[Watching the 100 warships in the first queue all explode in a minute, all the soldiers of the entire human fleet were stunned. 】

[“What’s going on? “】

[“Where is the enemy? “】

“What kind of attack have we received?” “】

[“How is that possible? “】

[On the flagship of the fleet, the commander, looking at the scene in front of him, his terrifying hair stood on end, and his scalp was about to explode. ] 】

[Before the war, Earth’s military also imagined a war with the Trisolarans. 】

[From the most traditional naval guns to all kinds of new weapons, what kind of terrorist missiles and so on.] 】

[But what is this in front of you?] 】

[These 100 space battleships have a speed of 15% of the speed of light! ] Faster than the Trisolarans’ fleet! 】

[And it is also equipped with various advanced electromagnetic guns… Laser cannons, and countless carrier-based aircraft! 】

[This definitely represents the strongest combat power of mankind today.] 】

[But such 100 battleships, like 100 firecrackers, exploded in an instant?] 】

[Did I make a mistake?] 】

[After destroying the first 100 warships, the water drop made an amazing sharp angle turn without any slowdown, and once again rushed towards the second queue of the fleet lined up.

[“Boom! “】

[The terrifying explosion bloomed in the universe again, and the 100 warships in the second queue were penetrated by water droplets without suspense and turned into fragments in the universe. ] 】

[This is followed by Queue 3… Queue 4…]

[In these warships, humans don’t even know where the enemy is, and can only wait in panic for the end to come.] 】

[In the face of such a terrifying serial attack, the remaining more than 1,000 warships can no longer maintain the formation,]

[Although it is not clear what happened, the human instinct to survive made the commanders of these battleships choose to scatter. 】

[In a state of extreme panic, some warships began to maneuver wildly, trying to avoid this invisible enemy. 】

[Among them, some warships panicked and even collided with each other. 】

[There are also some commanders who have fallen into madness, and directly try to enter the “Forward Four” state when their subordinates have not yet entered the deep sea state! ] 】

[In this way, the terrifying weight suddenly swept the entire battleship, crushing countless humans into meat sauce, internal organs and bones were all crushed, and blood spilled all over the ship. ] 】

And at this moment in the live broadcast room, everyone looked at the fleet fragments scattered like brilliant fireworks on the screen, and their eyes widened in amazement.

Those human fleets on the screen are still in a certain state of confusion at the moment, and they don’t know what kind of attack they have encountered.

But these people watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room, thanks to the God’s perspective of the camera, can see clearly.

It was the one that looked small and did not threaten the three-body probe that pierced hundreds of battleships in an instant… Drop!

Such an amazing contrast instantly shocked the hearts of everyone present.

“No, such a small droplet, it can be so strong?”

“So many warships… So it’s gone? ”

Seeing the terrifying scene on the screen, Little Wanda and Peter’s expressions stiffened at the same time, their eyes were instantly frozen, and their eyes were also filled with surprise and shock.

After hearing Black Widow’s previous prompt, they actually imagined this drop very powerfully.

But this terrifying scene in front of them completely subverted their imagination!

“Okay guys, what kind of technology is this?”

Tony’s pupils contracted instantly, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and there was a trace of fanaticism in his eyes.

After seeing Professor Ding’s observations and analysis of water droplets, Tony has realized that this alien probe is made with unimaginable microscience.

Just the kind of use of strong mutual forces… Compressing molecular structures together is terrifying, and technology is far beyond what humans can imagine.

But that alone wasn’t enough to shock Tony so much.

What really brightened his eyes, and at the same time his heart shook, was the turning action made by the water droplets after breaking through the first queue.

After running through the first queue of 100 warships, the water drop directly turned at an acute angle at a high speed of 30 kilometers per second, and then launched the second assault.

You know, inertia is the basic law of mechanics. The faster any object goes, the stronger the inertia when it stops.

At such a high speed as a water droplet, there was actually no slowdown, and even drifting and other actions were not done, and a hard sharp angle steering came directly!

Therefore, this action simply goes against all the common sense of physics that Tony knows!

“What kind of technology did the Trisolarans use to actually make the water droplet ignore inertia and make this maneuverable turn at such a high speed?”

