In addition to Peter, the other people in the live broadcast room were also surprised by the randomness of the system’s on-demand broadcast.

“Even the source of the reward, will there be a chance to be on-demand?”

Tony touched his chin, a deep look on his face.

If so, then the range of random on-demand is too large.

But Tony thought about it and thought it might be an opportunity too.

In fact, he was also quite curious about the origin of the “Transformers” and “Void Engine” he had obtained before.

“If it’s all random, I don’t know when it’s my turn.”

Thinking of this, Tony’s heart suddenly moved.

So far, he has answered the most correct questions of all the people in the live broadcast room, and he is undoubtedly the one who has answered the most.

Thinking so, Tony has accumulated so many live broadcast spots that he is almost exhausted.

At this point, Tony isn’t particularly interested in his future either.

On the contrary, he really wanted to know about the other mysterious multiverses… What it all looks like!

And just when Tony was thinking about which universe to broadcast next time, the chat group was also lively.

Nick Fury: Captain Danfoss, is that you?

Carol Danvers: Nick, you’re actually in this strange… Inside the group? What’s going on?

In a barren planet, Captain Marvel Carol Danvers looked at the big screen that suddenly appeared in front of him, and his brows furrowed slightly.

Her trip is on an important mission to eliminate a group of evil space pirates.

Who would have thought that such a strange thing would happen.

Nick Fury: Captain Danfoss, that’s a long story, did you get the signal I sent you?

Carol Danvers: I just received the signal, but I couldn’t walk away for a while.

Carol Danvers: What happened on Earth? Could it be that there is an alien invasion?

Nick Fury: Can’t walk away, can you? Ah, then it’s okay, it’s just that I accidentally touched that pager before, haha…

Sitting in an underground base that was inaccessible to people, the brine egg laughed a little helplessly.

Now he is no longer the awe-inspiring S.H.I.E.L.D. director, but has become a fugitive!

The U.S. government even suspects… The brine egg is also related to Hydra, and is casting a net everywhere to arrest him!

At this point, how could the brine egg still care… The Cosmic Cube taken by Tony?

Carol Danvers: Really, you have to be careful in the future, flying back to Earth from space will take a lot of time and energy.

Tony Stark: What do you say? Flying back to Earth from space? Are you on a spaceship?

Carol Danvers: Spaceship? No need, I fly faster than most spaceships in the universe.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Fly Yourself? Lady! You’re not kidding, are you? Can you fly in the universe?

Natasha Romanoff: Could it be… You are not an earthling, but a cosmic person?

Carol Danvers: Haha, you guessed it, although I call the universe my home now, I am a 100% earthling.

Nick Fury: Ahem, let me introduce you, this is former U.S. Air Force captain, Carol Danvers.

Nick Fury: During an alien attack, Captain Danvers… Superpowers were obtained through the explosion of the Cosmic Cube.

Nick Fury: Now she’s probably the strongest superhero on Earth!

Tony Stark: Oh, the strongest on Earth, sounds pretty awesome.

Carol Danvers: This boring name is meaningless to me. Right now, my duty is to maintain peace in the universe!

Bruce Banner: Cosmic Peace? Is this possible?

Carol Danvers: It’s very difficult, of course, but if you don’t do it, you will never succeed!

Bruce Banner: I didn’t mean to be rude, but in my opinion… No matter how powerful you are. Wanting to maintain peace in the universe is as if… Conjuring up a stone that you can’t lift yourself is pure foolishness!

Carol Danvers: Hahaha! I don’t even know if I should feel honored if you compare me to God.

Tony Stark: Huh… Bruce, you’re quite gregarious in the group, which really surprised me.

Bruce Banner: Wry smile. Mr. Stark, you really surprised me.

Carol Danvers: Speaking of… No one has yet explained to me what this group, and this live streaming system, is going on?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Well, I’ll leave that to you.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Simply put, the system is to play some multiverse images and then ask us to answer random questions.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): If you answer correctly, you can get all kinds of great rewards, but if you fail, it will also rob us of some of our power.

Carol Danvers: Deprivation of power? I don’t believe it, there is nothing in this universe that can deprive me of my power!

Loki Odinson: Ha, woman! Don’t talk too much, with the vastness of the multiverse, someone can cure you.

Carol Danvers: The multiverse?

Just when these two newcomers were still groping in the group, a brand new image suddenly appeared on the big screen in front of them.

