
Hearing little Wanda’s exclamation, Tony glanced at Magneto with a bit of vigilance, and then turned his head and asked:

“You and Pietro… Not a Sokovian? ”

Little Wanda nodded, pointed to the screen and said:

“That’s right, but the last name on this mailbox is none other than Maksimov, the same as me!

“Besides, my brother’s nickname is Peter!”

“Besides, you see… The speed of that person! ”

Everyone looked at the screen, and saw that the boy with silver hair and a jacket was as fast as lightning, just like teleportation, which surprised Wolverine and the others.

Seeing this, Black Widow said indifferently:

“In the previous image, in another universe, the Wanda brothers and sisters voluntarily accepted Baron Strack’s experiments in order to take revenge on someone, and obtained magical superpowers from the Mind Gem.

“Among them, Wanda gets Nian Power, and her brother Pietro gets super speed!”

Upon hearing this, the faces of the others also showed a sudden understanding. Only Tony’s face darkened.

The reason why the Wanda siblings did this seems to be only one possibility, that is, to avenge him Tony Starck!

“So that’s it.”

Peter didn’t seem to notice Tony’s ugly expression, but just said to himself:

“The surname is the same, the nickname is the same, even the superpowers are the same. It seems that this man named Peter should be a variant of Brother Wanda in this universe. ”

At this time, Peter looked at Little Wanda again, and said to himself with some doubt:

“In that case, who is the variant of Wanda? That little princess? ”

Wanda was stunned by the question, and instinctively shook her head:

“No way, Pietro and I are twin siblings, and the two were born together.”

At this time, Peter remembered something again and said to Wanda:

“By the way, in the image just now, the mother once asked the little princess to go upstairs to find her sister.”

“It seems that the sister who did not appear may be that mutant universe… Your variation. ”

Strange asked thoughtfully:

“In that case, do you brothers and sisters really not have a third sister?”

Wanda was stunned when asked, and she didn’t know how to answer for a while.

The parents of their brothers and sisters died long ago in the Sokovia Civil War.

Even if they really have an unknown sister, until now… Who can I ask?

Seeing little Wanda’s look of trance, Tony frowned, stepped forward, and gently patted her shoulder:

“When I go back, I’ll use Jarvis… No! The power of the Void Engine searched the whole of Sokovia. ”

“If you really have a sister, even if you have to turn the whole earth upside down, I will find her.”

Looking at Tony’s serious expression, little Wanda lowered his head slightly and fell silent.

Seeing this scene, Magneto next to him suddenly felt that his heart was slightly touched, but he didn’t know what the reason was.

【Image continues】

[Looking at the elusive Quicksilver, Wolverine wanted to ease the atmosphere, so he said:]

“Peter, relax, we are not police inspectors. “】

[Kuaiyin suddenly ran to the sofa, used his arm as a pillow, and said leisurely:]

“I have long known that you are not a policeman, where in the world would a police officer ride a rented car?”] “】

[Charles quickly asked:]

“How do you know our car is rented?”] “】

[Quicksilver said with a smile:]

“When you walked in, I had already gone to see your driver’s license. “】

“And I still have time, by the way, I looked at your rental contract. “】

[Immediately afterwards, Kuaiyin’s figure flashed, and he came behind Charles in an instant. ] 】

[I saw him holding Charles’s wallet in his hand, opening it and observing it carefully:]

[“Wiesel Gifted Junior School, what is this place? “】

“That’s just an old business card. “】

Before Charles finished speaking, Quicksilver’s figure disappeared in place. ] 】

[Charles just threw yours on the ground, picked up his wallet and stuffed it into his pocket, and Hank next to him said with a look of amazement:]

[“This guy is so powerful, what ability does he have?”] Teleportation? “】

[Wolverine stepped forward and said:]

“No, he’s just fast enough. “】

[Next, Quicksilver appeared next to the game console again, playing the game and asking without even turning his head:]

“Who are you?” What do you want to do? “】

[Wolverine said directly:]

“Peter, we need you to break into a heavily guarded place and bring someone out. “】

[Kuaiyin laughed: “Robbery of prison? That’s illegal. “】

[Wolverine looked left and right, and saw that this basement was full… Tons of goods ranging from home appliances to snacks. 】

[Obviously, these things were “taken” by Quicksilver with his super speed. 】

[Wolverine said calmly: “As long as you don’t get caught, it’s fine. “】

[But Quicksilver is still not so easy to persuade:]

“Why should I help you, is there any benefit to me?”] “】

[Looking around, Charles seemed to have made up his mind and said calmly:]

“If you help us, you kleptomania… There is a chance to break into the most heavily guarded place in the world, the Five Corners Building! “】

[Upon hearing this, Quicksilver’s expression immediately changed. 】

Seeing this, in the chat group, suddenly someone was bubbling.

