[Just when the two Jackie Chan were fighting with the mafia gang on the stage, Xiaoyu, who was curious, found something else interesting. ] 】

“What is this lever for?” “】

[Xiaoyu casually pushed the lever up, but unexpectedly, fireworks rose on the stage! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[Fireworks burst off one after another on the stage, and the audience applauded.] 】

[However, one of the fireworks hit the mafia gang’s “Ah Fen”! ] 】

[“Oops! “】

[With a scream, the unlucky “Ah Fen” immediately turned into green smoke. 】

[At the same time that A Fenqi rushed to the street, the “Zhou” of the black hand gang was also caught by the white tiger’s claw and turned into smoke on the spot. ] 】

[And the worst thing is still “Lasu”! ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[I saw one good and one evil two Jackie Chan… At the same time, he launched an attack and beat Rasu into green smoke! 】

[While the mafia gang is losing everything, the sword dragon is showing its might! ] A wave of black magic light sent Daddy flying! 】

[“Hahaha! The magic of the Tiger Charm, come now! “】

[After beating Daddy, the Dao Dragon opened his hands and laughed loudly! ] 】

[And with the laughter of the sword dragon, two blue magic energies shot out from his hands, shrouding the two white tigers in it. ] 】

[If no one stops him, the sword dragon will soon use the power of the tiger spell… Inhale into the body! 】

[“Oops! Jackie chan! Hurry up! “】

[The father who fell to the ground, unable to fight again for a while, quickly issued a warning to the two Jackie Chan! ] 】

【“………… I see! “】

[The “Jackie Chan” who received the guidance of their father glanced at each other, and the soldiers divided into two ways and rode on the two white tigers one after another. ] 】


[With two roars, two white tigers jumped up at the same time and rushed towards the sword dragon in the center of the stage! ] 】

“What? “】

[The Dao Dragon, who was absorbing the energy of the Tiger Spell, did not expect this move at all! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Caught off guard, he was hit by two tigers and Jackie Chan riding on them! ] 】


[With a scream, the body of the knife dragon, like the trio of the black hand, turned into blue smoke and drifted away. ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[At the moment when the two white tigers collided, the strong energy converged into one! ] 】

[Tiger and Jackie Chan, both turned back into one! ] 】

[The bizarre spell battle on the stage shocked the audience under the stage! ] 】

“It’s amazing, I’ve never seen such an incredible performance. “】

“What kind of magic is that?”] It wouldn’t be real magic, would it? “】

“Those two tigers, and that twin… It’s all become one! How amazing! “】

[Immediately afterwards, tsunami-like applause and cheers rang out! ] 】

[After successfully repelling the evil forces such as the Dao Dragon, Jackie Chan also bought the white tiger from the circus as he wished. ] 】

[Now, there is one more pet in District 13. 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Ida Wang: I probably also understand that the so-called “Jackie Chan Adventure” is actually the story of Jackie Chan stabbing out of the basket and then letting Xiaoyu and his father solve it.

Daddy: Huh? No, Xiaoyu is the one who often breaks into trouble.

Ida Wang: Maybe this girl has the ability to break into trouble, but she also has the ability to solve problems!

Ida Wang: To be honest, if I had to choose, I would rather get along with her than walk with that frizzy Jackie Chan.

Dad: You said this too much, Jackie Chan is very capable of fighting, and his heart is also very good…

Deadpool: Hahaha! Dad, you can actually say good things about Jackie Chan, shouldn’t the sun come out of the west today? ^_^

Daddy: Hey! Jackie Chan, but my junior, I can say whatever I want, but others cannot!

King Ida: I understand your feelings of loving your children and nephews. However, Xiaoyu obviously has a higher cultivation value than Jackie Chan!

King Ida: If I could raise her, I would definitely be able to raise her into an elite… Special……

Daddy: Elite what?

King Ida: Ahem, it’s elite.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen,

A calm narration voice also sounded.

[Just before the twelve charms were turned into animals, another thing happened in Jackie Chan’s body. 】

[While looking for the spell animal, Xiaoyu still has to continue school. 】

[On this day, Xiaoyu’s school life had waves. 】

[In the school, a talent contest is being prepared. 】

[But Xiaoyu feels… She simply did not have the talent to sing, could neither sing nor dance, and could not get a good position in the competition. 】

[Looking at Xiao Yu with a sad face, Jackie Chan quickly comforted her with his high emotional intelligence:]

[“Xiaoyu, don’t belittle yourself. “】

“At least, no one can match you when it comes to ‘making trouble.'” “】

[Xiaoyu: “…………… (▼ヘ▼#)”】

[Looking at Xiaoyu jumping up and down, it seems that she really wants to toss out some talent, Jackie Chan can’t help but be a little worried, afraid that she will go into trouble again. ] 】

[At this time, Jackie Chan suddenly came up with a good idea:]

