Looking at the masked man on the screen, the egg’s gaze fell on his left arm in an instant.

I saw that this man’s left hand was completely made of steel.

“Bucky Barnes, is that really you?”

The gaze that shot out of the one-eyed egg instantly sharpened.

This little henchman of the captain of the United States back then should have died in World War II!

But after the end of World War II, Bucky Barnes suddenly and mysteriously resurrected.

After reappearing, Bucky seems to be completely transformed and begins to carry out horrific assassinations all over the world.

However, he fell silent every time he was active, and only after three or five years did he strike again.

Because of Bucky’s haunted skills, someone has long given him a nickname in the dark world, that is, the Winter Soldier!

“Even the winter soldiers can be sent to deal with me, and the mastermind behind it is absolutely extraordinary!”

Watching the winter soldier on the screen walking towards the overturned car, the heartbeat of the brine egg also became a little faster.

That variant of its own, wouldn’t die like that?

[The winter soldier walked to the car of the brine egg, stretched out his left iron arm, and immediately tore off the entire car door. ] 】

[But when he looked out, he found that the entire car, even the ground, had been cut through a hole.] 】

[The figure of the black brine egg has long disappeared. 】

Seeing that the brine egg escaped, Tony seemed relieved on the surface, but still said with a hard mouth:

“This can actually let you escape, this one-eyed dragon’s life is really hard.”


Tony glanced at the hole on the screen that didn’t know how deep it was, and his eyes showed a searching look.

In such a short time, the earth can be dug through!

What was the last thing this one-eyed dragon came out? How powerful is it?

“Whew… It’s really scary. ”

Seeing that his variant successfully escaped, the brine egg also let out a long breath and sat back in the seat.

Since decades ago, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been dealing with all kinds of aliens, ancient civilizations, and strange creations. Over time, it has also accumulated a lot of black technology.

Although most of these black technologies are extremely dangerous and cannot be applied, even if only 1% can come in handy, sometimes it can save people’s lives!

[As soon as the screen turns, American captain Steve Rogers returns to his apartment. 】

Before he entered the door, he was reminded by his blonde neighbor that he had forgotten to turn off the stereo in the room.] 】

[As a super soldier, the captain immediately noticed the abnormality, and did not even go through the main entrance, but turned to climb in through the window. 】

[After entering the living room, the captain was surprised to find that the egg was lying on his sofa with a wounded face, listening to a record. 】

[The captain asked the egg with an unhappy face, why don’t you invite yourself in?] Unexpectedly, the brine egg directly typed the words “eavesdropping” on the mobile phone! 】

“I’m sorry I came uninvited, but I really don’t have anywhere else to go. “】

[The egg said while typing a new sentence on his phone. 】

[“S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated!” 】

[The captain’s face changed, but he just chatted with the egg, and the sound of the sniper rifle suddenly sounded! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! “】

[The wall behind the brine egg was instantly penetrated by a sniper rifle, and in the face of such a terrible attack, the brine egg only screamed and fell to the ground. ] 】

[Lying on the ground, the brine egg handed over a USB flash drive held in the palm of his hand to the captain, and said with the last strength:]

“Don’t trust anyone. “】

[After speaking, the brine egg closed his eyes and was silent. 】

Seeing this scene, the black brine egg sitting in the chair suddenly showed a helpless expression on his face.

Hit by a sniper rifle that can even penetrate the wall, or two shots at a time!

Now, this variant of yourself… It’s going to be cold no matter how you look at it.

[Just when the head was overwhelmed, her beautiful neighbor, Sharon Carter, suddenly rushed in with a gun. 】

[It turns out that she is also an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and is assigned by the brine egg to protect the captain. 】

[Give the egg to Sharon Carter, and the captain will rush directly out of the window to chase the gunman who sniped the egg!] 】

[Finally, the captain finally caught up with the gunman on the roof of a building. 】

[Seeing that the other party was about to escape, the captain threw the shield in his hand violently! ] 】

[No one expected that this gunman just turned around, and an iron arm caught his shield! ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, he even threw the captain’s shield back.] 】


[The captain finally took this blow from the enemy, but his body was still carried by the flying shield, and he withdrew several meters backwards. 】

[Failed to catch the gunman, the captain followed the seriously injured brine to the hospital, and Black Widow also hurriedly arrived. ] 】

[Looking at the stewed egg lying on the operating table opposite the glass window, Black Widow asked with an angry face. 】

[“Who is the murderer! “】

[The expression on the captain’s face was a little helpless. “He’s fast, powerful, and has a metal arm!” 】

Black Widow continued, “What about ballistic analysis. “】

[Agent Mariahir came over and said with a very heavy face:]

“Three bullets were found, but without rifling, completely unrecognizable. “】

[“The kind specially made by the former Sue United, right? Black Widow said coldly. 】

Maria Hill nodded wordlessly. 】

[Soon, the situation of the brine egg fell into a critical state, and the doctors were unable to rescue it.] 】

[“Time of death, 1:03 a.m….”

