Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): No, Gwen… Actually died again! ( ̄△ ̄; )

Looking at the Spider-Man on the screen, standing in front of Gwen’s corpse, looking extremely sad, Peter also had a sour nose and almost shed tears.

At this moment, he really felt the despair and death of the other party as if he was in the scene!

Charles Xavier: Poor young man, unable to accept the death of his spouse, he put each other alive and even made her sit in a chair!

Charles Xavier: But even with such a tragedy, this Spider-Man still works hard every day… Want to protect New York City!

Charles Xavier: How could such an amazing hero end up like this?

Runaway Lori Jinx: Hero? What the hell, this Spider-Man… Do you owe that city?

Lori Jinx: The city has suffered a disaster? Why did he have to come to the rescue?

Venom: Yes, if it had been me, I would have gone away and left this unfortunate place.

Deadpool: Ha, Venom! You don’t have to be duplicitous.

Deadpool: In the video, just because of Eddie Bullock’s death, you don’t even want your life! Directly martyred with him.

Deadpool: In the face of such affectionate love, I was moved to tears. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Venom: Bah! Who loves that idiot with an empty head? (▼ヘ▼#)

Venom: I just didn’t eat Eddie’s brain just because he was too stupid! Don’t be cranky.

Deadpool: Explanation is a cover-up, hee-hee… (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Bruce Wayne: At the moment, this “new reality” modified by “chaos magic” is full of darkness and madness.

Bruce Wayne: Those heroes, all suffered the most terrible tragedy in the world, and this is what we see!

Loki Odinson: Just and… Is the laughing bat the same?

Bruce wayne:………… →_→

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): So many blackened crazy heroes, they ended up… Will it form some kind of dark knights!

Tony Stark: Well… A crazy me after blackening, I am afraid that few people on the earth can deal with it.

Loki Odinson: Hahaha! Mankind! It’s all come to this point, you’re actually still bragging, I really convinced you! ^_^

Wanda Maximov: Humph! After Stark blackened, don’t talk about an earth, even if it destroys the entire Nine Realms, what is a third-rate mage like you?

Tony Stark: Ahem, Wanda, if you really want to speak for me, just for now… Don’t say anything… (╯_╰)。

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[At this time, the screen turned and came to the underground cave again.] 】

[Including Spider-Man, Iron Man.] 5 Dark Heroes Who Totally Depraved and Crazy… They all opened their teeth and danced their claws, desperately rushing towards the Scarlet Witch, as if to tear her to pieces! 】

[“Stop! “】

[The scarlet witch shouted loudly, and casually opened a red magic barrier, blocking all these fallen heroes out. ] 】

[Looking at the unrecognizable heroes in front of her, the Scarlet Witch shouted:]

[“O my friend! Please come to your senses. “】


[Blackened Spider-Man jumped onto the Scarlet Witch’s magic barrier and said in an eerie voice:]

“You made us read that book, and you made us the way we are!”] “】

“And you are now… But began to shed crocodile tears? “】

[“Abominable! “】

[Seeing that these blackened heroes are unforgiving, the Scarlet Witch is also a little angry! ] 】

[She is the holder of Chaos Magic, the strongest black mage who can modify reality! ] 】

[“Bring this to Doom!”] “】

[Throwing the Book of Darkness to a destruction robot, the Scarlet Witch violently removed the magic barrier. 】

[Now, she’s going to be serious! ] 】

[“Whoops! “】

[I saw the scarlet witch’s hands flash red, and countless scarlet ropes were born out of thin air. ] Blackened 5 heroes including Iron Man… All are bound in mid-air, unable to move! 】

[As long as the Scarlet Witch is real, these so-called superheroes… All vulnerable! 】

“Now… I can only hope that you can really come in handy. “】

[Glancing at the 5 blackened heroes tied in midair, Scarlet Witch opened the portal again according to Dr. Doom’s method. ] 】

[Next, she threw these 5 “Guardians of the Dark God Book” into the dimension of “Hades God Sithorne”. 】

“Damn witch, I won’t let you go! “】

[“Kill! “】

[After transferring to this alien demon realm full of monsters, 5 blackened heroes fought with local monsters. 】

[But halfway through the fight, a giant hand suddenly rose above the earth! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[And these 5 heroes, standing right in the palm of this giant hand, look… It’s like 5 ants. 】

【”Be careful! “】

[The wasp girl immediately reversed the Pym particle, made her body crazy bigger, and barely supported this giant hand, causing everyone… I wasn’t pinched to death by the closed palm! 】

[But at the next moment, the entire Xenomorph Demon Realm seemed to shake! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Scorching lava, rushing straight into the sky from the cracked surface, dyeing the sky red! ] 】

“Stupid mortals, your madness is inevitable. “】

“Perhaps, you can defeat my subordinates.”

