[“Drink! “】

[After the successful transformation, Gaia Ultraman immediately rushed in front of the monster and assumed a fighting posture. 】

[But in the next moment, the signal light on Gaia’s chest suddenly turned on. 】

[“Huh? “】

[Looking down at the flashing red signal light, Gaia Ultraman was also stunned for a while. 】

[How did you do it?] 】

[I haven’t even started fighting yet?] 】

[How could this energy run out?] 】

[“Hula! “】

[Just when Gaia was pressing, the monster “Satan Bizo” had already released a terrifying light! ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[The energy was greatly reduced, Gaia Ultraman did not block the light of the monster for a while, and the whole person was beaten out! ] 】

[“Crackle! Bang! “】

[Seeing that Gaia was deflated, “Satan Bizo” even chased after the victory, so that Ultraman was embarrassed, and he could only dodge left and right. ] 】

[“Drink! “】

[After dodging several times, Gaia Ultraman knew that he would definitely lose if he continued this fight, so he made a desperate decision. 】

[“Photon Blade! “】

[Condensing all the energy on his forehead, Gaia Ultraman waved his hands and threw out a photon blade that flashed bright red light! ] 】

“Wow! “】

[Hit by the all-out Photon Blade, “Satan Bizo” only had time to let out a scream, and his body was shattered on the spot and turned into countless fragments! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[After destroying the monster, Ultraman re-transformed into light and returned to the cockpit of the fighter.] 】

“Just now… What’s going on? “】

[I dreamed of the mountains that turned into a human body, and my face was full of surprise. 】

“How does energy drain so fast?” “】

[Next, as soon as I looked up in my dream, I saw a little fat face… Exactly attached to the glass window of the cockpit of the fighter! Startled him. 】

“Wow! “】

[High mountain, I dreamed of looking out the window, and saw countless people and children, who had surrounded their fighters. 】

[“I dream! It’s really my dream! “】

[“I dream! Transform into Gaia and let me see! “】

[“Transform! Transform! Transform! “】

[“Huh? (·◇·)? “】

[I finally got off the fighter, and I dreamed of looking at the excited children around me, and the expression on my face suddenly became wonderful. 】

[How do you know… Can I become Ultraman? 】

[Moreover, even my name is known!] 】

[Am I so famous?] 】

[“Wait a minute! Don’t come here. “】

[I can’t figure it out, I can only rush out of the crowd in a hurry, don’t even care about the fighter, and desperately escape. ] 】

[In the process of fleeing, Takayama dreamed of hiding in a toy store. 】

[As a result, the TV in the store happens to be broadcasting the tokusatsu drama of “Gaia Ultraman”! ] 】

[Not only that, but the store is also full of various Ultraman and monster toys. 】

[“Huh? Here it is…”

[Takayama my eyes are round in my dreams, and my eyeballs are about to fall out. 】

[There are so many Ultramen in the world, he can’t even name it! ] 】

[Moreover, some of those strange monsters he still recognizes, and some are simply unheard of!] 】

[What is this place?] 】

[At this moment, the store manager of the toy store seemed to think that Takayama I dreamed a little sneaky, and quickly snorted coldly:]

“Boy, don’t try to steal. “】

[“Huh? “】

[Takayama, I dreamed of instinctively looking up at the store manager. The two looked at each other for a while, and the store manager’s eyes suddenly widened, and he quickly looked back at the poster on the wall. 】

“You… You are!!! “】

[After looking back and forth several times, the store manager raised his right hand and shouted at the mountain dream:]

[“Gaia! “】

【“………… (⊙_⊙)”】

[Seeing this strange scene in front of me, I dreamed of freezing in place, and it took half a day to come back to my senses. 】

[“That’s not right! It’s not minecraft! “】

[At this time, “Xiao Mian” also came to the toy store and confessed everything to Takayama I Dream. 】

“Red balls? “】

[According to the red ball in the hand of “Xiao Mian”, my face was full of confusion in my dreams. 】

[Why is such a small ball so powerful?] 】

[I scanned the red ball with the device I carried, and I dreamed of further research.] 】

[But at this time, the police also rushed outside the secret base of “Xiao Mian” to arrest him! ] 】

[In the chaos, “My Dream” was teleported back to the original world. 】

[Moreover, the red ball was also taken away by the “bad boy”. 】

“Ahhh… I remember. “】

[After returning to my own world, it took me a lot of effort to dream about my adventures in another world. 】

