[In order to completely prevent Holloway from entering the spaceship, the beautiful boss Vix, even personally held a flamethrower and blocked the hatch of the ship! ] 】

[At this moment of saber rattling, Holloway, who had become inhuman, suddenly stood up, took the initiative to open his hands, and shouted at Vix:]

[“Come on, what are you still hesitating? “】

[At this time, Holloway’s face has begun to disintegrate slightly, and he is obviously not far from death. ] 】

[And aware of this, he is not willing to transmit the abnormality in his body to others, so he chose to end himself! ] 】

[“Poof! “】

[Hearing Holloway’s appearance, the beautiful boss Vic did not hesitate at all, directly pulled the trigger, a flame… Immediately swept out of the flamethrower! 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Halloway’s body was soon surrounded by flames, and after screaming for a while, he fell to the ground and never moved again. 】

[In order to protect others, this man sacrificed himself. 】

[While there was chaos around the spacecraft, David the cyborg, was alone again and infiltrated the engineer’s underground base. 】

[Just last night, the spacecraft’s probe, in this underground base, detected the existence of life. 】

[David, the cyborg, is going to check that place. 】

[He used his knowledge of the engineer’s text to open a stone door.] 】

[The secret room behind the stone gate is densely packed … The kind of oval jar filled with black water. 】

[These black water canisters are stacked one by one, and they look exactly like the shells in the arsenal.] 】

David continued walking, and after opening another stone door, he found a circular artificial console. 】

[On the console, there are some white elastic control buttons.] 】

[David tentatively pressed a few buttons and summoned a hologram of the “engineer” that had appeared before. 】


[Looking at the scene in front of him, David sat on a huge chair and smiled. 】

[Right in front of David, an engineer’s projection sat on a chair, picked up a flute next to him and blew it.] 】

[The sound waves released by the flute activated those white control buttons.] 】

[“Pon! “】

[With a soft sound, a magnificent three-dimensional holographic image of space appeared in front of David. 】

[David showed a look of surprise on his face and slowly walked into the holographic image. 】

[The spectacle in front of you is really beyond human imagination! ] 】

[Just inside the 3D projection, the alien engineer selected a planet in the three-dimensional space star map. 】

[That’s Earth in the solar system.] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[In the next moment, the holographic image disappeared completely.] 】

[As soon as the cyborg David turned his head, he found … In the corner of the round console, a sleeping pod is also placed. 】

[There is an alien engineer lying in the cabin, I don’t know how many years of hibernation! ] 】

[This alien is still alive! ] 】

[Some time later, the female doctor Sean woke up from her coma. 】

[When she saw her boyfriend burned to death by the flames, she fainted on the spot because of her grief and indignation. ] 】

Sean looked down and found that he was lying on a medical table, and he had changed into a white coat with a sick number. 】

[And the cyborg, David, has returned to the spaceship at this moment, and is still operating the instrument to check Sean’s body. ] 】

[After the examination, David said an amazing thing:]

“You’re three months pregnant. “】

“What? That’s impossible! “】

[Sean was taken aback! ] 】

[You know, she suffers from infertility that cannot be cured! ] 】

[Where did the fetus in this body come from?] 】

[Immediately afterwards, the cyborg David revealed two terrible news to Dr. Sean. 】

[First, the fetus in her body may have been the burned Halloway, “bring” to her. 】

[Second, the shape of this fetus looks very strange, even… Probably not a person at all! 】

【”Let me see! “】

[Frightened, Sean, wanted to see the fetus on the instrument with his own eyes, and even decided… Take out the contents of your stomach. 】

[But David the cyborg, injected her with a tube of tranquilizer and forcibly made Sean faint. ] 】

[It turns out that in David’s eyes, Sean, who conceived a xenomorphic fetus after mating with Holloway, has become a precious experimental subject! ] 】

[It is going to put Sean into hibernation in a hibernation capsule and bring it back to Earth!] 】

[After a while, David left, and two scientists in biochemical suits walked in, ready to put Sean in hibernation pods.] 】

[At this moment, Sean suddenly woke up and knocked both of them unconscious. 】

【”It hurts…”】

[At this time, Sean only felt that his stomach was extremely painful! ] 】

[Obviously, the foreign body in the stomach has fully matured and will soon burst out of the belly! ] 】

[Holding back the sharp pain in his abdomen, Sean desperately came to one of the spaceships… In a separate medical cabin! 】

