[Holding the police car with both hands, Spider-Man said to the policeman lying on the ground, in shock:]

“It’s good that you’re not a cop on a horse. “】

[At this moment, the frightened policemen all frantically pulled the trigger, pouring bullets like electric people. 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[Some police officers were so afraid that they even closed their eyes when they fired.] 】

【“!!! “】

[In the face of the gunshot, the electric light man instinctively raised his hand to try to resist,]

[But no one expected that the strong electric current emanating from his body actually formed a shield outside his body! ] 】

[Before these bullets hit him, they were shattered by electric light and turned into countless powders! ] 】

[Seeing that the shooting was ineffective, the senior police inspector who had just been saved by Spider-Man quickly ordered:]

“All police forces obey my orders!”] Stop shooting, repeat! Stop shooting! “】

[“Retreat temporarily! Retreat temporarily! “】

[Spider-Man threw away the police car he was holding, stepped forward, and shouted at the electric light man from a distance:]

“Hey! Sparkle. You okay? “】

[The electric light man looked back, and his expression changed immediately: “It’s you! ] Spider-Man. “】

“Oh, you recognize me, so who are you?”] Spider-Man asked. 】

“You don’t recognize me? “】

[The electric light man took a step forward, and a strong electric current penetrated from under his feet, following the flow of water on the square, all the way out tens of meters away! ] Shocked Spider-Man! 】

[Looking at a group of people standing on the steps not far away, Spider-Man’s expression suddenly became solemn. ] 】

[These guys… Until now, they are still standing stupidly watching the play, if this thunder and lightning sneak into them, I don’t know what heavy deaths and injuries it will cause! 】

[At this time, the electric light man was still chattering there. 】

【“…… I was walking down the street and almost got hit by a car, and you came down and called me.”

[The face of the electric light man is full of emotion:]

“You also said… I’m not a nobody. “】

[Hearing such a detailed description, Spider-Man also remembered:]

“Oh, so you’re the one with a bunch of blueprints. “】

“Yes, yes, that’s me. “】

[Seeing that the idol in his heart still remembered himself, the whole person of the electric light became excited. 】

[“By the way, what’s your name?” Spider-Man asked. 】

“Why did you forget my name?”] The tone of the electric light man was full of sorrow: ]

“My name is Max. “】

“Oh, right! It’s you Max. “】

[Spider-Man nodded while walking towards the electric light man:]

“I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you just now, because your appearance has changed a little. “】

“What happened to you?” “】

[The tone of the electric light man became low:]

[“I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I just feel a force, and at the same time there is a cloud of anger in my heart! “】

[Seeing that the electric light man seems to be showing signs of losing control again, the Spider-Man League tries to comfort him:]

“I know, I understand you don’t know what’s going on. You don’t want to hurt anyone either. “】

“Trust me, everything will be solved. “】

[At this time, a police sniper had already incorporated the electric light man into his crosshairs.] 】

“Already aiming at the target, ready to launch at any time. “】

[The electric light man still seemed to be worried about the police salvo just now, and quickly said to Spider-Man:]

“Stop letting them shoot me. “】

[Spider-Man quickly nodded when he heard this, and at the same time turned around and said:]

[“Dear police gentlemen, this is my good friend Max, please don’t shoot Max, just let the two of us have a good chat here, okay?”] “】

[Although I heard Spider-Man’s words, the police top brass still directly ordered the sniper:]

[“As long as that person moves, shoot immediately!”] “】

Seeing this, the black widow in the live broadcast room shook her head gently. 】

“In the face of this unknown superpower, even the limit of the opponent’s ability is not clear, and he directly orders to shoot.

“These police officers are so laymen.

Tony asked with some curiosity, “So what if you change to S.H.I.E.L.D.?”

Black Widow said indifferently: “I am no longer from S.H.I.E.L.D. people. ”

“But in my previous experience, we would first try to solve the problem with a negotiated solution and then lure him out of the crowd.”

“And then…”

Black Widow suddenly shrugged: “Since his superpower is to manipulate electric light, then use something that can restrain electricity to deal with him.” ”

“Haha, that’s a good point.”

Tony clapped his hands:

“If I had changed to it, I would have been able to make a portable Faraday cage in about half an hour, and as long as I put him in, there would be no problem.” ”

Little Wanda asked with some doubt:

“Ferrari? Isn’t that a car? ”

Tony looked at him and smiled:

“Little girl, it will naturally be when you go to college in the future.”

“Faraday cage?”

Peter nodded, “As long as this kind of thing is made, it can indeed restrain all electromagnetic waves.” ”

“If that electric light man is put in, there should be nothing to do.”