[Opening the device I used to scan red balls before, I was stunned by my dreams! ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[A strong light spewed out from the screen, pulling him into another world! ] 】

[In the fantasy of the other world, I dreamed of the mountain, and there was everything about this red ball. 】

[It turns out that this ball is the ultimate device created by humans in a certain universe! ] All human desires can be realized! 】

[But because the power of the red ball is too powerful, humans abuse this device, which eventually leads to the destruction of their world.] 】

“Now, another tragedy is about to unfold! “】

[In the fantasy realm, Red Ball said indifferently to the mountain dream:]

“The world I live in is going to perish because of human desires! “】

“What?? “】

[Suddenly opened my eyes, Takayama dreamed, and found myself still sitting in the room at the base. 】

[But at this moment, he already knows everything! ] 】

[His memory is true, and that red ball will soon bring disaster to the world of “Xiao Mian”! ] 】

[In order to prevent the destruction of another world, Takayama I Dream quickly sat on the “Space-Time Mobile Device” that had just been completed in the base…”Adventurer”! ] 】

[Relying on the power of this device, he has re-shuttled back to the world where “Xiao Mian” is! ] 】

[At the same time, a terrible change has also occurred in the world of “Xiao Mian”! ] 】

[The bear kid who stole the red ball is a monster maniac! ] 】

[Passionate about all kinds of monsters, he combined the limbs of several monster toys to create the most powerful combined monster “King Mas”! ] 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[Looking at the combined monster toy in their hands, the bear children and others all showed strange smiles on their faces. 】

[It turns out that since capturing the red ball, strange sounds have all appeared in the brains of these children! ] 】

[Their minds are all affected by the power of the red ball! ] 】

[Now, they will use the power of the red ball to turn this monster toy into “reality”, and then use “it” to destroy the entire world! ] 】

[“Don’t! “】

[“Xiao Mian” was shocked to see this side. 】

[But others are weak and completely suppressed by these bad boys! ] I can only watch each other… Raised the red ball! 】

[“Now, let me show you how powerful and terrifying monsters really are!”] “】

[The bad boy raised the red ball above his head and shouted:]

[“Come out, my strongest monster, King Mas! “】

[“Crackle! “】

[With the red light released from the red ball, a thunder hit the sky from the ground, causing the sky to open a hole! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[From the position of the breach, another thunder slashed! ] 】

[The strong thunder hit the ground, amazingly turned into a terrifying behemoth! ] 】

[That monster is exactly the same as the “monster toy” made by the bad boy, it is the combined monster “King Mas”! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[After the “King of Mas” appeared, he first destroyed several buildings, and then opened his mouth and spewed out a blazing light cannon!!] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Under the cleaning of the light cannon, half of the city turned into a sea of fire, and countless high-rise buildings were blown up into the sky! ] 】

[“Hahaha! Destroy, destroy everything! “】

[The mind has been completely distorted, the bad boy tightly holds the red ball in his hand and laughs maniacally! ] 】

【”I dream…”】

[Frightened by the terrifying scene in front of him and sitting on the ground, “Xiao Mian” shouted with the last courage:]

[“I dream! Save me! “】

[It was like blessing to the soul, at the same time that “Xiao Mian” shouted this word for help, the sky was torn open again! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Takayama I dream of driving the latest time machine and falling from the sky from the crack! ] As soon as it appeared, it gave the combined monster a hard blow. 】

[“Click! “】

[After the time machine landed, it even turned into a robot and fought fiercely with the “King of Mas”. ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[It’s a pity that the robot still can’t beat the strongest combined monster after all, and it will soon be beaten to pieces! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[“King Mas” opened his mouth and spewed out a light cannon, which smashed the cockpit of my dream into smashes! ] 】

[“Transform! “】

[In the next moment, with a dazzling light, Gaia Ultraman appeared in front of everyone! ] 】

[“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! “】

[Gaia Ultraman and “King Maas” have a fierce battle! ] 】

[Seeing that hand-to-hand combat is difficult to gain the upper hand, Gaia condensed his energy on his forehead and used the photon blade he was best at. ] 】

[“Crackle!! “】

[Seeing that the Photon Blade was about to hit the monster, no one expected that a strong energy shield actually lit up on the “King of Mars” Jiren! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[After taking Gaia’s blow, “King Mas” opened his mouth and spewed out another “incineration beam”! ] 】