[Watching the doctors pronounce death on a corpse, the captain and Maria Hill all turned away sadly, leaving Black Widow alone in front of the glass window. 】

Looking at the screen in front of her, Black Widow’s face also became gloomy.

The “C·P· H.4 “substance, systematically improved, does not erase her humanity.

Therefore, when she saw the true appearance of the “Insight Project” before, Black Widow was indeed very angry! I think this brine egg is simply trying to play the role of a god and treat everyone else on the earth as an ant!

But looking at him lying motionless on the operating table, she also felt an unspeakable sadness like the one on the screen.

Although this black man is a spy leader, there are still many things that are kept in the dark.

At last…… I was still confused, and I became a ghost!

Strange said in a deep voice: “It seems that the situation inside S.H.I.E.L.D. is very serious.” ”

Tony spread his hands:

“Even they can’t solve this kind of problem of espionage, machine, and pass.”

“In contrast, what I’m most concerned about is … What happened to that insight project? “

Hearing this, most of the other people in the live broadcast room nodded.

No matter who wants to, there is a sword of Damocles floating above his head that he does not know when it will fall.

And the most unacceptable thing is that as long as the other party feels that you “may” become a bad person in the future, they will immediately bombard you to death.

Who can stand this kind of thing?

[Image continues.] 】

[As soon as the egg was pronounced dead, the special squad led by Crossbones rushed to the hospital to bring the captain back to S.H.I.E.L.D. for questioning. 】

[The captain noticed that something was wrong, so he hid the USB flash drive that the brine egg gave him before he died and hid it in the hospital. 】

[Coming to Minister Pierce’s office in S.H.I.E.L.D., the captain immediately got a startling news. 】

[Pierce claimed that the group of pirates who attacked the S.H.I.E.L.D. passenger ship were actually hired by the brine.] 】

[And the egg did this in order to steal data on the satellite launch platform.] 】

[But in the end, the talks broke down, and the pirates sent killers to assassinate the eggs.] 】

[That is to say, the death of the brine egg is completely self-inflicted, and the crime deserves it.] 】

“Pierce, it’s you!!!。

Watching Pierce on the screen openly denigrating himself, the egg trembled slightly with anger, and his eyes shot out a cold cold light.

He had also considered just now that the traitor in S.H.I.E.L.D. might be Pierce.

But in the end, he denied it.

The reason is simple, Pierce is the previous S.H.I.E.L.D. director!

Even the throne of the bureau chief of the brine egg was given up by him!

Why is it necessary for such a person to betray S.H.I.E.L.D.?

But this scene in front of him completely shattered the illusion of the brine egg.

But even so, he couldn’t figure out why Pierce did these things!

The more I think about it, the more headache I have, I only feel that my head is not enough, and the psychological shadow is even bigger than it is unimaginable.

“Not good!”

Startled, the egg suddenly remembered another, more terrifying thing.

If even respected seniors like Pierce are traitors, how many traitors and traitors are still lurking within S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Wouldn’t it… The entire S.H.I.E.L.D. has been occupied by hostile forces, right?

Thinking of this, the cheeks of the brine egg kept twitching, and for a while there was an urge to vomit blood.

He, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., is really a failure!

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Tony also spat mercilessly.

“These spies are really ruthless, first killed that one-eyed dragon, and now immediately detain the black pot on this dead man! It’s so ferocious. ”

Peter listened to the side and asked in surprise:

“Mr. Stark, are you saying that this Minister Pierce is behind it?”

“Who else but him?”

Loki said with a treacherous smile:

“This guy is really hiding deep enough! Speaking of that one-eyed dragon is really pitiful, he still doesn’t know… When he reported to Pierce, the other party had already sentenced him to death! ”

Although Natasha did not speak at this time, her eyes also became extremely solemn.

Although she has only joined S.H.I.E.L.D. not long ago, she also knows how Pierce exists.

This man has been with S.H.I.E.L.D. for decades! The impact is unimaginable.

If this person is behind the scenes, then probably the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. may be an enemy!

【Image continues】

[In the face of Pierce’s denigration of the egg, the captain said that he did not believe his words. 】

[After the two broke up unhappily, Pierce directly sent crossbones and led a whole team to block the captain in the elevator. ] 】

[Who knew that the captain’s strength was beyond imagination, and one person knocked down all these opponents. ] 】

[After defeating the enemy, as soon as the captain opened the elevator, he found that the corridor was full of soldiers with live ammunition. 】

Seeing this, the brine egg let out a long sigh, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Sure enough, S.H.I.E.L.D., from top to bottom, has fallen into the hands of the enemy.

Gritting his teeth, he took out an encrypted satellite phone directly from his arms and dialed the number.

“Agent Coulson? I’m Nick Fury, you go contact Agent Melinda May, I have a brand new mission for you. ”

After putting down the phone, the stewed egg let out a long breath.

In the video he has seen that Coulson does not hesitate to sacrifice his life… Also to fight against Loki’s heroic performance, there has long been no doubt about his loyalty.

