Torrecchia: Oh, it seems that what is playing on the screen should be Beria from another parallel universe!

Big bones boiled into soup: parallel universes? (⊙o⊙)

Torrecchia: That’s right, since there is a multiverse, then naturally there will be parallel universes.

Torrecchia: In parallel universes, there may still be countless you, and countless me! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Beria: No wonder! I feel that this “me” on the screen is particularly cowardly!

Deadpool: Cowardly? I don’t think so!

Deadpool: It’s the father of Ott who robbed your sweetheart! Such hatred … As long as it is a man, he will want to report it!

Beria: …………

Starlight: Uh, maybe so… Can make you feel better.

Starlight: The mother of Ott, named Mary, may just consider you a friend.

Starlight: You see, in the video, she’s very polite when she talks to you. Instead, and the father of Ott…

Beria: Stop! I didn’t ask you! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

Torrecchia: Gee, what a pity.

Torrecchia: Beria, if you really marry the mother of Ott, then Tyro will either not be born, or… will become your son! O(∩_∩)O haha~

Beria: Get out! I don’t want that stupid son.

Bruce Wayne: That golden weirdo was able to whisper in Ultraman’s ear and lure the other party into falling!

Bruce Wayne: This approach reminds me of Cthulhu!

Wanda Maximov: What? Do you say that this little golden man is an ancient god? Or is it an ancient god? (⊙o⊙)

Bruce Wayne: I’m not sure, but in this parallel universe, since the little golden man has already shot, I don’t think… He will stop.

Torrecchia: Oh? Then you think, this golden man lured Beria to fall … For what?

Bruce Wayne: I’m afraid he wants Beria to break with the Land of Light so that he can take advantage of the opportunity to take him under his command.

Bruce Wayne: A lot of street gangsters, let find a way… Let the new members break with their own families so that they can completely absorb each other into the gang.

Bruce Wayne: I’ve seen a lot in Gotham City.

Beria: Taken over? This little golden man is so daring! Convex (艹皿艹)

Lori Jinx: Ha! First the Ray Blanc Starman, and now this little golden man.

Lori Jinx: You… Is there something that attracts the physique of the “Great Devil”? ^_^

Beria: Human imp! Get out of the way!

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Although I heard the whispers of the little golden man, Beria is an outstanding Ultra warrior after all, and he is not so easy to lose his mind. ] 】

[But since then, his relationship with “Jian” has also become worse and worse.] 】

[On this day, in the daily training, Beria became more and more angry, and even used fierce killing moves, as if to beat “Jian” into a serious injury. ] 】

[Beria’s killing moves were defeated, and “Jian” finally couldn’t help it, and opened his mouth and shouted:]

“Wait a minute, Beria! It’s just training! “】

[But at this moment, Beria seems to be angry at the top of his head, his brain is a little unclear, just keep attacking madly:]

[“I am obviously better than you, why should you be the captain?”] “】

[“Ha! “】

[Seeing that Beria’s move was fatal, “Jian” finally couldn’t bear it anymore and used Ultra Light during training! ] 】

【”Ahhh!! “】

[Belia, whose mind was overheated, did not flash at all, was hit head-on by the light of the father of Ott, flew upside down for several meters, and was not lightly injured. ] 】

[Seeing this, Jian quickly stepped forward to apologize: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. “】

[“Fuck off! “】

[Although “Jian” stretched out his hand and wanted to pull Beria up from the ground, the other party did not appreciate it, but instead knocked his outstretched hand away. 】

[Next.] Beria dragged his injured body, ignored the fingers and whispers of dozens of Ultramen around him, and staggered out of the training ground. 】

[“Abominable! Damn it! Damn it! “】

[The body and mind were hit hard, and Beria came to the wilderness alone and began to frantically vent the anger in his heart. 】


[Under the attack of Belia’s powerful light, the surrounding surface was beaten into potholes, and some rocks even melted into magma! ] 】

[In this state of chaos, Beria heard that strange voice again. 】

“Do you want to change your destiny?” “】

“Do you want to gain great power?”] “】

“Do you want to get what you want?”] “】

[Hearing these strange whispers, Mei Belia covered her head, and her face showed confusion:]

【”What’s going on lately?”] I hear these weird sounds all the time. “】

[But soon, his eyes changed.] 】

[“Yes! Strength! “】

“As long as I have the power, I can do whatever I want… Get anything I want! “】

[“Even change my destiny!”] “】

[Guided by a strange whisper, Beria finally took that step. 】

[He sneaked into the plasma spark tower and reached out to touch the supreme treasure of the Land of Light… Plasma spark! 】