[“Xiaoyu, you come with me, I’ll teach you a new talent. “】

[“That’s Ventriloquist!”] “】

[Jackie Chan took Xiaoyu to another antique store and found a monkey doll. ] 】

[Jackie Chan picked up the doll a little proudly and put it on his chest. ] 】

[“Xiaoyu, have you seen it, this is the Monkey King.”] “】

[“Monkey King? “】

[Xiaoyu looked at the doll in front of him, and seemed to have not decided whether to buy it or not:]

“This thing looks a little scary. “】

【”Hey, hey…”】

[Surprisingly, this monkey doll actually spoke:]

[“Little girl, in fact, you are not so cute. “】

[“Shenma? “】

[Seeing that the doll actually spoke, and sarcastically himself, Xiaoyu was so frightened that his scalp was numb, and he couldn’t help but take a step back. ] 】

[But after a while, she reacted and said with a look of excitement:]

[“Uncle Long, it turns out that this is the art of ventriloquist, you must teach me! “】

[After spending money to buy this Monkey King doll, Jackie Chan just returned home and found a line of words behind the doll:]

“Pull my leg and something unexpected will happen.”] “】

[“Pulling legs? “】

[Jackie Chan looked a little curious, so he reached out and pulled the monkey doll’s legs! ] 】

[But I didn’t expect it… This doll actually moved, and a strange red light was emitted on its body! 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[Before Jackie Chan could react, he was completely surrounded by the red light on the monkey doll. ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[Just after the red light disappeared, the one standing in Jackie Chan’s position turned into a monkey! ] 】

[“Hahaha! The Monkey King is resurrected again! “】

[This monkey, the size of a human, laughed happily! ] 】

[Subsequently, he also transformed into Tru in front of his father and others. ] Demonstrated the superpower of transformation, 】

[“Damn, what did you do to Uncle Long? “】

[Xiaoyu turned your head, fixed your eyes, and suddenly turned white with fright. 】

[“Oh my God! “】

[On the chair where the “Monkey King doll” was originally placed, now there is a “Jackie Chan doll”! ] 】

[It turns out that the “Monkey King” hidden in this puppet actually took Jackie Chan’s body! ] 】

[It also locked Jackie Chan’s soul in that puppet in turn! ] 】


[Monkey King laughed proudly:]

“Me and this guy … Someone has to turn into a doll! “】

“But I don’t want to be that hapless bastard. “】

“I still have a lot of pranks to do, hee-hee!”] “】

[While flipping over the heel fight, the Monkey King disappeared all the way out the door. ] 】

[“Abominable! “】

[Xiaoyu held up the Jackie Chan doll and asked his father for help, but his father said:]

“I’m sorry, I’m not Pinocchio’s father, and I can’t bring the puppet to life.”] “】

[Upon hearing this, Xiao Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up! ] 】

[“Bring the puppets to life… Yes, Daddy, you are such a genius. “】

[Then, she handed the doll to her father, turned around and rushed out of the antique store.] 】

[Not long after, Xiaoyu walked in the door with a charm. 】

[It turns out that during this time, he went to the vault of the thirteenth district and stole the rat charm! ] 】

[“The rat charm can turn silence into motion, just enough to bring Uncle Long’s puppet to life! “】

[While saying, Xiaoyu put the rat charm on Jackie Chan’s puppet:]

[“Oh! “】

[With a golden light, the puppet really opened its eyes and moved! ] 】

[Looking at the pathetic appearance of the “Jackie Chan puppet”, Dad quickly persuaded him not to look in the mirror. ] 】

[“Oops! “】

[But Daddy’s reminder, Jackie Chan turned his head, and was immediately frightened by the “himself” in the mirror and sat down on the ground. ] 】

[“How so? I became a puppet! “】

[I learned that all this was caused by the “Monkey King” in the puppet! ] Jackie Chan can only join forces with Xiaoyu and others, wanting to catch a monkey that occupies his body! 】

[But they didn’t expect that this Monkey King really had extremely strong mana! ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[“Run! “】

[After encountering the “Monkey King”, Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu were suddenly beaten to pieces. ] 】

[The “Jackie Chan puppet” was even dismantled and turned into parts! ] 】

[After returning to the antique shop, Tru spent a lot of effort to put the “Jackie Chan puppet” back together.] 】

[At this time, Xiaoyu suddenly remembered something! ] 】

[Today, it’s the school’s talent competition, but she hasn’t learned “abdominal language” at all. 】

[“Huh? Ventriloquist? Do you perform puppets? “】

[Xiaoyu rolled her eyes, staring at Jackie Chan, who had turned into a puppet, a “evil” smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she slowly stretched out her hands. ] 】

[“Wait! What do you want? Don’t! “】

[Watching Xiaoyu’s clutches grow bigger and bigger in front of his eyes, Jackie Chan, who turned into a puppet, could only let out helpless screams! ] 】

[Next, Xiaoyu brought the puppet Jackie Chan to the school stage! ] Let him pretend to be a real puppet and do a “belly talk” with her! 】

And seeing this, the chat group was lively again.

Daddy: Ah this… ( ̄△ ̄; )

King Ida: Haha, I know how to use everything around me… Come and get an advantage, this little girl is really powerful! I like her better! ^_^

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