[Seeing that Spider-Man wanted to restrain himself with a stream of water again, the electric light man reacted quickly this time. ] 】

[I saw a strong electric current shot out from his hands, blocking the water column in mid-air. ] 】

[Moreover, the high heat released by the ultra-high voltage current actually evaporates a large amount of water in the air! ] 】

[“Poof! “】

[Steam overflowed, spreading in all directions like a dense fog.] 】

[Next, the electric light man continued to exert force, and the terrifying thunder roared over, not only evaporating all the water columns, but even hitting the place where Spider-Man was originally located. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[For a while, the earth cracked, thunder splashed, Spider-Man still relied on spider induction… As well as agile movements, this escaped. 】

“This human … Can actually master such a powerful current! ”

Looking at the terrifying scene of the ground cracking on the screen, even Thor, the god of thunder who had been in a state of decadence, couldn’t help but put down the wine glass in his hand, raised his head, and there was a hint of consternation in his eyes.

Although known as Thor, since he got Mjolnir’s hammer, Thor has been accustomed to using this hammer to kill enemies!

On the contrary, he rarely used lightning itself.

And the thunder released by this ordinary human in front of him… Unexpectedly, he has surpassed himself back then!

Thor trembled slightly, suddenly roared, and threw the wine glass in his hand to the ground.

“I’m the God of Thunder, why? Why…… Without that hammer… Can’t release any divine power at all? ”

Just when Thor was furious and angry, there was a faint flash of electric light in his eyes…

“Good fellow, this human is really not simple.”

Seeing that after absorbing the electricity of a city, the electric light man had already had a bit of heavenly power, Magneto’s eyes flashed, and a thought suddenly came to his mind.

“If electricity and magnetism really have any relationship, can you strengthen your magnetic force by absorbing electricity like this electric light man?”

As soon as this whimsical idea came out, it immediately occupied Magneto’s mind.

For a while, he stood in place, the expression on his face constantly changing, and he was actually a little frozen.

“This variant of mine! And really a tech genius. ”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Peter swallowed his spit, barely suppressing the tension in his heart.

And in his eyes, there was already a hint of surprise.

The Thunder of the Electric Light Man is indeed extremely powerful, but his own variant has learned a lesson in the previous battle, and all the suits and equipment of the whole body have been anti-electricity.

Therefore, the attack of the electric light man has no effect on the current Spider-Man!

【Let’s take it】

[Using special spider silk to entangle the electric light man, Spider-Man pulled this blue monster down from the sky with both hands and smashed it on the ground. ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[At this moment, as if an electric bullet had been triggered, a terrifying thunder swept in all directions like a tide, illuminating the entire power plant. ] 】

[Even Spider-Man himself was pushed out by the thunder shockwave and fell to the ground all of a sudden. ] 】

[But at this moment, the sound of thunder and lightning shuttling through the air sounded in the air. 】

[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! “】

[I saw that the body of the electric light man really turned into thunder and lightning, constantly shuttling and changing in the power plant, and the speed was so fast that people couldn’t even see clearly! ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[In an instant, Spider-Man has been hit several times by the electric light man, his figure staggered, and he almost fell to the ground again. ] 】

And in the live broadcast room, watching the vision of the electric light person turning into thunder and lightning, almost everyone was shocked.

“This… Is this guy human? ”

Little Wanda only felt that her scalp was numb, and she exclaimed in disbelief.

After obtaining the bloodline of the big tube, her Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion struck with all its might, and even a small mountain could be split in half.

But if the other party turns into lightning, then no matter how strong her attack is, she can’t hit it.

Even Tony, at this time, frowned slightly, and involuntarily looked at Strange:

“Isn’t this guy casting some kind of lightning magic, have you magicians ever seen this situation?”

Strange smiled bitterly, spread his hands, and said:

“Please, I’ve only been involved in Karma Taj for a short time, things in the wizarding world, you ask me… But asked the wrong person. ”

At this time, someone suddenly bubbled up in the chat group.

Master Mordo: No wonder you don’t know. The ability of this electric light man, which is possessed by elemental creatures, is called elementalization.

Stephen Strange: Elemental creatures? Does this kind of thing exist on Earth?

Master Mordo: Of course there are no strange creatures on Earth, but there are all kinds of strange creatures in the multiverse, and if you also have the power of an ancient mage, you can naturally observe it with your own eyes.

Stephen Strange: The one who can take on the form of thunder… Elementalized? How can such a guy be defeated?

Master Mordo: No matter how fast this guy is, as long as he has to attack, there are still traces to follow.

Mage Mordo: But that’s just for magicians, the Spider-Man on the screen doesn’t know magic, so… Frankly, I don’t know how he can win.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): What?

