[Image continues.] 】

[On the planet Idavan 3, Horus successfully cleared the portal and killed all the “loyalists” in the 4 Astarte legions. 】

[However, the news of his defection has been transmitted back to the Holy Terra by the escaped loyalist Astarte. 】

[Soon, the rebels of Horus will face the counterattack of the Imperial loyalists! ] 】

[Faced with such a situation, Horus, as a war commander, was also fully prepared. 】

[He mobilized his troops to the “planet Idavan 5”, not far from Stavan 3. 】

[The chaotic interstellar warriors who rebelled here, hurry up and construct countless fortifications! ] 】

[Moreover, Horus has also deployed a large number of anti-orbital weapons on the planet, enough to withstand the attacks of most extinction orders. 】

[Heta’s plan is to force the loyal Astartes to land on the planet and fight hand-to-hand combat with the rebels! ] 】

[Just when the Chaos Interstellar Warrior was hiding on the planet Istvan 5 to overhaul the fortifications, there was a sudden change in subspace. ] 】

[All along… The storm raging in subspace has stopped! 】

[Now, faster-than-light communication and navigation have been restored, and the loyalists can finally concentrate their forces and deliver a fatal blow to the traitors! ] 】

[Perhaps, this is the time of the empire to operate! ] 】

[“Great! “】

[Becoming the genogen stationed in Saint Terra, the commander of the Fist of the Empire Legion: “Dorne” was overjoyed, and quickly used subspace communication to contact several other genoplasms who still maintained loyalty. ] 】

[In the name of the Emperor and the Imperial Council, Dorne ordered these six loyal legions to rush to the Itavan galaxy at full speed to suppress the rebellion of the war commander Horus! ] 】

[Since these legions are scattered all over the galaxy, they can only gather into two clusters first, and then arrive in batches. 】

[The first cluster consists of the Hand of Steel, Salamander and Dark Raven guards.] 】

[And the second batch… It’s made up of the Alpha Legion, the Night Lord, the Iron Warriors, and a portion of the Waiver Legion! 】

[The first group of legions first rushed to the planet Idavan 3. 】

[Subsequently, they directly landed on the surface of the planet with an orbital airborne module and fought a fierce bloody battle with the rebels of Horus! ] 】

[On the planet, there are about 30,000 Chaos interstellar warriors. 】

[And what they have to face is 40,000 loyal Astarte! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The terrible explosion sound was deafening, and the thick smoke rising from the battlefield blackened the sky! ] 】

[Although the rebels tried hard to resist, their numbers were not superior after all, and the battle line was gradually torn apart by the loyalists. 】

[And at this moment, a rainstorm-like orbital airborne warehouse appeared in the sky again! ] 】

[The cluster of the second batch of interstellar warriors has arrived! ] 】

[“Great! “】

[“Reinforcements are coming! “】

[Looking at the airborne cabin falling from the sky, the loyal Astartes were all morale-boosted. ] 】

[Now, they have the upper hand! ] 】

[As long as you add these new forces, you can absolutely eliminate these traitors! ] 】

[This battle has been stabilized! ] 】

[The second batch of starfighter legions that landed, including 4 legions! ] If you can join the loyalists, you can form a seven-to-four against the rebels! 】

[But the loyalists never thought of it… Alpha, the Night Lord, the Iron Warrior, and the Waiver have already defected to Horus! 】

[This battle has been a conspiracy set by Horus from the beginning, a trap! ] 】

[And the Iron Hand, the Salamander and the Dark Raven guard, due to the long-term battle with the Horus rebels, not only suffered heavy casualties, but even the ammunition was almost exhausted. ] 】

[Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, they hurriedly retreated, ready to take a breather and recover their vitality before continuing to attack. 】

[But these loyalists never dreamed that the reinforcements they had been waiting for were now in formation, taking out their weapons, and preparing them to step into the trap. ] 】

[This is the plan set by Horus!] 】

[The cessation of the subspace storm and the siege of the loyalists are all in his plan. 】

[From the beginning, the balance of strength between the rebels and the loyalists was not four against seven, but eight against three! ] 】

[Horus took the initiative to use himself as bait, in order to lure the power of “loyal Astarte” to the planet Istfan 5, and then annihilate it in one fell swoop! ] 】

