[Odin did not hold the Eternal Spear in his hand, but only a long sword. 】

[But he still shows the might of the King of the Nine Realms, the Lord God of Asgard! ] 】

[“Sirte! Go back to your abyss! “】

[Even in the face of Surtel, the king of the fire giants, Odin still has the upper hand! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[I saw that Odin found a flaw, raised his sword and fell, and stabbed through Sirte’s throat alive! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[The king of the fire giants let out a miserable cry, blood spurted wildly from his mouth, fell backwards, and never got up again. ] 】


[Although he defeated the enemy, the elderly Odin was also not lightly injured, and the whole person faltered, holding on for a while, and finally fell softly to the ground. ] 】

[“Father! “】

[Seeing Odin fall to the ground, Torton was taken aback, and quickly rushed up, trying to help Odin up. 】

“You… Thor! You shouldn’t be here. “】

[Surprisingly, seeing Thor appear, Odin’s face was only surprised, and there was not a trace of joy. 】

[“Father! Your injuries!!! “】

[“Don’t care about my injuries…”]

[Odin lay on the ground and said with a wry smile:]

[“When the night passes and the sun rises, these injuries are gone…”

[“Moreover, Surtel, who was killed by me, will also be resurrected again to start a new round of battle with me! “】

[“This is the fate of my waiting!”] “】

[“How come??? “】

[Thor is completely stupid! ] 】

[He never imagined that as the Lord of the Nine Realms, Odin would fall into such a terrifying “death loop”. 】

“You don’t have to worry about my business!”] “】

[Odin’s eyes were cold, and he stared at Thor and asked:]

[“It’s you, instead! This is the land of the dead, how did you get here? “】

Thor replied in a low voice:]

“Father, due to excessive loss of divine power, I had to enter Odin’s sleep. “】

[“So it is, huh…”

[Odin laughed slowly:]

[“The slumber between life and death allows your soul to enter this world! 】

“However, this is no longer Odin’s sleep! “】

“The strength I give you. Already completely yours, so… You are now entering Thor’s Sleep! “】

[Thor swallowed a mouthful of spit and said with a sense of expectation:]

“If I could reach you here, maybe… I can try to summon you to this world…”

[“Hahaha! “】

[Odin laughed with a bit of sarcasm:]

[“Wu’er, if you wanted to summon me out of the darkness, you would have already done it! “】

“But you didn’t! “】

“And, if I were you, I wouldn’t either!”] “】

[“Father! I…”

[Listening to Odin’s words, Torton was shocked, and even his words stuttered. 】

[Looking at his embarrassed son, Odin tried to stand up and said indifferently:]

“Thor, let me tell you a story. “】

“Both gods and mortals are the same at some point. “】

“In order to achieve ourselves, we must all kill our fathers! “】

[Odin’s voice is a little cold:]

[“For mortals, this is just a metaphor, representing stepping out of the shadow of the father’s generation! 】

“But for the gods, that’s another matter entirely! “】

[“My father Pol is a great warrior whose divine power surpasses everyone in the Nine Realms! “】

“However, he did not like my attitude towards humans, he thought that human beings were a group of inferior creatures and did not deserve the love of the gods! “】

[Speaking of which, Odin slowly exhaled:]

“During a war, my father exhausted his divine power and ended up in a wizard’s trap and frozen into an ice sculpture. “】

“He used his last strength to ask me to find a powerful mage, unlock his spell, and set him free! 】

“But I didn’t! “】

“I told all my subordinates that my father had died in battle! “】

[“Later… I am the true King of Asgard! “】

[Turning to look at Thor, Odin’s eyes seemed to pass through his son, looking at the cold tundra. 】

“After that, every winter, I could hear my father’s cries and cries for help! “】

“Although no one else can hear, let me know… That’s not an illusion! “】

[And from the moment you were born, just by looking into your eyes, I knew…”

[“The wheel of fortune will turn back!”] “】

“I am very afraid, afraid that I will fall into the same fate as my father, and I am afraid that this son of yours will also betray me! “】

[Odin’s expression was full of bitterness, but he still tried to continue:]