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): No!

At this time, Spider-Man in both universes was a little shocked.

Either way, they don’t want to see their variants die on screen.

And just when panic rose in their hearts, Tony suddenly spoke in the group.

Tony Stark: It’s too early for you to worry.

Tony Stark: Also… Shouldn’t it be that care is chaotic, the other party has revealed such a big flaw, why haven’t you found it yet?

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Flaws, flaws? I can barely see this guy.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Electricity! That’s right! It’s electricity! This guy’s body is like a battery, which can become stronger by accumulating electricity!

Peter Parker (Spider-verse 1): Did the battery say, do you mean…

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It’s to charge this electric man! As soon as the amount of charge exceeds the limit it can hold, it will burst.

Tony Stark: Bingo! That’s it again!

Tony Stark: From this point of view, this idiot chose the battlefield in the power plant, which can also be regarded as self-defeating!

As if to confirm Tony’s words, the picture on the screen immediately changed amazingly.

[In the face of the electric light man whose body is elementalized and moves like thunder and lightning, Spider-Man suddenly fell completely downwind and completely entered a passive beating state. ] 】

[At the critical moment, a police car suddenly rushed out from the side and knocked the electric light man out fiercely. ] 】

[It was Gwen Stacy who drove it.] 】

[Before the war, Spider-Man, worried about her, remembered the instructions of the police chief before he died, and glued Gwen to the car with a spider’s web. ] 】

[But no one expected that Gwen’s temperament was so fierce, and after getting out of trouble, he drove to support as soon as possible. ] 】

“How dare you glue me to the car!”] “】

[After getting out of the car, Gwen caught Spider-Man and scolded:]

“Who do you think you are?”] Could it be primitive people who lived in caves? “】

“Do you tie me up because it keeps me out of fighting?”] I know how I can help you. “】

“I’ve read the operating system of the grid and I know how to reboot it!”] “】

[Facing a mad Gwen, Spider-Man desperately tries to convince her to leave this dangerous battlefield, but it doesn’t work at all. 】

[In the brainstorming caused by the dispute between these two, Spider-Man finally came to mind… You can use the power plant to charge the electric light man and destroy him! 】

[Yet. To carry out this kind of operation, there must be one person outside to attract the attention of the electric lightman, and the second person to start the grid inside the power plant. 】

[In desperation, Spider-Man could only let Gwen stay, and told her to be more careful when operating the power grid. ] 】

[Next.] Spider-Man first uses cobwebs… All the cables of the fruit in the grid are connected. 】

[Then, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself and took the initiative to attract the electric light man to attack him! ] 】

[Knotting all the spider silk connecting the cable, Spider-Man used his last strength to shout loudly:]

[“Now! It’s Gwen now! Come on! “】

[After getting instructions from Spider-Man, Gwen, standing in the control room of the power plant, pressed the “restart” button without hesitation. ] 】

[“Brush pull! “】

[For a while, the power plant, which was originally stopped because of the misdeeds of the electric lightman, suddenly resumed full power generation, and a strong current followed the cable… Gossamer…… In turn, it was transmitted to the body of the electric light man! 】

[“Ah! “】

[Hit by a strong electric current, Spider-Man was still bounced out despite wearing an insulated suit against electricity. ] 】

[At this moment, a strong electric current instantly spread throughout the city, and the originally dark city of New York gradually brightened. ] 】

[In the face of overloaded current, the electric light man only felt like a balloon about to be inflated, and couldn’t help but let out a miserable cry. ] 】


[At the moment when the screams sounded, I only heard a loud “boom”, accompanied by a violent explosion, and strong electric energy swept in all directions. 】

[Even Gwen Stacy, who was hiding in the control room, couldn’t help but close her eyes. 】

[When the current completely subsides, the figure of the electric light man also disappears completely. 】

[This is because the mutant electric eel bites… And the unlucky bastard who gained superpowers finally died on the current. 】


Seeing that the war was over, Peter in the live broadcast room also breathed a sigh.

Remembering something, he felt a little bitter in his heart.

“I didn’t expect… In the end, I actually asked Gwen to take out this monster for me. ”

“But in this way, won’t it become her who kills?”

Just when Peter was worried for Gwen, little Wanda suddenly looked at Tony and whispered:

“Stark, I still don’t know, why do you like this spider man so much?”

She glanced at Peter and suddenly hid her smile:

“Sure enough, you two are the same in your bones, and you have to rely on women to save your lives to win.”


Hearing little Wanda’s words that undermined the dignity of men, Tony raised his eyebrows and was about to scold her.

But soon, his expression stiffened.

