“Oh my God.”

Tony swallowed his spit with a palpitation, and suddenly remembered what Fangcai Black Widow said when she teased her,

If one day, I really become a face, wall, then…

Thinking of this, Tony suddenly felt that his hair stood up and he was cold all over his body.

A creepy feeling swept through his body in an instant, making his hands and feet even cold!


Tony swallowed his spit, then shook his head violently, shaking the thought out of his mind.

“The wall-facing is simply a cursed king… Seat. ”

Strange sighed softly:

“As long as you sit up, I’m afraid you won’t be able to come down in this life.”

At this time, even Loki, who had always been a little unconcerned, closed his mouth and his brows furrowed tightly.

Loki has always prided himself on being the number one liar in the Nine Realms.

But the end of Taylor, the face on the screen, is indeed terrifying.

In the end, no matter what Taylor said, even if he publicly admitted that he had failed, no one believed it.

It’s terrifying to be a liar to do this.

Then. Magneto suddenly sneered:

“That country, defense, department, and chief, is really a despicable fellow.”

“If he does find it… Those human soldiers who did not hesitate to die for the earth, that is really a tragedy. ”

“These soldiers must not only be betrayed by this guy first and become ghost soldiers who are not human and ghostly, but also have to continue to be driven by him and fight for mankind!”

The mockery on Magneto’s face became more and more obvious:

“And the worst thing is that those trisolarans don’t even care about these ghost soldiers!”

“If that’s the case, then what exactly did they die for?”

“It’s for this so-called face-waller… Whimsical? ”

Hearing this spicy comment, most of the remaining humans in the live broadcast room were silent.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Black Widow said softly:

“I think you still haven’t seen through Taylor’s true meaning.”

“What?” Magneto was stunned to hear this.

I saw that the black widow had an indifference on her face, and said faintly:

“There is only one reason why Taylor chose this plan similar to self-killing.”

“That’s when he sees that the gap between humans and trisolarans may be bigger than everyone thought.”

“With normal tactics and offensive means, there is no hope for the upper trisolarans.”

Looking at the expressionless look on Black Widow’s face, it was a little like Lucy in the impression. Peter next to him only felt that his scalp was numb, and he couldn’t help but look away, not daring to look at her.

Strange instead nodded and thought:

“Indeed, the human high-level already knows about Tomoko’s existence.”

“And to be able to create such an incredible proton supercomputer, the technological level of the Trisolarans is definitely far above humans.”

Black Widow nodded gently, with a hint of meaning in her tone:

“In the face of this kind of crushing of higher civilizations on lower civilizations, human beings can be said to be at the juncture of crisis and survival.”

“In this desperate situation, Taylor decided to abandon the traditional human Tao and morality principles, and use the lives of soldiers as pawns in exchange for even a little more life.”

Hearing Black Widow’s somewhat deafening speech, most of the people were a little shocked.

“It turns out that… This guy thought so from the beginning. ”

“Is it so bad?”

“No, do it… Something is definitely wrong. Peter’s eyes widened, and he didn’t seem to be able to accept anything.

“Abandon morality and humanity just to keep humanity alive…”

Strange chewed for a while, and suddenly said with a wry smile:

“I used to have a foreign colleague who used to be a military doctor on the battlefield.”

“According to him, in that kind of cannon-fire situation, sometimes it really has to be chosen… Let whom to be treated, let whom to die! ”

“This kind of thing… Undoubtedly against the doctor’s guidelines, but in that case, no one could do it better. ”

Hearing this, the rest of the people fell silent, even the indignant Peter, who was silent at this time.

Looking at the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was a little dull, Xiao Wanda rolled her eyes and suddenly changed the topic:

“Speaking of… What exactly did that wall-breaker do? ”

“If the power of the Trisolarans is really so strong, why do they still need such an existence as the wall-breakers?”

Black Widow seemed to want to speak, but after glancing at Tony, she suddenly smiled at the corner of her mouth and remained silent.


Feeling Black Widow’s gaze, Tony seemed to understand what he meant in an instant.

This woman… Don’t want to be in the limelight?


With a soft cold snort, Tony turned his head and looked at little Wanda and said:

“The wall-facing … To put it bluntly, through their own thinking, they have developed a set of methods to deal with the trisolarans. ”

“Although these trisolarans have advanced technology, because they do not know how to deceive, they may also be affected by human tricks.”

“And what the wall-breakers have to do is to crack the bureaus set by the wall-breakers as much as possible to determine their strategy… Is there a threat to the Trisolarans! ”

“These wall-breaking people are really protecting the Lord…”

Magneto said coldly: “Surrendering to the alien race so simply is really a human style.” ”

Tony rolled his eyes slightly, ignoring Magneto’s sarcasm, and just turned his head to look at the screen:

At this time, a new change also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Due to Taylor’s suicide, the human hierarchy finally realized that this guy had indeed been broken by someone. 】

[At the same time, due to the fact that his ghost soldier plan is broken… Wall people put it on the Internet, and people around the world began to question the wall plan. 】

[Faced with this dilemma, the Planetary Defense Council hurriedly convened a hearing. 】

At the meeting, the two remaining facers, Manuel Rediaz and Bill Hines, each laid out their “ostensible plans” and then entered the hibernation pod. 】

[The reason for this is that their plans are a little too advanced, and the current level of human science and technology cannot meet the conditions, so they can only be left for the future. ] 】

[At the same time, the Planetary Defense Council does not intend to let Luo Ji continue to live freely. 】

[They took Luo Ji’s wife and children and sent them to hibernation pods, and they could only wake up in the future. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, the UN Secretary-General also personally came to Luo Ji’s mansion. 】

[The secretary general told Luo Ji that the reason why he was chosen as the wall-facing person was because he was the only earthling that the Trisolarans wanted to kill. 】

