Jerome Valeska: It feels like this… It’s just too.

Jerome Valeska: At the beginning, it is also said that this Juge Sotos controls time and space and is the supreme god of the universe.

Jeromé Valeska: As a result, such an unattainable being came to Earth and had children with human women?

Jerome Valeska: Is the High God so idle?

Deadpool: Hahaha! Conversely, this proves the charm of the feminine of the human beings of the earth… Even the outer gods are difficult to resist. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Wonder Woman Diana: Ahem, in my experience, the so-called gods are actually not that unattainable.

Agent J: Cosmic Gods… It turns out that there is also desire.

Stephen Strange: I’m more concerned than this kind of… That “endless knowledge”!

Stephen Strange: I dare say that if you can really get supreme magic by offering sacrifices to this Jug Sotos, most of those mages on Earth will try it.

Loki Odinson: Do you still need to say that? You human mages, but you even draw magic from Dormammu… It’s all done.

Stephen Strange: You !!!

Charles Xavier: Although worshipping this foreign god has the opportunity to gain knowledge and wisdom, the price is madness and mutation! What a horror!

Charles Xavier: How many human beings can resist such temptation?

Lori Jinx: I don’t think it matters, anyway, it’s not crazy right away.

Lori Jinx: I don’t know how many people in this world… Even your life can be given up, just want to gain a little power!

Lori Jinx: Unfortunately, in our world, prayer to God is useless.

Hermione Granger: Don’t you even care about turning into a monster in order to gain power? (⊙o⊙)

Torrecchia: Ha, that’s the norm.

Torrecchia: As a Blue Ultraman, my strength is inherently inferior to that of the Red Clan! If I don’t use some deviant means, I am doomed to be crushed on my head by those simple-minded guys!

Torrecchia: Those who worship foreign gods must have the same mentality.

Beria: Hmph, if I had been strong enough, Mary wouldn’t have been…

Charles Xavier: With power, can you solve everything? You guys think too simply.

Just as everyone was arguing, the voice of the system sounded again.

[The next thing to play is “Dark Night”]

Immediately afterwards, a new image appeared on the screen.

[In the U.S. state of Marseille, there is a city called Arkham. 】

[This city, not far from towns such as Dunwich and Innsmouth, is small in size but has a long history. 】

[When in 1692, the Salem witch case, it was said that… Arkham residents also received many people who had fled from Salem. 】

[For this reason, rumors are also circulating that witches exist among the inhabitants of Arkham!] 】

[Although Arkham often appears… All kinds of scary and bizarre events, but the residents here are very happy with their hometown, and believe that this small town away from the hustle and bustle of the big city has preserved many civilizations and virtues that have been passed down from ancient times to the present. 】

In Arkham, people live frugally and upright. It is a peaceful place with harmonious neighborhoods and simple folk customs. 】

[At least, in the eyes of the locals.] 】

[In the city of Arkham, there is a university called “Miskatonic”. 】

[At this university, there is a literature teacher named Wilmas. 】

[Although Wilmas taught literature, his side job was “folklore” and he was very fond of studying various local folklore. 】

In 1927, in Vermont, there was an unprecedented flood. 】

Just after the flood waters receded, newspapers began to publish all kinds of strange stories. 】

[Of all these legends and legends, the most incredible is… Some say in rivers flooded by large waters. Witness monsters with strange shapes. 】

[One thing is very difficult to understand: the sighting reports of these monsters appear in several completely different areas, but the eyewitness descriptions of them are exactly the same! ] 】

[What these people see is some kind of pink “crustacean”, which is 1 meter and 5 meters long, and has dorsal fins or membrane wing-like organs on its back, which seems to be used for flight. 】

[After seeing similar reports in the newspapers, Wilmas scoffed at them and wrote a special article to refute them.] 】

[Wilmas believes that many years ago, a folklorist named Eli Davenport wrote a manuscript,]

[The description of that pink carapace monster is exactly the same as the monster recorded in this manuscript.] 】

[In New England, the legend of this carapace monster has been circulating for hundreds of thousands of years and has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. 】

[It is precisely for this reason that when locals see floating objects on the river, they instinctively … will be associated with monsters! 】

[The eyewitness reports are all exactly the same because of this! ] 】

[What they describe is not something that actually exists, but a monster in folklore!] Just like werewolves, vampires! 】

[Wilmas wrote in the newspaper that these folklore… It is no different from Greek mythology and Egyptian mythology, they are all the fantasies of the ancients. 】