I saw little Wanda looking at Tony and said with a smile:

“At the beginning, when you hit Obadi with your variant, you were also abused by the other party. At last…… He still had his assistant Pepper press the button, which saved his life! ”

“So, what are you teaching Peter?” Cheats for eating soft rice? Huh…”

Speaking of this, little Wanda couldn’t hold back anymore, and smiled forward and backward for a while.

“Uh… This smelly girl. ”

Tony’s face was full of displeasure, but he was speechless for a while.

To be honest, the variant Tony in the image really escaped with Pepper in the first place!

The scene at that time was exactly the same as the current “Amazing Spider-Man vs. Electric Light Man”!

“Damn, it seems that we men still have to become stronger, otherwise… Will be looked down upon by women. ”

Just when Tony was secretly thinking in his heart, there was suddenly a new change on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After finally defeating the electric light man, the charismatic Spider-Man stood up and was about to take Gwen to the airport. ] 】

[Suddenly, accompanied by strange laughter, a man covered in turquoise and full of hideous faces appeared in front of him on a strange high-tech skateboard. 】

[Green Goblin… Harry Osborne! 】

[This guy, by injecting the venom of the mutant spider, coupled with the special device of the war armor on his body, not only survived, but also gained strange powers! ] 】

[But he also paid a heavy price! ] 】

[Now Harry’s skin has turned green, and the whole person looks like a monster. ] 】

[Standing on the high-tech skateboard, Harry looked at Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy, and suddenly, he figured it out! ] 】

[“Peter! “】

[The smile on the Green Goblin Harry’s face became more and more terrifying, and at the same time said coldly:]

“When you tell me… When Spider-Man refuses to give me blood, it’s actually because you don’t want to give it! “】

“You are my friend, but you have betrayed me. “】

[In the face of the angry Green Goblin Harry, Spider-Man’s defense sounds so weak:]

“Nope! I just want to protect you. “】

[But Green Goblin Harry has changed his temperament at this time, and his heart is full of hatred:]

“You’re not giving people hope, you’re just taking their hope away. “】

“So, now I’m going to take away your hope too. “】

[As soon as the words fell, Green Goblin Harry turned around and manipulated the high-tech skateboard and robbed Gwen Stacy. 】

[The extraordinary Spider-Man was shocked to see it, quickly unfolded the spider silk, and chased after him madly. ] 】

[The two flew to an ancient bell tower, where the final battle began.] 】

“Harry! Gwen! No way? ”

According to the heart-pounding battle on the screen, Peter in the live broadcast room only felt that his heart was about to jump to his throat, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

He never dreamed that in the end, his variant would turn against Harry Osborne.

But what frightened him the most was that Gwen Stacy… It was even involved in this battle.

As soon as he thought of the instructions of the police chief when he was dying in the previous video, Peter only felt a chill rushing from his vest straight to the heavenly spirit cover, and his sweaty hairs stood up!

No way!

The tragedy of that time will not be repeated, will it?

Just as Peter was praying desperately, the picture on the screen still slipped to the worst side.

“Harry, this is between you and me, if you want to fight, come and duel me. “】

[Looking at Spider-Man standing on the top of the clock tower and raising his head to shout, Green Goblin Harry showed a malicious smile on his face, and then directly threw Gwen Stacy from the air. ] 】

[“Don’t! “】

[Spider-Man jumped up and fought for his life not to catch Gwen. ] 】

[But the Green Goblin actually dropped another bomb immediately.] Then he also drove the skateboard down. 】

[In the fierce fight with the Green Goblin, Spider-Man used a high-tech spider silk to pull the falling Gwen at the moment of the attack. ] 】

[But because the battle between them touched the clock mechanism of the bell tower, the huge gears began to turn, and eventually cut the spider silk.] 】


[Countless gears instantly disintegrated, knocking the little green devil unconscious. ] 】

[Seeing Gwen falling from a height, Spider-Man tried his best to shoot out the last of his spider silk and successfully stuck her! ] 】

[But, it’s still too late. 】

[“Touch! “】

[With a muffled sound, the back of Gwen’s head hit the ground]

[When Spider-Man fell to the ground and picked up her body, he found that… The girl he loved the most was no longer breathing. 】

[“Gwen! Hold on, hold on. “】

[Peter Parker, who took off his hood, had tears on his face and his eyes full of sadness and regret. 】

[He really didn’t expect that even though he tried his best to keep Gwen away from the battlefield, this girl was still because of herself… And dead! 】

At this time in the live broadcast room, Peter was trembling, his face was bloodless, tears swirled in his eyes, and he was almost about to flow.

“Gwen! How so!!! ”

PS: “The Amazing Spider-Man” has come to an end, and the next chapter is the last scene of this live broadcast: “Spider-Man 1”! \(^o^)/~

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