At this time, in the chat group, everyone was also actively discussing the images they saw.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! The one named Sun Wukong has also transformed into a golden warrior!

Tian Xiaoban: This transformation is really handsome! If only my “Omnitrix” had this ability.

King Ida: Sun… Goku?

Big bones boiled into soup: Incredible, isn’t this the name of a character in Oriental Chinese mythology?

Big bones boiled into soup: Could it be that the historical Monkey King was an alien? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Ida Wang: Sun Wukong is a fictional character, where is this kind of monkey in history?

Big bones boiled into soup: Huh? You also know the Monkey King.

King Ida: Hmph… What a slow guy.

Clark Kent: This man named Monkey King is worthy of being Bardock’s son! Sure enough, he has the potential to transform into a golden warrior.

Wanda Maksimov: Hahaha! As long as Sun Wukong completes his transformation, that arrogant newcomer will definitely be finished!

Torrecchia: Well, I’m afraid it’s not that simple.

Torrecchia: This “cosmic emperor”, although he does not look very intelligent, as long as he is not too stupid, after seeing Bardock’s image, he knows what to do.

Beria: That’s right, since you know that Sun Wukong is so dangerous, you should kill him in advance, how can there be any reason to sit and wait for him to transform into a golden warrior?

Hermione Granger: Oops! So what can be done?

Hermione Granger: Did you say… Did the video played by the system help the villain Frieza? (⊙o⊙)

Dr. Strange: Don’t be discouraged.

Demonized Dr. Strange: If that “Monkey King” can explode into potential and transform into a golden warrior in a life and death crisis, there is still a glimmer of life!

Big bones boiled into soup: It sounds so mysterious, in the end… How do I turn into a Golden Warrior?

Bruce Wayne: I guess it has to be a Saiyan first, some kind of alien.

Bruce Wayne: Secondly, it’s about experiencing extreme anger.

Big bones boiled into soup: anger?

Bruce Wayne: That’s right, that Bardock saw his alien friend being killed, and then burst out of his body’s potential and turned into a golden warrior!

Cosmic Emperor Frieza: Abominable! Damn it!!!

Tian Xiaoban: Huh? What’s wrong? What happened?

Wanda Maksimov: yes, what are you unhappy about, say it to make us happy? o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Cosmic Emperor Frieza: You… Since you know the secret of the Super Saiyan transformation, why didn’t you tell me earlier? Convex (艹皿艹)

Wanda Maximov: Oh? Ha ha! You idiot, you actually made that guy transform. O(∩_∩)O

Torrecchia: Let me guess if it won’t… You killed that Monkey King’s friend.

Cosmic Emperor Frieza: I… I hate it!!! ╥﹏╥

Standing on the ground of Namex, the muscles on Frieza’s face twitched wildly, and even his body trembled slightly!

To be honest, his trembling now is not entirely due to fear, but more, but also from anger and remorse!

Just now, when watching Bardock transform into a Super Saiyan, Frieza was shocked in an instant!

This “low-level warrior”, who should have turned to ashes under his own attack a long time ago, turned into the legendary Super Saiyan!

How is that possible?

Under such a gap and violent shock, Frieza simply did not have time to think about it… The “reason” of Monkey King’s transformation!

And when Sun Wukong was seriously injured, he was arrogant as the “emperor of the universe”. Washed Frieza’s head again.

“Abominable! I knew earlier… This Saiyan should be slaughtered directly! ”

Just as Frieza was remorseful, Sun Wukong whispered:

“Gohan! Take Piccolo back to Earth, he’s still gas! ”

“Dad… You! ”

Looking at the golden light in front of him, the Monkey King who released an amazing momentum, Gohan was covered in cold sweat, his eyes were full of surprise and shock, and the whole person stiffened.

Seeing his son’s stupid appearance, Sun Wukong roared:

“Don’t you go fast until I lose my reason!”

“Ahhh… I know! ”

Gohan, who was trembling all over, quickly lowered his head, picked up Piccolo, and flew into the sky.

Just as he was flying, tears of excitement also flowed from the corners of his eyes.

“Dad, you’ve really become a Super Saiyan!”

Watching Son Gohan disappear into the sky, Frieza didn’t even get distracted and went to attack him.

Now, his attention has been completely focused on the Monkey King in front of him!

“Abominable! Don’t think about transforming into a Super Saiyan… It’s remarkable! ”

Frieza suddenly clenched his fists and roared:

“My strength is much stronger than my ancestor ‘Zild’!”

“Even if your father can defeat him, you can’t beat me!”

“Oh? Is it? ”

Sun Wukong’s eyes were full of bitter hatred, and his voice became unusually cold:

“Then let me see how capable you are.”


