“Superman became Bruce Wayne?”

Looking at the amazing images on the screen, most of the people in the live broadcast room… They were all wide-eyed.

No wonder they were surprised, this turn was too unexpected.

When Superman was a baby, he did not fall into the farm, but fell to Gotham City, and was adopted by the Waynes.

The most outrageous thing is that this couple actually has no biological children!

So, Superman replaced Bruce!

And “Clark Kent” … Equal never appeared!

“Could this world also be because of some time-space distortion that caused Superman to replace me?”

Bruce Wayne’s mind was spinning, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Through this screen, he has watched countless parallel universes, and in those Earths, Thomas Wayne and his wife… Almost all died in the alleys of crime!

The only exception is the Flashpoint World!

However, that world is because the Flash travels through time and space… The resulting distorted world, everything is pathological, not normal!

The man who died in the alley of crime became Little Bruce, while his mother, Martha, went crazy from excessive grief and turned into a clown!

And if this is also the case in the world in front of you, the tragedy in the alley of crime … It will definitely happen again!

It’s just that the ending may be a different version!

Thinking of this, Young Master Wayne’s gaze suddenly became gloomy.

He remembered very well that among those nightmare Batmen in the Dark Knights, there was… It was in the alley of crime that killed criminals back!

If this “little superman” also did that kind of thing, would he fall for it?

Under Bruce Wayne’s worried gaze, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

After adopting this “space baby”, Thomas Wayne, his wife and Alfred poured all their love into him. 】

[Little Bruce Wayne grew up so happily. 】

[In the process of growing up, Thomas Wayne also noticed the abnormality in his adopted son’s body. 】

[His speed is much faster than that of adult men, and he has never been injured, and his strength is unusually great. 】

[However, compared to the strength relative to the physical body. Thomas is more inclined to cultivate the strength of the little Bruce’s “spiritual level”. 】

“The use of violence is the preference of cowards and bullies, and you should go beyond that level and become a greater person. “】

[This is Thomas Wayne’s upbringing of his adopted son. 】

In this environment, Bruce soon grew to nine years old. 】

[But this happy day, one night… It came to an abrupt end. 】

[On this day, Wayne’s family of three walked out of a movie theater. 】

[Little Bruce is still chatting excitedly, he just saw the Zorro movie. ] 】

[Just when they walked into a small alley next to the movie theater, a gunman suddenly appeared in front of them! ] 】

“Hand over the money!”] “】

[This gangster not only snatched the necklace around Martha’s neck, but in the end, he even shot the Waynes and his wife! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! “】

[With the crisp sound of gunfire, the bodies of the Waynes fell to the ground. 】

[Their blood even splashed on Little Bruce’s face! ] 】

[“Mom… Father…… No!! “】

[Looking at his parents’ corpse, little Bruce fell to his knees, crying, and the gangster even pointed his gun at him.] 】

[“Hmph! I hate little ghosts crying the most… Well??? “】

[In the next second, the gangster’s face changed drastically! ] I saw that the crying child in front of him suddenly raised his head to him! 】

[“I… I hate you! “】

[Bruce said this while crying, and at the same time… From his eyes, a scarlet hot wire erupted! 】

[“Wow! “】

[Terrible heat rays, sweeping across the face of the gangsters! ] Let his whole face melt. 】

[“Save… Who will save me. “】

[The gangster covered his face surrounded by flames and fled out of the alley like a headless fly.] 】

[But after only a few steps of escape, he fell to the ground! ] 】


[The flames spread from his face to the gangster’s whole body, and after he struggled for a while… Just don’t move. 】

A few hours later, local police found the body of the gangster Joel in an alley. 】

[The upper body of this unlucky egg has almost been burned…]

[And little Bruce Wayne knelt next to his parents’ corpse, his eyes covered in blood, just like a broken tape recorder, repeating a sentence repeatedly:]

“That bullet…”

“That… Bullet. “】

[For reasons incomprehensible, little Bruce is very convinced that he was on that night… I clearly saw the trajectory of those two bullets! 】

[However, he could do nothing but watch the bullets enter his parents’ bodies! ] 】

[Since then, Bruce Wayne has been surrounded by guilt, anger, and shame. 】

[He thinks he should be able to save his parents!] 】

[But… He just couldn’t do it. 】

[In this repressed state, Bruce Wayne grew up to 20 years old. 】

[Now he is a complete adult, and he has inherited all the shares of Wayne Enterprise and has become the world’s top rich man. ] 】

[But even so, Bruce Wayne huddled in the Wayne family mansion all year round, never seeing outsiders. ] 】