“But… Get ready to face Sithorne! “】

[Under this magnificent voice that is enough to command all things in heaven and earth, a terrifying giant with two horns on his head slowly appeared in front of the eyes of the five blackened heroes. ] 】

[He is the terrifying Lord of Dimensions, the God of Dark Magic, Sithorne!] 】

[After appearing, Sithorne didn’t pay attention to those blackened heroes at all, just walked to… Throw them into the portal here. 】

[“The mortal world is destined to be corrupted by me! “】

[But it’s in Sithorne… The moment he put his hand into the portal, he was pushed back by some force. 】

[“Impossible! This force is actually blocking my entry, who is it? “】

[Just as Sithorne was stunned, a shockwave fused with two supreme magical powers shot out from the portal! ] Hit him exactly. 】

[“Boom! “】

[This sudden magic shockwave literally sent Sithorne flying! ] 】

[Next.] From the portal, a man and a woman appeared, none other than Scarlet Witch and Dr. Doom! 】

[And Dr. Doom’s hand happens to hold the dark divine book. ] 】

[After getting reinforcements, Scarlet Witch did not hesitate to take Dr. Doom back into the dimension of Sithorne! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[In this terrifying Otherworld, two of the strongest black magicians on Earth fought a big battle with the god of the underworld! ] 】

[And in the midst of the fierce battle, holding the Dark God Book in his hand, Dr. Doom yelled at Sithorne:]

[“The Dark God Book is in my hands, and I will use it next to seal you and get all your powers! “】

[Just as Dr. Doom was making this declaration, an icy voice suddenly sounded behind him:]

“No, Victor. This is not your task. “】

“What? “】

[Before Dr. Doom could turn around, a scarlet magic flame poured out from behind, knocking him to the ground! ] 】

[It’s the Scarlet Witch!] 】

[She actually sneaked up on her back and brought down Dr. Doom! ] 】

[“Hahaha! Sithorne! You used to occupy my body in the past, and now… Get ready to face my revenge. “】

[Picking up the dark divine book dropped by Dr. Doom from the ground, the Scarlet Witch radiated a dazzling magical brilliance! ] Ended up completely drowning that book! 】

[She actually put herself… Merge with the Book of Darkness! 】

[The Scarlet Witch did this because… She finally understood the truth. 】

[The god of the underworld, Sithorne, and the book of darkness he wrote, cannot be destroyed. 】

[However, as long as Scarlet Witch fuses the Dark God Book with her own soul, she has a chance… In turn, use this as a medium to fuse Sithorne! 】

[If it can’t kill you, join you!] Or rather… Force you to join me! 】

“Nope! That’s impossible! “】

[Looking at the Scarlet Witch fused with the Dark God Book and unleashing unimaginable terrifying magic, Sithorne also let out a panicked cry! ] 】

“You shouldn’t have such power! “】

[“Hahaha! Right now…… I am the Book of Darkness! “】

[On the head of the Scarlet Witch, the same curved horns as Sithorne’s began to grow, and at the same time, her body… Also unleash unimaginably terrible attraction! 】

[“Aaaaaa “】

[Sithorne let out a crazy scream! ] But his own body is still uncontrolled… Transformed into various twisted tentacle monsters! 】

[It turns out that this is the prototype of Sithorne!] 】

[Attracted by the powerful ‘Crimson Magic’, although Sithorne’s true body struggled desperately, in the end, he was sucked over and was sucked into the body of the Scarlet Witch… Devoured! 】

[“Sithorne, you didn’t take me, I took you! “】

[Eat the last bit of tentacle monster, the curved horn on the scarlet witch’s head slowly disappears, and in her eyes… Bloomed with all the magic brilliance of the past. 】

[She… Just ate the Lord of Dimensions, the God of Dark Magic, Sithorne! 】

Karma Taj.

“Scarlet Witch… Unexpectedly…”

Looking at the incredible image in front of him, even the ancient mage who has always been light and breezy was stunned,

The fan in her hand involuntarily stopped, and in her eyes… Full of disbelief!

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