“One night after you were born, the soul of my father, Pol, entered my dream. “】

“He told me that I was destined to be like him. Abandoned by his own son in the wilderness, suffer eternity! “】

“And the only way to stop this fate is to save the life of another child!” “】

“Pol told me that I would kill a powerful enemy, but if I could spare and adopt his child and love that child as if it were my own, my sins would be washed away! “】

“What?” 】

[Thor was shocked to hear and asked in disbelief:]

[“Father! The kid you’re talking about, could it be Luo…”

“That’s right! “】

[Odin said faintly:]

“At that time, I was driven crazy by my guilt and fear, so I listened to my father’s words! “】

[“After killing the king of the ice giant, ‘Laufei’, I did not kill his son, but adopted him! “】

“And this is the beginning of all tragedies!”] “】

[Nursery stood up next to her, but she couldn’t say a word.] 】

[In fact, for many years, he has been wondering why Odin inexplicably adopted the child of an ice giant?] 】

[He doesn’t look like such a “fraternal” person! ] 】

[Only now did Thor understand that it turned out that all this… It’s all the revenge plots of his grandfather “Pol”! 】

[Wall deliberately introduced Loki into Odin’s house in the hope that this son of the ice giant, the “God of Conspiracy”, would turn Asgard upside down! ] 】

[And Loki… And it did! 】

[“Okay… My son, I have said everything that should be said. “】

[Looking at the rising sun in the distance, Odin said calmly:]

“You don’t have to say anything, I’m here right now, perhaps to atone for my past sins. “】

“You see my wounds have completely healed, and Surtel has been resurrected! “】

“Now, let’s continue our battle while you… It’s time to leave, too. “】

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Thor: This… It can’t be, right? (⊙o⊙)

Loki Odinson: Odin adopted me because of his father’s intrigue?

Loki Odinson: Abominable! Is this the truth? (▼皿▼;)

At this moment, standing in the hall of Asgard, Loki’s face turned pale, and his whole body trembled with anger.

He may be able to accept Odin and lie to him for the rest of his life.

But if you enter Asgard yourself, it will only be part of a revenge plan from the beginning.

So what is his life?

A sad joke?

At this moment, from above the throne of Asgard, a calm voice came.

“O my sons!”

Although their hearts were shaken, Thor and Loki turned and looked at Odin, who was sitting on the throne.

“I don’t know… What is the situation in other universes? ”

Odin looked cold and serious, and said slowly:

“Loki, my father died gloriously on the battlefield, and I did not abandon it.”

“Moreover, the reason why I adopted you is also because I did it out of my own will, and no one forced me!”


Hearing these heartfelt words, Loki lowered his head, but his face also turned bloody again.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After a period of “Thor’s Sleep”, Thor also woke up from the sarcophagus and regained his divine power. 】

[At the same time, a series of dramatic changes have taken place in the outside world! ] 】

[At this point in time, Tonisdak, who is the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., encountered a series of terrible events. 】

[Tony never imagined that the people behind these events were not even earthlings, but Skrulls from Skrullin Star! ] 】

[All the superheroes on Earth have encountered the secret invasion of the Skrulls! ] 】

[And the leader of them, “Super Skrull”, can even imitate the superpowers of shape-shifting objects! ] 】

[In the face of these aliens hidden in the shadows, the superheroes of the earth were completely defenseless, and they were almost broken by each other! ] 】

[In the end, the superheroes led by Iron Man, although they won by luck, still paid a heavy price. ] 】

[And the worst thing is that in the final battle with the Skorus, the Green Goblin Norman Osborne took the opportunity to strike and pick the biggest victory. ] 】

[And the superheroes led by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers are slow to react in the face of the “secret invasion”, full of flaws, causing a great crisis of trust! ] 】

[So, after the secret invasion ended, Norman Osborne replaced Tony Stark as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.] 】

[The newly appointed Norman Osborne made two drastic reforms. 】

[First of all. He renamed S.H.I.E.L.D. to “Skyhammer”! 】

[Then he personally recruited a group of supervillains… Even criminals! “Dark Avengers” have been established! 】

PS: Next is the Dark Dynasty, Sentinel vs. Elementals, and the siege!

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