Just as Tony frowned and pondered, the chat group gradually boiled.

Bruce Banner: It’s incredible, how did the Trisolarans create such a powerful weapon of war?

Wolverine: I don’t know science, but I’ve been on the battlefield many times.

Wolverine: In my opinion, the formation of these human fleets… It’s suicide!

Wolverine: So many warships, all close together, is this looking for death?

Wolverine: Where in the world is there such a war???

At this moment, Wolverine was really angry.

Living for more than 100 years, he participated in almost every war in the modern history of the United States.

With his immortal body, Wolverine is on the front line every time!

Therefore, if you want to talk about the experience of fighting on the front line, no one in the world may compare with him.

In his opinion, this arrangement of the Earth Fleet can only be described as stupid and self-destructive.

Otherwise, the water drop would not be so easy, running through 100 human warships in one minute.

But…… They are all in a line! It’s like taking the initiative to find death!

Bruce Banner: No way, these humans are overly superstitious about their level of technology, and they have no idea of the strength of their enemies.

Bruce Banner: But from a trisolaran perspective, it’s the opposite.

Wolverine: Well, what do you mean by that?

Tony Stark: I can also see that although the water droplet took the most primitive collision attack, the position he hit was all the black fusion fuel tanks of these battleships.

Stephen Strange: … Tomoko?

Tony Stark: That’s right, through Tomoko the perfect spy, the construction of human warships and weaknesses… It has long been no secret to the Trisolarans.

Tony Stark: The strength of the two sides was not equal in the first place, and now even the gap in intelligence is so large, this battle has not been fought from the beginning.

Carol Danvers: Damn, these damn aliens, if I had me, no matter how hard that droplet was, it wouldn’t be able to stop my fist!

At this moment, Captain Marvel really felt angry from the bottom of his heart.

Although because of his great strength, his mentality has been completely different from ordinary people.

But Captain Marvel still prides himself on being a human being, and considers the earth home.

Therefore, even in another universe, she still does not want to see the earth conquered or even destroyed by aliens!

Bruce Banner: We can’t change what happens in another universe.

Bruce Banner: But there’s one thing I’m curious about.

Natasha Romanoff: Are you referring to the professor… The words spoken before death.

Bruce Banner: Talking to you guys is a real effort.

Bruce Banner: That’s right, I’m referring to the phrase “Destroy you, what does it have to do with you?” ”

Bruce Banner: The meaning of this sentence…

Loki Odinson: Well, what’s so confusing, the meaning of this sentence couldn’t be more obvious.

Loki Odinson: When you walk, do you pay attention to the dead ants under your feet?

Rocky Odinson: When you eat, do you think about how you feel about the food you eat?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): That’s pretty scary.

Loki Oddinson: The problem is, what I’m saying is the truth.

Loki’s words were like a cold wind that swept through everyone’s hearts. It made his scalp numb and his hands and feet a little cold.

In the face of these powerful aliens, the very existence of humans is even ignored!

Destroy you, just to clean our future residence!

And your very existence… It’s like dust, it doesn’t even enter our eyes!

“What do you have to do with destroying you?”

“You don’t understand? The Lord does not care. ”

After repeating these two sentences, the expression on Tony’s face suddenly became serious.

By now, he probably could understand … Why can Thanos snap his fingers so easily and wipe out half of the living beings in the universe.

Perhaps he really cares about the universe and wants to make the ecology of the universe more “sustainable”.

But from another point of view, Thanos, who obtained 6 infinity stones, did not pay attention to other “lower lives” at all.

What does it have to do with you to obliterate you?

Stephen Strange: I heard a phrase when I was a doctor, and now I want to come… Instead, I felt it deeper.

Stephen Strange: If you wash your hands, you kill tens of millions of mycosis and poison, do you care?

Wanda Maximov: Shhhh

Seeing Strange’s statement, I don’t know how many people in front of the screen gasped,

An inexplicable chill spread in everyone’s hearts.

If the gap in strength is too large, in front of the enemy … Don’t talk about opponents, not even creatures!

Just mote!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): That three-body universe is really terrifying.

Natasha Romanoff: Ignoring… It is the ultimate arrogance of the strong!