[“Aaaa “】

[But contrary to expectations, this spark containing infinite energy did not give Beria any power…”

[Instead, it eroded her body!] Let him happen under extreme pain, let out a horrible scream! 】

[“Wow… It hurts…… Uh-uh…”

[Under the severe pain of life and death, Beria staggered and fled the plasma spark tower. 】

[Right at the gate of the Spark Tower, he was surrounded by the Ultramen in charge of guarding! ] 】

“Beria, what exactly did you do? “】

[“Get out of my way, don’t get in my way!”] “】

[Due to the intense severe pain, Beria has fallen into a state of madness at this moment, without hesitation… Unleashed “Ultraman Rays” at these Ultramen! 】

[“Wow! “】

[All the Ultramen who stood in his way were severely injured and fell to the ground, and some even lost their lives! ] 】

[At this time, “Jian” finally appeared! ] 】

[He asked Beria why he touched the core of the spark! ] 】

[But Beria is no longer in the mood to talk nonsense with him at the moment:]

[“Stop! I don’t want to hear your righteous nonsense again! “】

[“Crackle! “】

[Fiercely released the strongest Ultraman ray! ] Beria just hit and injured the caught off guard “Jian”. 】

[Immediately afterwards, he dragged his injured body and fled the Land of Light. 】

[“Wow! “】

[Falling on a strange planet, Beria only felt that his body was so painful that he almost tore apart, and fell to the ground for a while, unable to even stand up. ] 】

[At this time, a strange man wearing golden armor appeared in front of him! ] 】

[Looking at the strange man in front of him, Beria asked with a shocked face:]

“You… Who are you? “】

[“I am a warrior of the Absolutes! Ultimate lifeform, Absolut Tartarus! “】

[The little golden man said proudly:]

“I come from the distant future tens of thousands of years later! “】

[Speaking of this, he suddenly stretched out his hand and transmitted a strange illusion into Beria’s mind:]

“Now, let you see what your future looks like! “】

“What? Aaaaa

[Feeling the illusion in his brain, Beria couldn’t help but cover his brain and hissed. 】

[At the same time, the voice of the little golden man still entered his mind uncontrollably! ] 】

[“You will fuse with the Ray Blando Starmen to obtain a new dark form and become the first dark Ultraman in history! “】

“But your ambition will be destroyed again and again by an Ultra warrior named Sero!”] “】

“And the one who really decides your destiny… It’s a new Ultraman created with your genes! 】

[“G&D Ultraman! “】

[Hearing this name, Beria’s body trembled even more violently. 】

[It was in his mind that he did see a strange young Ultraman… Stood in front of himself and defeated him! 】

“He defeated you, who became the ultimate lifeform. “】

[“And tell you to go to ashes!”] “】

[“Aaaa “】

[Feeling the scene of “himself” dying, Beria’s body first trembled violently for a while, and then… Suddenly, he threw his head nervously and laughed. 】

[“Hahaha! It’s such ironic. “】

“I worked so hard to gain strength, and in the end… He actually died at the hands of his own son! “】

[Seeing Beria’s collapse, the little golden man put his hand on his shoulder and said seriously:]

[“Wait for me to come, I will change your destiny! “】

[After rushing, the little golden man waved his hands and opened a golden portal behind Beria’s back, encountering a double blow of body and mind, and Beria, who was ignorant, could hardly think… Led into the portal by the little golden man. 】

[And in the strange space inside the portal, he saw several terrifying powerhouses described as hideous. ] 】

[It seems that these monsters are the subordinates searched by the little golden man in various timelines and parallel universes! ] 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Big bones boiled into soup: Wow! Beria, it turns out that you still have a son. His mom… Is that your wife?

Beria: ………… This…… That’s impossible! (⊙_⊙)

In the cosmic prison, although Beria couldn’t move his body, he still opened his mouth stupidly, and the expression on his face… It’s like seeing a ghost!


Where did he get his son?

In this life, nothing but fighting is fighting.

The only woman she likes is Marie Lee Ultraman, and in the end, she empathizes and falls in love with Ott’s father!

In this case, did that J&D Ultraman fall from the sky?

Torrecchia: Oh oh, a “son” made from genetics? This means … It’s better to say a clone!

Beria: Clone? Who! Who dares to clone me?

Beria: Damn, I must slaughter him! Convex (艹皿艹)

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