Wanda Maximov: No, the previous moonlight knight, not dressed up like this.

Charles Xavier: Probably, this time the personality that controls the body… Still Steven!

Charles Xavier: So the image after the transformation has also changed.

Magneto: Charles, do you have any research on this kind of thing?

Charles Xavier: People’s psychological conditions affect physiology, maybe… It can also affect superpowers.

Bruce Wayne: Overall, it’s not a good thing.

Bruce Wayne: Steven is just a somewhat timid ordinary person with no experience fighting evil.

Bruce Wayne: Moreover, that cult leader Arthur was actually once the messenger of Kong Su!

Bruce Wayne: This corrupt “former hero” is the most dangerous enemy!

Loki Odinson: yes, it’s like a laughing bat, it’s really scary. ^_^

Bruce Wayne: Whatever you will, the facts have proven my point.

Bruce Wayne: Not only did this “Arthur” master some kind of dark magic to summon wolves, but even… Also want to go to that “Amit’s grave!”

Hermione Granger: The grave? Amit is something in the mythical world, how can its tomb be in the real world?

Wonder Woman Diana: Actually… The boundary between the divine realm and the human realm is not as big as ordinary people think.

Wonder Woman Diana: As far as the Greek gods are concerned, many gods will secretly go to the Nether and mix with humans.

John Constantine: It’s troublesome, in addition to humans, superheroes have to deal with gods!

Tony Stark: This guy’s power was originally given by God! This is also sort of… The price of gaining power.

At this time, a new image also appears on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

“It’s okay, I’m okay! “】

[“Steven, the white suit” who fell from the tall building stood up and looked at himself unharmed, and the whole person was stunned. ] 】

[At this moment, Steven suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him:]

“Steven, what are we wearing now?” “】

[“White Suit Steven” looked back and saw “White Suit Mark” standing in a glass window behind him. 】

[Steven was a little embarrassed and quickly explained:]

“This… Laila just told me that I needed a suit. “】

[Mark’s face is not angry:]

[“That’s right, uniforms! She was talking about the sacrificial armor of the Temple of Kongsu! “】

[“It’s not you who are ‘KFC grandpa’ dressed up! “】

[“It’s useless for you to tell me this…”

[After the transformation, Steven fumbled around his body to try to find the golden scarab. 】

[Unexpectedly, he felt two sticks from behind his back. 】

“Wow! So handsome. “】

[Raising the stick and swinging it twice, Steven’s confidence suddenly skyrocketed, and he felt as if he had transformed into a kung fu master. ] 】

[But in the next second…]

[“Bang! “】

[A huge monster fell from the sky and smashed Steven’s body. 】

[That wolf-headed man actually jumped down from the stairs. 】

[“Bang! Bang! Syllable! “】


[Although he has become a moonlight knight, he has super strength…”

[But Steven has never fought with anyone in his life, and he doesn’t know how to fight at all, and he was suddenly beaten to death by the wolf-headed man! ] 】

[It didn’t take long for Laila to be attracted by the sound of fighting, but she was also stunned when she saw “Steven in White” standing there fighting with the air. 】

[It turns out that ordinary people can’t see it at all… Wolf-headed people from hell! 】

[“Fuck off! “】

[Looking at Steven, pinched by something intangible and lifted into the air, Laila finally couldn’t help it. 】

[She grabbed a wine bottle on the ground and pointed it into the air in front of Steven… It’s just a blow. 】

[“Bang! “】

[Under one blow, the wine in the bottle spilled the wolf-headed man. ] 】

[And Leila, finally saw the outline of this monster. ] 】

[It’s a pity that even with Leila, an ordinary human woman, Steven still can’t beat the wolf-headed man. ] 】


[Seeing that Laila was also pulled in. Steven rose up with the strength after transforming and punched violently, actually knocking the wolf-headed man to the ground! 】


[It’s a pity that he doesn’t know how to use the power of the moonlight knight at all, after Steven fought for a while. ] Or was knocked down by the wolf-headed man, and even hit by a car! 】

[Seeing that the wolf-headed man is extremely fierce and worried that ordinary citizens on the street will be injured, Steven can only helpless… The control of the body was given to Mark. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[With the roll of Steven’s eyes, the white cloth strip wrapped his body again, and the genuine moonlight knight “Mark” appeared! ] 】

[The experienced Mark first led the wolf-headed man out of the street to a remote rooftop. 】

[“Bang! Boom…”

[Immediately afterwards, he used his agile skills to directly grab the monster and stab it to death on the spire of a building. 】

[“Hula …”

[After the wolf-headed man died, his body turned into dust and drifted in the air. 】

[This is the true power of the Moonlight Knight! ] 】

[Next, Mark removed the “knight transformation” and changed back to the original form of an ordinary person. 】