[Judging from the intelligence captured by the Earth Trisolaran Organization, the Trisolarans are even a little afraid of Luo Ji! ] 】

[Because of his wife and children, Luo Ji finally became serious and began to think carefully… What is the threat to the Trisolarans? 】

[Why are these powerful aliens afraid of their own powerless? 】

[As a doctor, Luo Ji is not a stupid person, and it didn’t take long for him to think of what Ye Wenjie had told him at the beginning. ] 】

[Now, he can already be sure that his threat to the Trisolarans must be related to this remark. 】

[Luo Ji’s meditation lasted for more than a month. 】

[One night, he was walking alone on the icy lake outside the mansion, thinking as he went. 】

[Suddenly, the ice surface broke, and Luo Ji fell into the lake. 】

[Surrounded by the cold lake, Luo Ji couldn’t see anything, he only felt as if he had entered the endless darkness, as if floating in space. ] 】

[There is nothing around except darkness and coldness.] 】

[Under this desperate situation of life and death, Luo Ji actually suddenly had an epiphany! ] 】

[He comprehended the darkest truths in the universe. 】

[Desperately climbing up from the ice cave, Luo Ji stood on the ice, trembling and said:]

[“Luo Ji, the wall-facing person, I am your wall-breaker! “】

“Comprehension? What did he comprehend? ”

Looking at Luo Ji’s appearance of suddenly realizing and seeing the truth, almost everyone in the live broadcast room showed curiosity in their eyes.

If what Luo Ji realized was correct, then this was something that was enough to make the technologically advanced trisolarans fear!

“Judging by the situation, it should still be related to what the woman told him at the beginning.”

Strange muttered and continued to look at the screen.

At this moment, his face also showed excitement.

“Young man, if you can really fight off that terrifyingly powerful alien with your own strength, then let me see it!”

[After comprehending the truth, Luo Ji did two things. 】

[First, he asked for a change of residence, converted into a bomb shelter hundreds of meters underground. 】

[This place was originally used as a black refuge, even black eggs could not be fried. ] 】

[Next, Luo Ji issued his first official order as a wall-facer. 】

[He plans to use the sun as an amplifier to launch a spell deep into space.] 】

[The spell contains a star map that records the positions of 30 stars in the universe.] 】

[Of the 30 stars, one was also given an arrow. 】

[Next, Luo Ji claimed that it was actually launching a spell, and once this spell took effect, the marked star would suffer a terrible disaster. ] 】

[According to Luo Ji, after this spell is issued, it will take at least 100 years to take effect. 】

[Hearing his words, the representatives of various countries were dismissive of this. 】

[A person from an eastern island country simply laughed directly at Luo Ji as a wizard who used spells. ] 】

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was a little puzzled.

“What is this kid doing?”

Tony frowned and glanced at Black Widow involuntarily.

But he found… This woman, whose brain capacity has developed to 20%, also seems to be a little confused.

Then. Suddenly someone in the group was bubbling.

Bruce Banner: What this young man did seemed to be to spread the precise location of a star in the universe.

Carol Danvers: Ridiculous! Scattering the coordinates of a star can make it devastated?

Carol Danvers: I’ve been in the universe for so many years, and I’ve never heard of such a weird thing!

Natasha Romanoff: Miss Carol, I don’t know much about the universe, but there is one thing I would like to note.

Natasha Romanoff: What is playing on the screen is happening in another multiverse! In other words, the actual situation in this universe may not be the same as what you experienced.

Carol Danvers: Whatever you say, I would never believe that he could bring bad luck to that planet by launching such a coordinate!

Wanda Maximov: Strange! Master Mordo! Do you Karma Taj have such a powerful spell? Can you destroy the planet in space?

Stephen Strange: Well…

Master Mordo: Stop talking nonsense, I haven’t heard of this kind of spell anyway.

Tony Stark: If any magic spells are excluded, it seems to me that this kid only did two things after climbing out of the ice cave!

Tony Stark: The first is to send yourself to a place of near-absolute safety.

Tony Stark: The second is the experimental use of a completely new attack.

Tony Stark: You know what that reminds me?

Stephen Strange: Could it be… Black bomb experiment?

Tony Stark: Bingo! This feeling is almost like Oppenheimer and my dad together… Test explode the world’s first black bomb!

Tony Stark: That kid, he’s waiting to see the results of the black explosion!

Stephen Strange: Wait! Your dad and Oppenheimer…??

Tony Stark: That’s not the point.

“Is it enough to destroy a black explosion of a star?”

Standing on a desolate planet, a sneer suddenly appeared on Captain Marvel’s face.

As far as she knew, there were indeed weapons in the universe capable of destroying planets.

But Captain Marvel would never believe it… Such an inexplicable spell can trigger such terrible consequences!

【Image continues】

[Although the high-level human level dismissed Luo Ji’s spell, the Trisolarans were anxious. 】

[While Luo Ji was still studying the location of the marked stars in the basement, the Trisolarans had already issued an emergency killing order to the remaining Earth Trisolaran Organization through Zhizi. ] 】

[“No matter what the price is, you must kill Luo Ji as soon as possible! “】

[In the face of this urgent assassination order, even the people in the three-body organization were a little shocked. 】

[They can’t understand why such an ordinary human would let the trisolarans… Their Lord! Their God! So important? 】

To this, the commander of the trisolaran organization replied:]

“The Lord is afraid of him! “】

“This kid… Can it make the trisolarans scared? ”

Strange frowned slightly, and a feeling of absurdity suddenly rose in his heart.

Could it be that the spell is true?

In that case, why didn’t Luo Ji launch directly at the Trisolaran planet?

You know, at this time, the earthlings already know the coordinates of the three-body planet!

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