Bruce Wayne: Upper Narrator! Could it be that Mike and Morty’s world is also a story created by certain high-dimensional existences?

Bruce Wayne: Just and… The world where Supreme Superman is located is the same!

Clark Kent: Supreme Superman??? (⊙o⊙)

Hearing this name, Clark was suddenly shocked.

He remembered very well that although the Supreme Superman was still young, his strength was enough to crush most of the supermen in parallel universes!

But even such a powerful existence is being played by a “DC editorial office”.

In the end, although the Supreme Superman broke into the DC editorial office, he still could not change his fate, and could only hide in the editorial office and cry bitterly.

Such a fate is really too tragic.

Morty: I… Am I the person in the story? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Wanda Maximov: Boy, don’t be so upset.

Wanda Maximov: The so-called story should be the world created by the Creator!

Wanda Maximov: In this way, maybe… All of us are in the story!

Wanda Maksimov: The creator who created our world is Stan Lee!

Torrecchia: Oh, I really envy you, even the creator who created himself.

Torrecchia: I don’t know, the one who created our universe, or this “multiverse”… And what kind of people?

Beria: Creator? What’s the point of thinking about this kind of thing. I see you’re all crazy.

Jeromé Valeska: One thing… Very strange.

Jeromai Valleska: That Rick is just an ordinary person of flesh and blood, why… Can he know he’s in the story?

Jerome Valeska: Besides, Rick and Morty can still travel through the storyline, what kind of superpower is that?

Tony Stark: Superpowers? No, I think, this should be the power of science!

Tony Stark: Rick may have invented some kind of “device” that could turn the storyline upside down.

Tony Stark: That’s why he took Morty into the story train!

Demonized Dr. Strange: Subverting the storyline? Don’t…… They want to kill the Creator God?

Godzilla: Wouldn’t killing Muto be the equivalent of killing Stan Lee?

Deadpool: Wow hahaha! It’s so much fun. Rick and Morty are going to slaughter the newsroom! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Morty: This… I…… (⊙_⊙)

Faced with a series of imaginative hypotheses and conjectures, Morty only listened to it dizzy, and his brain was almost out of business.

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After knocking down the police on the train, Rick came to the console and took out a structural diagram of the story train. 】

[It turns out that this whole train is actually a ring! ] 】

[So… This story never stops, it just goes on endlessly. 】

“Well, if we want to control this train, we have to go to the engine room! “】

[Rick said with a serious face:]

“But to do that, you first have to get two spacesuits and then rush into the engine room from space.” “】

[Morty was shocked to hear :]

“Do we have to leave the carriage?” It’s a vacuum outside. “】

[Rick said coldly:]

“We don’t need to do anything, but that’s how the outline of the story is designed. “】

[Of course, our actions must first add some personal characteristics, which is called personality! “】

Morty was stunned to hear it, and he couldn’t understand what Rick was saying. 】

[And at this moment, the ticket inspector who was pulled into the vacuum outside actually floated outside the glass window beside the two. ] 】


[With only his upper body left, he screamed in the vacuum! ] The sound reached Rick and Morty’s ears all the way. 】

[Looking at the weird and terrifying scene in front of him, Morty was completely stupid. ] 】

“This is also too unscientific! How is he still alive? How can I hear him? “】

[Rick said coldly:]

“This guy has doubts about story and reality, he doesn’t know which is unreal and which is real. “】

“So, he will get stuck in the middle of these two worlds and die slowly.” “】

[Although Morty can’t understand what Rick is saying, his face is still not good-looking:]

[“This way of dying… It’s horrible. “】

[And the most outrageous thing is that in another story, the “ticket inspector” who suddenly broke in two in the mall actually floated in the air and rotated for three months! ] 】

[In these three months, while screaming, he spilled purple blood, dyeing the entire mall purple! ] 】

[Faced with this strange situation, people in this world began to believe… This “ticket inspector” is their god! 】

[The entire universe may be the nightmare of this half-truncated “ticket inspector”! ] 】

[Once the ticket inspector wakes up, the whole world will be destroyed! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[But in the next moment, this crazy world turned into nothing! ] 】

[It turns out that because in the tram story, Morty can’t stand it and decides to end the pain of this half-intercepted ticket inspector, in space… Shot and killed him. 】

[As soon as this core character died, the “story world” he was in also ended…]

After killing the ticket inspector, Rick and Morty walk from above the story train to the engine room. 】

