[After giving the order, the gangster cadre tightly held the suitcase in his hand, turned his head and left. 】

[But he had only taken a few steps when he crashed into an invisible wall.] 】

【“??? “】

[The gangster cadres stretched out their hands in disbelief, touched the air in front of them, and even hit hard. 】

[But although the wall in front of him is invisible, it really exists! ] 】

[No matter how hard the gang cadres try, they can only punch “Pong!” on the wall! ] Disheveled! “, but it couldn’t break through at all.

Seeing this, many people in the live broadcast room turned their heads to look at Strange, and their eyes became extremely strange in an instant.

Looking at the screen stunnedly, Strange involuntarily whispered:

“Is this really … Mirror space? ”

He remembers very well that in the previous image, Strange from another universe… He once used the solidified mirror space to resist Thanos’ power gem blow.

The “space wall” created by Lucy on the screen is certainly far from comparable to the mirror space.

But this is obvious… It’s a similar spatial ability!

“Manipulating yourself… Manipulating others… By manipulating matter, can the current space be controlled? ”

Tony’s expression was solemn, and there was already a trace of emotion in his words.

After the brain is developed, the superpowers displayed by this woman… It’s like there’s no end!

Even Tony couldn’t imagine at the moment what kind of power Lucy would show next.

Little Wanda seemed to have thought of something, and quickly asked:

“Wait, why didn’t this woman directly faint these people like before, and she had to use some means of spatial manipulation?”

Loki looked proud, spread his hands and said:

“It’s very simple, when I learn a new magic, I always try to find someone to try it. For example…… My stupid brother. ”

“This Lucy should have just awakened this spatial ability, and these gangsters were unlucky and just hit her muzzle.”

At this time in Karma Taj, Master Mordo couldn’t help but glance back at Gu Yi.

Gu Yi’s expression did not move at all, but a flash of light had already flashed in his eyes.

In her opinion, what Lucy unleashed… It is indeed the ability of the space department.

However, whether this is related to mirror space or magic, without observing it with his own eyes, Gu Yi cannot be sure.

Thinking of this, Gu Yi whispered with some emotion: “What a woman who is not simple, if I have the opportunity, I really want to teach him magic.” “

Archmage Wang next to him suddenly muttered:

“If you want to say, in that live broadcast room… There seems to be an identical woman, and she seems to have taken that strange medicine.”


As if reminded by Master Wang, Master Gu Yi glanced at the black widow in the live broadcast room, and his eyes changed slightly.

[Image continues.] 】

[Watching the gangster cadres banging on the invisible wall in vain, Lucy’s eyes froze, and all the guns in the hands of the gangster brothers flew out and stuck firmly to the roof of the hospital. ] 】

[It seems that at this moment, the ceiling of the hospital instantly turned into a huge electromagnet, sucking up all their guns.] 】

“Magnetism! This is the magnetic force! ”

Seeing that Lucy finally used her signature ability, Magneto shouted excitedly, and at the same time his eyes shone with excitement.


The control of electromagnetic waves develops to control the magnetic force.

Under the premise that he has already mastered the magnetic force, it should not be too difficult to derive the ability to control electromagnetic waves in turn.

[Finding that he could not break through the wall, the gangster cadres of the plastic surgery country turned around and shouted loudly to their subordinates:]

“What are you still standing there doing stupidly?”] Go up and kill her. “】

[The guns in their hands were taken, and these little brothers were already a little scared. 】

[But under the strict orders of the cadres, they still clenched their fists, but no one dared to be the first to rush up.] 】

[Looking at these gangsters in front of her, Lucy’s indifferent eyes also seemed to flash a trace of curiosity. ] 】

[Then, she walked slowly with a step. 】

[Seeing this strange woman walking in front of him, a gangster with a panicked face, but still gritted his teeth and punched out. 】

[But before the fist hit Lucy’s face, the little brother’s whole body left the ground with both feet and floated into the sky. ] 】

