【Image continues】

[The furious Rediaz killed the wallbreaker, but his plan was also put on the Internet in advance by the wallbreaker.] 】

[Now, the world is in an uproar. 】

[Moreover, since 8 years have passed, human beings today are no longer as blind as they were at the beginning. 】

[After investigation by the Planetary Defense Council, the top level of Earth has confirmed that Rediaz’s strategic intentions are just as the wall-faced people say.] 】

[This man is indeed trying to destroy the entire solar system. 】

[At the following hearing, the representative of the beautiful country became angry and claimed that the crime committed by Rediaz … Enough to dwarf all the sins in human history. 】

[The representative even suggested adding the crime of “extinction of life on Earth” to international law specifically for the trial of Redia. 】

[At this point, Rebbiz’s status as a wall-faced person is terminated, and he will be arrested and then tried.] 】

[But at this moment, Rebbies raised his right hand, claiming that the bracelet he was wearing was actually the launcher of the “cradle system”.] 】

[This bracelet will detect Redias’s heartbeat and health signs.] 】

[Rediaz claims that the other end of the signaling device is connected to a black bomb in the center of New York.] 】

[Once Rediaz’s heart stops beating, or if he falls into a state of extreme excitement, he may detonate this black bomb.] 】

[Just like waking up a sleeping baby in the cradle, this is the “cradle system.] 】

[In the face of this terrible threat, the high-level of the Planetary Defense Council was all intimidated, and could only let Rediaz leave. ] 】

[On the plane to his home country, Rediaz proudly took off the bracelet in his hand and threw it aside. 】

[It turns out that what kind of “cradle system” is simply made up by him to deceive people. There are no black bombs in New York either. 】

[As a wall-facer, Rebbies finally succeeded in deceiving the high-level of the Earth countries. 】

[Looking at Redias’s smug look, another person on the plane sighed:]

“Why is this? The privileges of the Wall-Facers, and that peculiar deception, were originally intended to deal with Tomoko and the Trisolarans, but you and Taylor… All use it against humanity itself. “】

[Faced with this emotion, Rediaz actually became serious and said calmly:]

“Right now, the biggest obstacle to human survival actually comes from itself. “】

[After returning to his homeland, Rediaz originally thought… I will be like a hero returning to my country, greeting flowers and applause, 】

[But when he spread his arms to the people at the airport, he was greeted by stones like a storm of rain.] 】

[It turns out that even Rediaz’s compatriots can’t accept it… He is ready to risk the lives of all mankind to the wall plan. 】

Seeing Rediaz smashed into meat on the screen, the eyes of everyone in the chat room became a little complicated.

Tony shook his head:

“This guy is just a rude dictator. But he really wants to use his own methods to win a glimmer of life for mankind. ”

“Falling to such an ending, it seems that some…”

Before Tony could finish speaking, Black Widow interrupted him.

I saw this woman said indifferently:

“It’s no pity, just like Taylor’s self… Kill, since Rediaz chose to become a wall-facing person, he should have prepared a similar enlightenment a long time ago. ”

At this time, Loki suddenly sneered:

“Human beings are such creatures, especially once they form groups, IQ and judgment will plummet!”

“So say… Human beings are born with slave nature! ”

“They need a powerful being to rule them, even enslave them, and that’s the only way … in order to save them from self-destruction! ”

Looking at Loki’s impassioned speech, little Wanda suddenly burst out laughing, ruining the atmosphere.

“How drip? Next…… Do you want us all to kneel? ”

Looking at Loki, who looked unhappy because his speech was interrupted, little Wanda grimaced:

“If you change this kind of words to Thanos, it will still have a bit of deterrence, but if the person who speaks is you… It just makes people feel funny. ”

“You’re a dead little devil…” Loki gritted his teeth, a bruise bulging on his forehead.

“The biggest obstacle to human survival actually comes from itself?”

Strange said with a look of emotion:

“What Rediaz said before he was killed was really thought-provoking.”

Peter frowned when he heard this, and said with some annoyance.

“I probably understood… What do his words mean?”

“This wall-faced man wants to say that his battle against humanity and morality is only to save mankind, but humanity does not understand him.”