[By reprogramming the medical cabin, she arranged a shaved abdominal birth! ] 】

After everything was done, Sean gave himself anesthesia and lay down in the medical cabin. 】


[Under the operation of the laser knife, Chauvin’s stomach was cut open alive! ] 】

[And the manipulator in the medical cabin grabbed a terrible monster from her stomach. 】

[“Squeak! “】

[I saw that this monster looked like an octopus, with several tentacles, and just left Sean’s abdomen, and began to struggle madly! ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[Seeing such a monster actually emerging from his stomach, Sean was so scared that he was covered in cold sweat, desperately escaped from the medical cabin, and locked the entire cabin door from the outside to prevent the octopus monster from escaping. ] 】

[At the same time, outside the spacecraft, there was a strange appearance. 】

[It turned out that the captain found that the signal of the scholar who had disappeared actually appeared under the spaceship! ] 】

[Two crew members opened the hatch and went out to check and found that… Corrupted by the body fluids of the white snake spacesuit, and then planted into the unlucky egg in the black water. 】

[This guy has mutated into a blackwater zombie who is not a person or a ghost! ] As soon as the crew approached, a blow … Just beat one of them to death! 】

[“Bang! Bang! Syllable! “】

[The “Blackwater Zombie” launched a crazy attack and soon killed several crew members. 】

[Discovering that the situation was wrong, the captain of the Prometheus hurriedly went out himself, and again used a flamethrower to burn the blackwater zombies into char! ] 】

At this moment, at this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the system sounded.

【New Q&A begins! 】 】

[Question: Why do engineers locate the Earth on the star map? 】

【Please start answering! 】 In the live broadcast room, everyone only has one chance to grab a chance]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] ]

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty! ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Locate the Earth?”

Hearing this question, several people in the live broadcast room looked at each other, and their expressions were a little strange.

Peter Parker whispered:

“Locate the Earth on the star map, isn’t that because these aliens want to go back?”

“Anyway, they also have spaceships, so they can go anywhere in the universe.”

“That’s not right…”

Tony Stark shook his head and said in a deep voice:

“If that’s the answer, it’s too simple.”

“I don’t think this system would ask such a common question.”


Little Wanda blinked, her face full of puzzlement:

“If they locate Earth, but not to go there, then why?”

Bruce Wayne said thoughtfully:

“Perhaps, that’s the answer, but it’s not the whole answer.”

“The real problem could be … Why did these aliens go to Earth? ”


Peter Parker seems to understand something:

“All the information about these alien giants appeared in ancient ruins thousands of years ago!” That is, they have been away from Earth for at least a few thousand years! ”

“After so long, why do you have to go back again?”

“What a terrible question and answer…”

At this time, Dr. Strange’s eyes lit up, and he seemed to have thought of something.

Next, he frowned slightly and said:

“The reason why the aliens returned to Earth is to use their blackwater weapons to wipe out life on Earth!”

“That’s my answer!”


“They want to destroy life on Earth?”

Hearing this answer, everyone was shocked.

And Peter exclaimed in disbelief:

“It won’t! In this universe, life on Earth… These engineers created it! ”

“If they want to create new life, why do they want to destroy them?”

And at this moment, the sound of the system sounded again:

【Ding! After Dr. Strange finished answering, the question and answer system began to determine one

【Ding! Dr. Strange answered correctly. 】

“Answer correct!”

Hearing the sound of the system, everyone was even more surprised, and the eyes that looked at Dr. Demonization changed.

Sensing everyone’s eyes, Dr. Demonization spread out his hands and said:

“I just see … Those blackwater canisters that were stored as ammunition, hence this conjecture. ”

Speaking of this, he suddenly smiled bitterly:

“In fact, I thought of the second possibility.”

“It’s just… These engineers were defeated in battles with other races and wanted to return to Earth to take refuge. ”

“But for some reason, I always felt that this was unlikely.”

“So, you just guessed it casually??”

Little Wanda listened to the black lines all over his head, and he didn’t know how to complain for a while.

And at this moment, the system sound also sounded again

[Demonized Dr. Strange gets 100 live broadcast points, which can be used to on-demand multiverse]

[Demonized Dr. Strange gets a random reward…. Hladik Cube! 】

【Reward distribution completed.】 】


With a soft sound. A cube engraved with strange patterns suddenly appeared in front of Dr. Demonization and floated in the air.

PS: The story of Diablo, is anyone interested? ^_^

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