Temple 2.

“Adventure? It’s not that simple…”

Sitting on the throne, Thanos frowned slightly, carefully considering every possibility in his heart.

As a pharaoh on Earth, Akhnaton was inexplicably kidnapped by aliens, and then because of luck, he obtained unlimited power in the universe?

Where in the world is there such a coincidence?

“If it’s not a coincidence, then this earthling is chosen!”

“His kidnapping, and gaining power… There is a causal relationship! ”

Thanos’ eyes flashed, and he immediately made his own judgment!

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted into the screen in front of him:

“That Akhnaton was endowed with divine power by aliens!”

“That’s why he was taken away by aliens!”

Greeted, the sound of the system sounded.

【Ding! After Thanos Thanos finished answering, the question and answer system began to decide…

【Ding! Thanos Thanos answered correctly. 】

At this time, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Wanda Maximov: That Egyptian pharaoh was chosen by aliens and then endowed with divine powers beyond the multiverse? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Ghost Rider: Incredible!

Ghost Rider: If this is true, how strong are the aliens who gave him power?

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: Just a little power given has already put this earthling above the Eternal God!

Ganata, daughter of the star-swallowing star: The full picture of this power, I dare not think about it… ╥﹏╥

As the daughter of a planetary devourer, Devourer’s understanding of the multiverse and even the gods of the universe surpasses most of the group.

But the more so, the more frightened she felt!

Such a terrifying power, if it really exists… It can really easily smash the entire multiverse!

What creation five gods, in the face of this absolute divine power, what is it?

And at this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Thanos Thanos gets 100 live broadcast points, which can be used to on-demand the multiverse]

[Thanos Thanos gets random rewards…. Statue of the moon god Kongsu!]

【Reward distribution completed.】 】

The next moment, in front of Thanos on Temple 2, a small statue of God appeared.

“Luna statue?”

Thanos frowned and reached out… The statue was taken down.


After holding the statue and observing for a while, Thanos suddenly showed anger on his face and threw the statue out fiercely.

“What the hell is this reward?”

The statue of Luna flew out hundreds of meters, slid far away on the floor, and landed right in front of Nebula.


Glancing at the statue, Nebula’s eyes suddenly lit up.

After watching the live broadcast for so long, she is also interested in this Q&A mechanism… With enough understanding.

As long as the question is answered correctly, the system will give a certain reward.

These rewards are weird, but most of them are good things!

At this time, Thanos was still sulking in secret.

Just now, when he was holding the statue, he actually sensed … The voice of the moon god Kong Su in the statue.

Uncle Kong actually proposed to let Thanos be his messenger, and in exchange, he would give Thanos a little power.

It turned out that this unfortunate “moon god” was actually sealed into this statue!

But for a “titan” like Thanos, Kong Su’s little power, he can’t look at it at all!

As for being the messenger of this moon god, it is like a joke!

“I thought that the system would reward me with cosmic divine power and make me a strong person like Achraton too!”

“It turned out to be this kind of thing!”

Thanos’ face was extremely gloomy, but he couldn’t help but raise his head and look at the screen in front of him.

He was curious to know that the aliens who gave Akhnaton his power… Who exactly?

What is the source of their strength?

If you can know the details of this power, is there a chance to seize it?

Under Thanos’ expectant gaze, the originally frozen picture also began to play again.

The image continues.

[Under the prying eyes of the nine-pillar god Horus, an illusion appeared in front of the gods, in which the powerful black pharaoh was talking to himself. 】

“I do already have the power above all, and in this universe, no one can surpass me! “】

“And all this I deserve, my great reign… Bring it to me! “】

[Under Akhnaten’s self-talk, an amazing truth was gradually revealed. 】

[It turns out that thousands of years ago, Akhnaton ruled the whole of Egypt with his iron fist! ] 】

[All laws and regulations in the country are decided by him alone! ] 】

[After ruling everything in the world, Akhnaton is not satisfied. 】

[He even promoted the so-called “Akhnaten State Religion” throughout the country! ] Let the priests worship themselves as gods! 】

