[Looking at Shi Qiang, who looked shocked, Luo Ji said calmly:]

“The real universe is so dark. “】

“The universe is a dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun, who gently plucks every leaf. Try not to make a little noise. 】

“If he finds something else, it doesn’t matter if it’s another hunter, angel or devil, old man or child. There is only one thing he can do :]

[“That’s shooting to destroy it!”] “】

“In this dark forest, others are eternal threats, others are hell, and any civilization that exposes itself will soon be wiped out. “】

“Moreover, now in this dark forest, a stupid child named human has actually appeared. “】

He not only lit a bonfire in the forest, but even shouted next to it: “]

【”I’m here! I am here! “】

[Luo Ji shook his head and sighed:]

“This behavior … What is the difference between suicide and suicide? “】


The entire otherworldly live broadcast room fell into death-like silence,

Invisible horror and fear hung over almost everyone’s heart.

Tonisdak just sighed helplessly.

Just now he had thought of this possibility, but he had always refused to believe it in his heart.

But it seems that the reality is even harsher than he imagined.

After a long time, Peter asked in a dry voice:

“No, the universe can’t really be like this, right?”

No one answered him in the live broadcast room.

But in the chat group, Captain Marvel suddenly bubbled up again.

Carol Danvers:, that’s absolute. (▼皿▼#)

At this time, Captain Marvel standing on the barren planet had a face… Already full of anger and doubt.

Carol Danvers: With my experience walking in the universe for so many years, I can tell you exactly that the universe we are in now is definitely not a dark forest of “discovery and destruction”!

Carol Danvers: The exchanges and trade between civilizations are very close.

Carol Danvers: In the capitals of some famous interstellar civilizations, there are dozens or even hundreds of envoys of other civilizations!

Carol Danvers: Even if there are wars between civilizations, they are not so terrifying.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): What? Is this true?

Originally, after hearing such a terrifying and dark theory, Peter’s mood has been at a low point, and his whole person has languished.

And Captain Marvel’s words were like a shot in the arm, which made his whole person excited.

Bruce Banner: If that’s true, that’s a really happy thing.

Nick Fury: Folks, I don’t know anything about the sociology of the universe. So I don’t know if that dark forest theory is correct.

Nick Fury: But one thing I can be 100% sure of is that Captain Carol is definitely not a liar.

Stephen Strange: If that’s the case, what’s going on? Is the gap between the universe and the universe really so big?

After pondering for a moment, Tony said tentatively.

Tony Stark: Maybe… It’s because of the resources.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Resources?

Tony Stark: That’s right, one of the core of that dark forest theory… It’s a matter of survival.

Tony Stark: It’s like those 5 human warships, if the resources are very rich, how can they evolve such a deep chain of suspicion and have such a tragic cannibalism?

Bruce Banner: Mr. Stark, do you mean…

Tony Stark: I just think that the development of technology may alleviate the lack of resources to some extent.

Tony Stark: For example, if humans were to the point where they could control controlled nuclear fusion, the concept of “saving” might have to be removed from the human lexicon.

Tony Stark: In that case, those aliens who are much more technologically advanced than us… Is there really a concept of “resource scarcity”?

Bruce Banner: But… That Luo Ji also proposed a concept, that is, human reproduction and expansion.

Tony Stark: Did 1 million years fill the galaxy?

Tony Stark: If humans really have powerful technology, then this could actually happen.

Tony Stark: But why do you have to use the human template to apply to other aliens?

Stephen Strange: Tony, what do you mean…

Tony Stark: You’ve seen Lucy before, haven’t you?

Tony Stark: According to Lucy, there are two ways to reach eternity in life.

Tony Stark: The first method belongs to the weak, which is to reproduce wildly, relying on reproduction to pass on their own information and memories.

Tony Stark: The second way belongs to the strong, and that is to achieve eternity on your own! And after that, what this creature pursues is not to reproduce, but to become stronger!

Natasha Romanoff: Eternal powerhouse who doesn’t need to reproduce?

Tony Stark: That’s right, let me think that if the technology of an advanced civilization develops to a certain extent, it should not be difficult for all members of this civilization to reach this eternal state.

Tony Stark: And if you reach this state and can use technology to create all the resources you want, then such an eternal civilization… Why is it necessary to expand outward?

Tony Stark: Just to occupy those remote universes… Those bare planets with nothing?

Tony Stark: What’s the point?

Tony’s words were like a light that shone into everyone’s minds.

Stephen Strange: Well, we’ve always thought in terms of humans, so there are blind spots.

Bruce Banner: Civilizations that are truly advanced beyond imagination. These concepts may have gone beyond expansion and occupation.

Wanda Maksimov: Amazing! Immortal and powerful! Isn’t such a civilization similar to the legendary gods?

Charles Xavier: God-like civilization? It’s really incredible.

Carol Danvers: Actually… That’s not what I meant. (⊙_⊙)

Tony Stark: By the way, if there really is more than one of these god-like civilizations, then there may be a cooperative relationship between these civilizations similar to that of the United Nations.

Natasha Romanoff: I can’t destroy you, and you can’t destroy me?

Tony Stark: Bingo! That’s it.

Tony Stark: Between such civilizations, there is no chain of suspicion, and there is no dark forest!

Bruce Banner: Mr. Stark, you’re such an amazing guy.

Bruce Banner: After hearing the theory of the Dark Forest, my whole mentality… They all became depressed.

