[“Abominable Rick Sanchez! “】

[Hearing Rick and Morty’s unscrupulous speech, the president’s angry black face turned red. 】

[But all the staff around him advised him to focus on the overall situation and not because of this little thing… Just offend that crazy science superhero “Rick”! 】

[“Enough! “】

[The president said categorically:]

“In the future, we will definitely not rely on that crazy old man anymore! “】

“Now, let’s celebrate… From Rick and Morty, independence was gained! “】

[Hearing this somewhat crazy statement, the staff in the White House still applauded.] 】

[It didn’t take long for a new state of affairs to emerge. 】

[Deep in the jungle of the Amazon, someone has discovered a small country. 】

[The people in this country, although only a few millimeters tall, have even invented the technology of nuclear missiles! ] 】

[After learning of this strange incident, Rick and Morty were also a little curious, so they took the spaceship to the local area to investigate. ] 】

[They had just entered the jungle, and American troops had arrived. 】

[These armies have built a portal in the jungle, and it is very strange… Activated the portal with a lighter. 】

[“Oh! “】

[From the portal, the President of the United States walked out with his subordinates. 】

[After appearing, he first asked Rick and Morty to go home with an arrogant look, claiming… He alone can solve this crisis. 】

“Wow! What are you going to do? “】

[Rick squinted his eyes and said with a look of disdain:]

“Oh, it turned out to be a shrinking pill. “】

“Do you want to make yourself smaller and run to that Lilliput, negotiate with them?” “】

[“Hmph! You are not qualified to be so arrogant in front of me, I already know your weaknesses. “】

[Looking at the arrogant Rick, as soon as the president gave an order, there was immediately someone… Handcuffs made of some strange metal put him and Morty on the test. 】

[It turned out that after the investigation of the White House, Rick Sanchez was only afraid of two things in his life, one was this weird metal, and the second was pirates. ] 】

[Thinking that he had trapped Rick, the president immediately shrunk his body and turned into a sleek mini-man.] 】

[The mini president got on the mini spaceship prepared by the White House and flew to the Lilliput. 】


As soon as the president left, Rick easily broke free of the metal handcuffs, stunning everyone in the White House. 】

[Looking at the stunned crowd, Rick laughed proudly:]

[“Stupid, I have no weakness at all, that’s all made up by me to fool people! “】

[Seeing this, a female officer quickly took out the walkie-talkie:]

“Hurry up and retreat, Rick Sanchez is not afraid of pirates. “】

[“Huh? Pirate? “】

[Seeing a group of “Pirates of the Caribbean” emerging from the surrounding jungle, Rick was taken aback:]

[“No, I’m really afraid of this thing! “】

[Panicked, Rick quickly took Morty’s hand, and the two fled into the portal together.] 】

[The slick president came to Lilliput, and met the queen here. 】

[But the queen told him that Rick and Morty had already arrived!] 】

[Moreover, the Queen has reached a peace agreement with your grandfather and grandson. 】

[What’s even more infuriating is that Rick even expected… The president will shrink himself and enter Lilliput. 】

[So, I also prepared a T-shirt for him.] 】

[However, Rick did not prepare pants for the president…]

[“Abominable Rick Sanchez! “】

[Just when the president was completely humiliated by Rick, Rick’s daughter Beth suddenly called him. 】

[It turns out that not long ago, Rick once revealed to Beth that even if she can’t think of leaving Earth one day, Rick can create a “clone” to replace her at any time. ] 】

[After learning all this, Beth was suspicious all day.] 】

[She suspects… The real “self” may have left the earth, and the current “she” is just a clone! 】

“You’re not a clone. “】

[Rick first gave a brief answer. 】

[But then, he suddenly added another sentence:]

“You don’t have to think about it, if you are really a clone and realize this, then I will definitely kill you.] “】

【“…… ( ̄ mouth ̄)!!! “】

[After hanging up the phone, Beth was so frightened that she trembled all over, and quickly took her daughter Sangmei and hid in the barren mountains. ] 】

[At this point, she has become very convinced… Himself is a clone of the real Beth! 】

[And Rick, will come and kill her soon!] 】

Seeing this, Morty was taken aback again, and looked at Rick with his eyes wide open.

“No, Rick, my mother… Is it actually a clone? ”

“No, she is indeed my daughter.”

Rick smiled coldly and put the wine bottle in his hand on the table next to him.

“This pathological murder paranoia is also part of Sanchez’s bloodline.”

“Sanchez bloodline…”

Hearing this term, Morty’s face changed again.

Through previous images, Morty already knew that the so-called “Sanchez bloodline” was a cursed genetic factor!

