[The dark city of Comoros was originally the most important network hub of the Ancient Spirit Empire. 】

[The special location of this city allows “it” to quickly transport a huge fleet to any place in the territory of the ancient spirit race. 】

[Because of this unique geographical advantage, Comoros had a unique autonomy when the Ancient Spirit Empire was still alive. 】

[Even the council and ruling class of the Guling tribe can’t control this city. 】

[But this unrestrained permissiveness of the Ancient Spirit Empire still brings evil consequences in the end. ] 】

[Koro began to use his privilege to do whatever he wanted, swallowing up the other ancient spirit cities in the network. 】

[In the end, some residents of the city even did the business of space pirates! ] 】

[Even before the demise of the Ancient Spirit Empire, Comoros could already be regarded as within the borders of the empire… One of the best fallen dark places. 】

[And after the birth of the color evil and the demise of the Spirit Empire, the situation deteriorated even more. 】

[Many remnants of the Spirit Race who escaped by luck began to gradually gather in this city and use this place as a refuge. 】

[And this behavior directly led to the dramatic expansion of the power of the Comoros. 】

[Compared to the “Ark World” scattered throughout the galaxy and not affiliated with each other, the power of the dark spirit race is obviously much stronger! ] 】

[But hidden behind the powerful power, the dark spirit race also has terrible hidden worries. ] 】

[The Dark Spirit Race is just like the ancient Spirit Race, tall, but their skin is as white as paper and looks bloodless. 】

[Because they live in a network, and there is no sun there.] 】

[In the huge spaceship, after years of summarizing and cultivating, the Ark Spirit Race finally came up with a set of effective ‘ways of survival’. 】

[They will use asceticism, as well as all kinds of asceticism… to suppress their overly sensitive perceptions and to shield themselves from the prying eyes of their souls. 】

[In this way, although it is far from being comparable to the era of the ancient spirit race, the ark spirit race can still be in limited circumstances… Use psionics. 】

[Dark Spirit Clan, it’s not such good luck. 】

[When it was first born, the sin appeared in the form of a woman, so the dark spirit race called it “Lady of Hunger and Thirst”. 】

[The “Hungry Lady” is born from the emotions and desires of the spirit race, so the very existence of “he” is connected to all the spirit souls. 】

[Through the soul connection, the sin will slowly absorb the souls of all the spirit races! ] 】

[The Ark Spirit Clan can temporarily solve this problem through penance and abstinence. 】

[But the Dark Spirits… But death can’t do either of these things. 】

[However, the extreme fear of the lust still forced the Dark Spirit Race to make an amazing compromise. 】

[Although claiming to be the true successor of the ancient spirit empire, the dark spirit society. But it completely forbids all nature of spiritual energy. 】

[In the eyes of the Dark Spirit Clan, all psionics are taboo existences! ] 】

[At this point, they have even done more extreme than their cousins of the Ark Spirit Clan. 】

[The reason why this is so is because every time the Dark Spirit Clan uses psionic energy, it will attract the attention of the “Hungry Lady”! ] 】

[No matter who it is, once it attracts the attention of the lustful sins, it may devour the soul and die in an instant! ] 】

[Moreover, he may also draw the attention of this evil god to the other spirit races around him! ] 】

[Therefore, the dark spirit race will madly reject all spiritual energy. 】

[Even so, these fallen guys are inevitably slowly sucked souls by hungry and thirsty ladies. 】

[Moreover, after all the dark spirits die, their souls will be devoured by the evil spirits! ] 】

[This cannot be changed by any method! ] 】

[The result of the soul being slowly devoured is catastrophic! 】

[Those dark spirits who suffer from this soul disease… The body will become weak, and the spirit will become crazy! 】

[At the beginning, in the face of this terrible and stubborn disease, the dark spirit society fell into panic. 】

[However, they eventually discovered a terrifying “cure.] 】

[After the soul was damaged, the dark spirit race awakened a new desire, that is, for the souls of other intelligent creatures… Craving. 】