[While walking, Morty felt wrong again.] 】

“Rick, why are you on my spacesuit… Install a timer? “】

[Watching the value of the timer begin to count down gradually, Morty suddenly had an ominous thought:]

“Isn’t this supposed to be a ticking time bomb?” “】

[“Boy, what do you understand? “】

[Rick said disdainfully:]

“If we want the story to look good, we have to put obstacles on the way to get there!”] “】

“Otherwise, no one would have read the story.”] “】

[“Huh? “】

[Morty was dumbfounded again.] 】

[“Enough, you kid don’t deconstruct the story here, honestly follow me.] “】

[Next, the grandfather and grandson finally came to the engine room of the story train. 】

[However, an enchantment is set on the outside of the engine, which is impossible to enter by ordinary methods.] 】

[Rick thought about it, and suddenly gave birth to another brain hole. 】

[He asked Morty to tell a… Stories that have nothing to do with either of them, maybe this method can break the story line and destroy the enchantment. 】

[But Morty didn’t know how to make up a story at all, and told a story casually… The result was useless. 】

[At this time, the timer on Morty’s body finally returned to zero! ] This directly caused his oxygen to be interrupted! 】

【”I can’t breathe…! “】

[Seeing that Morty was about to suffocate, Rick quickly pulled out his oxygen tube and received it to the other party’s spacesuit. ] 】


[Rick turned blue and told Morty with his last breath:]

“Let’s tell a story about women’s rights, that’s… You and I will definitely not be involved…”

[“Huh? “】

[Seeing that Rick was about to suffocate because he saved himself.] Morty was in a hurry and told a story about his mother and sister… The story of taking down monsters with the power of a special period during a special period. 】

[As a result, this strange story really produced a miraculous effect, and the enchantment outside the engine room disappeared. ] 】

[After entering the engine room, Rick and Morty finally meet the owner of the story train… The king of stories! 】

[“Rick, you’re still so blind! “】

[This bearded king of stories first teased Rick, and then took off his shirt, revealing his muscles! ] 】

[“Oh! Oh, my God! “】

[Looking at the muscles in front of him, Rick and Morty glanced at each other and raised their hands almost at the same time. 】

“We surrendered, we won’t fight. “】

【Bah!! “】

[The Wizard King Bird didn’t bird their surrender, and directly rushed up to punch and kick, and soon beat Rick and Morty into inhuman form! ] 】

“Ahhh… Oh! Wow! “】

[In the process of being crushed by the king of stories, Rick and Morty smashed the glass window of the engine room and fell into other story lines! ] 】

[In these “parallel stories”, Morty is sometimes an alien born in a cocoon, sometimes a soldier undergoing drug experiments…]

[But soon, they were pulled back into the story train and continued to accept the pain!] 】

[It turns out that they are the “main line” in the story train, and the rest of the stories are side lines, or even abandoned plots.] 】

[“Crackle! “】

[After beating the two, the king of stories chained Rick and Morty to the wall.] 】

[He is ready to use scientific devices to drain the power of stories in the two people’s bodies, so that this story train can break through the fifth wall! ] Enter the world of high dimensions! 】

[“Wow! “】

[Inspired by the King of Story device, Rick and Morty are all thrown into all kinds of strange stories.] 】

[At the end of all these stories, they meet a person. 】

[That is the commander of thousands of troops, wearing a cape behind him, with an eye patch on his face, and he is full of murderous energy… Evil Morty! 】

[Behind the evil Morty, there are countless armies of “Rick City Rick”! ] 】

[Faced with the hopeless despair scene, cold sweat broke out on Morty’s forehead:]

【”What to do?” Rick, we can’t win at all. “】

“You’re right, there’s no point in doing anything now. “】

[Rick let out a long sigh and suddenly walked up to Morty and put his hand on his shoulder:]

“For now, our only way of survival is to pray to God. “】

[“Huh? “】

Morty listened with a look of confusion, almost unable to believe his ears. 】

“Rick, what are you kidding, you never believed in God! “】

“Trust me, Morty, this is the only way to save us. “】

[After that, Rick took Morty to his knees and prayed to God. 】

[In the story train, the king of stories who saw this scene was suddenly surprised:]

“Hey, what are you doing?”] If you do this, the end of the story will be ruined! “】

[At this time, the device used by the King of Stories to absorb their energy also began to have problems! ] 】


[“Coherence”, “Attractiveness”, “Market Power”. These three energy indicators to measure the story all began to drain wildly! 】

[This story… It’s going to end! 】

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