Anyone who possesses this bloodline will become violent, cruel, unscrupulous in order to achieve the end, and regard the lives of others as nothing!

Not only himself, but his mother Bass, his sister Sammei… They all have similar qualities!

[Image continues.] 】

[Next, Rick and Morty did amazing things around the world under the guise of special presidential envoys.] 】

[Although the president is unhappy in his heart, he can only take all this credit for himself, and at the same time look everywhere for the whereabouts of these two people. 】

“What, you can’t find Rick and Morty anywhere, what are you all eating for?”] “】

The president reprimanded his men as he walked into his Oval Office. 】

[As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he found that Rick and Morty… I actually happened to be sitting on his sofa eating snacks. 】

[“Damn, you guys are so daring! “】

[The president was so angry that he quickly greeted a large number of bodyguards and surrounded Rick and Morty. 】

“Calm down, there’s no need to be so excited. “】

[Rick patted the snack scraps on his hand, stood up leisurely and said:]

“I’m just in a room that you can’t blow up and can’t listen into… Just waiting for you to come back. “】

[And the reason why Rick had to meet the president was only because he wanted to ask for a selfie of the president for Morty.] 】

[The President’s face is frosty:]

[“What kind of joke, you hurry up and me.] “】

[“Hmph! If you don’t give me a selfie, I’ll stay here. Rick simply put on a rogue posture. 】

[Next.] The president ordered a bodyguard to take Rick away. 】

[“Bang! “】

[As a result, as soon as this young man touched Rick’s body, he immediately fell to the ground and died. 】

【”I cao! “】

[“Oh God! “】

[Seeing the dead people on the ground, everyone was stunned. 】

[“You guy, you dare to kill people in my office! “】

[The president was furious, and the soldiers and bodyguards present also raised their guns.] 】

[“Please… I advise you not to do this. “】

[Rick’s expression remained unchanged, but he activated a device on his watch. 】

[“Shoot! “】

[With the order of a general, almost everyone pulled the trigger.] 】

[“Bang bang! “】

[The bullets they fired all hit a blue talisman light shield… Bounced back! 】


[Right now, the Oval Office is littered with blood and bullet marks. 】

[The president’s bodyguards… In an instant, only two kittens and two or three remained. 】

[However, the president actually showed amazing courage! ] 】

“Get me out of my office!”] “】

[Not only was he not afraid, but he also took up various superweapons and launched an attack on Rick! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】


[“Boom! “】

[Relying on all kinds of bizarre military satellites, Shining twins, spider robots, and laser drones… The president actually fought back and forth with Rick, and no one could get the upper hand for a while. 】

[In the end, Rick still won and subdued the president.] 】

[But when he looked back, he found that his teleportation gun and Morty… It’s gone. 】

“Morty, where did you kid run.”] “】

[Angry Rick, quickly called his grandson. ] 】

Morty answered the phone and said he didn’t want the president’s selfie for a long time. 】

[Moreover, he found his mother with a teleportation gun.] 】

[His mother Beth thought she was a clone and got back together with her long-divorced father. 】

[“Damn it! She’s not a clone! “】

[Rick was so dizzy with anger! ] 】

[He is here to fight and die with the president for the sake of his grandson! ] 】

[This stinky boy actually stole his things and ran away! ] 】

[In desperation, Rick quickly reached an agreement with the president to borrow the portal of the White House… Came to where Morty and Beth were. 】

[“Oh my God! He’s coming. “】

[Seeing Rick walking over with an automatic rifle in his hand, Beth trembled with fear. 】

[But for herself and for this family, she still stood up! ] 】

[Beth came outside and persuaded Rick to let himself go to other parallel universes… Find another Beth to live with! 】

“You fucking crazy woman, you’re really my daughter when I’m talking about! “】

[Rick casually threw the automatic rifle on the ground:]

“I came with a gun to kill your dead ghost husband! “】

[Although he hated Morty’s father’s mediocrity and incompetence, for the sake of Beth and Morty, Rick still managed to stay on this planet. 】

[This man who can destroy everything and shuttle through countless multiverses, but he still can’t let go of his family…]

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively again.

Hermione Granger: It turns out that this old man named Rick also loves his family.

Tony Stark: yes, if it weren’t for selfies, with Rick’s abilities, that president might have been annihilated by him long ago.

Jerome Valeska: Wait a minute, it’s kind of weird, Rick and Morty… Haven’t you already changed the universe you’re in?

Jerome Valeska: That Beth, it shouldn’t be their family at all!

Morty: Ah???

Torrecchia: Not only that, but who is the “Doctor Who” mentioned by Rick earlier?

PS: The next time you live, the ninth Doctor Who will appear. ^_^

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