[This demand is also called “hunger and thirst” by them. 】

[By devouring the soul, this new desire can be temporarily alleviated. 】

[Moreover, the Dark Spirit Race was soon pleasantly surprised to find that as long as they tortured the soul or body of an intelligent creature as much as possible, some kind of “pain residual essence” would be bred in the soul of the other party. ] 】

[By devouring this “painful soul”, the dark spirit race can alleviate itself and be sucked soul by the evil … The pain that comes! 】

[Moreover, the longer intelligent creatures are tortured physically and mentally, the more “pain residual essence” will remain after they die, and the better the “effect” of devouring souls by the dark spirit race! ] 】

[In this way, in order to survive, the already extremely sick society of the Dark Spirit Race began to continue to slide into the abyss of sin. 】

[They began to drive the spaceship out of Comoros, using the network to launch surprise attacks on one planet after another.] 】

[The Dark Spirits will capture various intelligent creatures in the real universe and bring them back to Comoros alive.] 】

[In the city, these unfortunate victims will endure all kinds of cruel torture. 】

[Some will be thrown into the gladiatorial arena, and beasts, monsters and even other dark spirits… Carry out a brutal fight, ]

[Only in this way will the most extreme essence of pain be born in these prey objects, and their souls… It will also become even more delicious! 】

[Without this kind of painful soul, the dark spirit race will become hungry and thirsty because the soul is constantly eaten by lust, fall into the emptiness of the soul, and finally go crazy and die. 】

[After countless years of corruption and depravity, all the dark spirits are addicted to plunder, enslavement, killing, and torture, and are extreme sadists in the galaxy. 】

[They have all become experts in torturing other intelligent creatures! ] 】

[They, forever eager to bring pain and torment to other beings, in order to fill the infinite emptiness of their own souls!] 】

[A dark spirit race that often devours the “essence of pain” will become cold in body, but beautiful in appearance. 】

[The price is… Their souls will fall because of this! 】

[In the eyes of the psionics, the spirit body of the dark spirit race is as dark as ink! ] 】

[These fallen beings can be said to be from the inside out… It’s all completely tainted by darkness! 】

[When they are alive, they will be brought terrible disasters by intelligent creatures in the galaxy.] 】

[When they die, the sinful soul will also be completely devoured by the sin, and will never be born beyond life! ] 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Starlight: Oh my God, how can there be such a disgusting creature in the world? (⊙o⊙)

Agent J: That’s terrible.

Agent J: Those spirits have a tendency to degenerate! Moreover, the dark spirits, in order to survive, have become even more dangerous sadists!

Agent J: I only hope that these terrifying aliens will not appear in other universes, especially not to plague my earth! ╥﹏╥

Robert Kiliman: Abominable alien!

Robert Kiliman: If they dare to hit the idea on humans! Our empire … Will definitely crush them completely! Crush these black perverts into shreds and feed them to the dogs!

Seeing the various brutal actions of the Dark Spirit Clan, even the gentle Kiliman was a little angry.

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: Huh… These perverted guys have an entire galaxy as a hunting ground, so there’s no reason to attack the earth so quickly.

Robert Kiliman: There is not just one planet in the territory of the empire.

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: Oh? In your universe, have humans rushed out of the earth and into the galaxy?

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! Humanity is in the universe! That’s awesome.!

Ganata, daughter of the star-swallowing star: Hehe, don’t rush to rejoice, the danger of the universe… It’s not comparable to the solar system.

Robert Kiliman: What do you want to say?

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: If nothing else, the “Eye of Fear” that connects from subspace to the real universe alone is an extremely dangerous existence.

Carol Danvers: Well… This connection to other universes will cause all kinds of disasters.

Robert Kiliman: The Eye of Fear… I remember.

Robert Kiliman: The group of “Wai Talkers” once ran to the center of the galaxy to explore because of their faith.

Robert Kiliman: I heard that in a huge “eye”, they found the so-called “original truth”.

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