Speaking of this, Peter raised his head, his eyes full of confusion:

“His words are not entirely unreasonable, but is it really true?”

“If there is no more humanity and morality, are we still human?”

At this time, someone in the chat group also bubbled.

Bruce Banner: Young man, I can’t answer your question, I can only tell you about my life.

Bruce Banner: Ever since I gained the ability to transform into the Hulk, my life has been a complete disaster.

Bruce Banner: But… After discovering that there was no way to get rid of that crazy monster, I had to learn to get along with it.

Bruce Banner: And right now… If the Hulk really disappears from my body, maybe my end will be worse than it is now!

Magneto: You say you can turn into a monster? Hehe……

Magneto: Let me guess, if you lose your self-preservation, then the military people will take you and use you as an experimental animal, right?

Bruce Banner: … You are such a wise person.

Magneto: Hahaha! I’ve just seen it a lot.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Well, this Mr. Banner, what exactly are you trying to say?

Bruce Banner: I would say that being a big green monster that has lost its humanity and morality is really scary.

Bruce Banner: But… If I lose this power to transform into a monster, the result can only be worse for me!

Natasha Romanoff: Loss of humanity… It is true that you lose a lot, but if you lose something else, you lose everything.

Rocky Odinson: What “something else”? Green monsters?

Wanda Maximov: That’s right, the kind of monster that will grab you and throw you around. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Rocky Odinson: Little Ghost! Shut up! (▼皿▼#)

At this time, a new change appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After spending 185 years in the hibernation pod, Luo Ji was woken up. 】

[At this time, the earth has completely changed. 】

[All kinds of flying machines are shuttling around in the air, people’s genes have gradually evolved, and there are handsome guys and beauties everywhere. ] 】

In the future, mankind has mastered controllable nuclear fusion and completely solved the energy problem. 】

[Not only that, but now humans have built 2,000 ships… Spaceships that reach 15% of the speed of light are a full double the number of Trisolaran invasion fleets. 】

[Moreover, the speed of the Trisolaran spaceship is only 10% of the speed of light! ] 】

[It is precisely with such power that human beings are full of self-confidence! ] 】

[For the coming trisolarans, they no longer have the panic and despair they had more than 100 years ago. 】

[Next, Luo Ji was invited to participate in the last hearing of the wall plan. 】

[Here, he meets the Siens couple, who, like him, have awakened from hibernation. 】

[At the hearing, the representatives of all parties completely denied and terminated the wall plan, and Luo Ji became a civilian again. 】

[Just as the meeting was about to end, Keiko Yamasugi, the wife of Bill Hines, suddenly said something groundbreaking:]

“Bill Hines the Wall-Facer, I’m your wall-breaker. “】

[In the face of this scene, the high-level human beings at that time were also very shocked. 】

[Because the Earth Trisolaran Organization has long been completely destroyed, that is to say, Keiko Yamasugi can be said to be the only traitor to humans on Earth today. ] 】

[But even so, the woman claimed: Do your duty for the Lord! 】

[Next, Keiko Yamasugi exposed Hines’s real plan in public.] 】

[Keiko Yamasugi first said a terrible news. 】

[It turns out that the Thought Stamp is not an accidental product in Hines research, and this human brainwashing machine is the core of his plan.] 】

[Hines knew from the beginning that under the premise that human basic scientific research was locked by Chiko, no matter how he improved human intelligence, it could not play a decisive role. 】

[Moreover, the ideological steel printing machine he invented was manipulated.] 】

[Anyone who is stamped with the steel of thought by this machine will be injected with the belief that mankind will fail! ] 】

[Looking at her husband.] Keiko Yamasugi said:】

“You want to use this machine to cultivate a group of fugitives who firmly believe that mankind will fail!”] “】

“Then let them escape from Earth and save the last batch of tinder for humanity!”] “】

[Moreover, Keiko Yamasugi also said even more incredible things. 】

[These people who voluntarily accept the ideological steel seal are called the steel seal people. 】

[At the beginning, Bill Hines claimed to have only built one thought printing machine, but in fact he built 5 machines! ] 】

[The remaining 4 units were all handed over to these steel seal clans by Seans. 】

[In the past 100 years, these 4 machines have not known how many human beings have implanted the belief that they will fail! ] 】

