【Image continues】

[Although he once again caught the bandits and saved the citizens, the life of the extraordinary Spider-Man encountered another hurdle. ] 】

[Peter always thought about the police chief asking him to leave Gwen Stacy before he died. 】

[What’s more, you have to always worry about your dual identity as Spider-Man, will one day bring danger to Gwen?] 】

[In the end, I can’t help but have a showdown with Gwen Stacy. 】

[In the face of Peter’s worries, Gwen Stacy is extremely strong. 】

“Peter, listen to me. “】

[Gwen said with a serious face:]

“You’re Spider-Man, and I love you that. “】

“But I love Peter Parker more, and for me, you’re worth the risk.” “】

Peter said with tears in his eyes, “But I don’t want to lose you.” “】

[Gwen Stacy said sincerely: “If the two of us can’t be together because you’re afraid of losing me, isn’t it putting the cart before the horse?”] “】

[Although Gwen has said everything, she also shows that she doesn’t care about being involved by Spider-Man. ] 】

[But Peter still does not dare to take this responsibility:]

“I’m sorry! Gwen! I can’t! “】

[Looking at the tearful and indecisive Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy’s patience has finally reached its limit. 】

“You’ve done this to me again and again, Peter, I’ve had enough. “】

[Gwen showed anger on his face and said word by word:]

“I’m going to break up with you!”] “】

[After speaking, Gwen turned around and left without saying a word.] 】

[Originally wanted to break up with his girlfriend, but was dumped by his girlfriend first, Peter lowered his head in frustration, and the whole person seemed to collapse. ] 】

Seeing this embarrassing scene, Peter in the live broadcast room also lowered his head with an embarrassed face.

Seeing this, Tony said to him very unhappy:

“Boy, what’s wrong with you? Such a nice girl likes you, it is simply God’s blessing to you! ”

“Not only are you not good at grasping, but you actually want to break up with her again and again, are you a ghost fan?”

“Mr. Stark…”

Peter was stunned by Tony’s words, and stammered for a long time, before he danced and explained:

“I… That’s not me! It’s my variant! I’m interested in Gwen Stacy…”

Seeing Peter’s stammering look, Tony asked bluntly:

“I’ll just ask you, if you decide to be Spider-Man in the future, will you break up with Gwen Stacy?”

Peter’s face was full of bitterness, and he said helplessly:

“Now… We didn’t start dating at all, where can we talk about breaking up? But…”

Peter’s face showed hesitation.

After watching the image of the extraordinary Spider-Man 1, the words of the police chief before his death did have a lot of impact on Peter.

Now sometimes he can’t help but think, if he acts chivalrously… What should I do if it affects the safety of the people around me?

Seeing Peter’s hesitant look, Tony showed an expression of hatred that iron is not steel, and said categorically:

“Boy, you listen to me!”

“If you want to be a superhero and save others, you must first keep the people around you safe!”

“If you can’t even do that, what superhero is just a boring name.”

Seeing Peter’s face full of approval, Tony continued:

“As for how to do that, there are also many ways,”

“For me… I’m going to make a portable suit for my assistant Pepper, so if she’s in any danger, she can wear it right away! ”

“What? Miss Pepper in a steel suit? ”

Stunned by Tony’s whimsical thoughts, Peter suddenly recalled in his head… The pepper seen earlier from the image.

What would such a delicate woman look like in a steel suit?

“Of course, I won’t give her my suit directly, but redesign a suit that can fit in a suitcase.”

Tony said triumphantly.

In fact, his inspiration came from the image of “Iron Man 2”.

Tony’s expression suddenly became serious again:

“I mean… Peter, don’t you always think about escaping, don’t you want to never have a relationship with anyone for the rest of your life? Then you will die of loneliness. ”

“All you have to do is find a way to give Gwen the ability to protect herself~!”

Speaking of this, Tony suddenly winked at Peter:

“After I finish that suitcase suitcase, it’s not impossible to give you one to protect your girlfriend.”


Peter’s eyes widened, and he didn’t know how to answer for a moment.

And Tony at this time. Already started thinking… This plan for the Gwen campaign was implemented

“Hmm… If I want to be absolutely fitted, then I also need to know Gwen Stacy’s body shape and the size of her whole body. In this regard…”

Looking at Tony glancing at himself, Peter’s face was flushed, and he kept shaking his head:

“Wait! Mr. Stark, I said it all, I don’t have anything with Gwen right now…. ”

“Anyway, you get me that girl’s size first!”

“This… It’s too hard for people to do. ”

Listening to the increasingly absurd conversation in his ears, Strange shook his head a little helplessly.

Tony Stark, you wouldn’t teach this kid crookedly, would you?

At this time, the image on the screen also changed in a new way.

[Just when Spider-Man was fighting in the city, Osborne’s young master Harry Osborne also returned to New York City. ] 】

Seeing Harry Osborne’s appearance, Peter’s attention suddenly focused.

“Harry, you look a lot better.”

When he was a child, he and Harry Osborne were good friends who played together, but a few years ago, Norman Osborne suddenly sent Harry to boarding school.

At this time, in the spider universe one, Parker looked at Harry Osborne, who looked completely strange in front of him, and couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

He also had a friend named Harry Osborne in high school, who was also the young master of Osborne.

“This is the multiverse?”

“This Harry Osborne, is Harry’s variant in this universe?”

Remembering the new knowledge he learned from the group, Parker involuntarily swallowed his spit, only to feel a sense of new excitement arise.

【Image continues】

[Harry returned to his mansion and entered Norman Osborne’s room. 】

[I saw that this room has been completely transformed into a ward. 】

[Harry pulled off the shield, and saw Norman Osborne, lying on the disease, dying, his whole face turned green, looking hideous and terrifying. ] 】

“What? What’s going on with this guy? ”

Looking at this terrifying scene in front of him, the two Peter Parkers in the parallel universe were all frightened.