[“Swoosh! “】

[In an instant, an illumination flares were emitted from the black fortress where Horus was hiding! ] 】

[The terrifying red light completely illuminates the sky of the battlefield. 】

[After receiving the order.] The rebels who had been planning for a long time showed their fangs one by one, raised their weapons, and pulled the trigger on this group of former brothers! 】

[“Kill! “】

[“Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Cranial dedication! “】

[Countless bombs, missiles and lasers… Like a violent storm, it swept through the unsuspecting loyalist Astarte! 】

[Just the first wave of attacks, killing nearly a thousand interstellar warriors! ] 】

[Seeing that Alpha, the Night Lord, the Iron Warrior, and the Waiver all launched an attack, the son of Horus, the Devourer, the Death Guard, and the son of the emperor who had been passively defensive also turned defense into attack, like the loyalists who were under the backs of the enemy launched an all-out attack! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[“Tap-da-da! “】


[For a time, this originally evenly matched battle turned into a one-sided slaughter! ] 】

[In the face of the absolute unfavorable situation of “4 against 8”, the loyalists quickly lost out! ] 】

[The surface of Planet Istfan V has turned into an epic-sized slaughterhouse! ] 】

[“Hand of Steel” proto…”Ferrus Manus”, was killed on the spot by the emperor’s son protomorph “Forgrim”, becoming in the midst of this rebellion… The first dead genoplasm. 】

[“No!!! “】

[Surprisingly, seeing the corpse of Ferrus Marus in a different place, the most surprised person… Instead, it was Fogrim. 】

[It turns out that these two have always been good friends, and Fogrim is reluctant to kill this confidant friend. ] 】

[However, in the weapon he holds in his hand is a Chaos Demon. 】

[Sensing that Furim’s heart was shaken, this demon seized the opportunity… He took the initiative to swing a sword and cut off the head of Fallus Marus! 】

[Finding that he had killed his brother by mistake, Fogrim was shocked, and the whole person was stunned. ] 】

[At this moment, the demon in the sword began to seduce him again, claiming that he could alleviate his pain and free Fogrim. 】

[Fogrim, who almost had a mental breakdown, obeyed the demon and took the initiative to give up control of his body. 】

[In this way, the gene of the son of the emperor was taken away by the devil! ] Turned into a slave to Chaos! 】

[Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Horus also led his own guards and rushed out of the fortress. 】

[Faced with the siege of rebels who were far stronger than themselves, the loyalists were ultimately defeated. 】

[The Dark Raven Guard Legion, who is good at hiding in the shadows to fight guerrilla, turned into pieces and fled to the wilderness of the planet. ] 】

[The Salamander Legion was unfortunately completely wiped out and completely disappeared from the records of the Imperial Army. ] 】

[This big battle is enough to bury nearly 200,000 loyal Astarte, as well as a genoplasm. 】

[At this point, the loyalists have been greatly damaged, and they can no longer resist these traitors in the short term…”

[After the final victory, Horus ascended a high platform.

[He inspected the 7 mutinied protomorphs in the audience, as well as thousands of Chaos interstellar warriors.] 】

[“Oooooooooooooo “】

[“Long live the war marshal! “】

[Looking at their leader, tens of thousands of Chaos interstellar warriors all let out deafening cheers. 】

[These cheers finally condensed into a roar:]

[“Let the sea of stars boil, let the stars fall!”] “】

[“Kill the pseudo-emperor! Burn the galaxy! “】

[Now. The passage to the Holy Terra has been opened.

[Next, Horus will command the main rebel army under his command, directly pound Terra, and take down the emperor’s first rank! ] 】

[But before that, he also has to remove some eye spikes.] 】

[First and foremost, the Extreme Warrior Legion stationed in Otramar, and their genoplasms… Robert Kiliman! 】


Sitting in the office, Kiliman was shocked, and his eyes showed shock, sadness, disbelief, and many feelings.

He could guess that the ones sent by Horus to deal with him must be the Legion of Wai Talkers, as well as Loga Aurelian!

Since things have come to this point, it means … At this point in time, the loyal legion of the Imperial Army has been completely defeated!

Ferrus Manus is also dead!

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