Magneto: Charles, how did you know that kid had a kleptomatocrat?

Charles Xavier: Eric, I think you should make one thing clear, the one on the screen is not me, at least not who I am now.

Charles Xavier: Secondly, it’s not difficult, you look at that basement, there are several TVs alone, what’s the point of stealing so many TVs by one person? He can only watch one!

Stephen Strange: So, I see, this kid just enjoys the thrill and pleasure of stealing. As for whether the stolen things have value and meaning, he does not care.

Charles Xavier: That’s typical stealing.

Charles Xavier: To understand my psychic powers more deeply. One of my three university PhDs is psychology!

Magneto: Okay, okay, Charles just asked you a question, do you need to be so proud?

Wanda Maksimov: I said… The relationship between the two of you is really good.

Wanda Maximov: It’s really hard to imagine that in the future… You will actually become that kind of enemy.

Upon hearing this, Charles and Magneto were all silent.

【Image continues】

[Under the planning of Charles and others, Quicksilver and Wolverine infiltrated the interior of the Pentagon. 】

[Faced with ubiquitous surveillance devices, Hank turned all their screens into TV channels with a single jamming system.] 】

[Next, a guard preparing to deliver food to Magneto had just walked into the elevator with a dinner plate when he found his hat fall to the floor. 】

[When he picked up his hat from the ground, he suddenly found that Quicksilver wearing goggles was already standing beside him.] 】

[The elevator door opened again, and the guard’s clothes had been stripped off by Quicksilver, and his body was also tied to the elevator wall with tape by Quicksilver.] 】

[Quicksilver, who changed into a guard’s uniform at a super speed, walked into the corridor with a dinner plate. 】

[There were also two rows of guards standing in the corridor, carrying guns and batons, all made of special plastic, without a trace of metal on their bodies.] 】

[Quicksilver carried the dinner plate all the way to the end of the prison. 】

[I saw that under the special glass ceiling, Magneto, wearing a prison uniform, was lying down and sleeping. 】

After throwing the dinner plate through the hole in the ground, Quicksilver did not leave, but stood by the glass window, seemingly waiting for something. 】

[Sensing the abnormality, Magneto turned his head and saw a piece of paper on the dinner plate, which said: “Be careful with the glass”]

[As soon as Magneto looked up, he saw Quicksilver pressing his hands to the special tempered glass on top of his head. 】

[Then, his two hands began to vibrate rapidly at an unimaginable speed! ] 】


[Soon, the entire huge glass window also began to vibrate at a very high frequency. 】

[Looking up at the vision above his head, Magneto’s eyes were full of puzzlement. 】

[Depending on the situation, this person pretending to be a guard is here to save himself. 】

[But… What kind of means is he using here? 】

[Before Magneto came to his senses, he only listened to the “bang”. 】

[The special tempered glass glass on top of his head, which was almost comparable to steel, shattered in an instant, turning into countless glass fragments and falling from the sky. 】

[Fortunately, after receiving the warning that Quicksilver attached to the dinner plate before, Magneto still protected his head and face with his hands in time and did not get cut by the glass. ] 】

At the same time, Hanke used his special remote control to hack into the Pentagon’s internal systems, turning on the kitchen’s automatic sprinkler. 】

[The water sprayed all over the sky, and the cooks who were cooking could only flee in a hurry. 】

Seeing this scene, Magneto’s heart shook, and his eyes lit up.

There is no doubt that the means used by this Hank is to manipulate with electromagnetic waves!

Even in the 70s, as long as he could manipulate electromagnetic waves, he could do such incredible things out of thin air.

“If the person manipulating the electromagnetic waves is not this Hank, but me, then what can I do?”

Magneto’s eyes widened, and the whole person gradually entered a state of excitement.

And beside him, little Wanda tugged at Tony’s clothes and asked in a low voice:

“Stark, what did that Pietro do? How did he break all those glasses so quickly. ”

Before Tony could answer, Peter next to him laughed:

“That’s resonance, you should have heard about a row of soldiers crossing the bridge at the same time, and the bridge collapsed, right?”

“On the screen, your brother used the same means.”

“He shook with his hands at superhuman speed, shattering all those tempered glasses.”

Listening to Peter’s answer, Wanda just nodded and turned her head slightly.

Seem…… She just wanted to hear Tony’s explanation from beginning to end!

