[“Long time no see! Hey, hey, hey…”

[In the midst of lightning and thunder, the Dark Emperor Caesar Beria opened his mouth and let out an evil laugh. 】

“I’m going to kill you, Sero. “】

[“How is that possible? “】

[Seeing this in front of you… A strong enemy who had already been defeated twice by himself, Sero even opened his mouth wide, and his tone was full of disbelief. 】

[Last time, I completely destroyed the signal light on the chest of “Arc Beria”! ] And shattered his whole person! 】

[Even if it is achieved to this point, will it still not be able to kill this great evil? ] 】

[Trembling with anger, Sero looked up at Caesar Beria and roared loudly:]

[“Abominable! How did you get resurrected? “】

[“Hmph! Less nonsense! “】

[Beria didn’t seem interested in answering Sero’s question anymore, just waved the halberd in his hand! ] 】

[“Crackle! “】

[A bolt of lightning suddenly fell on it, filling the entire weapon with thunder energy. ] 】

[“Do you want to fight? Just what the doctor ordered! “】

[Although I still can’t figure it out… How did this old enemy come to life, but when it came to fighting, Sero Ultraman’s blood suddenly boiled! 】

[“You actually dare to appear in front of me, you will soon regret it! “】

[“Oh! “】

[Sero urged the ultimate bracelet, changed a weapon, and immediately fought with Caesar Beria! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[Every collision of the weapons of the two people bloomed in mid-air! ] 】

[“For so long, my hatred for Ultra warriors has not diminished at all! “】

[I haven’t seen it for many years, Caesar Beria is like two people, and the whole person’s strength has greatly increased! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[I saw that he waved the halberd in his hand and actually beat Sero Ultraman out. ] 】

[“Hahaha! Sero, you are weakening. “】

[Landing on the planet, Beria picked up the weapon on his shoulder and laughed triumphantly. 】

[“Hmph! You are indeed different from the past. “】

[Sero Ultraman stood up, slapped the ash on his lower body, and then raised his head sharply, and his body instantly lit up with scarlet light! ] 】

“But… I’m not the same me I used to be! “】

[Strong coronal form, transform! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[After transforming into the “Strong Corona”, Sero Ultraman not only greatly increased his strength, but also his speed was amazing! ] 】

[In an instant, Sero rushed in front of Beria! ] Before he makes defensive moves… Just punch Beria in the face! 】

[“Poof! “】

[Caesar Beria’s saliva was all squirted out by Sero! ] 】

[But after receiving the all-out blow of “Corona Sero” head-on, this dark Ultraman didn’t even take a step back! ] 】

“This familiar pain… In vain, I came to you specifically after my resurrection! “】

[Caesar Beria shouted, waved the thunder halberd in his hand, and fought fiercely with Sero Ultraman again. 】

[At this time, the leader of the “Dark 5 People” who was standing in the distance watching the battle was also brilliant in his eyes, and couldn’t help but admire:]

“That adult did die at one point. “】

“But his soul … In the end, it fused with the ‘Dark Demon Armor’ of the Abela Starman and was resurrected again in this monster tomb ranch! “】

“Now, that adult’s strength is stronger than before he died! “】

[“Oh! “】

[As soon as the words of the “5 leaders” fell, Caesar Belia released a powerful thunder, which not only repelled Sairo’s energy wave head-on, but also beat him back to cover his face! ] 】

[“Hmph! That’s it, but you can’t win mine… Cero! “】

[“Okay! “】

[Continuously deflated, and encountered the provocation of his old enemy, Sero finally decided to do his best! ] 】

[“Since you want to find death, let me ‘Ultimate Sero’ send you back to hell again! “】

[“Hula la! “】

[Under the light of the ultimate bracelet, Sero Ultraman released a silver brilliance all over his body! ] 】

[In an instant, it changed into the strongest “ultimate form”! ] 】

[“Okay! Come on! “】

[Caesar Belia raised the halberd in his hand and collided head-on with the holy sword in the hand of the ultimate Sero, and fought for a while! ] 】

[“Kill! “】

[The more courageous the battle, Sero Ultraman finally seized the opportunity and stabbed a sword into Caesar Beria’s chest, piercing his whole person! ] 】

“Wow! “】

[Suffering this fatal blow, Beria’s body burst out with powerful energy, smashing his body. ] 】

[“Huh? “】

[In the next second, Sero’s eyes suddenly widened, almost unable to believe his eyes. 】

[Beria’s head and limbs all fell to the ground, but inside… It’s all empty! 】

[This Caesar Beria is just an empty shell! ] 】

“What’s going on? “】

[Before Sero could react, he fell into the dark armor in front of him, and suddenly released black energy! ] 】


[These black energies rushed straight into Sairo’s eyes and the crystals on his forehead like a tide. 】


[Eroded by black energy, Sero released black thunder all over his body, and he was even more painful, constantly rolling on the ground. ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[In the occasion of Sero Ultraman, his body turned into a black meteor and soared into the sky! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

With a loud bang, Sero fell to the ground. The “Garrison” and the “Dark 4” in the fierce battle are all shocked! 】

[“What’s going on? “】

“That breath is… Sero? “】

[“No, everyone be careful! “】

[Just when the Sairo garrison was in shock, the “Sero” who was covered in black qi suddenly stretched out his hand and released a black light knife at them! ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[The “Steel No. 9” in the garrison reacted a little slower, and was actually split in half from the middle by this black lightsaber! ] 】


[“Black Sero” looked at his black and red body and laughed strangely:]

“I am neither Sero nor Sero. “】

[“In the future, let’s call it Dark Sero!”] “】

[Looking at this in front of you… Sero, who was full of dark and ominous aura, the mirror knight suddenly said in a deep voice:]

[“Beria! You are Beria! “】

[“Hmph! It is worthy of being my former servant, you can see it quite accurately! “】

[Dark Sero opened his arms, the whole person floated in the air, and laughed proudly:]

[“Sero’s body will be mine from now on! “】

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Hermione Granger: What’s going on? Has this dark Ultraman become a ghost? (⊙o⊙)

Master Mordo: Take the Ash! According to the Oriental parlance, he is called seizure!

Mage Mordo: This evil Ultraman, although physically dead, but still alive in the world!

Mage Mordo: He first pinned his soul on that armor, and now he has invaded the body of that Sero Ultraman! Take control of his body!

Torrecchia: Hahaha, actually among so many people… Chose Sero!

Torrecchia: Beria, you really love this kid.

Beria: ………… (⊙_⊙)

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