[The genogen of the Legion of Wai Talkers is Loga Aurelian. 】

[As a child, he was taken by the subspace vortex to a backward planet full of deserts… Colchis on. 】

[After landing, he was discovered by a nomadic tribe chief and named Loga, which means “rainer” in the local language.] 】

[In the tribe, it only took Lorja 17 days to grow from a baby to a child, a peculiarity that shocked everyone in the tribe. 】

[This change also attracted the attention of an outsider, over there was an apostate priest named Cole Fallon. 】

[Cole Fallon believes that Loka was a child blessed by God and seduced him with rhetoric… He became his own disciple. 】

[In order to prevent the news from being revealed, Cole Fallon also killed the entire nomadic tribe to cover up Loga’s identity. 】

[Cole Fallon is a careerist who wants to use Loga’s superhuman abilities to put himself in a high position and even rule the entire planet. 】

[Over the next few decades, Cole Fallon used a variety of methods to train and even abuse Loja. 】

[Because he has followed him since he was a child, Loga is still loyal to this crazy priest, and even saved his life once. 】

[Following this priest, Loga also became a devout monk. 】

[Relying on the extraordinary charm of the genogen, he quickly gathered a large number of followers, and even turned Cole Fallon into his subordinate. 】

[It didn’t take much effort for Luo Jia to defeat the ruling class on the planet and become the master of this desert planet. 】

[And then, he began to see a strange sight in his dream:]

[From a huge spaceship, a great warrior dressed in shining gold armor stepped down! ] 】

[After waking up from the dream, Luo Jia thought that this warrior… It must be the true god of legend! 】

[But when he spread the dream, he grabbed the handle for those who opposed him.] 】

[The opposition claims that Loka is a heretic, he has been robbed of his mind by the devil and should be burned! ] 】

[The civil war that swept the entire planet began! ] 】

[But as a genoplasm, no one can defeat Loja on the battlefield.] 】

[Not only that, but Luo Jia also named the golden-armored warrior he saw in his dream “the only true god” and asked everyone on the planet to believe in “him”. 】

[Even if he was invincible on the battlefield, Luojia’s fanatical style still attracted countless enemies to him. 】

[It is said that on that desert planet, one out of every three people opposed him. 】

[In this regard, Luo Jia is not merciful. 】

[From among his subordinates, he selected a group of the most ardent believers of the “true God”. 】

[With their hands, Loja cleansed the entire planet.] 】

[All those who refuse to believe in the true God… In the end, he was either executed or burned at the stake. 】

[Years later, the great warrior in gold armor finally appeared. 】

[That is the emperor in the Great Expedition. 】

[When the emperor appeared in front of Luojia on the landing ship of the expeditionary force, all the remaining people on this planet became believers in the “only true god”. 】

[Next, Loga selects the most fanatical and devout believers from the planet and transforms them into his own Astarte. 】

[This is the Seventeenth Legion, the Wai Speaker. 】

[Commanding the Huaiyu, Luo Jia threw himself into the emperor’s great expedition with an almost crazy mentality. 】

[In his mind, the emperor is not a father or a ruler, but a god on earth! ] 】

[For this purpose, in the course of the Great Expedition, Loga, every planet conquered, will wipe out the local beliefs and religions. 】

[Then, on these planets, countless monuments and cathedrals would be erected to praise and praise the emperor.] 】

[The Wai Yan is the only legion of all Astartes equipped with a large number of chaplains. 】

[These pastors would descend on conquered planets and give numerous speeches and sermons to the local people, urging them to believe in the “one true God.] 】

[Although this fanaticism of the Huaiyan makes their march extremely slow, the planets conquered and brainwashed by them will also become infinitely loyal to the emperor and will never betray. ] 】

[But Luojia’s crazy worship of the emperor made this “father” extremely shocked and quite dissatisfied. 】

[The reason why the emperor launched the great expedition was to free mankind from “religion”.

[That’s why he founded the Imperial Truth.] 】

[And what Loka and the Huai Talker do is completely contrary to it. 】

[Next, the emperor first personally rebuked Loja, claiming that his duty was to fight, not believe! 】

[Subsequently, I saw that Luo Jia still did not change.] The Emperor directly ordered Kiliman to command the Extreme Warrior Legion, completely destroying the “Perfect City” founded by the Wai Yan. 】

[This city is the religious center founded by Loka to praise and praise the emperor, the “true god”. 】

[But for the emperor, the more Luo Jia did this, the angrier he became. 】

[After destroying the Perfect City, the emperor also used his powerful spiritual energy to force Heluo Jia and the entire legion of Wai Talkers to kneel in front of him and Kiliman! ] Completely humiliated him! 】

[This hit Loka very hard, and he didn’t speak to anyone for a whole month afterwards.] 】