“Ahhh… Yikes! “】

[“What’s going on? “】

[Stunned by the scene in front of them, some of the gangster brothers rushed upwards as if they were dead, and some shrank to the side, trembling all over. ] 】

[Their eyes could not hide the deep fear and horror. 】

[Lucy walked forward as if she were leisurely, as long as she was close to her gangster, they all seemed to be grabbed by an invisible big hand, and they were pulled into the sky one by one. ] 】

“My body? “】

[“Demon Law, this is Demon Law! “】

[Officer Pierre held a gun in his hand and hid in the doorway.] 】

“This… What is it?? “】

[Looking at the horrific scene in front of him, he stood in place in amazement, his eyes almost dull, and his expression was as if he had seen a ghost. ] 】

[Those gangsters were suspended in midair. Like a flying insect stuck to a spider’s web, no matter how hard you struggle, you just can’t move! 】

“What’s going on here? “】

“Magic? “】

[“Superpowers? “】


[Pierre’s heart was in chaos, and he only felt that his brain was not enough. 】

[In his life… I have never seen such a strange, incredible thing! 】

[This scene in front of him simply subverted the three views and disintegrated his understanding of this world! ] 】

[“You! Aaaah! “】

[A bald gangster was stunned by the scene in front of him, trembling all over, and the whole person stiffened in place. ] 】

[Lucy didn’t even bother to lift him up, just waved her hand and threw this bald head out,]


[The bald head is like a cannonball that breaks through the wall, and I don’t know where to fly.] 】

[Watching Lucy walk straight over, while her little brothers floated in the air and struggled desperately, the gangster cadre’s eyes were round, his mouth was slightly open, and his whole body was dominated by fear, trembling uncontrollably. ] 】

[At this moment, he suddenly discovered… His body seemed to have been cast a body-fixing spell, completely frozen in place, as if petrified, unable to move at all! 】

[“Whew… Wha!!! “】

[The muscles on the face of the gangster cadre of the plastic surgery country twitched wildly, and the blue tendons on his forehead protruded, but he couldn’t even speak. ] 】

[Stepping forward, Lucy took the box from the cadre’s hand with an indifferent look, turned around and left. 】

[In the corridor, there is a frozen cadre standing on the ground, and there are four or five little brothers floating in the sky. 】

[In the eyes of outsiders, this scene is really scary and weird, almost not like a human landscape. ] 】

“This is gravity control?”

Looking at the several gangsters floating on the screen, Tony nodded thoughtfully:

“It can remove the gravity of these people and make them float into the sky, but it can freeze their bodies and prevent these people from sticking to the ceiling.”

“This woman’s grip on gravity is amazing.”

Called a super genius, for gravity control such … Superpowers that are relatively easy to understand, Tony really understands at a glance.

Hearing Tony’s words, there seemed to be some praise for Lucy. Little Wanda suddenly pouted, and said with an unhappy face:

“What’s so great? This level of gravity manipulation. I can do it too. ”

Seeing everyone looking at him, Little Wanda stood up fiercely and said proudly:

“I operate gravity and repulsion, but if you add these two forces together, you can also float people in the sky and then fix them in the air!”

“Oh? This little girl doesn’t seem to be simple. ”

Magneto glanced at Little Wanda with some surprise, and asked casually:

“Little girl, you said… What method did that Lucy use to keep that cadre in place? ”


Speechless by Magneto’s question, Little Wanda’s face flashed a hint of red, suddenly stomped his foot, turned around, and never looked at him again.

At this time, Black Widow said indifferently:

“That shouldn’t be some special superpower, just simple human body control.”

“Lucy took control of his body and ordered him to stay put, and unless Lucy lifted this command, the man would only stand where he was, forever…”

“Simple… Human body control? ”

Strange chewed on this sentence, and a helpless smile suddenly appeared on his face.

This kind of thing… When did it get easier?

However, if compared with Lucy’s other horrific superpowers, “giving orders to the human body” seems to have really become the most “simple and simple”.

Speaking of this, Black Widow’s voice suddenly became a little low:

“The more superpowers you have, the more developed Lucy’s brain is!”