[Hearing this news, the delegates at the conference were shocked. 】

[After all, if what she said is true, the number of these hidden in the shadows and determined to flee may have exceeded everyone’s imagination, and it is impossible to trace them at all. ] 】

[After the end of the conference, the last wall-breaker, Keiko Misugi, committed suicide. 】

[The main reason why she did this is because she broke the wall too late. 】

[In more than 100 years, the Gangyin tribe has developed and expanded, and it is likely to successfully escape in the future. 】

[In this way, even the trimaran fleet may not be able to exterminate humans! ] 】

[As a wall-breaker, Keiko Yamasugi can be said to have failed. 】

Seeing this, Peter asked with some doubt:

“These defeatists … What they want is not surrender, but flight? ”

Tony nodded:

“Yes, and I think it’s the right decision.”

“At a time when all human races are facing extinction, it is not wise to bet everything on the battlefield.”

Seeing everyone looking at him, Tony shrugged:

“Anyway, if it is replaced by me, I will definitely create a spaceship, and it is as much as it can be sent away.”

“But among those who sent them away … Surely not including yourself. Black Widow said casually, rolling Tony’s eyes again.

Next, little Wanda asked with some doubt:

“That makes sense. In the face of such a terrible enemy, it seems that there is no problem in sending some old and weak women and children to a safe place! ”

“But… Why is Hines so troublesome, and he has to use the authority of the wall-facing person to do this? ”

Tony would answer, and Strange smiled bitterly first:

“If you really want to send people away, then who will you choose?”

“Choose the powerful, the rich? Or ordinary people? Scientist? ”

Black Widow also said with a calm face:

“There will be absolutely no answer to such a multiple-choice question.”

“And… If you fall into that state of “you won’t let me go, I won’t let you go”, then the entire human race will be torn apart. ”

“Therefore, in order to avoid this kind of civil strife, I think the human side should completely ban all fugitiveism.”


Peter’s expression suddenly became very strange.

This one…… To put it mildly, isn’t it “to die together”?

Looking at Peter’s expression, Loki sneered again:

“Human beings are such a despicable and selfish race, if I were to be the ruler, I would choose the exact same strategy.”

“Either we fight off the aliens together and survive, or everyone is killed by the aliens.”

“No one wants to escape!”

Hearing this murderous remark, Tony spread his hands and looked like he didn’t want to say anything more.

And Strange sighed in a low voice:

“Sure enough, this Hines is no different from the other two wall-facing people.”

“In order to preserve the last seeds for mankind, he did not hesitate to use brainwashing to achieve his own goals.”

“In the face of the big goal of human survival, Dao Dezhun Ze seems to be unimportant at all…”

【Image continues】

[After the end of the conference, although Luo Ji has been removed from his position as a wall-facer, he still suffered waves of assassinations. ] 】

[It turns out that these assassinations were arranged by a computer disease and poison that had been set up more than a hundred years ago. 】

[The Earth Trisomy Organization had set up this disease and poison before its demise, just to kill… The lives of many important people, including Luo Ji. 】

[With the help of his friends and some good luck, Luo Ji escaped all these poisonous assassinations. 】

[Meanwhile, in space, another soldier who had been put into a hibernation pod many years ago woke up. 】

[His name is Zhang Beihai. 】

[Due to the threat of the unknown Steel Seal Clan, the top level of the Earth Army had to appoint these soldiers who had been hibernated many years ago to let them control some of the space battleships. ] 】

[Because these soldiers and people entered the hibernation capsule very early, and the ideological steel printing machine had not yet been invented, they definitely could not be the steel seal family. ] 】

[It is precisely for this reason that Zhang Beihai just woke up and was appointed as the executive captain of the spacecraft “Natural Selection”. 】

[At this moment, humans observed the probe from the trimaran fleet,]

[This small spaceship, like a drop of water, has finally arrived in the solar system. 】

[Due to the political struggle of various factions in the high-level, coupled with the desire to demonstrate the military power of the human space fleet, the human side decided to send all warships to form a joint fleet to attack together and intercept the three-body probe! ] 】

[Just before this war began, all the media on the planet had already started live broadcasting. 】

[After all, this is the first confrontation between human civilization and three-body civilization! ] 】

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