Covered in turquoise, even pointed claws have grown on his fingers!

Norman Osborne at this moment looks like a green devil!

[Looking at his son, Norman Osborne immediately accused Harry of wasting his intelligence. 】

[Harry angrily accused Norman of abandoning him and throwing him to boarding school at the age of 11.] 】

[Norman dismisses this, only claiming that sacrificing his childhood for a great cause is also necessary.] 】

“And it’s not just for me, it’s for you. “】

[Norman asked coldly: Did your hand start to cramp? 】

[Seeing Harry’s expression instantly stiffen, Norman continued. 】

[“This is our family’s genetic disease, retroviral hyperplasia! “】

“I never told you, but this disease is the curse of our Osborne family. “】

“I started getting sick at your age. “】

Holding Harry’s hand, Norman said solemnly, “The greatest inheritance I can give you.] It’s all the research I’ve done to stay alive. “】

“I failed, but maybe you can succeed. “】

[Looking at the data disk given to him by Norman in his hand, Harry’s face kept changing, and the whole person couldn’t say a word. ] 】

“Retroviral hyperplasia?”

Hearing this name, Strange frowned and shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Tony asked:

“Why, is this disease difficult to treat?”

Strange directly spread his hands and said calmly:

“It’s not that it’s difficult to govern, it’s that there is no rule of law at all.”

“It’s a genetic disease, and the cause is embedded in each patient’s DNA, so there’s simply no treat.”

“If someone really wins the lottery and has this disease, then all treatment can actually only be regarded as a means of prolonging life.”

“Simply put… That is, let him live a few more years is a few years. ”

“What? Harry actually had this disease. ”

Peter Parker’s face changed greatly when he heard from the sidelines, and his whole heart was shaken, unable to calm down.

Although he still believes that Norman Osborne is related to the death of his parents, it has nothing to do with Harry Osborne!

As Harry’s good friend, Peter didn’t want to see him turn green like his father, his nails lengthened, and he lay on the disease waiting to die!

Looking at Peter’s sad face, Tony shook his head slightly.

This child is really too soft-hearted, and he still cares so much about the son who kills his father and enemy?

If Norman Osborne is really the murderer of your father, then do you want revenge,

After you take revenge, how will you get along with that Harry?

【Image continues】

[The screen turned, and suddenly turned the camera to that… The black man who was saved once by Spider-Man, Mikes. 】

As a junior electrician at Osbourne, Max’s job is to solve various power problems in the company. 】

[He came to work on his birthday. I was told that everyone else could enjoy the holidays. But the biopower lab circuit malfunctioned and needed him to repair it. 】

[Max came to the laboratory with an unhappy face, looking at the large number of mutant electric eels swimming around in the special glass jar, he casually said hello:]

[“Hey! Guys, are things okay today? “】

[It was found that above the glass jar, there were indeed electrical circuits sparking.] Max quickly climbed up to try to fix it. 】

[In the area of the circuit where the problem occurred, Max called someone else and asked them to help turn off the current in this area. 】

[But these people are off work because of the holidays, so in desperation, Max had to work with electricity. ] 】

[Just as he was repairing the fault, for a moment, Max was accidentally pierced by an electric current, and then suddenly fell through the floor. ] Fell into a glass jar with a mutant electric eel underneath! 】

[At this moment, countless mutant electric eels bit Max’s whole body, and the strong electric current instantly covered his entire person. ] 】

[Finally, just listen to the “boom”, and the entire glass jar exploded instantly! ] 】

[At the bottom of the glass jar was left only a festering corpse that looked like mud.] 】

Seeing this scene, many people in the live broadcast room were stunned.

“What’s going on? But just bitten by an electric eel, how did the corpse become like this? ”

Tony touched his chin, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Strange said from the side:

“When the guy first entered this lab, the broadcast in the air seemed to mention… These electric eels are genetically modified. ”

“Genetic modification?”

After hearing this term, Tony suddenly turned his head and glanced at Peter,

At this moment, both of them could see the surprise in each other’s eyes… And it was clear.

“Wouldn’t you?”

Peter muttered incredulously:

“Could it be that this Max is also like the one in the image, who gained superpowers after being bitten by a mutant creature?”


Little Wanda asked with some curiosity:

“You were bitten by a spider and turned into a spider-man, this unlucky egg was bitten by an electric eel, will it become an electric eelman?”

“But… I look like he’s dead.” ”

“I’m not Spider-Man, I’m Spider-Man…”

Peter looked uncomfortable and wanted to correct Little Wanda’s statement, but found that the girl turned her head directly and didn’t pay attention to him at all.

【Image continues】

[Reid and Harry finally reunited after a long absence, and the two ran outside together to relax]

[At the same time, a senior executive in Osborne also learned that Max was killed by an electric eel because of an accident.] 】

[Fearing that it would affect Osborne’s share price, the executive ordered his subordinates to cover up the accident.] 】

[At this time, the picture turns again.] 】

[Max’s body was secretly placed by Osborne in a small room with a cloth sheet on it.] 】

[No one expected that the corpse, which didn’t seem to be even breathing, actually moved all of a sudden! ] 】

[“Squeak! “】

[Under the strong electric current, the light bulbs in the room shattered in an instant, and Max’s body also rolled to the ground, revealing its true face. ] 】

[Max, who was originally black, has turned into a blue monster at this time. 】

[And under his skin, a strong electric current is faintly visible… It’s flashing! 】

[After coming back from the dead, this guy actually obtained the energy of electric light and turned into one… Electric light man! 】

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