“In other words… My guess is that by now her brain may have developed to 50%, or even higher! ”

Tony said thoughtfully:

“No wonder as soon as she woke up from her coma, she immediately came to snatch these C· P· H.4, without these substances to replenish her energy, Lucy’s body… Maybe you’ll experience a second crash right away! ”

Strange frowned when he heard this:

“I always felt that Lucy’s evolution seemed a little too fast.”

“According to an oriental proverb I learned before, her situation is somewhat similar to pulling seedlings to help grow.”

Surprisingly, Black Widow actually nodded:

“At first he was ingesting too much C· P· H·4。 As a result, brain development cannot be stopped. ”

Later, it was precisely because of this unrestrained wild horse development that began to cause Lucy’s body to collapse, forcing her to consume more C· P· H·4……”

“A vicious circle…”

The expression on Tony’s face suddenly became a little complicated. A thought flashed in my mind:

“If Lucy takes C· P· H.4 is not so fast, leaving her flesh, or cells, more time to evolve. ”

“So… Will she not die? ”

Thinking of this, Tony’s pupils suddenly contracted.

Lucy, such a “existence” who knows almost everything and lacks humanity and feelings, once resides in the world…

For humans, it may not be a good thing!

[Image continues.] 】

[Got all three bags of C· P· H·4。 Lucy put the medicine in the box and said to Pierre :]

“Let’s go. “】

[Glancing at a few gangsters still floating in midair, Pierre said tremblingly:]

“To be honest, I’m not sure I can help you. “】

[Hearing this, Lucy walked all the way back, looked at Pierre with hazy eyes, and said calmly:]

“Of course you can help. “】

[Then, to everyone’s surprise, Lucy actually kissed her all at once and was with Pierreqin. ] 】

[After the two separated, Lucy’s eyes did not have any emotional fluctuations, just said lightly:]

“You can remind me that I’m still alone. “】

Seeing this, Tony involuntarily looked back at Black Widow, and when the two looked at each other, they could see the helplessness hidden in each other’s eyes.

Lucy doesn’t want to lose her humanity, she still wants to continue to be human.

But the drug’s energy was too powerful, and her brain evolved completely irreversible.

So Lucy can only use this means to preserve the last bit of her humanity!

[Walking out of the hospital, Lucy took the box and sat in the passenger seat of the police car. 】

[Pierre got into the driver’s seat a little unexpectedly, turned his head and asked:]

“Where are we going next?” “】

[Lucy didn’t; Ignore him, but the autopilot on the car suddenly rang. 】

[“Turn left at the next intersection. “】

[Pierre looked at the autopilot and saw the LCD map… The next path and goal have already been marked. 】


[Pierre, who had already seen the strangeness, nodded lightly and began to start the car without saying a word. 】

[And at the same time that Peel’s police car drove out of the hospital, he received a report from his younger brother, and the boss of the plastic surgery country gang who rushed here turned his head, and actually … I saw Lucy’s face through the car window! 】

[Thinking of the cultivation that was received at this woman’s hand, the muscles on the boss’s face twitched, and he commanded in a strong angry voice:]

“Keep me up with that police car!”] “】

Seeing this scene, Loki suddenly sneered:

“Human stupidity always surprises me.”

“Don’t those idiots know… In the eyes of that woman, are they no different from ants? ”

Magneto nodded, seemingly very much in favor of Loki’s words:

“Human beings tend to overestimate their strength and underestimate their stupidity!”

“And teaching them to realize this is the responsibility of those of us who are above human beings!”


Hearing this, Loki looked at Magneto, and the two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

This feeling is like finding a soulmate!

[The picture turned, and came to the black professor’s side.] 】

[He has now arrived in the laboratory on the university campus, and has also found several colleagues in the university, ready to study Lucy’s problem together.] 】

It didn’t take long for Lucy to push open the door and walk into the lab. 】

“Uh… Nice to see you. “】

[Looking at the blonde woman in front of him, the expression on the professor’s face kept changing, and he didn’t know what to say for a while. 】

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