Magneto listened nervously.

Just now, he just obtained the electromagnetic control ability of the super electromagnetic gun,

Originally, he thought that this would finally block his own shortcomings and be able to dominate the world!

But listening to these people, electromagnetic waves even have nemesis?

“Abominable! How can these scientific ones have so many tricks? ”

Magneto gritted his teeth with some resentment.

Seemingly…… Even if you have superpowers, you still have to rely on your brain to fight.

【Image continues】

[The electric light man looked at the big screen in Times Square for 4 weeks, and saw that all the pictures displayed on the screen were his avatars. 】

[Seeing himself appear on the big screen, the expression of the electric light man actually brought a bit of surprise. ] 】

[At this time, Spider-Man is still thinking of trying to persuade, the electric light man left Times Square, black, how about you go with me?] Let’s go somewhere else and talk, how about leaving these people? 】

[The electric light man still admired Spider-Man at this time, and nodded when he heard this. ] 】

[But as soon as she turned around, she stepped into a pond!] 】

[A strong electric current came back to him from the pond, making the electric light man tremble. 】

[Seeing this scene, the police sniper actually thought this was a good opportunity and immediately pulled the trigger.] 】

[“Bang! “】

[A sniper rifle that is enough to punch a big hole in an ordinary person’s body can’t kill this electric person. ] 】

【”Ahhh!! “】

[The muscles on the electric light face twitched, obviously that shot still caused him a lot of pain. ] 】

[“Crackle! “】

[I saw him raise his hands, and a strong thunder swept out, and immediately hit the police sniper! ] 】

[Seeing this, Spider-Man directly shot out his spider silk, and made an electric man’s hand, wanting to stop him from continuing to release thunder and lightning. ] 】

[But with a wave of his right hand, the terrible thunder and lightning shot along the spider silk, Spider-Man’s body, and his whole person flew out, and he hit a police car fiercely. ] 】


[Spider-Man raised his left hand and looked, only to see that the spider silk jet he made was actually shattered by the blow of the electric light man just now. ] 】

[Now he only has one injector left in his right hand.] 】

[At this moment, Spider-Man turned his head and saw that a huge Kanban that had just been hit by electric thunder actually loosened from the beginning, and then fell from the sky, and he was about to hit a policeman on the ground. ] 】

[“Whoosh! “】

[At the moment of crisis, Spider-Man shot out with his only remaining right hand, spider silk, stuck to the policeman, and then pulled hard, dangerously, and rescued him from the crushing of the steel Kanban. ] 】

[Seeing this scene, the crowd of onlookers actually cheered again. 】

“Did you see that? He called the policeman. “】

[“Spider-Man is so good! “】

[And in addition to the cheers, there were actually people who pointed at the electric light man and scolded angrily:

“You disgusting freak! “】

[“Electric freak! “】

[“Get out of here!” “】

[The electric light man looked up and saw that on the big screen around Times Square, his huge avatar had been replaced by someone else’s Spider-Man’s avatar! ] 】

[This feeling of being deprived of popularity, coupled with the angry scolding of those nearby masses, made the electric light people even more angry! ] 】

[“Stop! Shut me up. “】

[The electric light man clenched his fists and shouted loudly. 】

[At this time, Spider-Man approached from afar and tried again to convince him:]

[“Listen to me, Max…”

[But this time, the electric light man didn’t plan to listen to him at all, he looked at Spider-Man fiercely, and shouted sharply: “You framed me, just now you joined forces with those policemen to frame me! ] “】

“Wait, Max! I didn’t, I wanted to help you! “】

[In the face of the accusations of the electric light man, Spider-Man wants to try one last time. ] 】

[“Hmph! “】

[Max shouted, his hands slammed on the ground, and terrifying thunder rushed straight towards Spider-Man like a dense web. ] 】

[Spider-Man rolled to avoid the thunder web, but under the terrible thunder impact, even a police car on the ground actually turned over, as if to crush Spider-Man! ] 】

[At this moment, Spider-Man actually found that the thunder and lightning actually traveled along the ground to the steel handrail of the stairs directly in front. ] 】

[I don’t know how many people are panicking… All have to reach out to grab the handrail, Spider-Man first released a large number of cobwebs at the moment of the shot, abruptly stopped the rolling police car, and then shot two spider silks in a row, tying the hands of two citizens to hold the railing! 】

[At this moment, Spider-Man actually solved three fatal crises for the citizens in an instant! ] All these dozens of citizens were saved from the threat of lightning! 】

[Seeing this, the rest of the onlookers clapped and cheered again. 】

[Seeing that the citizens were cheering for Spider-Man again, the heart of the electric light man was even more sour and astringent. ] 】