[Gaia Ultraman barely blocked the blow, but the person was also beaten and flew out, looking extremely embarrassed. 】

[“Oops! “】

[Seeing that the Gaia Ultraman he summoned fell downwind, “King Mas” was extremely nervous in his heart. 】

“It’s you! “】

[Turning around, “King Mas” immediately noticed the red ball in the bad boy’s hand. 】

[It turns out that this bad boy’s wish is to create the strongest monster! ] 】

[So that red ball is still releasing energy! ] Make “King Mas” stronger. 】

[“Abominable! “】

[“Xiao Mian” raised his courage and rushed up, throwing the bad boy to the ground]


[The red ball also fell to the ground and rolled all the way out of the distance.] 】

[It’s a pity that it’s good to die, and the four-eyed companion of “Xiao Mian” actually became the next victim! ] 】

[He was also confused by the sound of the red ball, and reached out and lifted the ball! ] 】

“I hear this ball, but… That’s actually the voice of our own hearts! “】

“I hate the world, I don’t live a free life at all! “】

[Stimulated by the desire of Little Four Eyes, the red ball in his hand began to expand continuously, and even grew tentacles. ] 】

[Holding the “Monster Red Ball” in his hand, “Little Four Eyes” roared wildly:]

“I want to destroy the world!”] “】

“Then, I will make a wish to this red ball and create a new world that is freer and happier!” “】

[“Roar! “】

[At the same time that Little Four Eyes took out the terrifying wish, the body of “King Mas” underwent a new and drastic change! ] 】

[“Click! “】

[The body of “King Mas” split on the spot and changed into three monsters! ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[Facing the attack of three monsters, Gaia Ultraman, who was alone, suddenly fell into a desperate situation, completely unable to be beaten passively, and had no way to fight back. ] 】

[“Gaia!!! “】

[Looking at the scene in front of him, “Xiao Mian” was very anxious! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[At this time, due to the battle between Ultraman and the monster, the ground collapsed, and the building where these children were located also collapsed by half! ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[The children desperately pulled the railing of the roof so that they did not fall to the ground.] 】

[And in the chaos, the dangerous red ball also rolled to the side.] 】

[In order to save Ultraman, “Xiao Mian” desperately wants to climb over and pick up the red ball! ] 】

“The world will not be destroyed!!”] “】

[At the last moment, “Xiao Mian” jumped up from the stone pillar and successfully got the red ball! ] 】

[“I want to make the monster disappear, save my dream!”] “】

[Raising the red ball, “Xiao Mian” shouted loudly, but nothing happened.] 】

[“Huh… It’s useless. “】

[The cold voice of the red ball sounded in Xiao Mian’s brain again. 】

“What has materialized will not disappear. “】

[“How so? “】

[Watching Gaia Ultraman being beaten by three monsters and being beaten flying around in the sky, “Xiao Mian” knelt on the ground in despair, his face full of tears. ] 】

[At this moment, he suddenly heard… There was a sound of cheering next to it. 】

“Don’t give up! “】

【”Xiao Mian”, try hard again! ] “】

[“Huh? “】

[“Xiao Mian” looked back and saw that the three “bad boys” were trying to grasp the railing on the roof while cheering him up! ] 】

[It turned out that they were just confused by the sound of the red ball before, and deep down they were not bad. ] 】

“I’m not alone, and neither is Ultraman!”] “】

[Just as “Xiao Mian” raised the red ball and shouted again, one of the monsters suddenly opened its mouth, aimed at the building where the children were, and released a ball of light! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The building was shattered in an instant, and the children on the roof were blown out. 】


[“Xiao Mian” only had time to shout these words, and the red ball in his hand suddenly emitted a dazzling light again! ] 】

[In the light of light, two giant hands of light suddenly appeared in the air, catching all the children. 】

[“Are you…”】

[On a “giant hand of light”, the frightened “Xiao Mian”, looked up, and suddenly shouted in surprise: “Diga Ultraman! “】

[That’s right, this incarnation of light… It is Digga the giant of light! 】

[And beside Diga, there is still Daina Ultraman! ] 】


In the team building of the victory team, Da Guton, who saw this scene, was taken aback and involuntarily stood up from his seat!

“Me! I’ve also gone to another world! ”

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