Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

King Ida: Emperor? Who is that?

Stephen Strange: He seems to have sacrificed himself thousands of years ago… The result is a super psychic.

Stephen Strange: Those shamans did this because they foresaw the crisis that humanity might face in the future, which is why they created such a “savior”.

Tian Xiaoban: I don’t understand, if the emperor really wants to save the world, why should he wait 5,000 years?

Tian Xiaoban: How many human beings have died in these thousands of years!

Robert Kiliman: Hugh is presumptuous, and the emperor can’t help it!

Robert Kiliman: To quell the subspace storm, you must let the evil be born! This kind of thing… Who can interfere?

Wanda Maximov: Cut, it’s really unpleasant.

Wanda Maximov: So it seems… It’s as if the sins saved humanity!

Rocky Odinson: What does it mean to “look”, that’s the truth!

Loki Odinson: If the fourth evil god is not born, no matter how powerful the human being called the emperor is, there is no way to take the subspace storm!

Tony Stark: Hmm… If the storm doesn’t stop, you can’t travel faster than light! There’s no way to save those… Humans located on other colonized planets.

Tony Stark: But is it really impossible to break the speed of light without using subspace?

Tony Stark: Other technologies can’t be replaced?

Stephen Strange: There is a way to replace it, and that is the ancient saint’s network!

Stephen Strange: If that emperor… If he could find a way to use the Internet, he wouldn’t have to wait 5,000 years.

Robert Kiliman: This… Even the Ida Ling clan did not dare to use the network channel casually, which showed that this matter must also be in great danger.

Robert Kiliman: So the emperor he is…

Wanda Maksimov: Hey, you always defend that emperor, are you his son?

Robert Kiliman: ………

Seeing little Wanda’s speech, Kiliman smiled slightly bitterly and did not respond.

If you want to say, all the genogenitors have the DNA of the emperor himself in their bodies!

That is, in a sense, they are indeed all sons of the emperor!

But when he thought that the emperor had obtained the technology to make gene protosomes by trading with the subspace evil gods, Kiliman felt… I feel very uncomfortable.

He has long felt strange, those “brothers” in the genoplasm, many people have very strange personalities, and even some crazy!

Now it seems that these may be inseparable from Duya space!

Kiliman’s expression became low:

“Father… Your Majesty! Why are you using such dangerous technology … to create us? ”

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[With the crisis of intelligent weapons, as well as the subspace storm, the human federation of the golden age… It completely collapsed and disappeared. 】

[And under this unprecedented catastrophe, human civilization has almost regressed to the era of obscurantism thousands of years ago! ] 】

[With the collapse of civilization, all kinds of terrible enemies have also emerged from the galaxy, chasing and beating the weakened human beings, almost putting them to death! ] 】

[Among them, including “alien aliens” such as Orc. 】

[Those green-skinned monsters emerged from the corners of the galaxy like a plague, conquering and destroying numerous human colony stars. 】

[In addition to aliens, humans have to face worse enemies. 】

[That’s the demon of subspace. 】

[As early as after the battle of heaven, all kinds of demons appeared in the subspace. 】

[However, as a pure subspace creature, it is not an easy task for demons to break through the barrier of subspace and invade the real world. 】

[Their breakthrough point is the psionic. 】

[When the first large-scale emergence of psionics in human society, the developed human federation will also use a scientific attitude to study these superpowers and incorporate them into the civilization system of the federation. 】

[The most typical is that the psionic is placed on a space battleship as a navigator. ] 】

[But unfortunately, this gentle approach turned out to be wrong in hindsight. 】

[With the raging subspace storm, a large number of psionics have also sprung up wildly in the human world. ] 】

[These gene mutants not only have terrifying superpowers, but also bring real disaster! ] 】

[The existence of the psionic itself can be transformed into a subspace demon… A gateway to the physical world! 】

[In this unprecedented civilization catastrophe, only those colonial planets that strictly suppressed the psionics were barely spared. 】

[Those colonial planets that are not strong enough, or are too soft-hearted, will be completely conquered by the gathered army of psionics. 】

[The next… is the real end. 】

[If there are too many psionics gathered on a certain planet, then… Subspace demons can corrupt the minds of these people and open the door to the real world through some evil sacrificial rituals! 】

[Once the subspace portal is fully opened, countless demons will emerge from it, destroying the intelligent creatures on the entire planet. 】

[In the 5,000 years that this subspace storm has raged, humanity has suffered unprecedented suffering. 】

[This period is also known as the “year of strife” by later generations. 】

In the midst of thousands of years of chaos, those humans who were left behind on colonized planets had to face extremely difficult conditions. Terrible radiation, dangerous contamination…]

[In the end, some of the people who survived actually began to evolve and mutate! ] 】

[Just as monkeys evolved into humans, these humans… It has actually evolved into other “subhumans”! 】

[For example, some humans have mutated into some kind of short “rat people” because they have lived in forest areas for a long time, coupled with thousands of years of inbreeding! ] 】

But even if the situation is so bad, not all human planets have collapsed. 】

[Some colonize planets. Due to the abundance of resources. Plus the development of comprehensive … Self-sufficient in itself. 】

[Even if subspace navigation is completely cut off, their civilization has not degraded too much. 】

[And, though, due to storms in subspace, humans can no longer travel faster than light.] 】

[But those spaceships loaded with “ancient engines” thousands of years ago can still travel at “sublight speed”! ] 】

[In this case, in some relatively small galaxies, colonized planets can still barely trade and share resources to maintain each other’s basic needs.] 】

[Moreover, several galaxies are close to each other due to their close distance, and finally simply united, divided and self-reliant, forming a mini version of the “pocket empire”! ] 】

[The famous pocket empire, there are the Federation of Kings, the Fascist Empire, the Jingyuan Federation, Gardenar, etc….]

[Among them, there are even those who consider themselves to be the rightful successors of the “Golden Age mankind”! 】

[At this chaotic moment, a powerful warlord appeared on the earth, using his iron fist and genetically modified warriors to conquer all the technological barbarians! ] Truly unifying the world! 】

[He is the emperor! ] 】

[After determining that the subspace storm was about to stop, the emperor used the genetic technology he traded with the evil god to create a new genetically enhanced army. 】

[These super armies are the predecessors of the later “gene proto”. 】

[They are called “Thunder Warriors”! ] 】

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