[But he searched his whole body and didn’t find the golden scarab! ] 】

[It seems that in the fight just now, the scarab fell out and was lost. ] 】

[At this time, on the other side of the street, Leila, who was riding a motorcycle, saw a terrifying scene. 】

[A homeless man on the street picked up the scarab. 】

[It’s a pity that the cult leader Arthur also arrived! ] 】

[He stepped forward and took the scarab, and then used his superpower, without “Heavenly Judgment”. Directly killed the bum! 】

[Seeing this terrible image, Laila quickly started the engine and fled on a motorcycle. 】

[And her “real husband” Mark is not in a good mood at this time. ] 】

[Not only lost the scarab, Steven is also making trouble for him.] 】

[At this time, Steven was already trapped in the depths of consciousness. 】

[Just like Mark before, he can’t control his body at all, and can only communicate with Mark through the mirror. 】

[Mark also wants to appease Steven again, but this kid can’t listen anymore, and even threatens Mark in turn to make him uneasy! ] 】

[“Abominable! Do you think I’m willing to do that? “】

[Mark angrily raised his foot and kicked the glass in front of him madly. 】

[“If I don’t be a moonlight knight, Kong Su will replace me with Leila! “】

[It turns out that the reason why Mark served Kong Su was actually to protect his wife! ] 】

[At the next moment, Kong Su, the “bird-headed skeleton man”, appeared in front of Mark again. ] 】

[He warns Mark not to forget the contract between them, now that the scarab has been taken away, Mark must do whatever it takes… Stop Amit from being resurrected! 】

[The picture turns, in a quaint room, the haggard-looking Mark stands up. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[He opened the curtains in front of the window, and in the distance outside the window, several magnificent pyramids were clearly visible! ] 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively:

Hermione Granger: Wow! Egypt! The man came to Egypt.

Wanda Maksimov: Hahaha! The great apocalypse has finally returned to his faithful Egypt! ^_^

Wanda Maksimov: This time, are there any mutants who come to trouble him?

Magneto: Wanda, don’t make such jokes.

Charles Xavier: Yes, this man is not some apocalypse, just a poor man who is threatened, controlled, and unable to escape by the gods.

God of War Kratos: Believing in the promises of the gods only proves that he is a fool!

Wonder Woman Diana: Too bad, that Luna just wanted “Mark” to be a lifelong beater for him, and had no intention of setting him free.

God of War Kratos: A lifetime? It’s too beautiful to think, and when this mortal gets older and becomes dull, Kong Su will replace him with a young man.

Ghost Knight: Hmph, what these gods do is no different from the devil!

Ganata, daughter of the star-swallowing star: Ahem, my messenger, not all gods are so tasteless…

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After coming to Egypt, Mark found a group of hooligans in order to find the traces of Amit’s tomb. 】

[After some chases and scuffles, Mark finally blocked one of the gangsters on the street. 】

[But just when he was about to hurt his hand, Steven in the mirror persuaded him again:]

“Mark, you’re going too far. “】


[Seeing “himself” in the mirror, Mark hesitated slightly. 】

[And at this moment, a gangster suddenly appeared behind him, facing the back of Mark’s head. ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Mark only felt that his eyes were dark, swayed for a while, fell backwards, and then lost consciousness. 】

[The next moment, after he opened his eyes, a terrifying scene appeared in front of him! ] 】

[He held a knife in his right hand and stabbed right into the body of the bastard.] 】

[“Bang! “】

[The bastard’s eyes darkened, and he fell backwards on the mud floor, making a “bang” sound.] 】

[Mark looked left and right, and saw that the ground was full of corpses of gangsters! ] 】

[Obviously, one of his own personalities went on a killing spree and slaughtered these people! ] 】

[Seeing the scene in front of him, Mark was a little suspicious of life for a while,]

[He never dreamed that he would actually encounter a “fragment”! ] 】

[Moreover, that stupid “Steven personality” was so ferocious, killing so many people in one shot. ] 】

[Staring at the dangling blade in his hand, Mark asked loudly:]

“Steven, what did you do?” “】

“It’s not me, I didn’t do anything!”] “】

[Steven on “Blade Mirror” was also full of shock, saying that he didn’t kill anyone at all. 】

“How is this possible? “】

[Mark looked at the blood stains on the blade, and he was stunned for a while. 】

[If it wasn’t for him to kill it, or if it wasn’t Steven’s killing, then… Who started it? 】

In the live broadcast room.

Bruce Wayne’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a categorical voice:

“Third personality! This moonlight knight also has multiple personalities in his body! ”

“And, this personality… Probably a murderer! ”

PS: After Moonlight Knight, it’s Ultra Galactic Fight! Little golden man! Beria! Torrecchia! ^_^

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