[This crazy move caused an uproar throughout Egypt, but Akhnaton was unmoved, just insisted on it. 】

[No one expected that because of these terrifying ways of ruling, some alien beings who had mastered the ultimate power of the universe would also set their sights on him! ] 】

[That night, Akhnaton was taken away by an alien flying saucer.] 】

[When he came to the spaceship, he knew the reason why he was taken away. 】

[It turns out that the owner of the spaceship is a super existence called the “Celestial God Race”. 】

[They have obtained unimaginable energy, conquered countless star fields, and maintained the peace of these star fields in some special way. 】

[The method of the Celestial God Race is to select some of those planets… Locals with a “gift for domination”. 】

[They will give these “locals” enough power over the universe!] Then let “them” act as agents to rule that star field. 】

[For reasons that are incomprehensible, these Celestial God Race… Admire Akhnaten’s deviant way of ruling. 】

[That’s why the Celestial God Clan chose him. 】

[After taking him off the earth, the Celestial God Race endowed Akhnaton with some kind of “infinite” power. 】

[They call it the “Infinite Heart.] 】

[It took Akhnaten 2,000 years to barely master a little fur. 】

[The true “Infinite Heart” is simply not something he can control. 】

[After gaining this power, Akhnaton returned to Earth, and he was ready to start with his home planet and eventually rule the entire universe! ] 】

[“This is the mission given to me by the Celestial God Clan! “】

[Akhnaton was talking to himself, suddenly turned his head, and sneered at the void:]

[“Horus! You’ve seen enough, now… It’s time to hit the road! “】

[“Not good! “】

[In the meeting of the gods, the faces of the gods from all over the earth changed greatly at the same time. 】

“He’s already found us!”] “】

[“Run for your life! “】

[Zeus of the Greek god system, grabbed the cloak of the god king Thor, turned his head and ran towards the portal! ] 】

[But the other gods reacted a little slower.] 】

“Farewell, God of the earth! “】

[In a different dimensional space, Akhnaton radiated strong energy! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[And at the next moment, the location of the meeting of the gods broke out an unimaginable explosion of divine power! ] 】


[Only had time to let out a scream, and the gods of the Heavenly Father level in the meeting were all blown to white bones by Akhnaton’s divine power. 】

[Only Zeus and Thor, who saw the opportunity quickly, barely escaped with their lives. 】

[The resistance of the gods of the earth has completely failed. 】

[But everyone else on Earth is still trying to defeat this crazy black pharaoh! ] 】

[Doom Doctor, just came up with a genius plan! ] 】

[He used a time traveler of his own design to travel back to ancient Egypt in the past.] 】

[Doum’s plan is to replace Akhnaten… Be the one who was taken away by aliens and given cosmic powers! 】

[He is ready to occupy the Magpie’s Nest and seize Akhnaton’s “chance”! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Soon, Dr. Doom traveled back to ancient Egypt thousands of years ago and found Akhnaten. 】

[“Go and die! The chance to become a god is mine! “】

[Just when Dr. Doom raised his weapon and was about to completely evaporate Akhnaton, a divine force… Hit him from behind. 】


[Doom screamed, and the weapon in his hand turned to ashes. 】

[“Hmph, Doom, do you think… Didn’t I expect this hand from you? “】

[Black Pharaoh Akhnaton actually appeared behind Dr. Doom! ] 】

[If even Doom can use technology for time travel.] 】

[That for the black pharaoh who has unlimited power, it is even easier to travel through time! ] 】

[Dr. Doom… And that’s it. 】

[Now, the hope of the earth, and indeed the entire multiverse, has been placed on another person. 】

[That’s Thanos Thanos.] 】

[As a person cursed by knowledge, Thanos has long been aware of Achraton and the existence of that “power”. 】

[For the core of this force, Thanos named it “Heart of the Universe”! ] 】

[He believes that there is only one way to defeat Akhnaten, and that is to cut off his connection with the Heart of the Universe! ] 】

[In order to do this, Thanos uses high technology to locate the location of the Heart of the Universe, and then seize it! ] 】

[By that time, Thanos will become in the multiverse… A one-of-a-kind master! 】

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