Bruce Banner: This feeling is worse than transforming into the Hulk, but your words actually gave me hope in my heart.

Tony stark:…… I’m just casually talking, whether there is such a civilization or not… I don’t know.

Natasha Romanoff: No! I think that whether it is the three-body universe or the universe we are in, such a “god-level civilization” absolutely exists!

Stephen Strange: But if there really is such a civilization, then why can Thanos still snap his fingers and wipe out half of the life in the universe?

Natasha Romanoff: Probably… These civilizations, or “beings,” are more concerned with their own eternity than with everything else in the universe.

Stephen Strange: That’s a shame.

Stephen Strange: After all, only these unimaginably powerful god-level civilizations have the ability to maintain peace in the universe! Let the rest of the weak civilizations … Not like the beasts in the dark forest, as soon as they meet, they can only fight each other!

Carol Danvers: Uh… You seem to be getting more and more outrageous the more you say.

At this moment, Captain Marvel’s mind was in chaos, and for a moment the whole person was stunned in place.

Eternal and immortal god-level civilization?

Is there really such a thing in the universe?

If so, why have you never encountered one?

Wanda Maksimov: Although I don’t understand it, it is enough to know that my universe is not a dark forest. ^_^

Natasha Romanoff: There are actually many conditions for becoming a dark forest.

Natasha Romanoff: In addition to the lack of resources, survival and death. There is also a powerful ability to reproduce and expand, and the proliferation of technological explosions.

Tony Stark: Flood? What does that mean?

Natasha Romanoff: My guess is to be able to be like us humans… Launching technological explosions at every turn and achieving large-scale technological improvements in a few decades may be very rare in other races in the universe.

Carol Danvers: !!!!

Natasha Romanoff: Oh, judging by your reaction, did I guess right?

Carol Danvers: ……… You really… Has no other civilization in the universe ever come into contact?

Natasha Romanoff: Never, what I just said was just my speculation.

Carol Danvers: ………

“Good fellow.”

At this moment, Captain Marvel only felt a shock in his heart.

On Earth… When did such a powerful woman appear?

Bruce Banner: Captain Marvel, can you tell us a little bit about other races in the universe? As an academic, I’m really curious.

Carol Danvers: Humph! In fact, there is nothing special, over the years, I have seen more cosmic races than I can count.

Carol Danvers: But… Unlike what you generally think, not all cosmic races have very advanced high technology.

Carol Danvers: Moreover, the scientific development of most races is actually very slow, and often it will fall into a bottleneck at some level! And then there is no more intake.

Tony Stark: This… Shouldn’t it be that Tomoko got stuck?

Carol Danvers: How would I know about this?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Oh, without the lack of resources and the explosion of technology, civilizations would not be so tense. That’s great news.

Wanda Maksimov: Speaking of the Dark Forest, one thing… Actually, I never understood.

Wanda Maximov: This guy named Luo Ji has such a powerful killer skill, why didn’t he use it once against the Trisolarans.

Wanda Maksimov: Judging from the way the star he marked was destroyed, other cosmic civilizations did not use anything that could affect the earth… What a weapon to destroy the galaxy.

Wanda Maksimov: Or rather… Will such weapons really exist?

Natasha Romanoff: You think too simply.

Natasha Romanoff: First of all… From the launch of the spell to the other civilizations in the universe seeing the spell, and then launching an attack on the home planet of the Trisolarans, there is a gap between and not instantaneous.

Natasha Romanoff: Moreover, when the Trisolarans see the coordinates of their planet being announced, they must know that the end is coming, what do you think they will do in this situation?

Wanda Maksimov: Could it be… Is it revenge?

Tony Stark: Does that still need to be said? If I change to a three-body starman, I simply directly hurt each other and send out the coordinates of the earth, and I will be finished, and everyone will finish together!

Natasha Romanoff: So, this spell is a means of dying or intimidating when you are forced to retreat.

Natasha Romanoff: If it had been used casually before that, it would have been literally looking for death.

And at this moment, a new change appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Facing Shi Qiang, Luo Ji explained the true meaning of his spell. 】

[In his spell, Luo Ji used three star maps to mark the exact coordinates of a certain star in the universe. 】

[His method is equivalent to cutting off a piece of the bark of a tree in the dark forest.] 】

[Then a location was identified on the tree in words that all hunters could understand.] 】

[According to the theory of the Dark Forest, there is a high probability that there is a threat in this location. 】

[No matter how many hunters there are in the forest, as long as one of them notices this coordinate.] 】

[Then, maybe some hunters will choose to go to this location to see what is there.] 】

[But there will also be people who choose the simpler way, which is to shoot directly in that direction.] 】

[After all, it is safer to shoot than to go in person, and it is less likely to expose yourself.] 】

[So as long as this coordinate is emitted and discovered by other civilizations in the universe.] The labeled star was doomed. 】

[This hand is called the Dark Forest Strike. 】

[Although Luo Ji has clearly explained the entire Dark Forest theory, but now he can’t send out spells. ] 】

[When there was nothing else to do, Luo Ji became decadent, borrowed alcohol all day to relieve his worries, and even often wandered the streets like a homeless man. ] 】

[Finally, in order to avoid fluctuations in people’s hearts, the government forced Luo Ji to implement a certain plan to enhance the public’s trust in those facing the wall. 】

[This project is called “Snow Engineering”. 】

PS: This chapter opens up a brain hole. The next chapter is a showdown with the Trisolarans! \(^o^)/~

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