[Image continues.] 】

[“Riko”, who was seriously injured, made a final farewell to Kazuki Lonely after completely sobering up. 】

[Then, she turned into light particles and disappeared into the arms of the lonely door. 】

[Witnessing the death of his girlfriend with his own eyes, Lonely Gate Kazuki’s heart was greatly shocked. ] 】

[But this matter did not end there. 】

[That traitor of the night raid team…”Mizoro Kijinya” after losing “Riko”, he hit the idea on Kazuki Lonely! ] 】

[He used his superpowers to pull Lone Gate Kazuki into virtual space, striking his heart with various illusions, in a vain attempt to erode his body with darkness and turn into a puppet like “Riko”! ] 】

[In the end, it was Nexus Ultraman and Saijo who came together to save “Kazuki” from the fantasy realm. 】

[Seeing that Lonely Gate Kazuki became decadent due to repeated blows, and even began to escape reality. ] Saijo did not hesitate and slapped him several times. 】

“You sober me up! “】

[Although she is a woman, Saijo still admonishes “Kazuki” in a stern manner… In addition to sadness, he should remember hatred! 】

[And turn the hatred in your heart into strength and fight to the death against those alien beasts!] 】

[Seeing the serious Vice Captain Saijo in front of him, Kazuki nodded slightly, and his eyes became solemn. ] 】

[From this moment on, he really shed his youth and became mature. 】

[After this incident, “Mizoro Ki Shinya” continued to make trouble, and Himeyajun and the night raid team also attacked again to try to stop this madman who had sunk into darkness. 】

[After some chasing, Ji Yajun finally intercepted “Mizoro Mujinya” deep in the mountains! ] 】

[These two men who have mastered the power of light and darkness have faced each other for the first time! ] 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[Sending out a strange shapeshifter, the light on “Mizoro Mujinya” was great, and he changed into a dark giant in an instant. 】

[This is Dark Mephistopheles!] 】

[Dark Destroyer “Zaki” specially created this giant in order to seize the light of Nexus! ] 】

[“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! “】

[The Dark Giant and the Light Giant have a fierce battle. 】

[But the real conspiracy of “Michiro Mujinya” unfolded in another place. 】

[“Boom! “】

[On the other side of the deep mountain, in order to destroy the xenobiotic beast, Kazuki had to fire at the monster that a little girl transformed into! ] 】

[All this… were all seen by the girl’s brother. 】

[After the monster was destroyed by the lone gate, the dark giant Mephistopheles also retreated. 】

[After the war, looking at the little girl who was seriously injured by her own attack and sent to the hospital, the heart of the lonely door suddenly encountered irreparable damage. ] 】

[And this is exactly what “Mizoro Mujinya” wants to see! ] 】

[He wants to fight as hard as he can, force him to collapse, fall, and finally fall into darkness completely! ] 】

[Next, “Michiro Mujinya” used many intrigues and tricks to force Lonely Gate Kazuki to fall. 】

[And in order to fight against Dark Mephistopheles, Ji Yajun also had to transform into Ultraman again and again, further consuming his body. ] 】

[Once, “Michiro Ki Shinya” fell into a fantasy again, and also changed the illusion of “Riko” in an attempt to seduce him. 】

[Just when Yihui’s mind was close to collapse, he accidentally saw the amulet given to him by his previous girlfriend, and suddenly realized. ] 】

No matter how much he regretted it, it was impossible to change the facts that had already happened. 】

[If, like Saijo, you only know hatred, you can’t create anything positive.] 】

[If you really want to make a change, you must rely on your own efforts… Pioneering a new future! 】

[“Oh! “】

[At the moment when Kazuki Lonely Gate realized something, he got rid of the illusion created by “Michiro Mu Shinya” and returned to the real world. 】

[Wiped away the dust in my heart, Lonely Gate Yihui’s whole person became firm! ] 】

[Next, together with the Night Raid team, he teamed up with Lexus Ultraman to destroy many xenobiotic beasts! ] 】

[But the continuous transformation, as well as the damage in the battle, finally broke Ji Yajun’s body. 】

[Even the healing system in “Stone Wings” can’t heal his serious injuries for a while! ] 】


[Under the influence of the injury, Ji Yajun didn’t even have the ability to control the “Stone Wings”, and fell from the sky and fell into the mountains and forests. ] 】

[Fortunately, he was seen by a photographer and taken to a nearby hotel.] 】

And seeing this scene in front of him, the chat group was also lively.

Morty: Wow! Why is this Ultraman’s battle ^ so tragic?

Big bones boiled into soup: It may be because the trauma that Nexus suffered in battle will be reflected in the fittest.

Big bones boiled into soup: This is very strange, because if Digga is injured in battle, it will not affect me.