[I saw that his expression became extremely gloomy, and he said coldly: “Today is actually my birthday, and now it’s time to light candles.] “】

[The electric light man stretched out his hands, and the terrifying thunder shot out sharply, pointing straight at Spider-Man! ] 】

[After dodging this blow, Spider-Man shot a cobweb, wrapped a fire hydrant on the ground, then pulled it up and threw it as a weapon at the electric man.] 】

[But the thunder of the electric light man is too powerful, just flipping his hands, the terrible thunder and lightning will all fly out the fire hydrant and Spider-Man. ] 】

[Boom! 】

[The fire hydrant that flew out smashed the billboard on a tall building, and countless debris fell from the sky and spilled onto the street! ] 】

[“Oops! “】

[Seeing these terrible scenes, those onlookers finally knew that they were afraid, and one by one turned their heads and fled as if they were not dead. 】

[After repelling Spider-Man, the electric light man seemed to be dissatisfied, he grabbed the cable on the ground and pressed it in front of his fierce. ] 】

[“Squeak! “】

[The unimaginable electricity was all concentrated on him alone, and in an instant, Times Square came from half of New York, and it all turned into pitch black. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the terrifying current fluctuations were like a sea of mountains… Swept out from the electric light man! 】

[“Boom! “】

[Under the impact of this impact current, countless display screens, neon lights, and electronic signboards all exploded! ] With the sparks in the sky, it fell violently to the ground. 】

[For a time, the sound of exclamations, violent explosions, and the impact of heavy objects hitting the ground was endless, and the entire Times Square became like hell for a while. ] 】

[Absorbing half of New York’s electric energy, the body of the electric light man actually floated slowly in the air,]

[After receiving the “charge”, he even learned to fly. 】

[Floating in the air, the electric light man’s hands casually deepened, and the terrifying thunder and lightning swept out, shattering the earth! ] 】

[Looking at these in front of you… The people, who would not have looked at him, frantically ran around under their own hands, and the electric light showed a smug smile on his face, casually urged thunder, and began an indiscriminate attack. 】

Seeing this scene, many people in front of the screen were shocked.

Thor: What’s going on? Is this guy really just human? But how could he have such a strong ability to control lightning? And…… Can you still fly in the sky?

Master Mordo: Well, in my impression, it seems that you also rely on that hammer to fly into the sky.

Loki Odinson: Mage, Hugh is rude to my brother! No matter how decadent and degenerate. He is also a god!

Thor: ………

Wanda Maximov: Loki, I feel your words… The blow to Thor was even greater than that of Mage Mordo.

Charles Xavier: However, this electric light man is really powerful, and I have never seen any mutant with such strong lightning power.

Magneto: Hmph, what’s so great about humans?

That being said, this king’s mood at the moment is by no means calm,

After seeing that the electric light man could turn the lightning of a small half of the city into his own use, thereby greatly improving his destructive power, he was also a little moved.

It turned out that Magneto could not look at the “current control” attached to the “super electromagnetic gun” at all, but now … His thinking seems to have changed a bit.

“Damn, how can this guy attack innocent people.?”

Watching the electric light man unleash thunder and lightning at the people without scruples, Peter’s face suddenly appeared angry.

At this time, Tony suddenly said thoughtfully:

“The body of this weirdo seems to be the carrier of thunder and lightning, that is… The more electricity he has accumulated in his body, the more powerful it is. ”

Hearing Tony’s reminder, Peter slapped his head and instantly became cheerful:

“Yes, as long as you find a way to lure out the thunder and lightning in his body, this guy will have no strength.”

“Lead out? How to quote? ”

Little Wanda asked with some curiosity: “Use that Faraday cage you mentioned earlier?” ”

Peter laughed:

“Don’t bother so much, just use water, water is a natural conductor!”

At this moment, the picture really changed.

[Just when the electric light man was triumphant and wielding thunder and lightning at will, a water column suddenly sprayed out from the side and hit him fiercely. ] 】

[This time, not only knocked the electric light man out, but even the thunder light on his body dimmed down]

[“Haha! “】

[Wearing a fireman’s hat on his head, Spider-Man holds the fire faucet in his hand and smiles at the firefighters behind him:]

[“Everyone! You guys did a great job! “】

[Almost all the electricity in the body was taken away by the water, and the electric light man lay on the ground and convulsed, and for a while he couldn’t even stand up. ] 】

[He never dreamed that he would be defeated so easily. 】

[And at the same time, the hatred of the electric light people for those who defeated themselves… It’s also deeper! 】

[“Spider Spider-Man! “】

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