As for Melinda May, this is a dark son left by the brine egg in her early years, and she didn’t expect it to start so soon.

【Image continues】

[The captain tried his best to escape S.H.I.E.L.D., and even shot down a fighter plane with his shield in the process! ] 】

[But after the captain fled, Pierce branded the captain as a fugitive and fully launched Project Insight.] 】

[Back at the hospital, the captain did not find the USB drive, it turned out to be taken by Black Widow. ] 】

[By studying the data on the USB stick, the two decided to travel to New Jersey. 】

[When he came to the target, the captain found that this was actually the place where he first joined the army for training! ] 】

[The captain led Black Widow to the basement. 】

[It was in this basement that he changed from a thin soldier to a captain of the United States! ] 】

[The two found a dark room in the basement, and Black Widow had a whim and inserted the USB flash drive in her hand into the computer in the dark room. ] 】

[Immediately after, a green humanoid image appeared on the computer screen.] 】

[Then, a strange electronic sound sounded in the dark room.] 】

Steve Rogers, born in 1918. “】

[“Natalie Alenova Romanov. Born in 1984. “】

[Black Widow said with some doubt: “This is a video. “】

[The humanoid image on the computer screen responded with some anger:]

“Ma’am, I’m not videotaping. “】

[“Although I am not the same as when the captain caught me, I still am…”

[At the same time, a photo appeared on a computer next to it.] 】

[Looking at the small bald man in the white coat in the photo, the captain immediately recalled”]

[“Arnin Zola! He is a German scientist under the Red Skull, but has been dead for many years. “】

[Dr. Zola’s electronic voice sounded again:]

[“First of all, to correct the first point, I am actually a Rui Shiren. “】

“Second, look around. I’m alive and well. “】

“Just kidding.”

Seeing this, Tony took a deep breath, and his face couldn’t contain the look of surprise.

“This Dr. Zola… Is it transferring your consciousness to the computer? ”

Peter was also taken aback:

“Transfer consciousness to the computer? Is this kind of thing really possible? ”

Tony muttered:

“If you can input enough data into the computer, there should still be a certain probability… Simulate the character and even memories of this person! ”


Tony looked at the dark room on the screen, his eyes full of amazement.

“The computers here are the same as they were decades ago.”

“This guy, is it in the 80s… No! Digitized his personality in the 70s? ”

“It’s incredible”

【Image continues】

Dr. Zola continued: “I was confirmed to be terminally ill. “】

“Science can’t save my body. But my mind is stored in the database of 200,000 units. “】

“You are standing in my brain right now. “】

[The captain directly asked, “Why are you here?” “】

Dr. Zola replied without hesitation, “I was invited. “】

Black Widow said thoughtfully: “After World War II, there was a Reverse Shape Needle Operation. “】

“During that operation, S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited a large number of German scientists with strategic value. “】

“They think I can help S.H.I.E.L.D. achieve its goals, but… It turned out that I used them to achieve my goal. “】

[The captain seemed to sense something, and said flatly: “Hydra has dissipated with the Red Skull. “】

[Dr. Zola made a voice similar to a sneer: “Cut off one head and two will grow.] “】

[Immediately afterwards, new images began to appear on the screen in front of the captain and Black Widow. 】

[“After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D. was formed, and they recruited me,”

“Like a beautiful parasite in S.H.I.E.L.D., a new Hydra was born. “】

[It turns out that Dr. Zola not only secretly established the new Hydra organization in S.H.I.E.L.D.] 】

[He also secretly killed Howard Stark and his wife! ] 】

“What? Hydra? ”

“Howard… Dad!!! ”

Seeing this scene, the faces of both Braised Egg and Tonis Dak turned extremely pale at the same time.

Drops of cold sweat dripped uncontrollably from the foreheads of the two of them.

Information revealed by Dr. Zola. It’s like a bullet in deep water… A blank shook in the minds of these two people!


The egg took a deep breath and felt that his heart was almost beating out of his throat.

At this moment, the face of the brine egg was extremely gloomy. His eyes contained many emotional waves such as horror, doubt, shock, and disbelief, which showed how shocked his heart was.

For years, the brine egg has thought that… This terrifying secret organization has already been completely destroyed with the death of the Red Skull.

Who would have thought that Hydra would borrow the corpse to return the soul and have grown vigorously in the body of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

There is no doubt that the previous director, Pierce, is a member of Hydra.

But if you say that, is it… Has the current S.H.I.E.L.D. become a complete “Serpent Shield”?



Tony only felt dizzy in his head, and for a moment he couldn’t help but reach out and cover his forehead.

Since he was a child, he thought that his parents had died in traffic accidents.

But who would have thought that they were killed by someone!


Chanting the name, Tony’s eyes shot with unprecedented murderous intent.

At this moment, he secretly vowed in his heart that no matter what the cost, he would definitely uproot this evil organization.

As for the person who killed his parents, whoever it is, must also die!

PS: Thank you guys for your votes!

Tony Kills All Sides, Annihilation Serpent Shield plot is booked! ^_^

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