Natasha Romanoff: This… In any multiverse it may be true!

Carol Danvers: ………

At this moment, even the most arrogant Captain Marvel was speechless for a while.

Because she has recalled that over the years of gaining power, there are really fewer and fewer people who can be put in her eyes.

【Image continues】

[Now, the formation of the entire human fleet has completely collapsed. 】

[In the process of dispersing, although some warships also found the traces of the water droplet, and tried to fire with all their strength to shoot down this strange little spaceship. 】

[But whether it is an electromagnetic shell or a laser weapon, even if it hits a water droplet… At most, it can only slow down a little, and it can’t cause any damage to it at all. 】

[The substance that makes up the water droplets is too hard. 】

[In the face of this terrible enemy that cannot damage it at all, more and more people are trying to turn around the battleship and run in all directions! ] 】

[It’s terrifying. 】

[This little enemy is simply not something that manpower can defeat! ] 】

[There is no way to fight, only escape! ] 】

[At this time, the water drop actually began to change its trajectory again, giving priority to killing those warships that tried to escape! ] 】

[It is like a well-trained hunter, accurate and efficient, smashing one human warship after another into pieces.] 】

Looking at the trajectory of the water droplet movement on the screen, Tony and Black Widow shouted almost at the same time.

“Inside this thing…”

“There’s also a supercomputer!”

Tony himself is the top super genius on the planet, and Black Widow’s brain has been developed to 20%.

In the eyes of these two superhumans, the trajectory of water droplets in the universe looks scattered, but it is actually the result of precise calculations.

“Each sortie is to choose the shortest path and destroy a warship most efficiently, while … Even the angle and distance during the slalom are taken into account. ”

After looking down and calculating for a while, Tony suddenly let out a long breath.

“Amazing, incomparably hard matter, powerful propulsion devices, can ignore the laws of physics, and now add a supercomputer…”

At this time, Black Widow added calmly.

“With detectors like this, there are at least nine more Trisolarans.”

Hearing this, Peter and the others gasped again.

No wonder the trisolarans do not regard humans as opponents at all, and the gap between the two has widened to this point, which is really like humans looking at ants.

【Image continues】

[Within tens of minutes, the water droplets accurately and efficiently destroyed almost all of the human fleet. 】

[Pretty much, every second it sinks a battleship.] 】

[In addition to following Professor Ding’s advice and entering the two warships in the deep-sea mode in advance.] The only remaining ones are the “Natural Selection” that Zhang Beihai fled in pilot, and 4 other warships that chased away. 】

[On the whole, the Earth Combined Fleet, which represents the pride and glory of mankind, has been completely destroyed by a small probe of the Trisolarans. 】

[What does it have to do with you to destroy you?] 】

[At this time, the picture on the screen turned and came to the earth. 】

[Originally, the earthlings thought that victory was within reach, and the trisolaran invaders would soon become prisoners. 】

[But… See the warships that Earth spent more than a hundred years building and shattered into cosmic garbage in space. The cheers instantly turned into exclamations and cries. 】

[The whole world of humanity has fallen into collapse and despair. Countless people have chosen to end their lives. 】

[The order of the whole world collapsed in an instant. 】

[At the same time, Luo Ji suddenly had a glimmer of understanding in his heart after learning that the water droplets were about to reach the earth in more than ten hours. 】

[He guessed that the water drop was here to kill himself.] 】

[Luo Ji has mastered the darkest secret in the universe, and it is impossible for the Trisolarans to allow him to live anymore. 】

[I know that I can’t resist it no matter what… Drops of water that even the combined fleet of the earth can destroy. 】

[Luo Ji decided to leave the city and drive into a wilderness. 】

[In this way, even if the water droplet falls, it will only kill him alone, and will not harm the innocent.] 】

[But just when the water droplets seemed to be about to descend over Luo Ji… Things have changed. 】

[The course of the water droplet changed by 180 degrees, it changed its target, left the earth, and flew towards the sun. 】

At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, the cold voice of the system sounded in the live broadcast room.

【New Q&A begins! 】 】

[Question: Why do water droplets turn? Abandon the Earth and rush to the Sun? 】

【Please start answering! 】 Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to grab a chance]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty! ] 】

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