[Start playing “Three-Body Problem: Dark Forest”]

[With the narration, a somewhat strange galaxy appears on the screen.] 】

[Here is the constellation Centaurus 4 light-years away from Earth, Samsung… Proxima Centauri! 】

[In this galaxy, in addition to Proxima Centauri, there are two stars, the Sun. 】

[These three suns come together to form a perfect “three-body system.] 】


Hearing this term, Tony suddenly frowned.

Acutely aware of the abnormality, Peter turned around and asked:

“Mr. Stark, what’s the problem?”

Tony thought for a while, but still spoke: “Since I left the university, I still heard something about the three-body problem for the first time. ”

At this time, even Little Wanda became a little curious.

“Oh, is this trisomy famous?”

Tony would answer, but Bruce Banner was bubbling in the group.

Bruce Banner: The three-body problem is an old academic problem. But until now there was no solution. Simply put, you can understand it as… This is a question for which there is no right answer.

Wanda Maksimov: Academic! God, my head is starting to hurt.

Bruce Banner: Ahem, in that case, I’m going to make it as simple as possible.

Bruce Banner: The so-called three-body problem. That is to say, it is the study of how three objects with the same or similar mass move under the action of mutual gravity.

Bruce Banner: If this image is correct, the galaxy where Proxima Centauri is located… If you have three suns, that’s amazing.

Carol Danvers: Oh? Would it be bad to have three suns? In the universe, I have seen many galaxies with two suns.

Bruce Banner: It doesn’t matter if you have two suns, because the gravitational pull between them is stable. The movements of other planets in this galaxy are also predictable.

Bruce Banner: But the three suns… There is no regularity in the movement between them!

Stephen Strange: The sun moves irregularly?

Bruce Banner: Figuratively speaking, it’s going to be running around, left and right! Think about it, if three suns were tossed like this, what would the other planets around them look like?

Wanda Maximov: Shhhh The chaotic sun.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It’s terrible, I can’t imagine it.

Tony Stark: This is really miserable. The planets near the three suns may still revolve around this sun this year, but in a few decades, they will be attracted by the gravity of another sun!

Wanda Maksimov: I’ve heard that women change boyfriends, planets change sun???

Stephen Strange: This… That’s incredible.

Carol Danvers: I’ve seen a lot of weird things in the universe, but… I’ve never heard of this kind of thing.

Bruce Banner: Actually, you’re not the worst.

Bruce Banner: I just thought about it, in the worst case, if a planet is pulled by gravity… So close to all three suns, what do you think will happen?

Wanda Maksimov: !!!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Oh God!

Carol Danvers: ………

Thinking of this possibility, everyone in the live broadcast room and even in the chat group was frightened.

What is the concept of being pulled to the side of the three suns?

The surface of the entire planet is just gasified!

Stephen Strange: Shhhh If that happens, let alone living things, I’m afraid that even the earth’s crust will be dissolved.

Bruce Banner: That’s the horror of the real “three-body system.”

Bruce Banner: And conversely, if a planet is pulled far away from the sun by gravity, it is likely to be one or two hundred degrees cold!

Wolverine: Amazing, listening to you say that, I suddenly felt… We are truly lucky to live on Earth.

Charles Xavier: Wolverine, you’re wrong.

Wolverine: Huh?

Charles Xavier: It’s not that we’re lucky to live on Earth, but because of Earth, we humans… and the birth of mutant talents.

Carol Danvers: Although I don’t know what a mutant is……… But there is some truth in that.

Carol Danvers: I’ve traveled through the universe for decades, but I’ve not seen many intelligent races.

Carol Danvers: More than 99.99% of the planets have no conditions for birth or life! It’s essentially a big boulder!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): No matter what, it’s better than that three-body galaxy.

[At this moment, the image on the screen also changed.] 】

[Just like a documentary, a planet appears on the screen. 】

[After accelerating many times the time, the people on the big screen can clearly see that the three suns seem to have been agreed, one after another… Passing by the side of the planet. 】

[The terrifying gravitational pull of the sun completely tore this planet into two pieces! ] 】

[One of the relatively small fragments flew into space, but was bound by the gravity of the larger fragments, and became the “satellite” of this large fragment, just like the moon! ] 】

Charles Xavier: This… This…… This……

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Oh my God. ヽ(?Д?)?

Seeing the terrifying scene of the planet being torn apart by the gravity of the sun, almost everyone in front of the big screen was speechless, and a creepy feeling swept through the body in an instant.

At this moment, they all held their breath, their pupils contracted, and their eyes were full of horror.

This kind of great power that can even tear the planet itself apart is indeed shocking!

Wolverine: It’s so scary that even the planet can be torn apart, it’s unbelievable.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): That’s the power of gravity, it’s really terrifying.