[Moreover, among the mountain tribes of Asian Nepal, there are similar monster legends! ] 】

[These hill tribesmen believe that there is a pink monster called “Migo”. 】

[These migos, lurking inside Himalayan caves, sometimes scare the locals. 】

[Who knows, as soon as Wilmas mentioned the Nepalese legendary “Migo”, and the other faction of his debate in the newspaper, he immediately grasped this point! ] 】

[The other party wrote that the so-called “Migo” legend just proves… This strange and strange creature does exist on Earth. 】

[Otherwise, where would there be such a coincidence?] 】

[Although Wilmas failed to win the newspaper argument, the controversy caused the newspaper’s sales to climb and attracted the attention of another person.] 】

On this day, Wilmas received a letter from a man named Ekley. 】

[Ekley wrote in his letter that he really had evidence to prove it… Those terrifying creatures “Migo” really live in the deserted mountains and forests! 】

[Not only that, but Ekley also mentioned in the letter a series of strange information. 】

[For example, he thinks that these “Migo” are not creatures on Earth, but from another planet! ] 】

[Moreover, they can not only survive in space, but also travel freely between stars through the galaxy. 】

[The most outrageous thing is that Ekley also said that he had encountered these monsters near his home! ] 】

[Moreover, because the two sides were so close at that time, he even recorded a picture with a gramophone… Record photos of these monster calls! 】

[In the letter, Ekley also mentions the Book of the Dead, which describes the myths of Jugsothos and Cthulhu]

[Moreover, in the “Miskatonic” university, there is a copy of the Book of the Dead! ] 】

[Ekley said… One day, I found a large black stone from the dense forest, with many strange hieroglyphs on it. 】

[Since discovering this stone, Migo seems to have set his sights on him!] 】

[Ekley feels that he may be killed by these monsters, or kidnapped by them and brought back to Migo’s planet! ] 】

[At the end of the envelope, Ekleigh makes a suggestion:]

[If Wilmas wanted to, he would have put the record with the monster’s cry.] And that black stone… All mailed over! 】

[That’s what Ekley said:]

【”Although acquiring these things will also bring you danger! “】

But you should also agree that it is worth taking any risk in pursuit of knowledge! “】

When he saw Ekley’s letter, Will Marston was taken aback. 】

[In the ancient legends of New England, monsters from alien stars are also recorded.] 】

[It is said that these alien creatures come from the constellation Ursa Major in the sky, and the reason why they came to Earth is to mine the unique ores on Earth! ] 】

[According to local legends, in ancient times… Some people even saw these monsters, with some containers full of ore, flying into the sky and back to their stars! 】

[Moreover, these alien creatures cannot eat things on Earth at all, and can only bring back food from outer space. 】

After many letters and conversations with Ekley, Wilmas slowly began to believe this man. 】

[In the course of the letters, Ekley also sent Wilmas several black stone photos.] 】

[Wilmas recognized at a glance that the hieroglyphs on the black stone once appeared in the Book of the Dead! ] 】

[This Ekley is not a madman! ] 】

[After thinking carefully, Wilmas wrote to Ekley and asked him to send the record that recorded the strange sound and the black stone. 】

[Soon, Wilmas got a record,]

[When the record was placed on the gramophone, Wilmas was surprised to find that… It’s not just the sounds of monsters that play on the record, but also the voices of humans! 】

[It seems to be a human being, and some kind of monster, is talking to it!] 】

“Now… Let’s take the oath…”

“From those sources of darkness to those abysses of the stars, it is always a praise for the great Cthulhu! “】

[“Praise to Satogya! “】

[“Praise to the unspeakable “he!”] “】

【“… Tribute to “he” in the abyss, Azathos, the miracle of the church”]


[There was a strange buzzing sound on the record, not at all like a human voice.] 】

[Immediately after, a human shouted again:]

[“Yay! Sabu Nicholas! A black goat in the forest that gives birth to thousands of descendants! “】

[“Naiarathotep, the great Messenger, who travels through the void and brings wonderful pleasure to Juggs…”]

In the live broadcast room.

“Good fellow!”

Little Wanda’s eyes widened, the expression on his face was slightly stiff, and he said in disbelief:

“Azathos, Sabu Nicholas, Naiarathotep…”

“How can these humans know these names, is it because of the Book of the Dead?”

Bruce Wayne’s expression at this moment also became extremely strange:

“Arkham City? This is…… Coincidence? ”

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