Bruce Wayne: Could it be… Is this the difference between a human body and a fittest?

Deadpool: Just kidding, with such an endless battle with a human body, and without my self-healing ability, he is looking for death. (⊙o⊙)

John Constantine: Is he really dead? Still is……

Stephen Strange: Maybe he felt he had committed some kind of “sin” and needed to atone for his sins in this way.

Wonder Woman Diana: Is it because of that little girl? What an unfortunate person…

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[At the same time, Staff Officer Yoshirasawa Yu actually came up with a crazy plan in order to annihilate the xenobiotic beast “Glugreme”! ] 】

[“Glugram” has a certain phase-changing organ that can freely transfer between the real world and phase space, enabling general attacks… It has no effect on it at all. 】

[And in order to restrain the enemy, Kira Zeyu is ready to use a certain urban area inhabited by 100,000 people as bait to lure the xenobiotic beast into the bait! ] 】

[After the opponent steps into the area where the trap is located, the night raid team will launch the “Cross Phase Trap” to completely annihilate it! ] 】

[And in order to ensure that the xenobiotic beast can step into the trap without knowing anything, TLT also deliberately did not send an early warning notice to the forest park near the urban area. ] 】

There are about 200 visitors in that park, and TLT is ready to discard them. 】

[That night, just as Kira Zeyu expected, the xenobiotic beast “Glugelium” really stepped into the trap they set! ] 】

[“Crackle! “】

[The trap set by the night raid team suddenly launched! ] Deal a lot of damage to this monster! It also destroyed its phase-changing organs! 】

[Now, Glugram can no longer enter the “phase space”! ] 】

[According to the original plan, the night raid team should immediately launch the ultimate weapon placed nearby… “Million Cannon Destruction Light Cannon” and blast this monster to pieces. 】

[But just as the night raid team was about to attack, the photographer who had rescued Ji Yajun suddenly appeared and desperately took pictures of the huge xenobiotic beast. ] 】

[“This! Damn it! Where did that person come from? “】

[Looking at the photographer standing at the foot of the xenobiotic beast, the captain of the night raid team suddenly threw a rat trap, and did not dare to press the cannon door of the “million cannon”! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[“Glugram” first destroyed the nearby trap device, and then cleanly ate the photographer who took the photo! ] 】

[At this moment of crisis, Ji Yajun, who was originally lying in the hotel to recuperate, finally woke up. 】

[“Transform! “】

[Although he was seriously injured and has not yet recovered, in order to save people, Ji Yajun still took out the transformation device without hesitation and transformed into Nexus Ultraman! ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[Relying on a strong will, Nexus, whose strength has greatly decreased, still cut off the tongue of “Gruglem” with a photon blade! ] 】

[“Ding-dong… Ding-dong…”

[But after exhausting almost all his physical strength, the signal light on Nexus Ultraman’s chest flashed continuously, and finally he could only helplessly lift his transformation and turn back into Ji Yajun! ] 】

[After Ultraman disappeared, the xenobiotic beast also temporarily retreated. 】

[Although the battle plan failed, the night raid team did not die, but launched the second battle against “Glugrim”! ] 】

[It took a lot of effort, and the night raid team finally destroyed the “phase change organ” of the xenobiotic beast again, forcing it into the real world. 】

[“Open fire! “】

[Seeing that the time had come, Saijo, who was piloting the fighter, quickly pulled the trigger and aimed it at the monster in front of him… Unleashed a million cannons! 】

[“Boom! “】

[A thick blue laser shot out and slammed into the body of “Grugrim” with a thunderous momentum! ] 】

[“Buzz! “】

[You also didn’t expect that this monster unfolded a shield at the last moment, blocking more than half of the destructive power of the million cannons. ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Hearing the monster’s breath and full roar, the expressions of the night raiders all changed! ] 】

[Their last killing moves are already ineffective, what should I do next?] 】

[Seeing the monster rushing straight towards the city where 100,000 people live, all the night raiders were helpless! ] 】

[At this critical juncture, Ji Yajun, who was full of trauma, stood up again and raised the voice changer in his hand! ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[After the light flashed, the familiar giant of light appeared in front of everyone again. 】

[“Drink! “】

[Although scarred inside, Nexus, Ultraman still fearlessly posed against the monster! ] 】

[Perhaps, his strength has been greatly damaged. 】

[Maybe this battle doesn’t have much chance of winning. 】

[But the giant of light, there is no way to retreat! ] 】

[Because in the city behind him, there are 100,000 citizens! ] 】

[Behind Ultraman, there are ten thousand lights! ] 】

PS: Two changes today, three tomorrow

PS2: After the end of the Lexes biography tomorrow, he will pick up the scrap case “Dark Lucifer!” ^_^

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