【Image continues】

[Magneto had just crawled out of his prison when he heard an alarm sound outside. 】

[He said with a solemn face:]

“In three seconds that door will open. “】

“Then 20 guards would shoot at us and beat us into a sieve. “】

[Kuaiyin smiled and said, “I know, this is what I’m waiting for.] “】

[As soon as the words fell, Quicksilver teleported behind Magneto and reached out to hold his neck. 】

[It seems that he feels that Quicksilver’s gesture is a little disrespectful to himself, Magneto frowned and asked:]

“What are you doing?” “】

Quicksilver replied, “I’m grabbing your neck so you don’t sprain.] “】

“What? Magneto didn’t understand what Quicksilver was saying at all. 】

【Why does my neck sprain?】 】

[What do you mean?] 】

[But Quicksilver didn’t seem to have the meaning to explain carefully, just opened his mouth and said word by word:]

[“Twist … Injure! “】

[At this moment, the gate in front of the two suddenly opened, and dozens of guards rushed up with special firearms. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[At this moment, the figures of Quicksilver and Magneto seemed to turn into a gust of wind, and they disappeared in front of these guards in an instant. 】

[“Hula! “】

[Because the speed of these two people passing is too fast, the hurricane brought with them actually blew all 20 guards into the air. 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[Before I could figure out what was going on, these guards all fell to the ground from mid-air, falling dizzy. 】


[In an instant, he was sent into the elevator by Quicksilver by the neck, Magneto’s eyes were in a trance, the muscles on his face were constantly twitching, and even some were unstable, and he had to reach out to support the wall of the elevator. ] 】

[It seems that not everyone can withstand the perverted super speed of Quicksilver. ] 】

[Barely restraining the urge to spit out, Magneto looked back, but found that… Quicksilver didn’t know when, he had changed his guard uniform into a jacket and put goggles on his head. 】

[Looking at Magneto’s disgusted look and wanted to vomit, Quicksilver hurriedly persuaded: “It’s okay, it will get better slowly, everyone was like this at the beginning. ] “】

[Next, Quicksilver asked like a curious baby:]

“What exactly did you do?”] Someone locked up in this place? “】

[Dizzy by her voice, Magneto replied impatiently:]

“Assassinate the President. “】

[“Oh my God…”]

[Hearing this answer, even a guy like Quicksilver who had no heart and no lungs widened his eyes in fright and couldn’t speak for a while. ] 】

At this moment, Magneto in the live broadcast room closed his eyes sharply, and the muscles on his face trembled.

So disappointing.

He was really disappointed in his future self.

Assassinating the president should be done only by a hot-headed young man.

But he is the character who wants to lead the future of mutants, how could he do such an irrational foolish deed?

Charles Xavier: Eric…

Magneto: I know, Charles, I’ll be an idiot in the future, you can scold whatever you want, I won’t return the favor.

Charles Xavier: This…

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Well, don’t you know yet? What is shown on the screen is not about the universe you are in. That man is not you, but a variant of you.

Charles Xavier: Huh? Variant? What does that mean?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It’s you in another universe, you can also understand it as… That’s another version.

Charles Xavier: Version… ( ̄□ ̄; )

At this moment, Charles only felt dizzy in his brain, his breathing was almost stagnant, and the whole person’s world view was reconstructed again.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Magneto, you now know what the future holds, then… You can also make a completely different choice than that variant.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): We all do that.

Magneto: ………

[On this side, Wolverine and Charles rushed into the kitchen covered in splashes. 】

[Charles tried to persuade the remaining two guards to leave with rhetoric, but to no avail. 】

[Seeing this, Wolverine immediately made a decision, picked up the pan next to him, and knocked them out with three or two clicks. ] 】

[In the elevator, Quicksilver couldn’t resist his urge to rap again, and said:]

“They say you have the ability to control metal again, and my mother seems to have known such a person before.”] “】

“They? “】

[Magneto frowns,]

[Now he is only interested in the mastermind behind his rescue. He didn’t care about the “mother” in Quicksilver’s mouth. 】

Before Quicksilver could answer, the elevator door in front of him suddenly opened. ] 】

[On this side, seeing Wolverine neatly put a pan on those guards, Charles said a little embarrassed:]

“Sorry, I’m just not used to using violence. “】

[At this moment, Charles heard the voice and turned around, just in time to see Magneto wearing a prison uniform in the elevator. 】

[Magneto was still surprised to see his old friend. 】

“Charles? “】

[But seeing the familiar face in front of him, Charles suddenly became angry in his heart, clenched his fists, and swung out fiercely. ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Without reacting at all, Magneto’s face was hit by Charles’s punch, and his body turned half a circle in the elevator, and he fell to the ground fiercely. ] 】

PS: Does anyone remember Magneto’s third daughter, Miss Polaris? ^_^

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