] 】

[After eliminating the mechanical nano city, the planet Godzilla was still sleeping in the valley. 】

[But at this moment, it opened its eyes sharply! ] 】

[Even out of intuition, Godzilla felt… A strong enemy has arrived. 】

[“Whoosh! “】

[From one of the dark singularities, a golden slender dragon head once again stretched out,]

[This dragon meandered through the air and slowly struck in the direction of the planet Godzilla! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Looking at the hideous golden dragon head in the air, Godzilla roared, and a blue plasma electric glow bloomed all over his body, and then his mouth opened wide… It’s an atomic breath! 】

[“Oh! “】

[Violent blue energy beams shot out! ] 】

[But just before hitting the golden dragon head, the beam actually drew an arc in the air and reflected it into the sky! ] 】

[“Squeak! “】

[Seeing this, Godzilla did not believe in evil at all, mobilized energy again, and released the second atomic breath! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[But this time, the atomic breath was bounced to the ground by the golden Ghidorah, knocking the earth into a deep valley! ] 】

[Seeing this scene, the human beings on the earth were also shocked. 】

“What’s going on? “】

[“That dragon, is it an atomic breath that bounced off with gravitational waves?” “】

[“No, it’s a space distortion! “】

[“According to the instrument. The direction in which the atom breathes is in a straight line. Not bent at all! “】

“Our machine can’t detect the dragon at all, only our eyes can see it. “】

[“What do you say? “】

[And in the next moment, the golden dragon head opened its mouth sharply and bit Godzilla’s body fiercely! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Godzilla let out a cry of pain, desperately trying to break free, but its claws… It actually passed through the body of the golden dragon! 】

[Seeing this scene from afar, the human side is all stupid. 】

[Is this golden dragon a phantom? ] 】

[But if so, how did it bite Godzilla.] 】


[Immediately after, from the other two dark singularities, two more golden dragon heads poked out! ] 】

[Sure enough, this is a three-headed Ghidorah! ] 】

[Facing the three golden dragon heads, Godzilla has no power to resist at all! ] 】

[No matter how it attacks, it can’t even touch the other party!] 】

[At this time, Qingsheng also came to the top of the mountain and saw Mefitez. 】

[Until now, Mephites did not intend to hide it, he said everything calmly. 】

[It turns out that their race has always fanatically worshiped King Ghidorah. 】

[Even did not hesitate to sacrifice his planet and civilization as sacrifices, and took the initiative to let Ghidorah devour it! ] 】

[Those surviving Lady Axie began to repeat this act all over the universe. 】

[They will find the planet where intelligent life is, and then summon the king Ghidorah to devour the entire planet.] 】

[The real king Ghidorah actually exists in another dimension of different dimensional space. So, Godzilla’s attack on it doesn’t work at all. 】

[Mephites self-destructs his right eye, and with his newborn golden eyes, he observes everything in this dimension for Ghidorah. 】

[Therefore, when Ghidorah attacks Godzilla, the attack will take effect.] 】

[Mefitus even wants to use his superpowers to brainwash Qingsheng and make him take the initiative to dedicate himself, so as to completely summon the body of King Ghidorah to Earth! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[But in the process of being brainwashed, Qingsheng recalled the image of his parents and broke free! ] 】

[Moreover, he in turn pinched Mefitus’ right eye!] 】

[At the moment when Mefitus’ golden right eye collapsed, Godzilla seemed to sense something and roared! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Immediately afterwards, it swung its right claw and actually knocked the golden Ghidorah’s body away! ] 】

[On the human side, an anomaly was also discovered at this time. 】

[“Heat sources, radio waves, all sensors have captured the signal of the golden dragon! “】

[“This monster has been captured by the physical laws of this universe! “】

[“Roar! “】

[Godzilla held back for so long, and suddenly launched a crazy counterattack! ] 】

[This giant beast, grabbed a “materialized” golden dragon head with both claws and tore it violently! ] Unexpectedly, this dragon… Tear in half starting from the mouth! 】


[Soon, two of the three dragons were destroyed by Godzilla, and the remaining one began to shrink towards the dark singularity in the air! ] 】

[King Ghidorah, want to escape! ] 】

[“Squeak! “】

[Seeing this, the planet Godzilla lit up with blue electric light, and finally gathered on its mouth, aimed at the sky, and released an unprecedented atomic breath! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[This atomic breath not only shattered the last golden dragon! ] It even shattered the entire dark singularity! 】

[“Boom! “】

[A golden explosion that shines brighter than the sun!] Bloom in the air! 】

[King Ghidorah, just like that, he was defeated by the planet Godzilla! ] 】

PS: Play Cthulhu, Final Yan and Hell Godzilla next, for next time. ^_^

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