[Seeing the little young master who is like a son and nephew… Alfred was also very worried about such isolation. 】

[He often suggested that Bruce go out and get in touch with the world.] 】

“Alfred, forget it. “】

[Faced with the advice of the loyal old butler, Bruce Wayne, casually picked up the newspaper next to him and threw it in front of Alfred:]

“Look at what you want me to touch the world!”] There is nothing but violence and death, I hate the world! “】

[I saw that most of the pages in the newspaper were about the shooting case… and the discovery of new bodies. 】

[In addition, there is a lot of space. Left to a rich man who has just arrived in Gotham City…”

[Lex Luthor. 】

[After venting his anger to Afud, Bruce Wayne left him and went into his secret room. 】

[In this room, brute vitiliaries cut from various newspapers, as well as photos of bodies that died tragically.] 】

He knew it wasn’t right to do that. 】

[But… Bruce seems to be obsessed with a ghost, uncontrollably, collecting pictures of these horrific cases! 】

[As long as you see the people who died tragically in the picture, you can make his painful heart become a little more comfortable. ] 】

[Suddenly, looking at those terrible crime pictures on the secret room, Bruce actually heard the real scream! ] 】

[These voices, which seem to come into his ears from afar, cannot be stopped at all. 】

[“Aaaa Stop! It kills me. “】

[Bruce Wayne covered his ears with his hands and cried out in pain, but in the next moment he heard something else. 】

[There are outsiders… Entered Wayne Mansion! 】

[Bruce hurriedly left the secret room, but he just came out and found out. Two gangsters, armed with semi-automatic weapons, are holding Alfred hostage! 】

[Looking at these two villains armed with weapons, Bruce once again recalled the scene in the crime alley! ] 】

[More than 10 years ago, as a young child, he could not prevent his parents from being killed. 】

[But now, the situation is different!] 】

[“Bastard! “】

[Bruce roared and rushed up, throwing one of the gangsters out the window! ] 】

[“Tap-da-da! “】

[The other gangster shot directly in panic.] 】

【Incredible things happened! 】

[The bullet of the submachine gun hit Bruce Wayne’s body and actually bounced out! ] 】

“You can’t kill me, you can’t hurt me, but… I can hurt you! “】

[Bruce Wayne’s eyes are blood-red! ] 】

[The face of the murderer who killed his parents has coincided with this gangster in front of him! ] 】

【”I want to…”】

[In the next second, he suddenly remembered the face of “Joe Al” being melted and screaming dead. 】

[“Abominable! “】

[At the last minute. Bruce Wayne turned his head! 】

[“Whoops! “】

[Two terrifying heat rays did not hit the gangster, but entered the fireplace next to it. ] 】

[In the end, Bruce still couldn’t kill people. 】

[“Oh my God! I remembered it all. “】

[Bruce Wayne blocked his eyes with his hands, but heat rays continued to burst out of his eyes! ] 】

[Invulnerable body! ] 】

[A heat ray that ignites everything!] 】

[This is his ability! ] 】

[“Oh my God! “】

[“With such power, I could have saved my parents, but I…”

[Bruce couldn’t cry.] 】

[Looking at the extremely painful little young master, Afu silently led him into an underground secret room of Wayne’s mansion. 】

[Here, Afu shows Bruce the Kryptonian spacecraft, as well as a copy of Thomas Wayne’s notes.] 】

[In the notes, it is recorded that Thomas adopted “Little Bruce”. 】

[After reading this diary, Bruce Wayne’s mind was in turmoil, and he asked a question in a low voice:]

[“I… What exactly is it? “】

Alfred was silent, not knowing how to answer him. 】

[At this moment, Bruce Wayne seemed to hear something and looked up at the roof of the underground chamber. 】

[Alfred couldn’t see, but he could see clearly in the dark, on the roof… A large number of bats are hanging upside down. 】

[“Hula! “】

[Bruce jumped up lightly and melted into the darkness like a bat.] 】

[For many years, he has been tormented by the guilt of not being able to save his parents. 】

[But now, Bruce has a big understanding. 】

[Compared to shrinking in the Wayne mansion, blame yourself.] He has more important things to do. 】

[Bruce wants to use his far superior strength to make up for the 9-year-old boy’s mistakes. 】

[He’s going to save people!] 】

[Save the innocent from those who are sinners!] 】

[At this moment, Batman was born! ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Ah, this…”

The expression on Little Wanda’s face was extremely strange, and he looked back at Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent, and squeezed out a sentence for a long time:

“I said, this Superman… You can’t dress up as a bat, do you? ”

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