[The faith in his heart collapsed. 】

[At Luojia’s weakest and most hesitant moment, two people with ghosts in their hearts quietly approached the confused protobody. 】

[They are Ericas, the chief pastor of the Wai Talker, and Cole Fallon, the former “adoptive father” of Loja. 】

[These two people have actually secretly returned to Chaos for a long time, and now they are even more opportunistic to go to Luojia! ] 】

[Eribus and Cole Fallon claim that the emperor is not a god at all! 】

[And the “true god” is not actually in the physical universe, but in subspace! ] 】

[Under the demagogy of these two chaos believers, Loja, who was full of pain and doubts in his heart, finally fell for himself and began his “journey to find God”. 】

[In 967, the 30th millennium, Luo Jia came to the star domain of the Ancient Spirit Kingdom Empire and entered subspace through the Eye of Fear. 】

[In the subspace, Loga met the “true God” as he wished. 】

[After meeting the gods of chaos, Luo Jia also understood…”

[The “imperial truth” spoken by the emperor is purely a lie, in the universe … There is indeed God! 】

[As an avid religious believer, Luo Jia did not hesitate to throw himself under the banner of the subspace gods and became a servant of chaos. 】

[Under the guidance of his gene, it didn’t take long for the entire Wai Talker Legion to be completely corrupted by Chaos. 】

[Among them, the earliest batch of “Chaos Interstellar Warriors” in the universe were also born! ] 】

[But even so, Loka and the Legion of Wai Yan were not in a hurry to expose themselves. 】

[Because they know that compared to the entire empire, a single Astarte legion is not worth mentioning. 】

[Their wait was not in vain. 】

[When the Great Expedition reached its end, the Emperor returned to Saint Terra alone, appointed Herus as a war marshal, and established the Imperial Council after a series of events, all the genoplasms and Astarte were shocked. 】

They don’t know why the emperor did this. 】

[And on the eve of victory, in the hearts of these super soldiers… There are flaws. 】

[Loka and the Huaiyu did not miss this God-given opportunity. 】

[Their first target is Commander Horus. 】

[It didn’t take long for Horus to get an amazing war report. 】

[A colonial planet that had been conquered by the expeditionary force decades ago actually rebelled. 】

[The governor of the expeditionary force on this planet is also a close friend of Horus. 】

[Now, he has actually become a rebel leader! ] 】

[Can’t believe that his friend will betray, Horus angrily led his troops and personally parachuted onto the planet. 】

[But entrenched on this planet is not an ordinary rebel, but a group of monsters that are rotten all over but can still move! ] 】

[Horus’s friend has also become a “living zombie” covered in swelling and rancid and holding a strange-shaped sword! ] 】

[Angry Horus engaged in a 1-on-1 duel with this “friend”. 】

[Although he won the victory in the end, the power armor was also cut by the sword, and he was also injured. 】

[As a genogen, even if it is enough to make ordinary people fatal, it is not enough to affect Horus. 】

[But this small wound brought him terrible consequences. 】

[Horus soon developed a high fever due to an infected wound and collapsed. 】

[The doctors in the Shadow Moon Wolf Legion are helpless against this strange injury. 】

[Looking at the genetop, because the injury became weaker and weaker, the entire Shadow Moon Wolf Legion fell into chaos and despair. ] 】

[At this moment, the chief priest of the Wai Yan Legion, Ericas, stood up. 】

[He told the Astartes of the Shadow Moon Wolf that there are some ancient temples on this planet.] 】

[The gods enshrined in these temples have the magical power to bring people back to life. 】

[No matter what kind of serious injury you suffer, as long as you are placed in the temple, you can heal without medicine.] 】

[Seeing that Horus’s aura was getting weaker and weaker, the Shadow Moon Wolf had no choice but to transport their original body to a nearby temple. ] 】

[The Astartes don’t know that all this is Eribas’s scheme. 】

[It was he who led the power of “Na Dirt” among the four gods of Chaos to this Daiwen planet! ] 】

[Moreover, the sword that stabbed Horus was also blessed by the divine power of Nacha, which is why it caused such terrible consequences! ] 】

[And the dying Horus will see the real God in that temple.] 】

[The evil god of subspace will use his power to influence the mind of this original body and corrupt it into a servant of chaos! ] 】

[Under the divine power of the four gods of chaos, various illusions appeared in front of the weak Horus. 】

[Through these illusions, he saw through all the lies of the emperor! ] 】

[The fate of the thunder warriors in the past, the delusion of the so-called imperial truth, the truth of the gods of subspace…]

[And… The true purpose of the emperor! 】

[This man didn’t regard the genogen as a son at all, or even regarded them as adults! ] 】

[Usually, he even uses numerical codes to call those protos! ] 】

[Once the emperor’s scheme succeeds, he will abandon the human race and become the fifth god of chaos in subspace alone! ] 】

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