With an astonishing roar, Sun Wukong’s figure moved like an instant, and rushed to Frieza’s side!

Subsequently…… It’s a series of blows like a storm!

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

Facing the speed and power of the Super Saiyan, Frieza didn’t react at all, and he was hit by countless punches and kicks in an instant!


In the end, Frieza was punched by Sun Wukong again and crashed into a mountain!


Underground, Frieza roared and blasted all the fragments of the mountain with energy!

At this time, Frieza’s body was already full of injuries.

Blue blood dripped from his face, making his expression both hideous and ugly!

As the Emperor of the Universe, when did Frieza experience such embarrassment?

“Abominable Saiyan, give me death!”

Frieza, embarrassed, raised his finger and aimed at Sun Wukong, releasing his strongest death ray.

It was this move that killed Vegeta, seriously injured Piccolo, and killed Klin!

“Ugh! Swish! Swish! ”

The terrifying rays of death shot out continuously, enough to pierce through a series of peaks!


But Sun Wukong floated in the air, and with just a slight flash, he dodged all the death rays.

“You… How could it be so fast? ”

Looking at the amazing body of Super Saiyan Goku, Frieza gritted his teeth in anger, but he was helpless.

Just now, he also beat Sun Wukong to the ground and was half dead!

But after transforming into a Super Saiyan, this man… It’s like being reborn, I don’t know how many times stronger!

“Abominable! Even if you’re a Super Saiyan, just get hit by my death ray… It’s also dead! ”

In desperation, Frieza could only say this kind of words, like a loser dog.

But even he didn’t expect that after Sun Wukong heard these words, an arrogant sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Come on, you try again.”

“Shenma ???”

Looking at the familiar smile on Sun Wukong’s face, Frieza was so angry that the blood vessels on his forehead almost exploded.

For how many years, only himself … Only when you kill your enemies will you show such a smile!

Don’t…… Have you already become the target of “torture”?

Moreover, the meaning of Sun Wukong’s words could not be more obvious…

He is provoking!

This guy is not going to dodge with his body, he wants to hard-catch his own death ray!

“Super Saiyan! You get so carried away that you will immediately regret it! ”

With a wild roar, Frieza concentrated all his energy on the tip of his right finger and released his strongest death ray at Son Goku.


This ray of light cut through the long sky, and with a terrifying momentum, it slammed into Sun Wukong’s face.


Sun Wukong’s figure shook so much that even his head was thrown back.

But after a while, he slowly returned his head to its original state.

I saw that on Sun Wukong’s face, there was obviously a piece of skin that was broken, and blood flowed.

But…… That’s all.

Frieza’s terrifying death ray, which was enough to penetrate the planet, was just for him… Caused a little skin trauma!

“Hey, hey…”

The corners of Sun Wukong’s mouth curved, and he sneered and spat out a word to Frieza, enough to freeze his heart:

“Even if this planet is destroyed, I will not destroy it!”

“You… That’s impossible! ”

Seeing this terrifying scene in front of him, Frieza’s whole body trembled wildly, and he only felt that his head was buzzing, and his body was full of cold!

Hard connect the death ray on the front!

How could such creatures exist in the universe?

Super Saiyan… Is it that strong?

At this moment, the trembling on Frieza’s body has nothing to do with anger and remorse!

Entirely, just because of fear!

The unimaginable horror swept through his body like a tide! Almost froze his veins!

Just when Frieza was almost frightened, a thought flashed through his mind.

Maybe…… I really can’t beat Super Saiyan myself!

However, it may kill him!


The trembling on his body stopped, and Frieza stared at the Monkey King in front of him, and a confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth again.

“Even if this planet is destroyed, will you not destroy it? What a rhetoric. ”

While speaking, Frieza raised his hands and condensed a golden energy ball!

“Squeaky …”

“I only have one question,” Frieza suddenly laughed maniacally:

“I can survive in space, can you?”


Upon hearing this, Sun Wukong’s expression suddenly changed.

In the next moment, Frieza’s hands swung down sharply and threw the energy ball towards the surface of Namenex.

“What a planet! Disappear for me! ”

“Not good!!”

Seeing this scene in front of him, Sun Wukong was shocked, but it was too late to react.


With a loud bang, a white light shot up into the sky! drowned everyone present!

At the same time, the voice of the system suddenly entered the minds of everyone in the group.

【New Q&A begins! 】 】

[Question: Did Frieza destroy Namex? 】

【Please start answering! 】 In the live broadcast room, everyone only has one chance to grab a chance]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] ]

[Random rewards, which may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty! ] 】

And hearing this question, everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked!

“What? That little dwarf… Did you actually destroy that Meixing? ”

PS: Today there are special circumstances, only two changes, tomorrow will resume normal updates.

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