Wanda Maksimov: Gravity? Actually, I can also manipulate gravity, it’s just… I can’t have reached such a terrible level in my life.

Carol Danvers: Tearing the planet apart with gravity? Please, you are just an ordinary human, how can you have such power?

Wanda Maksimov: Why do you underestimate me, speaking of which… It seems that your power is not your own, but that Cosmic Cube gave you.

Carol Danvers: Hahaha, little girl, you are very courageous, I like you.

Wanda Maksimov: Hmph.

【Image continues】

[In such a harsh and terrifying harsh environment, life was actually born on this torn planet. ] And civilization developed. 】

[In the accelerated time, everyone can clearly see that on the tattered planet, the shadows of villages and cities have really slowly appeared. ] 】

Gradually, the city began to get bigger, and the technology content was also increasing. 】

[Soon the three-body problem reappeared, and a terrifying solar storm struck, turning all the city to ashes. 】

[All lives have disappeared, not even a little residue left.] 】

[This kind of thing has continued hundreds of times over and over again. 】

[Every time, as long as life and civilization are born on this planet, they will eventually be wiped out by the three suns, and sometimes even bacteria will not be left. 】

[After tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years of reincarnation, things have finally turned around. 】

[A civilization that survived by luck has spent a long time on the planet. 】

[Although it has encountered many harsh tests of the three-body problem, this civilization has survived in the end. 】

[In this civilization known as the three-body people, everyone lives in trembling. 】

[Because the three-body problem is unsolvable, none of them knows, enough to put them … When will the catastrophe of even the extinction of the entire planet come? 】

[Faced with this hellish situation, the Trisolarans quickly came to the conclusion that if they continue to stay on this dangerous planet, they can only be completely destroyed in the end. 】

[They have invested a huge amount of manpower and material resources to carefully monitor various signals in the universe. As much as possible, you want to find a planet that is suitable for your new home. 】

[One day, the Trisolarans finally received a message, which came from Earth. 】

[Because of this communication, the trisolarans know that just four light years away, there is a near-perfect planet. 】

[There is only one sun there, not only will it not suffer from the three-body problem, but the planet itself has obvious seasons! ] 】

[If compared to the three-body star, the earth is undoubtedly heaven. 】

Seeing this, Tony and Strange shouted almost at the same time:


Tony’s face was extremely ugly, and he whispered:

“This trouble, these three-body people are basically living in a living hell, and since they already know the situation on Earth, they will probably cross the universe at all costs.” Come and invade! ”

Strange also nodded.

“The only hope now is … The science and technology of these trisolarans are not developed to cross the distance of 4 light years, otherwise…”

Everyone’s faces were not good-looking.

As earthlings, they certainly don’t want to see their homeland invaded, even if it’s happening in another multiverse.

But they can also understand the despair of the Trisolarans.

Living in such a hell, death itself can almost be called a relief.

“I hope their technology is not so developed and they can’t come to Earth.”

Peter muttered.

【Image continues】

[After learning the news of the earth, the trisolarans were naturally ecstatic. 】

[On the one hand, they concentrated the power of the entire planet and began to create a space colony fleet. 】

[At the same time, the Trisolarans have also launched another plan, that is, the “Chiko Project”! ] 】

[This plan is used to create enough to fly at the speed of light… Proton supercomputer! 】


Seeing this, Tonis Dak’s eyes widened in disbelief, a bunch of strange question marks appeared in his mind, and his mind was blank for a while.

Proton-level supercomputer?

What is that?

How can such a thing exist in the universe?

【Image continues】

[At this time, the picture turned, and suddenly from the three-body star to the earth. 】

[At this time, something happened on Earth that even the trisolarans did not expect. 】

[The person who informed the Trisolarans of the earth’s message was a woman named Ye Wenjie. 】

[After informing the Trisolarans about Earth.] Ye Wenjie knew that the invasion of aliens was only a matter of time. 】

[What she did… It is to help aliens and conquer the earth more easily! 】

[To achieve this.] Ye Wenjie even joined forces with a group of elites on Earth to establish an organization. 】

The purpose of this organization is to use external forces to save decaying human society. 】

[In the eyes of these elites, the decay of human society or the degradation of the human race itself is hopeless. 】

[There is no way to change it except with the help of alien powers.] 】

[The slogan of these self-proclaimed “Earth Trisolaran Organization” is…”Eliminate human tyranny! The world belongs to the three-body problem! “】

PS: The three-body one is ready to introduce the background, otherwise the three-body two will not understand at all.

PS: The three-body problem is really not easy to write, ask for some monthly pass recommendation ticket support…

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